ČÍSLO SMLOUVY – 2015-1-CZ01-KA107-013682
projekt v rámci programu ERASMUS+1
ČÍSLO SMLOUVY – 2015-1-CZ01-KA107-013682
Dům zahraniční spolupráce IČ: 61386839
Na Poříčí 1035/4, 110 00 Praha 1,
dále „národní agentura“ nebo „NA“, zastoupená pro účely podpisu této smlouvy ředitelkou
Ing. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx a působící z pověření Evropské komise, dále jen „Komise“ na jedné straně
Masarykova univerzita IČ: 00216224
Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx 0, 000 00 Xxxx
PIC – identifikační číslo účastníka: 999880657 Erasmus ID kód: CZ BRNO05
dále jen „příjemce grantu“,
zástupce, který je oprávněn za instituci jednat: doc. PhDr. Xxxxxxx Xxx, Ph.D., rektor
na straně druhé
Zvláštní podmínky (dále jen „zvláštní podmínky“) v části I, Všeobecné podmínky (dále jen
„všeobecné podmínky“) v části II a tyto přílohy:
Příloha I Popis projektu Příloha II Přidělený rozpočet
Příloha III Finanční a smluvní pravidla
Příloha IV Vzory následujících smluvních dokumentů mezi příjemcem grantu a účastníky mobilit jsou ke stažení na webu xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx:
Pro mobilitu studentů:
Účastnická smlouva pro mobilitu studentů na studijní pobyt a její přílohy Příloha I Studijní smlouva pro studijní pobyt (Learning Agreement for
Příloha II Všeobecné podmínky Příloha III Erasmus+ Charta studenta Pro mobilitu zaměstnanců:
Účastnická smlouva pro mobilitu zaměstnanců na výukový pobyt a školení a její přílohy
Příloha I Program mobility zaměstnanců na výukový pobyt /školení (Mobility Agreement)
Příloha II Všeobecné podmínky
které tvoří nedílnou součást této smlouvy, dále jen „smlouva“.
Ustanovení zvláštních podmínek mají přednost před podmínkami uvedenými ve všeobecných podmínkách, které jsou zveřejněny na adrese xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.
Ustanovení zvláštních podmínek a všeobecných podmínek mají přednost před podmínkami stanovenými v přílohách.
Podmínky stanovené v příloze III mají přednost před podmínkami stanovenými v ostatních přílohách. Podmínky stanovené v příloze II mají přednost před podmínkami stanovenými v příloze I.
I.1.1 Národní agentura se za podmínek stanovených ve zvláštních podmínkách, všeobecných podmínkách a ostatních přílohách smlouvy rozhodla udělit grant na projekt s číslem 2015-1-CZ01-KA107-013682 (dále jen „projekt“) v rámci programu Erasmus+, Klíčová akce 1: Vzdělávací mobilita jednotlivců, jak je popsáno v příloze I.
I.1.2 Podpisem této smlouvy příjemce přijímá xxxxx a souhlasí s tím, že bude realizovat projekt, a to na vlastní odpovědnost.
I.1.3 Příjemce grantu bude dodržovat Listinu programu Erasmus pro vysokoškolské vzdělávání (ECHE).
I.2.1 Smlouva vstupuje v platnost dnem jejího podpisu poslední smluvní stranou.
I.2.2 Projekt bude realizován v projektovém období od 1. 6. 2015 do 31. 5. 2017, a to včetně těchto dnů.
Projektové aktivity realizované před podpisem grantové smlouvy mezi příjemcem grantu a NA musí být v prokazatelném vztahu ke schválenému projektu. Způsobilé období nákladů bude v souladu s projektovým obdobím, ovšem v případě, že schvalovací dopis byl vystaven po začátku projektového období, je pro účely způsobilosti nákladů rozhodné datum vystavení schvalovacího dopisu.
I.3.1 Maximální výše přiděleného grantu
Maximální výše grantu činí 903810 EUR a grant bude poskytnut formou jednotkových příspěvků a náhrad způsobilých skutečně vynaložených nákladů, a to v souladu s těmito ustanoveními:
(a) způsobilé náklady specifikované v článku II.16;
(b) přidělený rozpočet specifikovaný v příloze II;
(c) finanční pravidla specifikovaná v příloze III.
I.3.2 Převody v rámci rozpočtu bez povinnosti uzavřít dodatek
(a) Příjemci grantu je povoleno až 50 % finančních prostředků přidělených do rozpočtové kategorie náklady na organizaci mobilit převést do rozpočtové kategorie pobytové a cestovní náklady v rámci mobility studentů a/nebo mobility zaměstnanců.
Pro předkládání zpráv a platby platí následující ustanovení:
I.4.1 První záloha
Účelem zálohových plateb je poskytnout příjemci grantu počáteční finanční prostředky.
NA vyplatí za předpokladu obdržení finančních prostředků z Komise příjemci grantu první zálohu ve dvou splátkách následovně:
• Do 30 dnů po nabytí platnosti smlouvy první splátku ve výši 542 286,00 EUR
odpovídající 60 % částky maximální výše grantu dle článku I.3.1.
• Do 31. 1. 2016 druhou splátku ve výši 180 762,00 EUR odpovídající 20 % částky maximální výše grantu dle článku I.3.1.
I.4.2 Průběžné zprávy a další zálohy
Do 15.2.2016 a 15.7.2016 příjemce grantu prostřednictvím nástroje Mobility Tool+ (pokud je k dispozici) vypracuje průběžnou zprávu o realizaci projektu za vykazované období od data zahájení projektu stanoveného v článku I.2.2 do 15. 1. 2016 resp. 15.6.2016.
Pokud z průběžné zprávy vyplyne, že příjemce grantu využil alespoň 70 % částky první zálohy, bude průběžná zpráva považována za žádost o druhou zálohu. V takovém případě musí být ve zprávě uvedena požadovaná částka až 180 762,00 EUR odpovídající 20 % z maximální výše grantu dle článku I.3.1.
Pokud z průběžné zprávy vyplyne, že na pokrytí nákladů na realizaci projektu bylo využito méně než 70 % první zálohy, příjemce grantu předloží další průběžnou zprávu, jakmile bude využito alespoň 70 % částky první zálohy, která bude považována za žádost o druhou zálohu. V takovém případě musí být ve zprávě uvedena požadovaná částka až 180 762,00 EUR odpovídající 20 % z maximální výše grantu dle článku I.3.1.
grantu do té doby, bude NA v souladu s článkem II.19 od příjemce grantu požadovat navrácení přebývající částky zálohy.
I.4.3 Závěrečná zpráva a žádost o doplatek
Do 30 kalendářních dnů od data ukončení projektu stanoveného v článku I.2.2 příjemce grantu prostřednictvím nástroje Mobility Tool+ vypracuje závěrečnou zprávu o realizaci projektu. Tato zpráva musí obsahovat informace potřebné pro zdůvodnění požadovaného grantu na základě jednotkových příspěvků tam, kde je grant poskytován formou jednotkových příspěvků, nebo na základě náhrad způsobilých skutečně vynaložených nákladů v souladu s článkem II.16 a přílohou III.
Závěrečná zpráva je považována za žádost příjemce grantu o doplatek.
Příjemce grantu ručí za to, že informace poskytnuté v závěrečné zprávě jsou úplné, spolehlivé a pravdivé. Dále ručí za to, že vynaložené náklady lze v souladu se smlouvou považovat za způsobilé a že žádost o doplatek je podložena příslušnými doklady a potvrzeními, které mohou být předloženy při kontrolách nebo auditech popsaných v článku II.20.
I.4.4 Platba doplatku
Účelem jednorázové platby doplatku je uhradit na konci období stanoveného v článku I.2.2 zbývající část způsobilých nákladů vynaložených příjemcem grantu na realizaci projektu.
V souladu s články II.17.2 a II.17.3 vyplatí NA do 60 kalendářních dnů po obdržení dokumentů, na které se odkazuje v závěrečné zprávě, doplatek grantu.
Výše doplatku bude určena po schválení závěrečné zprávy v souladu se čtvrtým pododstavcem. Schválení závěrečné zprávy neznamená uznání řádnosti nebo hodnověrnosti, úplnosti a správnosti prohlášení a informací v ní obsažených.
Výše doplatku bude určena tak, že od konečné výše grantu určené v souladu s odstavcem
II.18 bude odečtena celková výše již vyplacených záloh. Pokud je celková výše již uskutečněných plateb vyšší než konečná výše grantu určená v souladu s článkem II.18, může mít poslední platba formu vratky již vyplacených částek, jak stanoví článek II.19.
I.4.5 Nepředložení dokumentů
Pokud příjemce grantu nepředloží ve stanovené lhůtě průběžnou zprávu nebo závěrečnou zprávu, zašle NA příjemci grantu písemnou upomínku, a to do 15 kalendářních dnů od uplynutí lhůty. Jestliže příjemce grantu přesto nepředloží požadovanou zprávu do 30 kalendářních dnů od této upomínky, vyhrazuje si NA právo v souladu s článkem II.15.2.1.b) vypovědět smlouvu a v souladu s článkem II.19 požádat o vrácení záloh v plné výši.
