Smlouva o úpravě práv a povinností souvisejících s partnerstvím v mezinárodním konsorciu SCOAP3
Smlouva o úpravě práv a povinností souvisejících s partnerstvím v mezinárodním konsorciu SCOAP3
uzavřená podle § 1746 odst. 2 zák. č. 89/2012 Sb., občanského zákoníku
kterou níže uvedeného dne, měsíce a roku uzavřely smluvní strany:
Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
se sídlem Křížkovského 511/8, 771 47 Olomouc IČ: 61989592, DIČ: CZ61989592
zastoupená prof. Mgr. Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, M.A., Ph.D., rektorem (dále jen „Partner SCOAP3“)
Národní technická knihovna
se sídlem 000 00 Xxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxx 0/0000
příspěvková organizace zřízená Ministerstvem školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy České republiky bankovní spojení
IČ: 6138 7142, DIČ: CZ61387142
zastoupená Ing. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, ředitelem (dále jen „NTK“)
Knihovna AV ČR, v. v. i.
se sídlem Národní 1009/3, 115 22 Praha 1 ID datové schránky: a22nbqc
IČ: 67985971, DIČ: CZ67985971
bankovní spojení IBAN:
zastoupená Ing. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, ředitelem (dále jen „KNAV“)
Výrazy použitými v této smlouvě se rozumí:
SCOAP3 - (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics) se rozumí
mezinárodní sdružení více jak tisícovky knihoven a výzkumných center z více jak 24 zemí, které ve spolupráci s klíčovými vydavateli prosazuje otevřený přístup k vědeckým článkům na poli jaderné a subjaderné fyziky. Projekt zastřešuje Evropská organizace pro jaderný výzkum (CERN) se sídlem
v Ženevě.
Open Access - se rozumí otevřený přístup – je zpřístupňování publikovaných vědecko-výzkumných výsledků bezplatně a trvale široké veřejnosti na internetu.
Memorandum - se rozumí Memorandum of Understanding for the establishment and operation of the SCOAP3 uzavřené mezi Evropskou organizací pro jaderný výzkum (CERN) a partnery SCOAP3,
které zahrnuje zejména šíření informací, a v souladu se zásadou otevřenosti zajišťuje zveřejnění nebo obecné zpřístupnění publikovaných výsledků experimentální a teoretické práce CERN.
Článek I. Mezinárodní konsorcium SCOAP3
1. Mezinárodní konsorcium SCOAP3 (dále jen „SCOAP3“) je partnerstvím knihoven, grantových agentur, výzkumných center, vysokých škol a obdobných institucí (dále jen „partneři SCOAP3“). Cílem tohoto partnerství je převod klíčových publikací z oblasti jaderné a
subjaderné fyziky na tzv. „Open Access“ (volný přístup).
2. Partnerství ve SCOAP3 upravuje Memorandum of Understanding for the establishment and operation of the SCOAP3 (dále jen „Memorandum“), které uzavírají Evropská organizace pro jaderný výzkum (CERN) a národní zástupci (národních) partnerů SCOAP3.
3. Národním zástupcem partnerů za Českou republiku je NTK ode dne 8. 5. 2014, kdy připojila svůj podpis k Memorandu.
4. NTK je oprávněna jednat za české partnery SCOAP3.
5. Partner SCOAP3 se považuje za partnera ve smyslu Memoranda ode dne, kdy NTK připojila svůj podpis k Memorandu.
6. Seznam všech českých partnerů SCOAP3 je uveden v Memorandu, které je nedílnou součástí této smlouvy. Xxxx partneři SCOAP3 se připojili k Memorandu dobrovolně.
7. Partner SCOAP3 prohlašuje, že se seznámil s obsahem Memoranda a bude přispívat k jeho naplňování. Kopie Memoranda tvoří přílohu této smlouvy.
8. KNAV se touto smlouvou zavazuje ke spolupráci s mezinárodním konsorciem SCOAP3 jako příjemce plateb členských příspěvků od partnerů SCOAP3. Tyto platby uhradí KNAV na základě této smlouvy na účet CERN SCOAP3, což v sobě zahrnuje řádné vedení účtu a evidence vztahující se k zabezpečování plnění závazků partnerů SCOAP3 vůči CERN.
