Preklad súhrnu zmluvných podmienok (vypracovaný v nadväznosti na požiadavky vkladania Dohody do Centrálneho registra zmlúv SR):
Stavebnou fakultou Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave, Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava
IČ DPH: SK 2020845255
Zastúpenou prof. Ing. Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, PhD., dekanom fakulty (ďalej len “vlastník časopisu”)
De Gruyter Open Sp. z o. o., ul. Xxxxxxxx Xxxx 32A, 01-811 Varšava, Poľsko, zapísanom v Národnom súdnickom registri súdneho okresu Varšava pod číslom KRS 0000055478, NIP (fiškálna identifikácia) číslo PL 9521878738
Zastúpeným Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx - prezidentom správnej rady (ďalej len “ De Gruyter Open”).
Zastúpené strany tejto dohody (strany) uzatvárajú nasledovnú dohodu:
(uvádzame skrátený obsah v slovenskom jazyku
Táto dohoda stanovuje ďalej uvedené termíny a podmienky medzi stranami týkajúcimi sa poskytovania služieb De Gruyter Open pre Slovák Journal of Civil Engineering v podobe “ online“ systému podávania príspevkov.
De Gruyter Open poskytne počítačový systém a softvér na zabezpečenie elektronického podávania príspevkov a následného manažmentu procesu recenzovania obsahu autormi príspevkov, editormi, recenzentami a ďalšími osobami stanovenými vlastníkom časopisu, ako aj prípravu stránky, ktorá bude vytvorená pre systém a bude slúžiť pre používateľov, podporu používateľov systému v prípade problémov s operačným systémom a zaškolenie k používaniu systému (8 hodín).
Vlastník časopisu určí jednu osobu z editorov, ktorá bude zaškolená na používanie systému, zavedie systém do používania tak, ako bolo dohodnuté v Realizačnom pláne, poskytne podporu používateľom v prípade problémov, ktoré je schopný sám riešiť, na vlastné náklady archivuje všetky publikované príspevky po dobu jeden rok od publikácie v systéme, zabezpečí pre De Gryter Open všetky potrebné materiály pre vznik stránky, zabezpečí zariadenia a software potrebný pre vkladanie obsahu do systému, De Gruyter nemá žiadnu povinnosť alebo zodpovednosť s problémami v spojení so zlyhaním zariadení, ktoré nespĺňajú certifikované požiadavky, poskytne informácie, ktoré De Gruyter považuje za potrebné umiestniť na stránku, poplatky bude platiť na čas v dohodnutej výške podľa zmluvných podmienok, nepovoľuje tretej strane, okrem používateľov, aby používala systém, prípadne inak využívala tieto služby.
Poplatok za zavedenie systému: Za zavedenie systému a prípravu systému pre využitie Editorom časopisu a ďalšími osobami, vlastník časopisu zaplatí De Gruyter Open päťsto (500) Euro bez DPH (plus DPH). De Gruyter Open vystaví faktúru za zavedenie systému najneskôr do 30 dní od dátumu uzatvorenia tejto Dohody. Vlastník časopisu uhradí faktúru najneskôr do 30 dní od tohto dátumu.
Poplatky za podávanie príspevkov: Za každý podaný príspevok do systému vlastník časopisu uhradí pre De Gruyter Open dvadsať (20) Euro bez DPH (plus DPH). Pre kalendárny rok 2016 vlastník časopisu odhaduje 50 podaných článkov. Poplatky sa platia vopred za každý kalendárny rok na vlastníkom odhadovaný počet podaní. Faktúra bude vystavená najneskôr do 30 dní odo dňa vytvorenia dohody a nasledujúce roky v decembri Ak počet publikácií prevýši odhadované množstvo príspevkov, De Gruyter Open vystaví faktúru za prevyšujúce príspevky najneskôr do januára nasledujúceho roka. Vlastník vyplatí faktúru do 30 dní.
