Licenčná zmluva na nákup licenčných práv programov
Licenčná zmluva na nákup licenčných práv programov
(výpis zo zmluvy)
Zmluvní partneri: Global Screen GmbH Xxxxxxxxxxxxx 00
80331 Xxxxxxx XXX
Rozhlas a televízia Slovenska Mlynská dolina, 845 45 Bratislava
IČO: 47 232 480
IČ DPH: SK2023169973
zastúpená: Xxxxxx Xxxx
generálny riaditeľ
zapísaná: Obchodný register Okresného súdu Bratislava I., Oddiel: Po, Vložka č: 1922/B
Programy: hrané TV filmy a minisérie v celkovom objeme cca 14 hodín
Práva a definície: Nákup licenčných práv programov pre vysielanie RTVS na televíznych programových službách Jednotka a Dvojka
Trvanie zmluvy: Licenčná doba na 3 roky
rozsah licencií od 1.9.2017 do 31.5.2021
Licencia na územie: Povolený jazyk:
Slovenská republika slovenský – dabing, komentár
Počet vysielaní: 2 vysielania s reprízou do 24 hodín
Vysielacie práva: Terestriálne – Free TV práva exkluzívne vrátane satelitnej a káblovej retransmissie cath up práva
Licenčný poplatok: 22.900,- EUR
Celková suma je predmetom 5% zrážkovej dane
Splatnosť licencie: Po podpise licenčnej zmluvy a doručení faktúr:
50% celkovej sumy – 11.450,EUR pred dodaním materiálov najneskôr k 15.7.2017
50% celkovej sumy- 11.450,EUR po dodaní materiálov, najneskôr k 30.9.2017
Podmienky dodania materiálu:
Technické náklady za materiál:
po podpise licenčnej zmluvy
410,- EUR
Náklady za materiál budú fakturované osobitne, úhrada súčastne s prvou dohodnutou splátkou licenčného poplatku
Technické parametre materiálu:
Dátum dodania materiálu:
Materiál bude dodaný vo formate XDCAM HD 422 s MMP cez ftp Aspera
dialógové listiny, hudobné zostavy
po podpise licenčnej Zmluvy a úhrade prvej splátky vo výške 50% licenčného poplatku.
Prístup k jazykovým verziám:
Ustanovenie o zákonnej povoinosti zverejnenia zmluvy:
Použitie jazykovej verzie vyrobenej na náklady RTVS možné iba za úhradu 50% dokladovaných výrobných nákladov
časť Zmluvy C – Special Conditions
za Global Screen GmbH za Rozhlas a televíziu Slovenska Xxxxxx Xxxx, generálny riaditeľ
License Agreement (TV) made by and between
Global Screen
Radio and Television of Slovakia
Licensor licenses,
on behalf of Telepool, GmbH, Sonnenstr. 21, 80331 Munich/Germany, with reference to titles 1-3: In its own Name, with reference to titles 4-5:
A. Main Conditions
1. Subject Matter of Contract
Programme: see Annex 1
Length: see Annex 1 Original Language: German Origin: Germany
Producer: see Annex 1 Production Year: see Annex 1
2. Rights
2.1 TV-Rights:
Free TV: yes (cable, satellite and terrestrial), catch up rights geoblocked for the streaming through RTVS website for maximum 7 days
Runs: Two (2), each with a quick repeat within 24 hours Catch Up Rights for Free TV: no
Exclusivity: yes
Pay TV: no
2.2 Broadcaster: Jednotka or Dvojka Right to sublicense: no
2.3 Other rights: no
2.4 Exclusivity: yes
2.5 Holdbacks: no
3. Licensed Territory: Slovak Republic
4. Term: beginning September 1, 2017 and ending August 31, 2020, or terminated
after last broadcast, whichever occurs earlier.
For CHARITE: beginning December 1, 2017 and ending November 30, 2020, or terminated after last broadcast, whichever occurs earlier.
For RIVALS FOREVER: beginning June 1, 2018 and ending May 31, 2021
5. Licensed Language(s): Slovak dubbed version
6. License Fee: A total amount of € 22,900 (in words: twenty-two thousand and nine
hundred EUROs), excl. VAT
7. Payment Terms: 50% = € 11,450 before delivery of materials, but no later than July 15,
50% = € 11,450 after delivery, but no later than September 30, 2017
Certificates regarding withholding tax have to be issued on behalf of the Licensors, which are Telepool GmbH and Global Screen GmbH.
