Číslo pojistné smlouvy: 1690843317
Číslo pojistné smlouvy: 1690843317
Generali Česká pojišťovna a.s., Spálená 75/16, Nové Město, 110 00 Praha 1, Česká republika, IČ 45272956, zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku u Městského soudu v Praze, oddíl B, vložka 1464 a je členem Skupiny Generali, zapsané v italském registru pojišťovacích skupin, vedeném IVASS.
We confirm that the policyholder VAPAS, a.s.; Nádražní 484, 671 67 Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou, IČO 485 30 450, has concluded insurance contract No 1690843317.
The insured event is the occurrence of an obligation on the part of the insured to compensate for damage that has been caused, w ith w hich the insurance company's obligation to provide indemnity is associated.
Road Carrier´s Third Party Liability Insurance
The beneficiary of this insurance is the policyholder.
Insured Risks
Insured risk shall mean a fact or event defined in the insurance contract as a possible cause of occur- rence of the insured event, especially an obligation on the part of the insured to compensate for damage to goods sustained by another person, arising from transport contracts relating to activities of a road carrier. The extent of the insured´s obligation to compensate for the damage is in the case of inland road transport regulated by the legislation of the Czech Republic, in the case of international road transport by provisions of The Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (The CMR Convention) as amended by the Protocol to the CMR. Terms and conditions, and the extent of the insurance are de- fined by the insurance contract and the General Insurance Terms and Conditions for Road Carrier´s and- Forw arder´s Third party Liability Insurance VPPDZ-P-01/2021.
Insurance to the basic extent is agreed w ith an indemnity limit of 15 000 000 CZK Insurance to the basic extent is agreed for the territory of Europe, Czech Republic Insurance to the basic extent is agreed w ith a deductible of 10% min. 10 000 CZK
Period of insurance
The insurance shall be valid for the period from 01.06.2023 to 31.05.2024.
The insurance company confirms that the information contained in the policy is valid on the date of issue.
Certificate valid from: 01.06.2023
Signature and stamp of a representative of the insurance company