De Gruyter Open a vlastník časopisu spolu vytvoria Implementačný plán. De Gruyter Open upozorní vlastníka, že stránka je hotová a systém je k dispozícii na používanie. Do 30 dní sa vlastník môže vyjadriť k nedostatkom. Spíše sa zoznam nedostatkov a De Gruyter Open opraví chyby spísané v zozname.
Táto Dohoda sa uzatvára na dobu do 31.12.2018.
Každá strana môže túto Dohodu vypovedať okamžite po zlyhaní druhej strany. De Gruyter Open je oprávnený okamžite ukončiť túto Dohodu, ak Dohoda medzi De Gruyter Open vyprší alebo je zrušená. Všetky zmluvné strany môžu túto Dohodu zrušiť, ak to 3 mesiace vopred oznámi druhým stranám, ak nastanú vážne dôvody pre toto ukončenie.
Dohoda je vyhotovená v anglickom jazyku.
Všetky zmeny, doplnky alebo ukončenie tejto Dohody je možné vykonať jedine písomnou formou. Dohoda je vypracovaná v anglickom jazyku.
Ustanovenia tejto Dohody sa riadia právnym poriadkom Poľskej republiky; prípadné rozpory budú riešené poľskými súdmi v zmysle sídla kancelárie De Gruyter Open.
prof. Xxx. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx, PhD.
dekan fakulty
THIS AGREEM ENT is made as o f the 25th day o f January 2016, between
Slovak University o f Technology, Faculty o f Civil Engineering, with offices at Xxxxxxxxxxx 00, 000 00 Xxxxxxxxxx, VAT identification number: SK2020845255
Represented by: prof. Xxx. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx, PhD. - the Xxxx (“Journal Owner”)
De Gruyter Open Sp. z o. o., with offices at ul. Xxxxxxxx Xxxx 00X, 00-000 Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx, entered into the National Court Register kept by the District Court o f W arsaw under number KRS 0000055478, NIP (fiscal identification) number PL 9521878738, having a share capital o f PLN 1,905,000 represented by Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx - President o f the Management Board
(“ De Gruyter Open”).
IT IS NOW AGREED by the parties to this Agreement (“the parties”) as follows:
This Agreem ent sets forth the terms and conditions between the parties concerning the provision by Xx Xxxxxxx Open to the Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering ("Journal") o f an online submission system as more fully described herein, contracted by Xx Xxxxxxx Open from a provider o f such a system ("System Provider").
De Gruyter Open will provide the following services (collectively, the “ Services”) in accordance with the terms and conditions o f this Agreement:
1. provision o f System
a. De Gruyter Open will provide computer systems and software ("System") that facilitate the electronic submission o f scholarly manuscripts (the “ Content”), and the subsequent management o f the process o f review and revision o f the Content, by the Journal's submitting authors, editors, reviewers, and other individuals reasonably authorized by the Journal Owner (collectively the “ Users”), using the
W orld W ide Web, as well as storing and transmission o f other information normally collected and used in operation o f the System (the “Journal Data”).
b. The System shall provide the following features:
1. the software features include:
i. on-line, W eb-based manuscript submission and tracking system.
ii. Web pages customized to reflect the “ look and feel” o f the Journal,
iii. automatic conversion o f submission source files (like Word, PostScript and GIF) into a single PDF for review distribution,
iv. opportunity for the editorial office to customize workflow to the office’s particular ( work processes,
initial Journal Owner initial De Gruyter Open
v. possibility for authors to directly check on the status o f their manuscripts without requiring the intervention o f the editorial office,
vi. on-line reports for checking on the status o f editor assignments, reviews, and revisions,
2. hosting service features include to the extent required to provide reasonable operation o f the System:
i. provision o f required server computers,
ii. daily backup and archiving o f Content and Journal Data.