8. Delivery Items: technical material: XDCAM HD422 Files with M&E and clean (textless)
Backgrounds, upon availability separate or added to video file
File Delivery via Aspera.
File Delivery cost: € 50 per 90’, € 30 per one hour ep.
= A total amount of € 410, to be invoiced separately, and to be paid together with first instalment
Scripts, music cue sheets and promotional materials to be downloaded from xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxx.xx
B. General Conditions
1.1. Free Television Rights shall be defined as the right to render the PROGRAMME accessible to the public for private use, whereby a charge is not made to the viewer by way of analog and/or digital broadcasts via the following transmission methods intended for and capable of reception by the public on any suitable television reception device solely in the Territory:
- Terrestrial (over-the-air terrestrial broadcast by Hertzian waves);
- Cable (by means of any coaxial or fibre optic cable system);
- Satellite: transmission of encrypted signals carrying the PROGRAMME to a direct broadcast satellite whose broadcast reception area ("footprint") is located substantially within the Territory intended for and capable of reception by the public on a television receiver only in the Territory. Any satellite overspill is only admissible to the extent that (i) the broadcast originates from the Territory and (ii) is mainly intended for, and mainly received within the Territory;
- Internet (including IP TV) pursuant to clause 1.5; Any transmission of the PROGRAMME via Pay TV, and/or on-demand (e.g. VOD) are expressly excluded.
1.2. Pay Television rights shall be defined as the right to render the PROGRAMME accessible to the public for private use whereby a charge is made to the viewer for the privilege of receiving the respective channel or as part of an offer including several channels (Pay-Per-Channel TV Rights) or whereby a separate charge is made to the viewer for the telecast of one PROGRAMME (Pay-Per-View Rights) via the following transmission methods (encrypted signals only, decoding devices may only be distributed within the Territory): Terrestrial, Cable, Satellite, Internet pursuant to clause 1.5.
Any transmission of the PROGRAMME via Free TV, and/or on demand (e.g. VOD) is expressly excluded. The number of PAY-TV-Runs is unlimited.
1.3. Advertising Rights shall be defined as the right to advertise and promote the PRGOGRAMME by announcement in printed matter, on radio and/or television, provided, however, that all excerpts used for such purposes shall not exceed 3 minutes in length. Included is the right to promote the exhibition of the PROGRAMME on the internet with stills delivered by Licensor (resolution not exceeding 72 dpi) as well as the right to promote the exhibition via streaming of non-downloadable excerpts of the PROGRAMME in a maximum length of 1 minute via the internet on websites addressed to viewers in the Territory.
1.4. Catch Up Rights for Free TV Rights shall be defined as the right to make available the PROGRAMME in the Territory to consumers by means of Free-Video- on-demand ("Free-VOD") during a period of 7 days from the first initial Free-TV broadcast. The term “Free-VOD” as used herein shall mean the right to exploit the PROGRAMME with an encrypted digital data transfer technology without permanent data storage from the broadcaster's Free-VOD-portal to a consumer, who selects the PROGRAMME for viewing, not downloading, at a variable time that the
consumer designates for the intended purpose of non-commercial viewing for which a per program fee or a subscription fee may not be charged.
Catch Up Rights for Free TV Rights are granted on a streaming basis only, the PROGRAMME shall not be capable of being downloaded.
1.5. Exploitation via internet
Any exploitation via the internet or similar online delivery mechanisms such as IP-TV and distribution via mobile networks such as 3G (including the so- called “roaming” outside of the Territory) of any Licensed Rights is subject to:
(i) an exploitation of the PROGRAMME in connection with websites in the Licensed Language(s) only and
(ii) access to the PROGRAMME is verifiably confined by adequate technologies to viewers physically located in the Licensed Territory; and (iii) the unauthorized dissemination, reproduction, copying, retransmission and alteration of the PROGRAMME by the recipient is prevented by an adequate technology in accordance with best international industry standard; (iv) any storage of the PROGRAMME on clouds (i.e. clustered servers offering end consumers to access content stored thereon) must be deleted at the end of Term.
As regards the Free TV and Pay TV-Rights any transmission via the Internet shall be simultaneous, unaltered and concurrently with the transmission (Terrestrial, Cable and/or Satellite) of the relevant TV channel.