Článek II. Předmět smlouvy
1. NTK je Partnerem SCOAP3 zmocněna vystupovat za Partnera SCOAP3 jako člen konsorcia SCOAP3 se všemi právy a povinnostmi, tj. přijímat rozhodnutí, práva a povinnosti, která zavazují i Partnera SCOAP3 v souladu s Memorandem.
2. Předmětem této smlouvy je závazek Partnera SCOAP3 přispívat do společného fondu SCOAP3 za podmínek stanovených Memorandem a touto smlouvou. Pokud bude Partner SCOAP3
řádně plnit povinnosti dané Memorandem a touto smlouvou, má právo využívat otevřený přístup k vědeckým článkům na poli jaderné a subjaderné fyziky, publikovaným v rámci SCOAP3 a publikovat takové články prostřednictvím SCOAP3 dle podmínek stanovených v Memorandu.
Článek III.
Financování SCOAP3
1. SCOAP3 je financováno z příspěvků partnerů SCOAP3, kteří přispívají do společného rozpočtu.
2. SCOAP3 financuje od 1. 1. 2014 publikování vědeckých článků ve vlastním elektronickém archivu a ve smluvních časopisech.
3. Roční výše příspěvků Partnera SCOAP3 je určena v příloze č. 1 této smlouvy Tabulka příspěvků do SCOAP3 na 2017 - 2019 ve shodě s Memorandem včetně jeho příloh.
4. Roční příspěvek pro období trvání této smlouvy Partnera SCOAP3 se zavazuje Partner SCOAP3 uhradit v EUR na účet KNAV . K uhrazení ročního příspěvku KNAV vystaví daňový doklad, a to znějící na následující částky v následujících termínech splatnosti:
a) částka ve výši 1 820 EUR za rok 2017 splatná do 31. 3. 2017,
b) částka ve výši 1 820 EUR za rok 2018 splatná do 31. 3. 2018,
c) částka ve výši 1 820 EUR za rok 2019 splatná do 31. 3. 2019.
Faktura bude znít na částku v EUR.
5. KNAV se zavazuje příspěvek Partnera SCOAP3 převést na účet CERN SCOAP3 vedený u banky
Account holder: Address:
KNAV převede příspěvek Partnera SCOAP3 na účet CERN SCOAP3 společně s příspěvky
od ostatních partnerů SCOAP3, a to tak, že do 15. 4. 2017 převede příspěvky za rok 2017, do
15. 4. 2018 příspěvky za rok 2018 a do 15. 4. 2019 příspěvky za rok 2019.
Článek IV. Smluvní období
1. Tato smlouva se uzavírá na dobu určitou do 31. 12. 2019 (smluvní období).
2. Smluvní období lze prodloužit písemnou dohodou stran.
3. Výše příspěvků pro každé další smluvní období bude stanovena ve smyslu Memoranda a Partner SCOAP3 se způsobem stanovení souhlasí.
Článek V.
Ukončení partnerství ve SCOAP3
Příloha č. 1:
Tabulka příspěvků do SCOAP3 na 2017–2019
Partner SCOAP3 | EUR | ||
České vysoké učení technické v Praze | |||
Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v. .v .i. | |||
Ústav jaderné fyziky AV ČR, v.v.i. | |||
Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta | |||
Slezská univerzita v Opavě | |||
Masarykova univerzita | |||
Ústav přístrojové techniky AV ČR, v.v.i. | |||
Palackého univerzita v Olomouci | 1820 | ||
Technická univerzita v Liberci | |||
Univerzita Hradec Králové | |||
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni | |||
Matematický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. | |||
Czech Springer Consortium - all libraries (Suweco) | |||
Celkem český příspěvek do SCOAP3: |
Memorandum of Understanding for the establishment and operation of
the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (hereinafter SCOAP3)1
(hereinafter the “MoU”)
Intergovernmental Organization with its seat at Geneva, Switzerland, as the Host Organization of SCOAP3 and SCOAP3 Partner, represented by its Director-General,
on the one hand
(as listed in Annex 1 to the MoU),
on the other hand
hereinafter individually referred to as “Party” and collectively as “Parties”.