iii. high speed Internet connectivity for server computers,
iv. virus checking o f all files uploaded to the System,
v. the System will be available to the Users at an average level o f no less than ninety- eight percent (98%) o f each calendar month, twenty-four (24) hours daily, with the exception o f periods o f unavailability caused by circumstances beyond the System Provider's control, and o f maintenance periods not to exceed four (4) hours weekly,
3. data archiving and storage services include:
i. storage o f the submission files and derivative files thereof (storage allocation per year will be 10 megabytes multiplied by the number o f bona fid e submissions stored in the System),
ii. retaining the Content in the System and making it accessible by Users for a period o f one (1) year following editor’s final decision or final disposition o f the submission,
iii. m aintaining the Journal Data online in the System for the term o f the Agreement.
c. The functions o f the System may be modified from time-to-time by De Gruyter Open or the System Provider.
d. De Gruyter Open may deny access to or use o f the System by any User who, by Xx Xxxxxxx O pen’s sole determination and with notice to the Journal Owner, makes use o f the System that is inconsistent with the provisions o f this Agreement, or which use may materially damage the System.
2. Web site preparation
a. De Gruyter Open will agree with the System Provider that the System Provider shall prepare a Web site for the System to be used by the Users (the “ Site”).
b. The Site design and layout shall conform to the System Provider's then current standards therefor.
c. The System Provider will include in the Site visual characterization that reflects the Journal’s identity as per point 1.b. 1.ii above.
3. User Support
a. De Gruyter Open shall provide reasonable support to Users o f the System, in case they experience problems in operating the System, and those problems have not been resolved by the Journal Editor, as defined in Clause 3.1. herein, or a person appointed by the Journal Editor. Said support shall be provided between the hours o f 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Polish time, Monday through Friday, excluding Polish public holidays.
b. De Gruyter Open may request that the System Provider contacts a User directly to further effect resolution o f the difficulty the User is experiencing.
4. Training and Support
a. De Gruyter Open shall provide the Journal Editor with up-to eight (8) hours o f training in use o f the System in the first three (3) months after the Agreement date (“ Standard Training”). Standard Training will be provided remotely.
b. Additional training ("Additional Training") may be purchased by the Journal Owner as provided for in
ipifial De Gruyter Open
Clause 4.4. herein. The Additional Training may include the training provided to the Journal Editor other than the one trained in the first three (3) months after the Agreement date.
The Journal Owner hereby undertakes and agrees with De Gruyter Open to:
1. appoint one o f the editors o f the Journal ("Journal Editor") as the person that undergoes the Standard Training or the Additional Training and becomes responsible for the execution o f the Implementation Plan, and for the operation o f the System; the Journal Editor will be the only person appointed by the Journal Owner for this purpose,
2. implement the System as agreed in the Implementation Plan,
3. as its sole expense, provide support to Users o f the System, in case they experience problems in operating the System, and to refer those Users to De Gruyter Open only if those problems have not been resolved by the Journal Editor or a person appointed by the Journal Editor, and only if the Journal Editor believes that a User is experiencing a technical difficulty directly and only related to the failure o f the System; said support shall be provided between the hours o f 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. o f the country o f residence o f the Journal Editor or o f a person appointed by the Journal Editor, X xxxxx through Friday, excluding public holidays in that country,
4. at its own expense, archive all submission and companion files o f manuscripts published in the Journal, as those files will be archived by the System provider to tape storage one year after the completion o f publication process in the System,
5. provide De Gruyter Open with such materials as are necessary to create the Site, including forms and instructions used by the Journal editors in the solicitation and instruction o f authors with respect to authors’ submissions o f manuscripts,
6. furnish, along with the Users, all equipment and software required to prepare the Content for submission to the System, and required to access the System (“the User Equipment”); such equipment and software may include, but is not limited to, computers, scanners, modems, Internet connections, word processor and image manipulation software, and software required to view materials delivered electronically from the System; De Gruyter Open shall, from time-to-time, publish details o f and requirements for the User Equipment certified by the System Provider to be compatible with the System or refer the Journal Owner to such publication by the System Provider (“the Certified Equipment Requirem ents”); De Gruyter Open shall have no obligation or liability with respect to performance o f the System in conjunction with the User Equipment that fails to satisfy these Certified Equipment Requirements,
7. supply to De Gruyter Open information necessary - in the opinion o f De Gruyter Open - to be placed at the Site,
8. pay to De Gruyter Open the charges in amounts, dates and according to rules set out in Clause 4. herein,
9. not allow any third party other than a User to use the System or otherwise benefit from the Services.