1.6. Exclusivity shall be defined as the sole right to exploit the PROGRAMME in the TERRITORY in the Licensed Language(s) during the TERM as set out in the Main conditions.
1.7. Delivery Items shall be understood as the Broadcast material, the Marketing and Publicity material, Music cue sheets, Dialogue lists etc. as specified in the Main conditions.
2.1 Under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth and subject to and conditioned upon due payment in full of the License Fee Licensor hereby grants to Licensee the exploitation rights as set out in the Main Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “RIGHTS”). Licensor also grants to Licensee on a non-exclusive basis the Advertising Rights as defined above.
2.2 Licensor controls all RIGHTS granted and/or to be granted under the agreement and Licensor has the full right, power and authority to enter into and to perform this agreement.
Licensor shall indemnify and hold Licensee harmless from and against justified third-party-actions, -claims,
-damages and -costs (including reasonable outside attorney’s fees) arising out of a breach of Licensor’s warranties under the Agreement in cases of gross negligence or deliberate intention only and limited to the amount payable by Licensee for the respective affected PROGRAMME under the Agreement. The aforesaid limitation shall not apply in and to the extent of mandatory conflicting law, e.g. in case of deliberate acting. As a condition of this indemnity, Licensee agrees to (i) notify Licensor as soon as reasonably practicable upon becoming aware of any such claim, (ii) not settle or admit any claim or make
any settlement confirming any claim or factual allegation, and (iii) allow Licensor to conduct all negotiations, proceedings and settlements of the claim and give Licensor all reasonable assistance and cooperation in doing so.
2.3 All rights in and to the PROGRAMME not explicitly granted to Licensee hereunder are reserved to Licensor including but not limited to (i) an exploitation of all other language versions in the Territory, and (ii) secondary use rights (including without limitation blank type levy, cassette royalties from rental/educational and TV retransmission etc.) all of which are expressly not granted under the Agreement. At the end of the Term all RIGHTS licensed hereunder automatically revert to Licensor.
2.4 Licensee shall inform Licensor in writing of the date and time of the first transmission executed in accordance with the provisions set forth herein, as well as of all further transmissions, if any. In any case, the Term of this Agreement shall end on the earlier of (i) expiration of the Term as set forth in the Main Conditions, or (ii) execution of the last transmission licensed. Licensee shall immediately inform Licensor in writing upon execution of the last transmission licensed.
2.5 Licensee shall notify Licensor in advance in writing of the scheduled time and broadcaster of all TV runs of the PROGRAMME in the TERRITORY, as well as the respective PROGRAMME-Title/ episodes titles.
2.6 Licensee shall be responsible for acquiring the rights to the music used in the PROGRAMME and in excerpts, if any, which are necessary for the use of the Rights from the copyright owners, e.g. Per- forming Rights Societies and/ or Collective Copyright Managers (such as GEMA; GVL; CELAS; PEDL; Armonia; Alliance Digital etc.). Where local Performing Rights Societies / Collective Copyright Managers do not exist or do not cover all music rights Licensee shall, at its expense, make such payment to the owner of the relevant rights for the music included in the PROGRAMME.
Licensee shall hold Licensor harmless from any liability relating hereto.
Any exchange of the score music contained in the PROGRAMME shall not be allowed. To the extent Licensor delivers to Licensee source music in addition to full score music, the rights granted are limited to the full score music only.
Licensee shall not be allowed to sublicense the Rights in whole or in parts to third parties (including subsidiary or allied companies). No transfer or assignment of the RIGHTS shall be effective.
2.7 Licensee shall be liable for any unauthorized use of the Delivery Items supplied by Licensor. In such case Licensee shall reimburse Licensor for all legal costs including reasonable attorney fees. Any additional claims for damages by Licensor shall remain unaffected.
Licensee may at its own costs produce or have produced by third parties and exploit Licensed Language version(s) of the PROGRAMME(S) and, if applicable, the delivered bonus material, as set out in this Agreement. The translated dialogue in the Licensed Language version(s) of the
PROGRAMME(S) shall have the same meaning as the dialogue in the original language version.
3.3 Upon Licensor's request and after creation Licensee will promptly supply to Licensor a copy of said Licensed Language version(s). Licensor is hereby granted the right to utilize them in all media at any time, world-wide, at no cost other than costs of actual documented out of pocket duplication costs and/or transportation cost.