(a) In line with its mission of “[...] sponsoring of international co-operation in nuclear research, including co-operation outside the Laboratories [which] may include in particular [...] the dissemination of information”, and in accordance with the principle of openness “[...] the results of its experimental and theoretical work shall be published or otherwise made generally available”, both enshrined in its Convention2, CERN has initiated a process to pursue open access to peer-reviewed literature in the Field. First, broad consultation in 2005 and 2006 between researchers, publishers and funding agencies identified author fees as a barrier to open access and suggested that open access to existing high quality peer-reviewed journals in the Field should be introduced by a redirection of subscription fees. In 2007, an international working party delivered a report (in Annex 8) describing a
2 xxxx://
possible business model for a future consortium to be called SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics) to achieve this redirection, inspired by the collaborative models that the HEP community has used for decades to design, build, operate and exploit global research infrastructures. From 2007 to 2010, libraries and funding agencies from 25 countries signed Expressions of Interest to support the future SCOAP3 consortium (template in Annex 7). In 2011, representatives of these stakeholders agreed that CERN should start a formal procurement process for peer-review, open access and other publication services, pending new commitments to join SCOAP3. A Steering Committee was formed to guide this process.
(b) In its capacity as Host Organization and acting for the benefit of SCOAP3, CERN has issued the invitation to tender IT-3827/GS for the award of contracts to publishers, for the provision of peer-review, open access and other publication services for the benefit of SCOAP3 (technical specification in Annex 5). The completion of the tendering process based on the said invitation to tender resulted in the identification of the publishers listed in Annex 3 for a potential collaboration with SCOAP3 for a first tendering cycle.
(c) The SCOAP3 operation is intended as a continuing going concern for the provision of open access to the literature of the Field. The contracts awarded to publishers for the first tendering cycle will cover the three- year period from 1 January 2014 until 31 December 2016 (form of contract with Publishers in Annex 4). It is intended to issue a new invitation to tender during that period for the award of contracts to publishers for a second tendering cycle, and then regularly afterwards.
(d) SCOAP3 Partners (as listed in Annex 2), represented in the MoU by the Representatives, will make annual payments into the SCOAP3 Fund which will be used to pay the Publishers. SCOAP3 Partners will recover monies through reductions in the subscription and licensing fees of HEP journals that publish articles falling within the framework of SCOAP3, as provided in the contracts with the Publishers.
(e) Capitalized terms shall have the meaning assigned to them hereunder:
- “Addendum” means the document specific and confidential to each Representative that defines the details of the participation in SCOAP3 of the SCOAP3 Partners listed within it;
- “Field” means the field of high-energy physics;
- “HEP” means high-energy physics, also called particle physics;
- “Host Organization” means CERN as the legal entity which leverages its resources to build and operate the SCOAP3 infrastructure, including but not limited to: financial, legal and administrative procedures; implementation and maintenance of the SCOAP3 Repository; the management of the contracts with the Publishers;
- “Major Amendment” means an amendment that affects the rights and/or obligations of the Parties;
- “MoU” means this Memorandum of Understanding, including its Annexes and Addenda, each of which forms an integral part of it;
- “Publishers” means the publishers to whom a contract has been awarded for the provision of the Services;
- “Reconciliation Facility” means the secure online database provided by CERN which records names of SCOAP3 Partners and enables Representatives and Publishers to upload details of subscription reductions;
- “Repository” means the digital library operated by CERN where Publishers will timely deposit all articles published in the SCOAP3 framework, for further redistribution, in addition to publishing them Open Access on their own platform;
- “Representative(s)” means the entity(ies) signing the MoU for the benefit of SCOAP3 Partners in its (their) country;
- “SCOAP3” means the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics, established by the MoU;
- “SCOAP3 Fund” means a common fund set up as a dedicated account at CERN in order to pay for the Services;
- “SCOAP3 Partners” means CERN as well as the funding agencies, research institutions, libraries and library consortia contributing funds to SCOAP3 and hereby represented by the Representatives, all as named in the corresponding Addenda;
- “Services” means the peer-review, open access and other publications services provided by the Publishers.