1. Set-Up Fee
a. For establishment o f the Site, and preparation o f the System for use by the Journal Editor and other Users, the Journal Owner shall pay to De Gruyter Open the non-refundable Set-Up Fee o f five hundred (500) Euro net (plus VAT, if applicable).
b. De Gruyter Open issues the invoice for the Set-Up Fee not later than in 30 days from the date o f the Agreement, The Journal Owner pays the invoice not later than in 30 days from its date. ^
uiiimi journal Owner initial De Gruyter Open
2. Per-Submission Fee
a. For each event o f a bona fid e submission ("Submission") o f a manuscript by a User into the System, the Journal Owner shall pay to De Gruyter Open twenty (20) Euro net (plus VAT, if applicable).
b. For purposes o f this Agreement, bonafid e submissions shall exclude submissions which are removed from the editorial process prior to editorial consideration, and submissions initiated by authors but not completed and forwarded to the publication.
c. For each calendar year, the Journal Owner estimates the number o f Submissions. For the calendar year 2016 the Journal Owner estimates this number to be fifty (50). For the following years the Journal Owner will inform Xx Xxxxxxx Open in the manner set in Clause 9.4. herein, not later than 15 days before the end o f the preceding calendar year.
d. The Per-Submission Fees are paid in advance for each calendar year for the number o f Submissions estimated by the Journal Owner. De Gruyter Open issues the invoice for the first calendar year not later than in 30 days from the date o f the Agreement, and for the following calendar years in December o f the preceding year. The Journal Owner pays the invoice not later than in 30 days from its date.
e. I f the number o f Submissions in the calendar year exceeded the number estimated by the Journal Owner, De Gruyter Open issues the invoice for those extra Submissions not later than in January o f the following year. The Journal Owner pays the invoice not later than in 30 days from its date. If the number o f Submissions in the calendar year did not reach the number estimated by the Journal Owner, De Gruyter Open accordingly reduces the following invoice, provided that, as o f the date o f that invoice, the parties have agreed (pursuant to Clause 6.1. herein) that this Agreement will remain in force for the following calendar year and no party has given notice o f termination (pursuant to Clause
6.2 or 6.4 herein).
f. On an annual basis, in January o f the following year, De Gruyter Open will send the Journal O wner a report providing the manuscript submission count.
3. Technical Support Costs
a. If the Journal Owner requests that De Gruyter Open provides technical support as set forth in Clause
2.3. herein, on a quarterly basis De Gruyter Open shall invoice the Journal Owner for such support incidents at a rate o f sixty (60) Euro net (plus VAT, if applicable) per incident. The Journal Owner shall pay the invoice not later than in 30 days from its date.
b. However, no charge will be made to the Journal Owner in the event that Xx Xxxxxxx Open determines that the incident was caused by a failure or defect in the System.
4. Additional Training
a. In the event that the Journal Owner requests that De Gruyter Open provides the Additional Training De Gruyter Open shall provide and invoice the Journal Owner for such training at a rate o f fifty (50) Euro net (plus VAT, if applicable) per hour. The Journal Owner shall pay the invoice not later than in 30 days from its date.
b. In the event that such training is provided other than remotely, each training session shall be a minimum o f three (3) hours in duration, and actual travel and accommodation, as separately agreed, will be paid by the Journal Owner.
5. Data Load Fee
At its discretion the Journal Owner may request and De Gruyter Open shall provide assistance to load pre-existing people and classification information into the System for a Data Load Fee o f five hundred (500) Euro net (plus VAT, if applicable). De Gruyter Open shall invoice the Journal Owner for such services. The Journal Owner shall pay the invoice not later than in 30 days from its date.