4.1 Unless Licensee receives written notice from Licensor to the contrary, all payments to Licensor shall be made to Licensor's
No payment shall be deemed to have been made to Licensor unless and until the amount thereof has been received by and credited to the account of Licensor as aforesaid.
4.2 All payments to Licensor shall be net of all bank charges or remittance fees. These expenses shall be borne by Licensee. Any taxes imposed on the License Fee - except the withholding tax pursuant to paragraph B4.3. - shall not be deducted from the amount payable to Licensor hereunder.
4.3 Licensee shall only be entitled to deduct withholding tax if required by law and if a double taxation treaty exists between the country of which Licensee is the resident of and Germany. Licensee shall provide Licensor prior to any such deductions with all necessary documentation (such as original certificates of receipt from the relevant governmental authority, original certificates of tax exemption etc.) and a deduction of withholding tax, if any, shall be in accordance with the double taxation treaty.
Without prejudice to the foregoing, Licensee shall in no event be entitled to claim any refund or seek reimbursement from Licensor of any portion of the amounts therefore paid hereunder.
Licensee shall use best efforts to reduce amounts of deductions or to avoid any deduction in accordance with the provisions of the double taxation treaties and the applicable law.
5.1 If Main Conditions foresee delivery on loan, at Licensee’s expense, Licensor shall deliver the Delivery Items on loan for copying purposes only for a period not exceeding 30 (thirty) days to Licensee at Licensee´s delivery address, of which Licensee shall inform Licensor in writing.
The Delivery Items of the technical material shall be returned undamaged to Licensor at Licensee’s cost immediately after Licensee has copied the material. In case that Licensee does not return the Delivery Items within the agreed time period, Licensee shall pay the full reproduction costs of the Delivery Items.
5.2 If Main Conditions foresee delivery at cost, Licensee will order from Licensor the Delivery Items as required for the exploitation of the PROGRAMME and Licensee will clear said materials and take possession of same as soon as possible, but no later than within four weeks from and after the date of
arrival thereof at Licensee's destination. Licensor will supply the material and documents available upon receipt of Licensee’s written order and at Licensee’s cost.
Licensor will send to Licensee after receipt of its order an invoice, payable upon receipt by Licensee. All deliveries to Licensee shall be prepaid and at Licensee’s risk.
5.3 Licensee shall have the right to inspect and examine all Delivery Items and shall advise Licensor within 15 (fifteen) days after delivery if and wherein the same is not complete, whereupon Licensor shall promptly deliver to Licensee the items of which it failed to make delivery of it in first instance. Licensee shall have 30 (thirty) days after delivery of any Delivery Item to raise any objection to its technical quality.
5.4 If Licensee fails to do so in time and/or detailing all points where Licensee has seen incomplete delivery or technical failure in the respective Delivery Items, any complaints shall be ruled out and the Delivery Items shall be deemed accepted. The same applies if no material delivery shall take place as Licensee is in possession of the Delivery Items.
5.5 In the event of rejection of the Delivery Items in due time, Licensee shall identify the defective material and give detailed reasons for such rejection by providing Licensor with a precise technical report, detailing all points where Licensee has seen technical failure in the material. Licensee shall request that Licensor shall deliver substitute delivery material (hereinafter referred to as Substitute Delivery Material) of the same PROGRAMME to replace the defective material.
5.6 Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notification under Clause 5.5. Licensor shall at its own expense deliver to Licensee, the Substitute Delivery Material (exception see 5.7.).
In the event of technical rejection of the respective Substitute Delivery Items due to technical defects or incomplete delivery, Licensee shall identify the respective defective material and give detailed reasons for such rejection by providing Licensor with a precise technical report, detailing all points where Licensee has seen technical failure in the respective Substitute Delivery Material, within 10 (ten) days upon receipt of the respective Substitute Delivery Material. If Licensee fails to do so in time and/or detailing all points where Licensee has seen technical failure or incomplete delivery in the respective Substitute Delivery Material, any complaints shall be ruled out and the Substitute Delivery Material shall be deemed accepted.