(f) The Parties have now agreed to sign the MoU in order to establish SCOAP3, the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics.
Clause 1: Parties
The Parties to the MoU shall be (i) CERN as the Host Organization of SCOAP3 and a SCOAP3 Partner (ii) the Representatives of the SCOAP3 Partners.
Clause 2: The MoU and its purpose
2.1 The MoU establishes SCOAP3 and defines the rights and responsibilities of the Parties in its operation.
2.2 The priority between the Annexes shall be in decreasing order, starting from Annex 1.
Annex 1: The Parties to the MoU Annex 2: The SCOAP3 Partners
Annex 3: List of Publishers and Journals Annex 4: Form of Contract with Publishers Annex 5: Technical specification
Annex 6: Expanded list of share of HEP literature by country, calculated in accordance with the method set out in Annex 8
Annex 7: Template Expression of Interest Annex 8: SCOAP3 Working Party Report
2.3 The details of the participation of the SCOAP3 Partners in SCOAP3, in particular the amounts payable into the SCOAP3 Fund, the expected reductions agreed with the Publishers, and the contact persons, shall be set out in the Addenda.
2.4 Except for Clause 9, the MoU is not legally binding, but the Parties recognize that the long term success of SCOAP3 depends on all Parties adhering to the provisions of the MoU and acknowledge the commitments taken by and towards the Publishers under the contracts concluded by CERN for the benefit of SCOAP3.
Clause 3: SCOAP3 Governance
The Parties herewith formally establish the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3). The governance of SCOAP3 shall consist of the following entities, in accordance with their respective composition, terms of reference and procedure as defined below, and without prejudice to the mechanism defined in Clause 7.3:
A. the SCOAP3 Forum,
B. the SCOAP3 Governing Council,
C. the SCOAP3 Executive Committee, and
D. the SCOAP3 Consortium Manager. The official language of SCOAP3 shall be English.
A. The SCOAP3 Forum
i. Composition
The SCOAP3 Forum:
-‐ shall comprise representatives of all the SCOAP3 Partners who contribute to the SCOAP3 Fund pursuant to Clause 4;
-‐ may invite observers such as libraries, library consortia, research institutions and funding agencies that are considering joining SCOAP3 as well as publishers, to attend all or parts of its meetings.
ii. Terms of reference
The SCOAP3 Forum:
-‐ shall hear about and debate the progress of SCOAP3 and discuss possible future strategies and developments;
-‐ may propose strategies and policies to the SCOAP3 Governing Council;
-‐ may propose any other matters for consideration to the SCOAP3 Governing Council and the SCOAP3 Executive Committee.
iii. Procedure The SCOAP3 Forum:
-‐ shall meet at least once a year at CERN and may hold additional meetings in other geographical regions of the SCOAP3 membership;
-‐ shall allow remote participation in its meetings;
-‐ shall not require a quorum in its meetings;
-‐ shall be convened and chaired by one of its members, who shall be appointed Chairperson for three years by the SCOAP3 Governing Council;
-‐ shall be convened and chaired for its first meeting, before the start of the SCOAP3 operations, by the CERN Director-General or by a person to whom he/she has delegated this task;
-‐ shall make the minutes of all of its meetings publicly available.
B. The SCOAP3 Governing Council
i. Composition The SCOAP3 Governing Council:
-‐ shall comprise a maximum of 45 members. CERN as the Host Organization of SCOAP3 shall have one seat. The remaining seats shall be allocated to countries represented by at least one SCOAP3 Partner that has settled its contribution to the SCOAP3 Fund pursuant to Clause 4. The distribution of seats shall be based on each country’s percentage contribution to the SCOAP3 Fund provided for in Clause 4, as follows3:
Percentage: Number of seat(s):
>10% 4
5%-10% 2
0.5%-5% 1
<0.5% 5 seats shall be distributed annually to 5 countries in rotation, with seats being allocated in the order of their accession to the MoU.
