Heating in stoves Vzorová ustanovení

Heating in stoves. Take utmost care when heating using the fireplaces, and make sure to close the door properly. Making a fire in the tiled fireplace for roasting is prohibited. Fire extinguishers are available in the kitchen and in the corridor on the first floor. In case of fire, guests are required to immediately call 150 on their phone and give the address Loktuše 61, Mírová pod Kozákovem.
Heating in stoves. Take utmost care when heating using the fireplaces, and make sure to close the door properly. Making a fire in the tiled fireplace for roasting is prohibited. Fire extinguishers are available in the kitchen and in the corridor on the first floor. In case of fire, guests are required to immediately call 150 on their phone and give the address Loktuše 61, Mírová pod Kozákovem. Třídíme odpad, protože jsme zodpovědní vůči planetě Zemi. Na tříděný odpad jsou v zahradním domku popelnice. Modrá na papír, žlutá na PET lahve, oranžová na kartony od nápojů, zelená na ostatní domovní plasty, černá na směsný odpad.