I.4.6 Jazyk zpráv a žádostí o platby
Veškeré zprávy a žádosti o platby předloží příjemce grantu v českém jazyce.
I.4.7 Přepočet nákladů v jiné měně na euro
Odchylně od článku II.17.6. veškeré přepočty nákladů vynaložených v jiné měně na euro provede příjemce grantu podle měsíčního účetního kurzu stanoveného Evropskou komisí a zveřejněného na jejích internetových stránkách2, který platil v den podpisu smlouvy poslední z obou smluvních stran.
Veškeré platby se provádějí v EUR na bankovní účet příjemce grantu, který je uveden níže:
Název banky: Komerční banka, a.s.
Adresa pobočky banky: Xx Xxxxxxx 00 čp. 969, Praha 1, 114 07 Přesný název majitele účtu: MASARYKOVA UNIVERZITA Úplné číslo účtu (včetně kódu banky): 115-598060277/0100 IBAN: XX00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
SWIFT (pouze u účtů vedených v EUR): XXXXXXXXXXX
Měna, ve které je účet veden: EUR
Specifický/variabilní symbol:
I.6.1 Správce údajů
Subjektem působícím jako správce údajů dle článku II.6 je Dům zahraniční spolupráce.
I.6.2 Kontaktní údaje národní agentury
Veškerá komunikace adresovaná NA bude zasílána na tuto adresu:
Dům zahraniční spolupráce Na Poříčí 1035/4
000 00 Xxxxx 0, Xxxxx republika E-mailová adresa: XX@xxx.xx
I.6.3 Kontaktní údaje příjemce grantu
Pro komunikaci NA s příjemcem grantu bude použita následující adresa:
doc. PhDr. Xxxxxxx Xxx, Ph.D. rektor
2 xxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx_xxxxxx/xxxx_xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx_xx.xxx
Masarykova univerzita
Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx 0, 000 00 Brno E-mailová adresa: xxxxxx@xxxx.xx
Běžná projektová komunikace bude vedena s kontaktní osobou.
Příjemce grantu musí mít zavedeny účinné postupy a opatření na podporu a k zajištění bezpečnosti a ochrany účastníků jejich projektu.
Příjemce grantu musí zajistit, aby účastníci zahraničních mobilit byli náležitě pojištěni.
I.8.1 Smlouva se řídí právním řádem České republiky.
I.8.2 Příslušný soud určený v souladu s příslušnými vnitrostátními právními předpisy je výlučně příslušný rozhodovat v jakýchkoli sporech mezi NA a příjemcem grantu ohledně výkladu, uplatňování nebo platnosti této smlouvy, pokud takový spor nelze vyřešit dohodou obou stran.
Jakýkoliv právní akt přijatý NA lze v souladu s právním řádem České republiky napadnout žalobou u příslušného soudu České republiky.
I.10.1 Nástroj Mobility Tool+
Příjemce grantu je povinen zaznamenávat veškeré informace týkající se všech mobilit účastníků, včetně těch, na které nebyl poskytnut grant EU, a vypracovávat dílčí, průběžné a závěrečné zprávy prostřednictvím on-line nástroje Mobility Tool+ (pokud je k dispozici).
3Otevřená licence je způsob, jakým vlastník díla uděluje povolení všem využívat zdroj. Licence se pojí s jednotlivými zdroji. Otevřená licence nepředstavuje převod autorského práva ani práv duševního vlastnictví (PDV).
Minimálně jednou měsíčně je příjemce grantu povinen vložit a aktualizovat nové údaje o účastnících a mobilitách.
I.10.2 VALOR - Platforma pro šíření výsledků programu Erasmus+
Příjemce grantu může pro šíření výsledků využít platformu VALOR na adrese xxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxx-xxxx/xxxxxxxx/ v souladu s instrukcemi poskytnutými touto platformou.
Odchylně od výše uvedeného se nepoužijí ustanovení článku II.10.2 c) a d).
Následující ustanovení části II – Všeobecných podmínek smlouvy nebudou uplatněna: II.16.2.1, II.16.2.2, II.16.2.4, II.16.2.5, II.16.4.2, II.16.4.3 a II.16.4.4.
Pokud uskutečnění projektu vyžaduje poskytnutí podpory účastníkům, příjemce grantu takovou podporu poskytne v souladu s podmínkami stanovenými v příloze I a IV, jež musí obsahovat alespoň:
(a) maximální výši podpory, která nesmí přesáhnout 60 000 EUR na účastníka;
(b) kritéria pro stanovení přesné výše podpory;
(c) aktivity, na které může účastník získat podporu, dle stanoveného seznamu;
(d) vymezení osob nebo kategorií osob, které mohou podporu získat;
(e) kritéria pro poskytnutí podpory.
Příjemce grantu bude spravovat celý rozpočet pro mobilitu mezi programovými a partnerskými zeměmi, včetně všech souvisejících nákladů s přijíždějící a vyjíždějící mobilitou studentů a zaměstnanců.
Pokud účastník obdrží jinou finanční podporu než ze zdroje EU Erasmus+, mohou být informace týkající se této podpory zahrnuty v účastnické smlouvě, která bude podepsána s účastníkem dle pokynů uvedených ve vzoru smlouvy.
V souladu s dokumenty uvedenými v příloze IV má příjemce grantu povinnost:
– Buď přidělit finanční podporu v rámci rozpočtových kategorií cestovních nákladů a pobytových nákladů v plné výši účastníkům mobility s využitím sazeb jednotkových nákladů specifikovaných v příloze III;
– nebo poskytnout podporu v rámci rozpočtových kategorií cestovních nákladů a pobytových nákladů účastníkům mobility formou zajištění cesty a pobytových nákladů. V takovém případě má příjemce grantu povinnost zajistit, aby cesta a pobyt odpovídaly nezbytným standardům kvality a bezpečnosti. Tato možnost je povolena v případě cestovních nákladů pro mobility studentů a v případě mobility zaměstnanců.
Příjemci mohou kombinovat obě možnosti definované v předchozím odstavci s podmínkou, že zajistí spravedlivý a rovný přístup ke všem účastníkům. V takovém případě se podmínky pro tu kterou možnost budou vztahovat na rozpočtovou kategorii, u které bude tato možnost zvolena.
NA a Komise budou monitorovat, zda příjemce grantu řádně dodržuje Listinu programu Erasmus pro vysokoškolské vzdělávání (ECHE) a respektuje závazek kvality uvedený v meziinstitucionálních dohodách.
V případě, že budou při monitorování zjištěny nedostatky, bude příjemce grantu muset ve lhůtě stanovené NA nebo Komisí zavést a realizovat plán opatření. Pokud příjemce grantu nepřijme odpovídající a včasná nápravná opatření, může NA doporučit Komisi, aby v souladu s ustanoveními Listiny programu Erasmus pro vysokoškolské vzdělávání (ECHE) pozastavila platnost či odňala Listinu.
Odchylně od článku II.11 jsou příjemci grantu povoleny následující úpravy grantové smlouvy bez povinnosti požádat o vystavení dodatku ke grantové smlouvě:
(a) Finanční prostředky pro dané mobilitní toky (mobility flows) s partnerskou zemí se udělují na celé období projektu a pro daný počet účastníků, jak je uvedeno v přílohách I a II. Příjemce grantu může nastavit délku trvání mobilit libovolně, avšak za dodržení minimální a maximální doby trvání stanovené v Příručce programu Erasmus+ a s ohledem na případná dodatečná kritéria zveřejněná národní agenturou.
(b) V rámci daných mobilitních toků (mobility flows) s partnerskou zemí, může příjemce grantu zajistit mobility pro jiný počet účastníků, než je uvedený v přílohách I a II, a to za předpokladu, že jsou dodrženy minimální a maximální doby trvání mobilit stanovené v Příručce programu Erasmus+ a s ohledem na případná dodatečná kritéria zveřejněná národní agenturou.
Smlouva je vyhotovena ve dvou stejnopisech po jednom pro NA a pro příjemce grantu. PODPISY
Za příjemce grantu doc. PhDr. Xxxxxxx Xxx, Ph.D., rektor Podpis V , dne Razítko: | Za národní agenturu Xxx. Xxx Xxxxxxxxx ředitelka Podpis V Praze, dne Razítko: |
Příloha I – Popis projektu
Příjemce grantu bude realizovat projekt popsaný v žádosti o grant s podacím kódem: 1244587, s ohledem na to, že jediné vybrané mobilitní toky jsou ty, které jsou zahrnuty v této příloze pod názvem "Přehled aktivit". Tyto mobilitní toky budou realizovány v souladu s popisem v tabulce "Přehled aktivit" a v souladu s popisem kvality spolupráce s každou z partnerských zemí.
