Vážení studenti,
Vážení studenti,
Ti z vás, kteří budou v následujícím AR 23/24 bydlet na stejných pokojích (nestěhují se) mohou podepisovat nové ubytovací smlouvy od 28.9.2023 v ubytovací kanceláři koleje Podolí. Vezměte s sebou doklad totožnosti, cizinci pas nebo platnou pobytovou kartu. Pokud nejste studentem ČVUT musíte dodat potvrzení o studiu.
Studenti, kteří mají uspokojenou žádost na jiných kolejích ČVUT si musejí domluvit s hospodářkou koleje, kde mají nastoupit přidělení pokoje a přestěhovat se, pokud možno do 1.9.2023
Prosím nenechávejte vše na poslední chvíli, je v zájmu nás všech, aby nástupy a stěhování pro AR 23/24 proběhly co nejrychleji a nejklidněji.
Dear Students,
For those of you who will continue to reside in the same rooms in AR 23/24 without any plans to move, please take note of the following important information regarding new accommodation contracts.
Starting from September 28, 2023, you can sign your new accommodation contracts at the Accommodation Office located in Podolí Dormitory. Please make sure you bring the following documents:
Identity Document (e.g., national ID card)
Foreigner's Passport or a Valid Residence Card (for non-Czech students)
Confirmation of your current student status if you are not enrolled at CTU
For those students who have successfully applied for accommodation at other CTU dormitory and intend to move, we kindly request that you initiate the room assignment and moving process by September 1, 2023. Please contact the Accommodation Office of dormitory you were assigned to arrange your moving. This will help streamline the transition for all students involved. We encourage everyone to avoid leaving these arrangements to the last moment. By doing so, we can ensure that the boarding and moving processes for AR 23/24 are conducted smoothly and efficiently, benefiting everyone.
Thank you for your cooperation and prompt attention to these matters. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact the Accommodation Office.
Děkuji za spolupráci/ Best regards
Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx
hospodářka koleje Podolí