6. Syst^n Site M odification Fee
De Gruyter Open
In the event that the Journal Owner requests that Xx Xxxxxxx Open modifies the Site o f the System, De Gruyter Open shall provide and invoice the Journal Owner for such modification at a rate o f sixty (60) Euro net (plus VAT, if applicable) per one request. The Journal Owner shall pay the invoice not later than in 30 days from its date.
7. Submission data retrieval from the System
De Gruyter Open will cooperate with the Journal Owner to make the submission and companion files archived by the System provider available to the Journal Owner. The costs for such delivery shall amount to two hundreds (250) Euro net (plus VAT, if applicable) for the first submission and twenty five (25) Euro for any additional submission in the same request.
8. Extra Storage Space Fee
If the storage space occupied in the System by the submission files and derivative files thereof in a calendar year exceeds the 10 megabytes multiplied by the number o f Submissions stored in the System, the Journal Owner shall pay to De Gruyter Open twenty five Euro cents (0.25 Euro) net (plus VAT, if applicable) per each megabyte that exceeds that multiple. De Gruyter Open issues the invoice for that extra storage space not later than in January o f the following year. The Journal Owner pays the invoice not later than in 30 days from its date.
9. Banking Expenses
All banking expenses associated with the payments will be borne by the Journal Owner.
1. Schedule
Upon execution o f this Agreement, De Gruyter Open and the Journal Owner will undertake the Implementation Plan for the System, as set forth in Appendix A hereto. Any delay in completion o f a task by one party shall permit a corresponding delay in completion o f a dependent task by the other party.
2. Acceptance
De Gruyter Open shall provide notice to the Journal Owner when preparation o f the Site is complete and the System has become available for use by the Journal Editor and Users (the “Notice o f
Com pletion”). Within thirty (30) calendar days o f De Gruyter O pen’s transmittal o f the Notice o f Completion to the Journal Owner, the Journal Owner shall either (a) provide De Gruyter Open with a list o f deficiencies in the System (the “ Deficiency List”), where said deficiencies correspond to material omissions from or failure o f the System to conform to the list o f features set forth in Attachment A hereto; or (b) indicate the Journal O wner’s acceptance o f the System for use (“Acceptance”). In the event that the Journal Owner provides De Gruyter Open with a Deficiency List, De Gruyter Open shall correct such items identified in the Deficiency List, and shall notify the Journal Owner when such corrections are complete (the “Notice o f Correction”). Provided that said corrections substantially address and resolve the items in the Deficiency List, the System shall be deemed accepted by the Journal Owner upon De Gruyter Open’s transmittal o f the Notice of Correction to the Journal Owner, and Acceptance shall be deemed complete. In the event that the Journal Owner fails to respond to the Notice o f Completion within thirty (30) days o f De Gruyter Open’s transmittal thereof to the Journal Owner, Acceptance shall be deemed complete.
Notwithstanding the aforementioned provisions o f this Clause 5.2, Acceptance shall be deemed
complete upon the Journal O w ner’s first use o f the System to accept and process submissions in other than a test mode o f operation o f the System.
initial Journal Owner De Gruyter Open
1. Initial Term and Renewals
This Agreement shall remain in force until December 31, 2018. Unless written notice is given by either party at least 6 months prior to expiration o f the then current term, the term o f this Agreem ent will automatically renew for additional one (1) year periods.
2. Termination
a. Either party may term inate this Agreement immediately upon failure o f the other party to cure a material breach within thirty (30) days o f written notice o f the material breach.
b. De Gruyter Open shall be authorized to terminate this Agreement immediately if the relevant agreement between De Gruyter Open and the System Provider expires or is terminated.
c. In addition to other rights o f termination provided for herein, either party shall have the right by giving three (3) m onths’ prior notice in writing to the other party to term inate this Agreement if an important reason for such termination occurs.
d. Each o f the following circumstances shall in particular be an important reason for termination o f this Agreement by De Gruyter Open:
1. breach by the Journal Owner o f Clause 3.8 or 4 hereof,
2. any representation or warranty o f the Journal Owner mentioned in points a, b and c in Clause
7.1 hereof will prove untrue at the date o f this Agreement or will become untrue after that date.
e. Each o f the following circumstances shall in particular be an important reason for term ination o f this Agreement by the Journal Owner:
1. breach by De Gruyter Open o f Clause 5.2 hereof,
2. De Gruyter O pen’s warranty mentioned in point b in Clause 7.2 hereof will prove untrue at the date o f this Agreement.