Příjemce grantu bude realizovat následující aktivity
Typ aktivity | Směr mobilitních toků | Studijní cyklus * | Země původu | Cílová země | Vzdálenostní pásmo v km | Délka trvání mobility v měsících | Délka trvání mobility extra dny | Délka trvání mobility ve dnech vyjma počtu dnů na cestu | Počet dnů na cestu | Délka trvání mobility ve dnech včetně cesty | Počet účastníků |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Albania | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Algeria | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 0 | 0 | 10 | 4 | 14 | 2 | |
Staff mobility for Training To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Algeria | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Argentina | Czech Republic | 8000 - 19999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Armenia | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 0 | 0 | 10 | 4 | 14 | 2 | |
Staff mobility for Training To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Armenia | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 0 | 0 | 10 | 4 | 14 | 2 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Belarus | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 0 | 0 | 15 | 6 | 21 | 3 | |
Staff mobility for Training To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 0 | 0 | 25 | 10 | 35 | 5 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Chile | Czech Republic | 8000 - 19999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | China (People's Republic of) | Czech Republic | 8000 - 19999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 |
Typ aktivity | Směr mobilitních toků | Studijní cyklus * | Země původu | Cílová země | Vzdálenostní pásmo v km | Délka trvání mobility v měsících | Délka trvání mobility extra dny | Délka trvání mobility ve dnech vyjma počtu dnů na cestu | Počet dnů na cestu | Délka trvání mobility ve dnech včetně cesty | Počet účastníků |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Egypt | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 0 | 0 | 20 | 8 | 28 | 4 | |
Staff mobility for Training To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Egypt | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 0 | 0 | 10 | 4 | 14 | 2 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Indonesia | Czech Republic | 8000 - 19999 km | 0 | 0 | 10 | 4 | 14 | 2 | |
Staff mobility for Training To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Indonesia | Czech Republic | 8000 - 19999 km | 0 | 0 | 10 | 4 | 14 | 2 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Israel | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 0 | 0 | 25 | 10 | 35 | 5 | |
Staff mobility for Training To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Israel | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 0 | 0 | 25 | 10 | 35 | 5 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Kosovo * UN resolution | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 0 | 0 | 10 | 4 | 14 | 2 | |
Staff mobility for Training To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Kosovo * UN resolution | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 0 | 0 | 10 | 4 | 14 | 2 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Lebanon | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 0 | 0 | 10 | 4 | 14 | 2 | |
Staff mobility for Training To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Lebanon | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 0 | 0 | 10 | 4 | 14 | 2 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Morocco | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Training To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Morocco | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Palestine | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 0 | 0 | 15 | 6 | 21 | 3 | |
Staff mobility for Training To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Palestine | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Russian Federation | Czech Republic | 3000 - 3999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Training To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Russian Federation | Czech Republic | 3000 - 3999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Serbia | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 0 | 0 | 10 | 4 | 14 | 2 |
Typ aktivity | Směr mobilitních toků | Studijní cyklus * | Země původu | Cílová země | Vzdálenostní pásmo v km | Délka trvání mobility v měsících | Délka trvání mobility extra dny | Délka trvání mobility ve dnech vyjma počtu dnů na cestu | Počet dnů na cestu | Délka trvání mobility ve dnech včetně cesty | Počet účastníků |
Staff mobility for Training To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Serbia | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 0 | 0 | 10 | 4 | 14 | 2 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Tunisia | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Training To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Tunisia | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Ukraine | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 0 | 0 | 20 | 8 | 28 | 4 | |
Staff mobility for Training To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Ukraine | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 0 | 0 | 20 | 8 | 28 | 4 | |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Albania | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 20 | 0 | 600 | 0 | 600 | 2 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Argentina | Czech Republic | 8000 - 19999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Armenia | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 2 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Belarus | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 30 | 0 | 900 | 0 | 900 | 6 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Chile | Czech Republic | 8000 - 19999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Costa Rica | Czech Republic | 8000 - 19999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Egypt | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 2 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Indonesia | Czech Republic | 8000 - 19999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 2 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Israel | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 75 | 0 | 2250 | 0 | 2250 | 15 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Kosovo * UN resolution | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Typ aktivity | Směr mobilitních toků | Studijní cyklus * | Země původu | Cílová země | Vzdálenostní pásmo v km | Délka trvání mobility v měsících | Délka trvání mobility extra dny | Délka trvání mobility ve dnech vyjma počtu dnů na cestu | Počet dnů na cestu | Délka trvání mobility ve dnech včetně cesty | Počet účastníků |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Lebanon | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 2 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Morocco | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Palestine | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 15 | 0 | 450 | 0 | 450 | 3 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Russian Federation | Czech Republic | 3000 - 3999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 2 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Serbia | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 2 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Tunisia | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Ukraine | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 40 | 0 | 1200 | 0 | 1200 | 4 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Albania | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 20 | 0 | 600 | 0 | 600 | 2 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Algeria | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 20 | 0 | 600 | 0 | 600 | 2 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Argentina | Czech Republic | 8000 - 19999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Armenia | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 2 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Belarus | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 30 | 0 | 900 | 0 | 900 | 6 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Brazil | Czech Republic | 8000 - 19999 km | 4 | 0 | 120 | 0 | 120 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Egypt | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 20 | 0 | 600 | 0 | 600 | 2 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Indonesia | Czech Republic | 8000 - 19999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 1 |
Typ aktivity | Směr mobilitních toků | Studijní cyklus * | Země původu | Cílová země | Vzdálenostní pásmo v km | Délka trvání mobility v měsících | Délka trvání mobility extra dny | Délka trvání mobility ve dnech vyjma počtu dnů na cestu | Počet dnů na cestu | Délka trvání mobility ve dnech včetně cesty | Počet účastníků |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Israel | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 40 | 0 | 1200 | 0 | 1200 | 4 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Kosovo * UN resolution | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 20 | 0 | 600 | 0 | 600 | 2 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Lebanon | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 2 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Morocco | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Palestine | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 15 | 0 | 450 | 0 | 450 | 3 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Russian Federation | Czech Republic | 3000 - 3999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Serbia | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Tunisia | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Ukraine | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 20 | 0 | 600 | 0 | 600 | 4 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Third cycle / Doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED-8) | Algeria | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Third cycle / Doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED-8) | Armenia | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 2 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Third cycle / Doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED-8) | Belarus | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Third cycle / Doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED-8) | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 15 | 0 | 450 | 0 | 450 | 3 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Third cycle / Doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED-8) | China (People's Republic of) | Czech Republic | 8000 - 19999 km | 4 | 0 | 120 | 0 | 120 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Third cycle / Doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED-8) | Egypt | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 20 | 0 | 600 | 0 | 600 | 2 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Third cycle / Doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED-8) | Israel | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 2 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Third cycle / Doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED-8) | Kosovo * UN resolution | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 2 |
Typ aktivity | Směr mobilitních toků | Studijní cyklus * | Země původu | Cílová země | Vzdálenostní pásmo v km | Délka trvání mobility v měsících | Délka trvání mobility extra dny | Délka trvání mobility ve dnech vyjma počtu dnů na cestu | Počet dnů na cestu | Délka trvání mobility ve dnech včetně cesty | Počet účastníků |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Third cycle / Doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED-8) | Morocco | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Third cycle / Doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED-8) | Palestine | Czech Republic | 2000 - 2999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Third cycle / Doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED-8) | Russian Federation | Czech Republic | 3000 - 3999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Third cycle / Doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED-8) | Serbia | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Incoming | Third cycle / Doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED-8) | Ukraine | Czech Republic | 500 - 1999 km | 40 | 0 | 1200 | 0 | 1200 | 4 |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Czech Republic | Albania | 500 - 1999 km | 0 | 0 | 10 | 4 | 14 | 2 | |
Staff mobility for Training To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Czech Republic | Armenia | 2000 - 2999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Czech Republic | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 500 - 1999 km | 0 | 0 | 10 | 4 | 14 | 2 | |
Staff mobility for Training To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Czech Republic | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 500 - 1999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Czech Republic | Brazil | 8000 - 19999 km | 0 | 0 | 10 | 2 | 12 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Czech Republic | China (People's Republic of) | 8000 - 19999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Training To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Czech Republic | Costa Rica | 8000 - 19999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Czech Republic | Indonesia | 8000 - 19999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Training To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Czech Republic | Indonesia | 8000 - 19999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Czech Republic | Israel | 2000 - 2999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Czech Republic | Kosovo * UN resolution | 500 - 1999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Training To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Czech Republic | Kosovo * UN resolution | 500 - 1999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 |