-‐ may decide to add additional seats for international or non-profit entities wishing to make a contribution to SCOAP3.
ii. Terms of reference The SCOAP3 Governing Council:
-‐ shall be the decision-making body of SCOAP3 and shall as such be responsible for its overall governance;
-‐ shall review and debate the progress of SCOAP3 and discuss and decide on possible future strategies and developments, and receive proposals by the SCOAP3 Forum concerning strategies, policies and other matters;
-‐ shall oversee the operation of SCOAP3 and shall delegate the day to day operation of SCOAP3 to the SCOAP3 Executive Committee;
-‐ in its financial oversight capacity, shall (i) approve the annual income budget, pursuant to Clause 4, (ii) approve possible additional
3The Representatives of each country that is entitled to be represented in the SCOAP3 Governing Council shall select the members representing their country in accordance with their own rules.
expenditure other than expenditure in the execution of the contracts with the Publishers, (iii) approve the annual accounts, (iv) decide on and approve the use of any yearly positive balance within the framework of SCOAP3, (v) determine the strategy for each subsequent tendering cycle, and (vi) approve the expected contributions per country to the SCOAP3 Fund for each subsequent tendering cycle;
-‐ shall define and adopt its own terms of procedure, laying down the rules for its own functioning;
-‐ shall appoint the members of the SCOAP3 Executive Committee;
-‐ shall appoint the chairperson of the SCOAP3 Forum;
-‐ shall delegate to the SCOAP3 Executive Committee such matters as outreach strategy, relations with publishers, relations with prospective partners;
-‐ may decide to appoint any additional committees or working groups as deemed necessary, and shall in particular appoint an audit committee;
-‐ shall, together with CERN, agree on amendments to the main body of the MoU for signature by the Parties;
-‐ shall approve the compensation proposed by the SCOAP3 Executive Committee in the event of a withdrawal from SCOAP3 as set out in Clause 8.4;
-‐ shall engage in dispute resolution in accordance with Clause 9.1;
-‐ shall inform the other SCOAP3 entities of its decisions in a timely manner;
-‐ may decide to dissolve SCOAP3, after broad consultation.
iii. Procedure
The SCOAP3 Governing Council:
-‐ shall hold its sessions at CERN, and shall strive to facilitate participation of its members irrespective of their geographical location;
-‐ shall meet at least once a year for an ordinary session;
-‐ may be convened in extraordinary session by its Chairperson and on the request of 2/3 of its members;
-‐ shall grant one vote to each member;
-‐ shall have a quorum of 50%+1 members for decisions that must be taken by simple majority, and a quorum of 2/3 of members for decisions that must be taken by a 2/3 majority. In addition, at least one member of each of the geographical regions represented in the SCOAP3 Governing Council must be present to constitute a quorum of the SCOAP3 Governing Council. Those geographical regions are: (i) the Americas, (ii) Europe, Africa and Middle East and (iii) Asia and the Pacific;
-‐ shall take decisions by simple majority of members, except for the following decisions that shall be taken by a 2/3 majority of members:
(i) approval of the annual budget of income, (ii) approval of the expected contributions per country to the SCOAP3 Fund for each subsequent tendering cycle, (iii) approval of amendments to the main body of the MoU, (iv) decision to add additional seats for international or non-profit entities wishing to make a contribution to SCOAP3 and
(v) dissolution of SCOAP3;
-‐ shall be convened and chaired by one of its members, who shall be elected as Chairperson for three years;
-‐ the first SCOAP3 Governing Council meeting shall be convened and chaired by the CERN Director-General or by a person to whom he/she has delegated this task. This meeting shall take place after signature of the MoU by Representatives from countries representing in aggregate a financial contribution above 50% of the SCOAP3 yearly budget, and before signature of the contracts between CERN and the Publishers.