3. Provision o f Journal Data
In the event o f termination o f this Agreement, De Gruyter Open will cooperate with the Journal Owner to make the Content and the Journal Data available to the Journal Owner in industry-standard formats, and De Gruyter Open shall provide the Journal Owner with cost and schedule proposals for such work. If delivered in the form o f SQL databases as used by the System Provider, the costs for such delivery shall not exceed five thousand (5,000) Euro net (plus VAT, if applicable), plus direct costs o f media and shipping. The Journal Owner shall pay the proposed costs for such work to De Gruyter Open upon the Journal O w ner’s acceptance o f said proposals, except that the Journal Owner shall not be required to pay such charges in the event that De Gruyter Open is in default o f this Agreement, as provided for in Clause 6.4 hereof.
4. Events o f Default
a. This Agreement may be terminated immediately by either party if the other party or the System Provider enters into liquidation or becomes insolvent.
b. If the Journal Owner has delayed its payments to De Gruyter Open due under this Agreem ent for more than sixty (60) days, De Gruyter Open has the right to withhold provision o f the Services.
1. The Journal Owner represents and warrants that:
a. it exclusively owns the Journal,
b. it o\yns or it has acquired copyright to the Content and Journal Data,
initial Journal O w ner initial De Gruyter Open
c. no claim or action relating to the infringement or misappropriation o f any copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property right currently exists, as may relate to its obligations and rights under this Agreement,
d. it will reimburse De Gruyter Open in respect o f all costs and will compensate all damages that may results from claims o f third parties, if either o f the warranties given in points a, b and c above is not or will not be true within the duration o f this Agreement,
e. it acknowledges that De Gruyter Open is unable to exercise control either over the availability o f the Internet or any other data network, and that De Gruyter Open can give no warranty that the content will be available for access by customers at all times on the Internet or on any other data network; accordingly De Gruyter Open shall not be liable, subject to mandatory law, for such unavailability or lack o f access.
2. De Gruyter Open represents and warrants that:
a. its personnel will possess the proper skills, training, experience and background to perform the Services under this Agreement,
b. it has entered into an agreement with the provider o f an online submission system necessary to perform all Services and to meet all obligations undertaken by De Gruyter Open by this Agreement.
Each party hereto shall, except as required by law or to perform this Agreement, keep strictly confidential all information contained in this Agreement and all information resulting from the implementation o f this Agreement, and not use this confidential information in any way other than for the performance o f its obligations hereunder. This shall not apply to such information as is publicly available when received by such party or then becomes publicly available otherwise than as a result o f such party’s breach o f this Agreement, or to any disclosure or use as authorized by the other party in writing. This Clause 8 shall survive termination or expiry o f this Agreement for 3 years.
1. N either party may assign any o f its rights or delegate any o f its duties or obligations under this Agreement without the other party’s written consent. De Gruyter Open may, however, assign all o f its rights and obligations hereunder to a company or partnership that is dependent on De Gruyter Open or Mr Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, that controls De Gruyter Open or that is controlled by a company or partnership that controls De Gruyter Open (the relation o f dependence or control to be assessed according to the Polish Commercial Companies Code), unless such assignee is insolvent at the time o f such assignment.