Typ aktivity | Směr mobilitních toků | Studijní cyklus * | Země původu | Cílová země | Vzdálenostní pásmo v km | Délka trvání mobility v měsících | Délka trvání mobility extra dny | Délka trvání mobility ve dnech vyjma počtu dnů na cestu | Počet dnů na cestu | Délka trvání mobility ve dnech včetně cesty | Počet účastníků |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Czech Republic | Lebanon | 2000 - 2999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Czech Republic | Palestine | 2000 - 2999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Czech Republic | Russian Federation | 3000 - 3999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Training To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Czech Republic | Russian Federation | 3000 - 3999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Czech Republic | Serbia | 500 - 1999 km | 0 | 0 | 10 | 4 | 14 | 2 | |
Staff mobility for Training To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Czech Republic | Serbia | 500 - 1999 km | 0 | 0 | 10 | 4 | 14 | 2 | |
Staff mobility for Teaching To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Czech Republic | Ukraine | 500 - 1999 km | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 1 | |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Czech Republic | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 500 - 1999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 2 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Czech Republic | Egypt | 2000 - 2999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Czech Republic | Israel | 2000 - 2999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Czech Republic | Kosovo * UN resolution | 500 - 1999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Czech Republic | Russian Federation | 3000 - 3999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 2 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | First cycle / Bachelor’s or equivalent level (ISCED-6) | Czech Republic | Serbia | 500 - 1999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Czech Republic | Albania | 500 - 1999 km | 20 | 0 | 600 | 0 | 600 | 2 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Czech Republic | Armenia | 2000 - 2999 km | 4 | 0 | 120 | 0 | 120 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Czech Republic | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 500 - 1999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 2 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Czech Republic | Israel | 2000 - 2999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 1 |
Typ aktivity | Směr mobilitních toků | Studijní cyklus * | Země původu | Cílová země | Vzdálenostní pásmo v km | Délka trvání mobility v měsících | Délka trvání mobility extra dny | Délka trvání mobility ve dnech vyjma počtu dnů na cestu | Počet dnů na cestu | Délka trvání mobility ve dnech včetně cesty | Počet účastníků |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Czech Republic | Kosovo * UN resolution | 500 - 1999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Czech Republic | Russian Federation | 3000 - 3999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 2 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Czech Republic | Serbia | 500 - 1999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Second cycle / Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED-7) | Czech Republic | Ukraine | 500 - 1999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Third cycle / Doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED-8) | Czech Republic | Albania | 500 - 1999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Third cycle / Doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED-8) | Czech Republic | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 500 - 1999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Third cycle / Doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED-8) | Czech Republic | Brazil | 8000 - 19999 km | 4 | 0 | 120 | 0 | 120 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Third cycle / Doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED-8) | Czech Republic | China (People's Republic of) | 8000 - 19999 km | 3 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 90 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Third cycle / Doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED-8) | Czech Republic | Kosovo * UN resolution | 500 - 1999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Third cycle / Doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED-8) | Czech Republic | Russian Federation | 3000 - 3999 km | 10 | 0 | 300 | 0 | 300 | 1 |
Student mobility for Studies To/From Partner Countries | Outgoing | Third cycle / Doctoral or equivalent level (ISCED-8) | Czech Republic | Serbia | 500 - 1999 km | 5 | 0 | 150 | 0 | 150 | 1 |
Xxxxxxx X – Popis projektu Albania - Relevance strategie:
MU is very active internationally and some of the priorities in its latest strategy for internationalization are:- to make transnational credit mobilities accessible for every student and- to increasing the professionalization and international confidence of the human resources inside the university as well as to bring internationalization home for non-mobile students through transnational mobility of staff (academic and administrative)- to build up the university’s reputation by sharing experience and building capacity at universities in non-EU countries - to build strong ties to selected universities in each continent
Cooperation with the UT was established in Erasmus Mundus and since 2009 when the exchange mobility started it has been strengthen through exchange of students and staff. Our strategy for Albania now without support of Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx is to maintain the exchange of students and staff and also help with the capacity building and professionalization of the staff at the university. This particular project is fully in compliance with the strategy of MU.
The international strategy of University of Tirana (UT), which is the sole partner from Albania, focuses on the sustainable development of institutional cooperation with EU Higher Education Institutions, namely Xxxxxxx University (MU). University of Tirana is interested in becoming more internationally connected and mobility opportunities that are provided by Xxxxxxxx are crucial to their international strategy. Moreover Erasmus+ is relevant because it offers valuable opportunities in choosing partners for cooperation, mobility and other strategic projects. UT aims to develop strategic partnership with Xxxxxxx University and Erasmus + programme will contribute to an increased visibility of both the universities involved. Outgoing MU students/staff will share the experience in Albania and will promote their university and on the other side incoming students/staff will present the best values of Albania. From the experience within past projects in Erasmus Mundus programme, UT students were excellent students in their mobility up until these days. UT have received compliments from EU universities and this impact is relevant with UT’s aim: to be one of the most well recognized HEI in the region.
Through mobility of UT and MU students will have the chance to pursue courses and gained fruitful experience. These students will develop their personal, academic and social skills. The courses of foreign languages offered by Host University will enable grantees to benefit linguistically. The students will benefit culturally as well, which will contribute in the development of open-minded and internationally experienced young people as future professionals. One strategic goal of Albania is the integration in European Union. These scholarships will enable Albanian grantees to touch the reality of European countries, specifically the Czech Republic and to study there.
The mobility scheme has been consulted with the partner and within the limits of the budget, this is the only possible solution.
Albania - Kvalita podmínek spolupráce:
The cooperation between MU and UT started in 2009 with the Erasmus Mundus project. Since that time we have been cooperated in five Erasmus Mundus projects.
The University of Tirana beside the bilateral agreements has been a partner in two Erasmus Mundus Action 2 projects such as: Join EU-SEE and XXXXXXXX that involved the Western Balkan Area. In Join EU-SEE project the University of Tirana was a partner in the 5-th editions of this project,
wherein the 5-th one UT was appointed as Co-Coordinator by the University of Graz. Xxxxxxx University has been also an important partner university in the project. Meanwhile in BASILEUS UT has been selected as a partner in the 4-th and 5- the edition of this project. The participation of the University of Tirana in such projects has served as a great experience in dealing with various issues of student/ staff mobility and in the organization of such mobility.
University of Tirana and Xxxxxxx University have had a very good cooperation throughout the years and University of Tirana has had numerous outgoing students and staff studying at Xxxxxxx University. The number of applications was then even significantly higher and both universities believe that through Erasmus+ programme and its financial support they will be able to collaborate closer and bring the cooperation to the highest level.
The roles and responsibilities of the partners defined in the bilateral agreements will be equal. MU will be responsible for the financial management and for the payment of the grants. Both universities, however, will be responsible for the dissemination of the project as well as promotion of the mobility opportunity. Both universities will be also responsible to nominate their candidates according to the principle of equal opportunity for everyone, gender balance and with respect to the possible vulnerable situation of the candidates. Selection and final acceptance of the candidate will be on the host university, however it will be subject to approval by both sides.
Albania - Kvalita koncepce a realizace projektu:
Home university will be responsible for the eligibility check and primary nomination of the candidates. The evaluation and selection will be done by the host university upon the following parameters:
1. Motivation letter
2. Language skills
3. Academic merit for BA and MA students and quality of the research or work proposal for PhD and staff
The final selection of the candidates is to be approved by both partners and the list has to be published.
At the University of Tirana exists the Local Management Team (LMT), a group of people that is composed of: Project Coordinator for the UT, International Relations Officer who is usually the contact person for the specific mobility project and has all the necessary information and serves as the bridge with the particular faculties. At the faculty level we have two academic staff members who evaluate and rank the applications according to their fields of study. The students are selected at the university level by the team mentioned above. They are going to be selected based on the criteria and documents required for the application.
The University of Tirana, through the IRO officer operates with various tools that have been used in the various projects where UT has been involved. They organize a meeting before the students/staff departure where they present all the necessary information regarding their mobility and the way they can reach UT staff members at any time. They have a dedicated e-mail address and Skype account in order to communicate with the grant holders. Depending on the period of mobility UT publishes a report at the end of each semester and at the end of the academic year. Whenever the grantees finish
their mobility and after their return back to Albania they also submit a report where they describe their experience. Whenever UT organizes an activity they invite “Alumni” of mobility experiences.
Regarding incoming students/staff University of Tirana provides a support from the moment of nomination until the departure:before arrival(accommodation & arrival info)during mobility (consultation, support, very friendly atmosphere)before departure (all the necessary guidance before departure)
UT has experience regarding the credit recognition. University of Tirana changed its internal regulation in order to facilitate the recognition process properly and the courses conducted abroad are now recognized easier. The students have to fill in a document specifying the subject of the courses that are going to pursue at Host University. This document needs to be produced by the applicant and approved by the home and – once the mobility starts - the host university. The document thus is a contract showing that all parties involved approve of the programme of study and/or research to be followed by the grantee during the mobility at the host university.
Albania - Dopad a šíření výsledků:
The desired impact of the mobility on participants and beneficiaries as well as partner organisations at all levels covers: International recognition of the studies abroad, broader network for future cooperation and higher amount of inter-institutional agreements with regional and international HEIs, exchange of experience of the academic and administrative staff, new pedagogical methods used at Albanian universities, more qualified and open-minded students with more developed professional and academic skills on both sides, higher number of various projects in different Key Actions of Erasmus+ and others programmes such as Horizon 2020.