C. The SCOAP3 Executive Committee
i. Composition The SCOAP3 Executive Committee:
-‐ shall comprise (i) 4 to 6 members from among the SCOAP3 Partners, appointed by the SCOAP3 Governing Council that shall strive to appoint at least one member of each geographical region (as set out in Clause 3.B.iii); these members shall act in the overarching interest of SCOAP3, and (ii) 1 member appointed by CERN as the Host Organization of SCOAP3.
ii. Terms of reference
The SCOAP3 Executive Committee:
-‐ shall regularly report to the SCOAP3 Governing Council;
-‐ shall oversee the day to day operation of SCOAP3 on behalf of the SCOAP3 Governing Council;
-‐ shall provide advice and guidance to the SCOAP3 Consortium Manager as the need arises and oversee the execution of his/her duties;
-‐ shall decide or make recommendations on such matters as outreach strategy, relations with publishers, relations with prospective partners;
-‐ shall make proposals to the SCOAP3 Governing Council for the use of any yearly positive balance within the framework of SCOAP3;
-‐ shall submit proposals to the SCOAP3 Governing Council concerning compensation in the event of a withdrawal from SCOAP3 as set out in Clause 9.4;
-‐ shall engage in dispute resolution in accordance with Clause 9.1.
iii. Procedure
The SCOAP3 Executive Committee:
-‐ shall meet at least once a month;
-‐ shall be convened and chaired by one of its members, who shall be elected as Chairperson for one year;
-‐ its first meeting shall be convened and chaired by its member appointed by CERN;
-‐ shall strive to take decisions by consensus4;
-‐ shall allow remote participation in its meetings.
D. The SCOAP3 Consortium Manager
CERN shall appoint a SCOAP3 Consortium Manager, who shall be a CERN staff member.
The SCOAP3 Consortium Manager shall provide regular reports to the SCOAP3 Executive Committee and shall under its oversight:
-‐ ensure the day-to-day operation of SCOAP3, including but not limited to:
o management of the SCOAP3 contracts between CERN and the Publishers, in particular the timely and correct execution by the latter of all deliverables;
4 Consensus is defined as « lack of sustained opposition ».
o management of the SCOAP3 Repository and other services to the SCOAP3 Partners;
o management of the SCOAP3 cash flow, including ensuring timely payments by the SCOAP3 Partners and timely payments to the Publishers;
o management of the SCOAP3 partnership;
o management of the SCOAP3 Fund;
o representation of SCOAP3 to relevant external parties;
-‐ support and organize meetings of the SCOAP3 Governing Council and SCOAP3 Forum;
-‐ bring issues to the SCOAP3 Executive Committee for deliberation and decision as needed;
-‐ implement the decisions of the SCOAP3 Governing Council and the SCOAP3 Executive Committee;
-‐ ensure that the information contained in the Addenda to the MoU is kept up-to-date, and review that information in time for the meetings of the SCOAP3 Governing Council.
Clause 4: Finances
4.1 The SCOAP3 Partners shall make an annual payment into the SCOAP3 Fund to cover their share of the agreed payments to the Publishers. The amounts due shall be specified in the Addenda.
4.2 The first tendering cycle covers the period starting on 1 January 2014 and ending on 31 December 2016. The amounts of payments for the first tendering cycle are calculated according to the method described in Annex 8, based on the share of HEP literature for all countries active in the Field as listed in Annex 6.
4.3 The amounts of payments for each subsequent tendering cycle shall be decided by the SCOAP3 Governing Council, taking into account the volume of articles published in the SCOAP3 framework over a specified two-year reference period (e.g. contribution for 2017-2019 calculated from SCOAP3 articles in 2014+2015). The SCOAP3 Governing Council may appoint a committee to this calculation task.
4.4 All SCOAP3 Fund operations shall be reviewed annually by an independent audit committee appointed by the SCOAP3 Governing Council, in accordance with CERN financial rules5.
5 Available at xxxx://
Clause 5: Rights of the SCOAP3 Partners
In consideration for their contribution to the SCOAP3 Fund, the SCOAP3 Partners shall be entitled to:
-‐ access to the Reconciliation Facility and to mediation by CERN with the Publishers in connection with reduction of subscriptions;
-‐ assistance with the enforcement of subscription reductions as captured in the Addenda;
-‐ participation in the SCOAP3 Forum, subject to Clause 3.A.i;
-‐ representation in the SCOAP3 Governing Council, subject to Clause 3.B.i;
-‐ eligibility for appointment to the SCOAP3 Executive Committee, subject to Clause 3.C.i;
-‐ push/pull from the SCOAP3 Repository of articles by authors of a given institution into the SCOAP3 Partner’s own repository, and/or specific API access.