2. Changes of, or supplements to this Agreement shall not be valid unless made in writing. The same rule shall apply to termination o f this Agreement and any other notice that this Agreem ent requires to be given in writing.
initial Journal Owner initial De Gruyter Open
3. This Agreement, including the schedule(s), constitutes the full and complete statement o f the agreement o f the parties with respect to the subject m atter hereof and supersedes any previous offers, agreements, understandings or communications, whether written or oral, relating to such subject matter.
4. Any notices and other communication related to this Agreement and the performance thereof (the “Notice”) shall be deemed to be given, if the Notice has been delivered to the party in writing in English language (i) by registered mail or courier with a notice o f delivery to the address o f the respective party provided in the preamble to this Agreement or to another address com m unicated by the respective party to the other party in writing in accordance with this Clause, or (ii) by e-mail to the address o f the respective party communicated by the respective party to the other party in writing in accordance with this Clause. Item (ii) o f the preceding sentence shall apply to working documents only.
5. Unless this Agreement expressly provides otherwise, De Gruyter O pen’s liability for its failure to provide the Services in accordance with this Agreement shall only arise where such failure is due to De Gruyter Open’s intentional fault or gross negligence or that o f a person for whom De Gruyter Open is liable; such liability shall include loss o f profits only if such failure is due to De Gruyter
O pen’s intentional fault or that o f a person for whom De Gruyter Open is liable.
6. If, notwithstanding the other provisions o f this Agreement, there shall be any liability o f either party to the other that arises out o f or is in any way connected to this Agreement, such party’s total liability for all damages shall not exceed the total amount paid to De Gruyter Open by the Journal O wner during the six (6) calendar month period immediately preceding the occurrence o f the event that gave rise to such damages. The preceding sentence shall not limit any party’s liability for its failure to perform an obligation to pay an amount o f money hereunder or for damages that such party has caused intentionally.
7. I f any provision in this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be, inasmuch as possible, construed, limited, modified or, if necessary, severed, to the extent necessary to eliminate its invalidity or unenforceability.
8. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws o f Poland, and any disputes arising out o f this Agreement or related hereto shall be settled by the Polish courts having jurisdiction over De Gruyter O pen’s registered office.
IN W ITNESS W HEREOF, each party has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized officer, as o f the date first written above
Signed for and on behalf o f De Gruyter Open: De Gruyter Open Sp. z o. o. Gruyter Open Sp. Z 0.0.
By: Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx n i-000 Xxxxxxxx, xx. Xxxxxxxx Xxxx 32A
Position: President o f the M anagement Board 9521878738rRE60N; 000000000 tel. 00 000 00 00
Signed for and on behalf o f the Journal Owner : Slovak U niversity of Technology, Faculty o f Civil Engineering
By: prof. Xxx. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx, PhD Position: the Xxxx
Journal Implementation Plan
Task Days* R esponsibility Activity Description
Pro- Form a
1 0 0 De Gruyter Open De Gruyter Open provides Journal Owner with:
- Pre-configuration Checklist (PCL);
- specifications for People Import File (editor and reviewer details, with email addresses) and for optional Topical Classification File (keywords and areas of reviewer expertise) - optional;
- sample workflows; and
- suggested equipment specifications for the editorial office.
2 1-5 Journal Owner Journal Owner reviews and completes this Implementation Plan and the Pré
configuration Checklist. This provides De Gruyter Open and the Journal Owner staff with an agreed upon project plan and schedule. Also, this provides De Gruyter Open with the necessary information to customize and configure the OSS site for the Journal.
3 1-15 Journal Owner Journal Owner begins preparing People Import File, and optionally the Topical
Classification File. Samples o f these files for validation are provided to De Gruyter Open by Day 16. Journal Owner acquires DSL-or-better Internet connection, and suitable flat-bed scanner if necessary (recommendations are attached).
4 6-10 OSS provider OSS provider prepares baseline OSS system, based on pre-configuration checklist.
5 11 De Gruyter Open & Journal Owner
De Gruyter Open provides Journal Owner staff (administrative and editorial) with Level I training (2 hours). This training will be provided remotely. This introduces key Journal Owner staff to the framework, potentials and flexibility o f OSS operations. This session allows De Gruyter Open and Journal Owner staff to identify customizable areas o f the site. The Journal should begin thinking about alterations to their Instructions to Authors. It also introduces the concept o f system self-administration to the Journal.