University of Tirana has gained lots of experience regarding the dissemination and promotion of mobility programmes because they have been part of different European mobility projects. The main tools that are going to be used are:
- Creation of Erasmus+ Credit Mobility Facebook Page- Dissemination of information through UT and MU Career Centers that are found at our Faculties- Info sessions- Meetings and workshops- Dissemination through the university website and Career Centers websites, providing all the necessary practical information- Open meetings with alumni- Videos/articles/ or participating in TV programs
Beside the International Relations officers’ activities UT cooperate closely with Career Center offices which are located at each faculty of University of Tirana. We have found this to be a great strategy as these offices are closer to students and academic/administrative staff to present in a better way such opportunities.
Both universities organize various Info days, at the beginning of the academic year and whenever a call for applications is opened. The responsible of the Career Center Offices at UT are trained to support the students and staff members during the application procedures. Also University of Tirana update and disseminate all the opportunities at UT official website www.unitir.edu.al.They also organize meetings with students who were abroad at a mobility to come and share with other students their experience. UT also created an Official Facebook Page where we post and share all the information. Within various projects we have promoted these opportunities by having representatives of various European Universities including Xxxxxxx University sharing the information and promoting their institutions to attract students.
Costa Rica - Relevance strategie:
Costa Rica Costa Rica is a very important partner in Latin America. XX had searched for good cooperation with universities in Costa Rica for a long time before we were involved in the Erasmus Mundus project with two universities in Costa Rica. Only thanks to Erasmus Mundus was an excellent cooperation with the universities established there and a new bilateral agreement with the Universidad de Costa Rica was signed in 2013. Costa Rica is an important partner for MU and our strategy for this country is based on the interest of our students and staff to go on exchange there, their good level of education and the unique possibilities for research which can be found only in this country. For the researchers of geology and particularly earthquake research it is a unique area.
A list of the HEIs from the Partner country:
- National University, Costa Rica
A credit mobility partnership, match perfectly with the internationalization strategy of partner institutions that considers mobility as one of the best tools to boost positive competitiveness, personal growth and preparing students and staff to face a diverse world. This kind of association complements the University efforts to create opportunities and foreign university students to broaden their perspective of education and improve their academic and intercultural skills..
Having opportunities for the students to study abroad is very important and challenging. UNA has 19,000 students and its 60% has a local scholarship, these awarded students are mostly from the rural areas and it is because the grant they can lead their careers to term, but such subsidy is not enough to cover abroad opportunities. Also having students from abroad at UNA attending classes and researchers carrying out various researches is a very enrichment experience for the university. UNA unfortunately does not have grants for foreign students and that is the reason why programs like Erasmus + adapts so well.
Because the resources are limited, for this year and this project we decided to limit the application only to the National University of Costa Rica. The reasons for this decision were very practical – the limits of the budget and the need to strengthen the cooperation with this university in particular. This is also one of the reasons why one administrative staff mobility from MU to Costa Rica is planned. The purpose of this mobility is to negotiate further cooperation with the universities there and to prepare the basis for further joint projects and activities. We wish to have more mobility from Costa Rica to MU, but we cannot afford to plan more than one.
Costa Rica - Kvalita podmínek spolupráce:
Both universities, MU and UNA, are very active in many international projects and activities. MU is a leading university when it comes to the number of Erasmus Mundus project. The cooperation with UNA was established in 2012 as a part of the Erasmus Mundus project PEACE.
UNA participates in 46 international networks in areas of education, integrated development of higher education, human development, environmental conservation, natural resource management, information technology, health and quality of life, mobility and others. UNA’s biggest interaction is within Central America, the rest of Latin America, United States, Europe and recently China, with 300 signed agreements approximately.
Since 2010, UNA is part of Erasmus Mundus starting with COOPEN Project Cooperation Window coordinated by the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, later in 2012 became partner in PEACE an Action 2 Project coordinated by Uppsala University-Sweeden and where Xxxxxxx University takes
part of. Also UNA was associated insitution in PRECIOSA and in 2013, become partner in another Erasmus Mundus Action 2, AMIDILA coordinated by Bologna University, Italy.
Being a member of Erasmus Mundus programs has represented an excellent opportunity not only in terms of opportunities for sending and hosting students and expansion of intercultural knowledge but also to revamp administrative actions that allow efficient and effective processes towards mobility. XXX also in 2013, participated as a member of the Selection Committee of PEACE, as well as Xxxxxxx University, enabling better understanding of the processes and refine the information to support participants in future calls. Also in AMIDILA’s Project, UNA takes part of the quality committee.
As for this project, the roles and responsibilities of the partners defined in the bilateral agreements will be equal. MU will be responsible for the financial management and for the payment of the grants. Both universities, however, will be responsible for the dissemination of the project as well as promotion of the mobility opportunity. Both universities will be also responsible to nominate their candidates according to the principle of equal opportunity for everyone, gender balance and with respect to the possible vulnerable situation of the candidates. Selection and final acceptance of the candidate will be on the host university, however it will be subject to approval by both sides.
Costa Rica - Kvalita koncepce a realizace projektu:
The main phases of the mobility project are:
- Dissemination and promotion- Application - Validation- Evaluation- Selection- Mobility period- Evaluation
To make the whole process transparent, the partners will use the online tool of Xxxxxxx University. Based on communication with the partner universities their plans in terms of selection go as follows:
Home university will be responsible for the eligibility check and primary nomination of the candidates. The evaluation and selection will be done by the host university upon the following parameters:
1. Motivation letter
2. Language skills
3. Academic merit for BA and MA students and quality of the research or work proposal for PhD and staff
The final selection of the candidates is to be approved by both partners and the list has to be published.
For credit recognition all partners will use the mobility tools of EU. Learning Agreement (LA), Transcript of Records (ToR), Research and Work Plan will be prepared by the candidates during the application period. All partners are ready to provide support to the selected candidates with the process of study recognition. Host university will provide the students with the any additional document to the LA and ToR in case the student or the home university require it. MU is committed to offer special support or workshop in case the partner need any help with the process of study recognition.
Costa Rica - Dopad a šíření výsledků:
The skills these students gain are abilities that shared in the classrooms with peers, research staff and teachers will give a great impact for the expansion of knowledge and class dynamics. These are students who potentially have better development opportunities in the future. Teachers or administrative staff participating in mobilities also acquires skills that enrich the university work and that somehow depending on the scope of the projects carried out, could permeate to colleagues from other universities.
The UNA is convinced that immersion in other cultures and different academic systems causes an unprecedented change in the participants, resulting in individuals much more understanding of their environment, global challenges and more responsive and proactive in finding solutions towards the benefit of mankind as a whole, together with the ties that develop with different people from different backgrounds who develop, sometimes ties other than change their way of seeing the world, are loops forever.
The UNA is making an analysis of internationalization at the institution and the impact on different levels that it has caused, the diagnostic results will be sent to the Program State of the Nation in its division of State Education Costa Rica, results that in this way are shared nationally (xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/00/)
The UNA also has media in which the results of projects like Campus Newspaper (xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx.xx.xx/) in their physical and virtual versions are presented, Programs and Campus TV a look (xxxx://xxx.xxx.xx.xx/xxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxxxx/xxx-xxxxxxxxxx) and the weekly Radio Show on Radio National (xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xx.xx/xxxxxxxx-xxx- xxxx /). Also UNA will implement this year for the first time "The Annual Internationalization Authorities Workshop" where the results will be assess.
Armenia - Relevance strategie:
Xxxxxxx University (MU) in its most recent strategy for internationalization set capacity building as one of the top six priorities. Partnership with the post-Soviet Armenia, a beautiful country rich with history and culture, and strong sense of identity, that is however facing many political, social and security challenges, might be explained at best as fulfilling this capacity building task. In addition, there are a few scholars who have been academically focusing on Armenia and as such have created strong links. Therefore, as far as the mobility to the partner country, priority is given to staff – and especially the one for training.
There are two partners MU submits this proposal with: The first one is the Yerevan State University (YSU) – the largest and by many standards the best institution in the country; and the second is the Eurasia International University (EIU), small, private, but also young and dynamic institution that nicely complements the strong points of YSU.
The mission of YSU is to create knowledge, transfer and disseminate it within the framework of state strategy of education development. As an important component of its mission, the University tends to become a student-centered educational environment, which prepares its graduates for an active role in public life and for leadership, a professional career and lifelong learning in line with the current requirements of globalized economy and labour market.
The Quality Assurance Centre of EIU has evaluated the mobility that was carried out with the EU partners since 2011, and found a positive impact of on student study motivation and achievements. EIU therefore see this mobility project as a tool to deep the institutional impact and implement their
2014-2018 strategy plan that includes an increase of the international programmes, improve the level of recognition and broaden the mobility opportunities.