Clause 6: Use of resources
6.1 CERN shall place, sign and manage the contracts for the provision of the Services, charged to the SCOAP3 Fund, with the Publishers in accordance with CERN Financial Rules. A list of the Publishers and journals providing the Services is set out in Annex 3.
6.2 Any yearly positive balance shall remain in the SCOAP3 Fund and shall be used for activities within the framework of SCOAP3, as approved by the SCOAP3 Governing Council.
6.3 In case of discontinuation of SCOAP3, the funds remaining in the SCOAP3 Fund will be used to pay all liabilities incurred by the operation of SCOAP3. Any monies that may then remain in the SCOAP3 Fund will be returned to the SCOAP3 Partners in proportion to their contribution.
Clause 7: Role of CERN as Host Organization
7.1 As the Host Organization of SCOAP3, CERN shall ensure its day-to-day operation, through the SCOAP3 Consortium Manager and its support services, including in particular its Finance and Procurement Department.
7.2 To this end, CERN shall contribute to SCOAP3 the costs of financial, personnel and other resources incurred by it in its hosting activities, over and above its contribution as a SCOAP3 Partner.
7.3 As the sole contract party, in its own name, to the contracts with the Publishers, CERN is exclusively liable for the proper execution of its contractual commitments to the Publishers, and more generally for compliance of SCOAP3 transactions with CERN Financial Rules. Therefore, any action, including any decision, by a SCOAP3 entity that in the view of CERN’s representative in that entity, may have an adverse impact on the execution of its contracts with the Publishers or lead to financial or legal exposure, is subject to CERN’s agreement. For the same reason, CERN is entitled to terminate the contracts with the Publishers, but only after having informed the SCOAP3 Executive Committee and the SCOAP3 Governing Council of its intention and motivation to terminate, and, where feasible under the circumstances, after consultation with the SCOAP3 Executive Committee and the SCOAP3 Governing Council.
Clause 8: Duration
8.1 The MoU shall become effective upon signature by the first Party to sign after CERN. Without prejudice to Clauses 8.3 and 8.4, it shall remain in force for as long as necessary to give effect to its provisions.
8.2 Any entity that wishes to join SCOAP3 after the conclusion of the MoU shall arrange for signature of the MoU and a new Addendum defining the details of its participation in SCOAP3.
8.3 CERN as Host Organization and any SCOAP3 Partner may withdraw from SCOAP3 at the end of each tendering cycle by giving notice in writing to the SCOAP3 Governing Council at the latest four (4) weeks after notification by the SCOAP³ Governing Council of its decision to start a subsequent tendering cycle.
8.4 In case of extraordinary circumstances, a SCOAP3 Partner may withdraw from SCOAP3 by giving not less than twelve (12) months notice in writing to the SCOAP3 Governing Council. The withdrawing SCOAP3 Partner shall agree with the SCOAP3 Executive Committee on a reasonable compensation to SCOAP3, which the SCOAP3 Executive Committee shall submit to the SCOAP3 Governing Council for approval.
Clause 9: Disputes
9.1 The primary mechanism for resolution of any disputes related to the subject matter of the MoU, including but not limited to disputes of financial nature, shall be discussion between the SCOAP3 Executive Committee and the party(ies) concerned. Should this not prove fruitful, the dispute shall be resolved by arbitration by the Chairperson of the SCOAP3 Governing Council.
9.2 It is understood and agreed, however, that the liability of each party to the MoU shall in no event exceed an amount equivalent to the amount of its annual payment to the SCOAP3 Fund, which was agreed upon before the dispute arose.
9.3 This provision shall survive termination of the MoU, howsoever caused.
Clause 10: Major amendments
Major Amendments to the main body of the MoU agreed upon by CERN and the SCOAP³ Governing Council pursuant to Clause 3.B.ii shall be subject to signature by the Parties.
Clause 11: Implementation of the MoU
11.1 For the avoidance of doubt, it is understood that the SCOAP3 Partners that are represented by the Representatives shall benefit from all rights set out in the MoU, and in particular in Clause 5.
11.2 An Addendum to the MoU will include a list of SCOAP3 Partners represented by each Representative.