6 12-15 Journal Owner Journal Owner completes the Worksheets from Level I Training packet and
prepares additional materials to be incorporated into Web site - Contact details, special instructions, release forms, etc. The journal Owner will have to alter their Instructions to Authors at this time.
7 15 De Gruyter Open & Journal Owner
De Gruyter Open provides Journal Owner administration with Level II training (2 hours). This training will be provided remotely. Using the completed worksheets from the Level I Training packet, De Gruyter Open and the Journal Owner staff will begin to configure OSS to conform to Journal’s specific workflow. By focusing on the details o f the administrative aspects o f the system, the Journal will understand how to implement appropriate workflow policies and permissions within OSS. It also encompasses features and procedures to be used by editor, reviewer, author and De Gruyter Open roles.
8 15 Journal Owner Journal Owner creates “practice” authors, reviewers and editors. They also create
“practice” submissions. Using the practice submissions, the Journal Owner staff assumes all roles and tests the configured workflow, including the letters.
9 16 Journal Owner Journal Owner delivers sample People Import File and Topical Classification File
files to De Gruyter Open for analysis.
10 17-20 De Gruyter Open De Gruyter Open validates sample People Import File and Topical Classification
File, and confirms any required modifications to Journal Owner.
initial Journal Owner initial De Gruyter Open
1 0
11 20 De Gruyter Open & Journal Owner
De Gruyter Open provides Journal Owner with Level 111 training (1 hour). This training will be provided remotely. This provides the Journal Owner with an opportunity to test their OSS configuration with De Gruyter Open representative available to answer questions. The Journal Owner staff assumes all o f the key roles o f OSS operation and will submit and processes sample submissions. The training includes testing o f Journal workflow and encompasses testing o f features and procedures to be used by reviewer and author roles. Based on the results o f this session the Journal Owner should be able to customize the Editor Tutorial packet and the Author Tutorial packet. The Journal Owner should also schedule training (to be done by Journal Owner staff) with their content editors.
12 15-25 Journal Owner Journal Owner organizes training sessions with content editors. Journal Owner will
instruct the content editors as to OSS features and functionality as it pertains to the editor’s responsibilities (assigning editors, requesting reviews, making decisions).
13 25 De Gruyter Open & Journal Owner
De Gruyter Open coordinates Level IV training (1 hour). This training will be provided remotely. The Journal Owner further tests their OSS configuration with De Gruyter Open representative available to answer questions. A look at reports and reviewer reminder functions should be covered. Any final data import issues are discussed.
14 26 Journal Owner The Journal Owner incorporates any required configuration changes to the system.
15 26 Journal Owner The Journal Owner provides the final version o f their People Import File and
Topical Classification File.
16 27-30 De Gruyter Open & O SS provider& Journal Owner
De Gruyter Open delegates to OSS provider import o f the People Import File and Topical Classification File, and the Journal Owner checks the data to be sure it is correct.
17 31-35 Journal Owner If data problems exist the Journal Owner corrects their People Import File and
Topical Classification File.
18 36-40 De Gruyter Open & O SS provider& Journal Owner
De Gruyter Open delegates to OSS provider import o f corrected People Import File and Topical Classification File, and the Journal Owner checks the data to be sure it is correct.
19 45 Journal Owner The OSS submission system is ready for live operation. Journal Owner may initiate
live operation or may hold off on live operation until notice has gone out to authors and reviewers. Some journals will implement a ‘soft launch’, where submissions are entered into OSS by the journal office in proxy for authors. The actual launch
o f OSS is then at the discretion of the journal.
* Number o f working daysfrom start o f implementation - “Pro-Forma” = Optimal, “Journal" = Journal-preferred time-line.
* OSS = online submission system
initial Journal Owner
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initial De Gruyter Open