In line with the strategies of YSZ and EIU the priority within this proposal is given to student mobility from all three cycles.
Armenia - Kvalita podmínek spolupráce:
XX has been active in the region for more than a decade: The first links date to the early 2000 when a few academic expeditions went to Armenia and led to the series of publications and courses, especially in the field of social studies, above all political science.The institutional links were however established later, only within Erasmus Mundus Action 2 programme. YSU was part of the BACKIS and HUMERIA projects; EIU was part of the ALRAKIS project. In the frames of all these projects various types of mobility were successfully carried out. Accepting partnership roles within a standard Erasmus mobility programme such as Erasmus Mundus which both Armenian partners undertook successfully, ensures understanding with the principles of the Bologna Process, credit recognition, quality assurance, as well as financial and administrative nature. This is therefore very promising as far as the prospect of the project which is being proposed by this application is concerned. MU would be the senior – coordinating – institution, in charge of budget as well as final decisions about the project implementation.
Armenia - Kvalita koncepce a realizace projektu:
MU and the institutions from the partner country have started discussion about the agreement that would comply with the Erasmus+ guidelines. This ongoing talks are foreseen to be completed and the agreements signed by the end of June 2015. Along with that, promotional campaing would start with a goal to inform students and staff of the mobility opportunity. The actual call of application and selection of students and staff will not take place before the results of the programme selections is not released.
The selection process of students at the partner institutions will be based on the evaluation of the following documents:
1. Learning Agreement relevant to his/her speciality
2. Language proficiency certificate
3. GPA Support
MU has, owing to heavy involvement in many international projects, broad experience with hosting students and staff from all over the world. The Center for International Cooperation is a large unit in charge of these people, and starting with providing information at the website, through the visa support, and accommodation arrangements, and academic assistance before, during and after the mobility, caters all well. That, in combination with the very active International Student Club ensuring each international student gains as much as possible culturally and socially from staying in Brno, makes great fit to provide professional as well as personal care for well-being of all our guests.
The partner countries institutions will provide the incoming students with registration; full package of orientation information; access to the respective library resources and full support with the accommodation.
The recognition of academic study abroad is already carried out by a learning agreement signed by the selected candidate, his/her department head and local project coordinators from both home and host universities. The document proves the agreement among all parties involved that the credits gained by the students at the host university will substitute the ones to be gained at home university during the semester/s abroad. If there is a mismatch between the numbers of credits, the student passes necessary differences at home university upon his/her return. Given that both programme and partner country use ECTS, process is relatively straightforward and transparent.
Armenia - Dopad a šíření výsledků:
The desired impact is the following:
- Respond to the needs of the society by its educational and research activities, as well as services provided to the society;- Offer students educational programmes ensuring broad knowledge and skills based on advanced research, creative work and innovation;- Provide international competitiveness as a benchmark for all partners,- Promote internationalization processes of the University’s research activities; ensure integration of the University in European Research Area.
- The project launch will be officially announced through different networks including university community, other Armenian HEIs, Mass Media, etc.- All university units will be informed about the program results; presentations and discussion meetings will be organized - Special letters will be sent to Students Council, Student Affairs Division to organize the presence and participation of students at all study levels during the results' presentations.
We will also share the best experiences gained during the mobility project with our colleagues from other Armenian higher educational institutions
Morocco - Relevance strategie:
A list of HEIs from the Partner country:
- Cadi Ayyad University
As a part of the region that is very important for MU but at the same time with very new contacts, cooperation with Morocco is very important for MU. Since a part of our university strategy for internationalization is to build strategic partnerships in all regions the cooperation with Cadi Ayyad University is seen as very important.
An open approach to internationalization is one of the strengths of Cadi Ayyad University (CAU) which can show the number of signed agreement with partners around the world. The University participates actively on various cooperation programs which cover bilateral and multilateral projects in research, teaching and university governance.
To address the pressing challenges facing society, the university is inevitably led to extend its cooperation and partnerships and to orient itself to international level. These challenges require a sustained effort that mobility of staff and student can facilitate and that is why UCA attaches a great importance to staff and students mobility.
Both universities see the exchange of students and staff as a vital part of their effort to offer an international experience and environment for their students. The mobility planned in this project is not
enough to achieve the goals that both universities have agreed on but we have to respect the funding possibilities of the programme. However we will try to find additional funds to widen mobility opportunities particularly for mobility from MU to Morocco. For the project we decided to plan only mobility from Cadi Ayyad University to MU at all levels.
Morocco - Kvalita podmínek spolupráce:
The cooperation between MU and Cadi Ayyad University started in 2012 in the framework of the Erasmus Mundus programme. MU was very successful in Erasmus Mundus project but only in one of its 44 EM projects it has opportunity to cooperation with Morocco thus this cooperation is very important.
Cadi Ayyad University has been part of several Erasmus Mundus projects including IMAGEEN, AVERROES, BATTUTA, EMMAG, and XXXXXXX and has developed considerable expertise in the management of mobility programs. In the framework of EMMAG programme Cadi Ayyad University has cooperated with Xxxxxxx University and both partners has been a member of the consortium and experience a mobility flow through the project.
The roles and responsibilities of the partners defined in the bilateral agreements will be equal. MU will be responsible for the financial management and for the payment of the grants. Both universities, however, will be responsible for the dissemination of the project as well as promotion of the mobility opportunity. Both universities will be also responsible to nominate their candidates according to the principle of equal opportunity for everyone, gender balance and with respect to the possible vulnerable situation of the candidates. Selection and final acceptance of the candidate will be on the host university, however it will be subject to approval by both sides.
Morocco - Kvalita koncepce a realizace projektu:
The main phases of the mobility project are:
- Dissemination and promotion- Application - Validation- Evaluation- Selection- Mobility period- Evaluation
To make the whole process transparent, the partners will use the mobility tool of Xxxxxxx University. Based on communication with the partner universities their plans in terms of selection go as follows:
Home university will be responsible for the eligibility check and primary nomination of the candidates. The evaluation and selection will be done by the host university upon the following parameters:
1. Motivation letter
2. Language skills
3. Academic merit for BA and MA students and quality of the research or work proposal for PhD and staff
The final selection of the candidates is to be approved by both partners and the list has to be published.
There is a stable support for outgoing students throughout the process of preparing their applications and paperwork for their mobility while incoming students are assisted in selecting suitable subject,
find housing, and to integrate into their new university life at UCA. UCA has set up the LMD educational architecture to be part of the general movement of reform of higher education systems around the world.
For credit recognition all partners will use the mobility tools of EU. Learning Agreement (LA), Transcript of Records (ToR), Research and Work Plan will be prepared by the candidates during the application period. All partners are ready to provide support to the selected candidates with the process of study recognition. Host university will provide the students with the any additional document to the LA and ToR in case the student or the home university require it. MU is committed to offer special support or workshop in case the partner need any help with the process of study recognition.
Morocco - Dopad a šíření výsledků:
Among the expected and desired outcomes and impact following points are comprised:
- Increased international cooperation capacity of universities- Enhanced educational and cultural environment of both institutions host and home for the applicant- Allowing the students to make the linguistic, cultural and educational level of experience of pursuing academic studies in another country. to meet the challenges of economic globalization;- Improvement of the transparency and recognition of studies and qualifications,- Improvement of the skills and qualifications of higher education staff- Strengthening the medium term the political, cultural, academic and economic relations between the EU and third countries.
UCA will participate actively in the communication about project to disseminate information to all students and staff concerned. In order to do so information days, workshops and seminars will be organized at various university establishments and departments. A space on the official website of the university will be dedicated to the project as well as local printed publications will be made.
Information about the project, mobility opportunity and the results of the scholarship holders will be published on the website of the partner universities and will be available to the public.
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Relevance strategie:
A list of the HEI institutions from the Partner country:
- University of Sarajevo
- University of Mostar
- University of Tuzla
All the Partner country institutions as well as Xxxxxxx University have a strong commitment to the internationalization. Western Balkan is a strategic region for MU where we want to maintain and strengthen our influence, widen the cooperation and increase the exchange of students, staff and researchers. It is in compliance with the latest strategy for internationalization and with the support of the whole institution.
University of Sarajevo is trying to become an equal partner to universities of superb standing in Europe and beyond, as well as to scientific and research organizations, in compliance with European principles of creating a single higher education area, the University of Sarajevo affords considerable attention to different forms of international cooperation. Internationalization is the chosen avenue of
the University in relation to all segments of teaching and research: education and knowledge transfer, scientific research, artistic production, acquisition and recognition of competences, building academic solidarity, etc.
The University of Sarajevo remains determined to continue to be the leader in higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina in terms of quality of its teaching and research, the number of students and faculty members. In order to uphold this determination, more investment is required for its physical capacities, personnel and research equipment, as well as academic mobility. In that regard, investment in scientific and artistic research, and academic mobility should be one of the priorities of the University so that, combined with the current, mainly educational component, the other component - the scientific research – may develop and further contribute to the quality of provision of higher education. For the realization of these goals, participation in mobility programs is of the greatest essence.