5.7 If Licensee provides accurate notice that Substitute Delivery Material is technically defect and in case that delivery of Substitute Delivery Materials would
require a disproportionate effort for Licensor, Licensor shall at its sole discretion either (i) remedy such default or (ii) submit to Licensee a substitute PROGRAMME which is acceptable to Licensee or
(iii) delete the PROGRAMME from the Agreement and reimburse Licensee any payments made with respect to the deleted PROGRAMME.
All other rights and remedies Licensee may have under the Agreement, law or equity are hereby excluded.
The parties agree that in the event that only parts of the Substitute Delivery Material (single episodes, one tv-movie of a package deal) are classified defective, the agreement can only be terminated with regard to those episodes /TV-Movies. In this case the License Fee shall only be reduced by the License Fee regarding those defective episodes/TV Movies.
This shall always be subject to the possibility of separate exploitation of the remaining PROGRAMME.
5.8 Upon expiration or sooner termination of this agreement and at Licensor's choice, Licensee will either return to Licensor, free of charge, or destroy at Licensee’s cost (with reasonable proof of destruction to be furnished to Licensor) all materials for the PROGRAMME supplied by Licensor or produced or manufactured by or for the account of Licensee during the Term.
5.9 All transport charges (both ways) as well as shipment charges, insurance, customs and other import duties shall be borne by Licensee. Any transports shall be carried out at Licensee’s own risk.
6.1 Licensee shall at its sole cost and expense have the right to edit the PROGRAMME as delivered for the TERRITORY, in order to insert commercials during breaks or intervals during the exhibition and distribution of the PROGRAMME and the right to edit the PROGRAMME for time segment requirements or to the needs, practices and customs of television and promotional exhibition in the TERRITORY, provided that copyright notice, trademarks, logos and/ or credits as well as quality, integrity , continuity and the Droit Moral of the PROGRAMME are maintained. Licensee indemnifies Licensor from all claims arising out of the editing. Any further edits shall not be allowed without prior written approval by Licensor.
6.2. The use of the entire PROGRAMME and of parts or
excerpts thereof in another production shall not be permitted, except if explicitly stipulated under the Main conditions
7.1 Licensee hereby agrees to observe all credit obligations which Licensor advises and delivers to Licensee. Licensee or its sub-licensees shall not remove any of the credits, credit logos, copyright notices or trademark notices already on the PROGRAMME or otherwise advised by Licensor without the prior written consent of Licensor. Licensee or its sub-licensees shall undertake to adhere to such credits in manufacturing prints and in all advertising and publicity material. To the extent that individually applicable contractual credit obligations are not available, Licensee shall refer to, at least, the producing entities in the opening credits and the end credits.
7.2 Licensee undertakes at its own expense to do all things necessary and customary to secure comprehensive copyright protection for the PROGRAMME in the Licensed Territory. Specifically, Licensee shall be responsible to clear the respective rights (trademarks, copyrights, etc.) to the title used, whether through use of the original title and/or
through translation and/or through change of title (if and when authorized hereto).
8.1 This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon written notice if:
- the other party makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditors, becomes insolvent or commits an act of bankruptcy or is the subject of any judicial or administrative proceeding launched in good faith relating to its bankruptcy or insolvency and all such situations of insolvency are not removed within thirty
(30) days after the filing date of such insolvency or if Licensee ceases to carry on business.
- any failure, refusal, neglect or inability (other than due to an event of Force Majeure) of the other party to perform any of its material obligations, particularly payment obligations, under this Agreement is not fully cured within thirty (30) days from the date the party not in default notifies to the other party in writing of such default.
8.2 Upon termination of this Agreement in accordance with this Agreement, all RIGHTS granted to Licensee revert to Licensor with immediate effect and without any further declaration to be made and/or instrument to be signed.
8.3 In case Licensor terminates the agreement in accordance with Clause 8.1, Licensor shall be entitled to retain as contractual penalty all payments made by Licensee up to the point of termination and all outstanding monies owed by Licensee shall become immediately due and payable to Licensor. As a penalty mutually agreed upon, all overdue monies shall bear interest calculated at the rate of eight percentage points (8%) per annum above the German basis rate (Basiszinssatz) applicable on the date such monies are due. Without limiting any other rights Licensor may have under law or this Agreement, Licensee shall also be liable for any damages arising from the termination.