University of Mostar, in accordance with the one of the university long-term strategic goals: ''Dynamic University actively involved in the European research area and European area of higher education which systematically and organizationally encourages internal and external mobility of scientists and students, participation in the European research projects and projects significant for development of the University and its functions'', hopes that this mobility programme will be the best way for achieving this goal. Through the external mobility teaching and administrative staff members and students at various levels will get some new benefits which will be important for the internationalization and development of the universities able to strive for excellence at international level. According to the proposed types of mobility, the university mission will be achieved, that is the Bologna process will be completely implemented.
In 2001 the University of Tuzla became the first integrated University in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The teaching is organized in three cycles, in line with the Bologna Process, and the University offers more than 80 study programs in bachelor, master’s and doctoral studies in 12 faculties and Academy of Performing Arts. Currently, there are around 16.000 students studying at the University of Tuzla in all cycles of studies. The University employs 720 academic and administrative staff members.
The University of Tuzla is committed to strengthening internationalization process by increasing the mobility rates among the students and academic staff. Their long-term goal is to establish strong connections with the universities from the region and EU and enable staff members and students to exchange their knowledge and ideas with their peers through quality mobility programs. University of Tuzla believes that benefits for all parties included in the proposed mobility program are multifold. It would provide basis for exchange of best practices among partner universities based on academic excellence of the participants in the program; consequently, the skills and knowledge acquired in mobility would be transferred to home institution. This could improve the overall view of the international labor market needs in terms of the skills and knowledge required.
The institutions participating in the mobility would benefit from cultural enrichment and exchange and would be able to establish a common platform for further cooperation in addition to the proposed mobility program. Furthermore, this would contribute to the strengthening of the European Higher Education Area.
Taking into account the above mentioned reasons, mobility flows at all levels are planned.
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Kvalita podmínek spolupráce:
All partners – Xxxxxxx University, University of Sarajevo, University of Mostar and University of Tuzla have participated in JoinEU-SEE I-V mobility projects and have developed deep and fruitful cooperation with Xxxxxxx University. Their students have been involved in the Undergraduate and Master levels exchange so far.
According to the universities, they have had excellent feedback from the students and staff members who participated in exchange or completed their degrees at Xxxxxxx University.
Such project would present us with the opportunity to strengthen and expand our cooperation even deeper.
For example University of Tuzla has signed over 40 cooperation agreements with the universities worldwide and is focused on developing relationships with the academic community and strengthening the international process. The University has participated in a number of international mobility and research projects, such as Erasmus Mundus, Ceepus,Tempus, Mevlana, FP6, FP 7, IPA and many more.
The roles and responsibilities of the partners defined in the bilateral agreements will be equal. MU will be responsible for the financial management and for the payment of the grants. Both universities, however, will be responsible for the dissemination of the project as well as promotion of the mobility opportunity. Both universities will be also responsible to nominate their candidates according to the principle of equal opportunity for everyone, gender balance and with respect to the possible vulnerable situation of the candidates. Selection and final acceptance of the candidate will be on the host university, however it will be subject to approval by both sides.
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Kvalita koncepce a realizace projektu:
The call for application for applicants from MU and from Partner country will be opened. To make the whole process transparent, the partners will use the online tool of Xxxxxxx University. Based on communication with the partner universities their plans in terms of selection go as follows:
Home university will be responsible for the eligibility check and primary nomination of the candidates. The evaluation and selection will be done by the host university upon the following parameters:
1. Motivation letter
2. Language skills
3. Academic merit for BA and MA students and quality of the research or work proposal for PhD and staff
The final selection of the candidates is to be approved by both partners and the list has to be published. We plan to select participants on the basis of eligibility of applications, academic evaluation with respect to the cross-cutting issues as well.
Due to the number of outgoing and incoming students, partner universities are certainly capable and able to individually help and prepare students and staff members in all aspects. Xxxxxxx University as well established institution with deep international experience and long-term experience with significant number of students experiencing their studies abroad is able to provide all necessary advices not only for individual students but for administrative personnel at partner universities as well.
For the incoming students and staff universities can provide the assistance for obtaining visa and residence permit, administrative support for registration at our institution, assistance supporting of housing facilities, laboratories, libraries, computer labs, sports facilities, services for disabled students, welcome guides. Besides that a language schools for incoming students and orientation weeks for them are planned as well. Erasmus Student Network will support them in all issues regarding their stay in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
All students should sign the Agreement or equivalent document before departure. All the institutions are committed to the implementation of the ECTS, which eases the process of credit transfer among EU universities and now non-EU universities. They have a credit system and all of them have previous experience with the European ECTS credits system.
For example, the University of Sarajevo defines a full study load for one year as 60 ECTS credits. To make sure that student is able to transfer the credits earned at the host university, it is important that the home institution approves the intended study programme. The University of Tuzla has adopted the Rulebook on Mobility which defines the procedures for mobility recognition and is glad to state that all students/staff who participated in the mobility had the mobility period recognized in line with the Rulebook.
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Dopad a šíření výsledků:
The issue of competences acquired by the students during their higher education and their harmonization with the needs of the labor market is a constant obligation of the all partner universities. It is therefore necessary to analyze the level of harmonization between the curricula and the needs of the labor market, including employer surveys, surveys of businesses, chambers of commerce and other business associations, taking into account the current trends in the local and European business environment and in the European Higher Education Area in general. It is here where academic mobility, students and staff exchange between University of Sarajevo and Xxxxxxx University in EU can contribute, to learn know-how and know-who and implemented well recognized activities into the everyday work at the partner universities
Thus, the impacts of the project will be the following:
1. Acquire a new performed knowledge and skills related to the field of study;
2. Professional, academic and language skills development and improvement, experiencing the new culture and opening minds of the participants for different perspectives resulting from new, stimulating environments;
3. Bosnia country will take one step further to be recognized as the country with well trained young people and performed higher education staff who can successfully face the challenges of the modern society;
4. Internationalization process will be intensified; promotion of benefits resulting from mobility programs will be reflected in the labor market and also at the national level in terms of internationalization of all Bosnian universities.
The information will be disseminated through university official websites, particular faculties’ websites and via Office of International Relations at particular universities. IRO usually organizes seminars and presentations about mobility programs for public and University students/staff. At some universities these events are recorded by the media. Moreover, there will be organized info days
(media promotion is part of these info days) and there will be brochures especially made for this purpose. The dissemination materials will be translated into the Croatian language to enlarge the potential group or readers. The broader public will be informed about the project events through press releases and will be invited to the press conferences following the project events and activities.
Serbia - Relevance strategie:
A list of the HEIs from Partner country:
-University of Belgrade
-University of Novi Sad
Xxxxxxx University established contact with two universities in western Balkan region. Western Balkan is strategic region from Xxxxxxx University with potential for long term cooperation. All universities in partner country have internationalization strategies corresponding to strategy of Xxxxxxx University.
As far as MU is concerned, here are some of the priorities in its latest strategy for internationalization:
- to make transnational credit mobilities accessible for every student and- to increasing the professionalization and international confidence of the human resources inside the university as well as to bring internationalization home for non-mobile students through transnational mobility of staff (academic and administrative)- to build up the university’s reputation by sharing experience and building capacity at universities in non-EU countries - to build strong ties to selected universities in each continent
Balkan countries and particularly Serbia are traditional partner for us thus according to our strategy we want to improve and increase our cooperation. Without any funds it will be very difficult to maintain these good connections or the mobility will become a case for well off students only. The support of Erasmus+ is very important for us.
Adopted in 2014, the Strategy for the Internationalization of the University of Belgrade strives to raise international perspective of the University of Belgrade. Aims and objectives of the Strategy are to achieve the highest level of internationalization in all areas of work and expertise, particularly those related to science, technology and research, in order for them to take place within an internationalized context. The University of Belgrade engages in considerable activity at the international scene regarding teaching, research and faculty / students exchange, i.e. taking part in the international mobility programs for faculty / students in the European Higher Education Area. However, the University shall invest further effort toward internationalization with the prospective of becoming more visible and competitive at the international academic stage. In that context, the proposed mobility fully fits into the Strategy for the Internationalization of the University of Belgrade. As a leading higher education institution in the region and in Eastern, the University of Belgrade has long and extensive experience in academic and research programs. By establishing cooperation between Xxxxxxx University and the University of Belgrade, students and staff working and studying at these two institutions will benefit from creating more opportunities for scientific cooperation, exchange of knowledge and experience and building and strengthening their capacities which will aid them in further education and professional development. Furthermore, exchange of practices between universities should lead to the modernization of curricula, joint publications, partnerships on different project proposals and joint study programs.