Licensor may in its absolute discretion withdraw a PROGRAMME or specific exploitation rights in and to PROGRAMME from the Agreement in the event that (i) rights and/or (faultless) materials under the Agreement are not available in whole or in part and/or (ii) the exhibition of PROGRAMME would or might (a) infringe upon the rights of others, (b) violate any law, possible court order, government regulation or other ruling of any governmental agency or (c) subject Licensor to any liability.
In the event of a withdrawal those rights not yet exercised automatically terminate and the material delivered and produced by Licensee shall be returned. Licensor will at its absolute discretion either provide Licensee with an equivalent replacement (e.g. substitute programmes acceptable to Licensee, if available; postponement of the Term, if possible, by a period of time equal in length to that during which Licensee was impeded in the exploitation etc.), or appropriately reduce the License Fee, or cancel the Agreement with regard to the respective PROGRAMME in total with the consequence that the
compensation which was already rendered shall be reimbursed in full respectively in the adequate amount in consideration of the rights already exercised.
If any provision of this License Agreement shall be prohibited or adjudged by a court to be unlawful, void or unforceable, such provision shall, to the extent required, be severed from this Agreement and rendered ineffective without invalidating the remaining provisions of this Agreement and shall not in any way affect any other circumstances or the validity or enforcement of this License Agreement.
Both parties hereby agree to keep confidential the money-related and further commercial terms of this Agreement. Licensee shall not publish the Agreement in whole or in part. However, the parties shall be allowed to disclose the money-related and further commercial terms of this Agreement if such disclosure is required by law or otherwise (e.g. tax authorities, chartered accountants etc.) as well as to any third party involved in the production of the PROGRAMME, in particular film subsidy institutions and co-producers or share holding companies.
12.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany and the courts of Munich shall have jurisdiction accordingly.
12.2 Notwithstanding the foregoing, LICENSOR is also free to bring legal action against LICENSEE at LICENSEE’s main place of business in which event the License Agreement shall be deemed to be construed under the laws of such country.
13.1 Any Schedule attached to this agreement shall form an integral part of this Agreement.
13.2 In case of an antinomy between the terms of the Main Conditions and Special Conditions with the General Conditions of this Agreement, the General Conditions are subordinate.
13.3 This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the parties at the date hereof concerning the subject matter hereof and overrules any prior agreements between the parties for this PROGRAMME.
13.4 This Agreement can only be modified by an agreement in writing signed by each party.
13.5 No waiver, express or implied, by either party of any term or condition or of any breach by the other party of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall operate as a waiver of any breach of the same or any other provision of this License Agreement.
- End of II. -
C. Special Conditions:
As to Item 3 of the General Conditions, access to the Slovak dubbing shall be allowed upon payment of 50% of the proven production costs. Upon Licensor´s request Licensee will promptly supply to LICENSOR a copy of said dubbed/subtitled voice-over version upon payment of 50% Licensee´s production costs upon creation of each of same.
According to the provisions of the Act no. 40/1964 Zb. Civil Code "Radio and Television of Slovakia" is obliged to publish this Contract via Central Register of Contracts of the Government Office of Slovak Republic in its full wording, except for the General Conditions.
Global Screen GmbH Xxxxxxxxxxxx 00
80331 Munich / Germany On behalf of Telepool GmbH
Legal & Business Affairs Delivery by Bavariapool Services GmbH
Attn: Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx International Operations, Attn: Xxxxx Xxxxx
phone: x00-00-0000000-000 phone: x00-00-00000000
E-mail: xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx.xx E-mail: Xxxxx.Xxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx.xx
Slovenská Televízia Mlynská dolina
84545 Bratislava, Slovakia Contact: Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Email: xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xx Phone x000-0-00000000
Munich, Bratislava,
Global Screen GmbH Radio and Television of Slovakia
Xxxxxx XXXX General Director
ANNEX 1 | ZM2014288 | |
Title / Producer / Year / Length | License Fee € | Material |
1) CHARITÉ (Ufa Fiction 2016) 6 x 51’ | 12,000 | |
2) XXXXXX AND I (Eikon 2017) 90’ | 3,500 | |
3) XXXXXXXXX XXX XXXX (MDR 2009) 45’ | 700 | |
4) ROMANCING THE JUNGLE 90‘ (Degeto 2017) | 2,300 | |
5) RIVALS FOREVER 2 x 90‘ (Xxxxxxxxx & Xxxx 2016) | 4,400 |