The University of Novi Sad (UNS) would like to implement all levels of mobility (bachelor, masters, PhD and staff – both academic and non-academic), since it aims at increasing exchange opportunities for its academic community as wide as possible. The planned mobility between students and staff fits into the internationalization agenda of UNS and facilitates the process of drawing up (for the first time) the strategies of internationalization and mobility in 2015 (UNS is currently coordinating a Tempus project called “SIPUS”, which aims at developing this kind of strategic approach to internationalization at all Serbian universities). Proposed mobilities would strengthen present and initiate future cooperation between University of Novi Sad and Xxxxxxx University in Brno. On the basis of successful student and staff mobilities both universities could start joint research and scientific projects and increase the number of incoming/outgoing mobilities in the fields which were underrepresented in the proposed mobility plan. The planned mobility scheme is not enough to achieve all goals of our strategies but we had to respect the limitations of the project and its budget. However in the given limits we want to offer mobility for all levels.
Serbia - Kvalita podmínek spolupráce:
Both selected universities in Serbia have long history of cooperation with Xxxxxxx University under Erasmus Mundus framework within JOIN EU SEE projects. This successful cooperation helped to enhance further cooperation based on bilateral agreements between Faculty of Sciences and Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of University of Novi Sad corresponding faculties of Xxxxxxx University in Brno.
Proposed cooperation will enhance further development of relations with other faculties of all partner universities.
Previous experience of all partners will help set similar standards of process of selection of candidates, their responsibilities during mobility and also process of recognition of mobility outcomes as were set within Erasmus Mundus cooperation framework.
The roles and responsibilities of the partners defined in the bilateral agreements will be equal. MU will be responsible for the financial management and for the payment of the grants. Both universities, however, will be responsible for the dissemination of the project as well as promotion of the mobility opportunity. Both universities will be also responsible to nominate their candidates according to the principle of equal opportunity for everyone, gender balance and with respect to the possible vulnerable situation of the candidates. Selection and final acceptance of the candidate will be on the host university, however it will be subject to approval by both sides.
Serbia - Kvalita koncepce a realizace projektu:
The selection will be fair and transparent, based on the criteria such as motivation, field of study, gender, grade point average. All partners shall provide assistance related to learning and/or mobility agreements as well as language and cultural preparation.
Each partner institution will set internal standards of selection of candidates based on minimal criteria as:
Requirements / Criteria for applicants: 1. Language skills;2. Motivation (cover letter);3. CV4. Transcript of Records;5. Learning Agreement
Additional documents for staff and PhD students are letter of Support from home institution and also pre acceptance letter from host institution which proves that candidate has established contact with advisor at Host University.
The University of Novi Sad plans to create (on the proposal of the university International Relations Office and Vice-Rector for International Relations) general Rules and Criteria for Selection in the ERASMUS+ KA1. These will guide the selection process for all outgoing candidates at UNS, which is very important considering the fact that UNS (as many other WB universities) is not an integrated university.
Services and support offered by Central IRO for incoming students/staff are counseling, providing basic information and connecting them to the desired faculties. During the mobility services and support are offered both by Central IRO and faculty IRO starting from assistance with arrival, visa, accommodation, academic contact at faculty, academic issues at faculty, providing a student buddy, etc. with academic coordinators/ERASMUS coordinator supervision at each faculty. University of Novi Sad/Faculty of Philosophy has a Centre for Serbian as a foreign language and offers to all incoming students/staff courses in Serbian language. The courses are very helpful, popular and effective.
The University of Novi Sad has been active participant in EM2 projects since 2008/2009. In 2011, the University of Novi Sad, Board for Science and International Affairs adopted Regulations on student mobility and academic recognition of mobility periods abroad. This document presents legal framework for recognition of academic recognition of mobility periods abroad including ECTS grading table and ECTS scale as well as models of study plans, research plans, learning agreements and training plans. Each faculty is responsible for implementing these commonly agreed and adopted procedures of recognition and equivalency of ECTS.
All partner universities will ensure the recognition of the mobility period through a learning agreement and a mobility agreement, thoroughly prepared, validated and signed by both partner institutions. Recognition of obtained credits/ECTS will be based Learning agreement and Transcript of records under internal mechanisms of each respective institution.
Serbia - Dopad a šíření výsledků:
General aims of proposed partnership it to further inclusion into the mainstream of academic cooperation in the region, Europe and the world as well as creating such environment to model students capable of being operative in other cultures and environments, through different means and measures such as mobility projects. All partner universities will benefit from creating more opportunities for scientific cooperation, exchange of knowledge and experience and building and strengthening its capacities which will aid it in further education and professional development. Furthermore, exchange of practices with other universities should lead to the modernization of curricula, joint publications, partnerships on different project proposals and joint study programs and thus have wider social impact to the region itself. At regional and National level KA1 mobility will increase awareness and initiate future activities and cooperation with regional or national companies and possible cooperation within KA2 action.
Information regarding the project will be available on the Internet (each partners website, Facebook fan pages, Faculties websites); project presentations at each partner institution. General public will be informed about outcomes of proposed project by using promotion in newspapers and television.
The mission of each partners International Centre is to provide information related to possibilities of mobility, rules of Erasmus + program and to disseminate information to all students and staff at partner institution.
Tunisia - Relevance strategie:
A list of the HEIs from Partner country:
-University of Monastir
Xxxxxxx University and University of Monastir share long term goals in internationalization and its positive effects on development of modern university environment. Main shared goals of both institution in their internationalization strategy are:
-Sharing best practice in education and administration of international mobilities-Academic mobility of students is aimed at improving the quality of higher education, effectiveness research, ensuring the competitiveness of graduates on the labor market. -strengthening international position of respective institution. - Improvement of key competences and skills of students of all study levels and also academic and administrative staff.- increasing graduates competitive performance at the labor market due to their study abroad experience- raising foreign language competences of students and staff- securing quality of science and research activities due to academic exchange- creating multi-cultural environment
In proposed project main goal of mobilities is to prepare innovative concept of short term and long term internationalization strategy of cooperation of institutions in partner country.
Having had some experience with Erasmus Mundus mobility and after thorough discussion with the partner also taking into consideration the limits of the project we agreed that only mobility from Algeria to MU will be planned. To fit well into the strategy and needs of the institution only mobility of graduates and staff will be undertaken.
Tunisia - Kvalita podmínek spolupráce:
XX is very active and successful in various EU project and was particularly successful in Erasmus Mundus Action II where were involved in 44 projects and coordinates 4 of them. The cooperation with universities in Tunisia started in 2012 also through the Erasmus Mundus programme. It is part of the MU’s latest strategy for internationalization to maintain and further develop the established cooperation. This project is fully in compliance with our strategy and supports all activities planned for the time until 2020.
University of Monastir have long history of cooperation with European universities under Erasmus Mundus framework in wide range of projects listed below:
Erasmus Mundus 2012-2015 University of Monastir is a partner in Al Idrisi I Erasmus Mundus 2013-2016 University of Monastir is a partner in Fatima Al Fihri Erasmus Mundus 2013-2016 University of Monastir is a partner in EMMAG Erasmus Mundus 2013-2016 University of Monastir is a partner in GreenIT Erasmus Mundus 2014-2017 University of Monastir is a partner in Xx Xxxxxx XX
Erasmus Mundus 2014-2017 University of Monastir is a partner in Alyssa Erasmus Mundus 2014-2017 University of Monastir is a partner in EGovTN
This experience express Partner University’s devotion towards learning from international experience and openness towards sharing mutual experience. Based on previous experiences Xxxxxxx University and University of Monastir express share devotion to strengthen mutual cooperation in field of internationalization. Both universities have experience with standards set by Erasmus mundus framework which can be used as good basis for setting new administrative and academic in proposed mobilities within ERASMUS + framework.
The roles and responsibilities of the partners defined in the bilateral agreements will be equal. MU will be responsible for the financial management and for the payment of the grants. Both universities, however, will be responsible for the dissemination of the project as well as promotion of the mobility opportunity. Both universities will be also responsible to nominate their candidates according to the principle of equal opportunity for everyone, gender balance and with respect to the possible vulnerable situation of the candidates. Selection and final acceptance of the candidate will be on the host university, however it will be subject to approval by both sides.
Tunisia - Kvalita koncepce a realizace projektu:
The main phases of the mobility project are:
- Dissemination and promotion- Application - Validation- Evaluation- Selection- Mobility period- Evaluation
To make the whole process transparent, the partners will use the online tool of Xxxxxxx University. Based on communication with the partner universities their plans in terms of selection go as follows:
Home university will be responsible for the eligibility check and primary nomination of the candidates. The evaluation and selection will be done by the host university upon the following parameters:
1. Motivation letter
2. Language skills
3. Academic merit for BA and MA students and quality of the research or work proposal for PhD and staff.
Additional documents for staff and PhD students is pre acceptance letter from host institution which proves that candidate has established contact with advisor at Host University.
The final selection of the candidates is to be approved by both partners and the list has to be published.
All partners organize consultation during the application period to all students and staff interested in application for international mobility. Support for students and staff before their mobility with different information and advisory services is necessary part of all partners role. With the help of international office and faculty staff all outgoing and incoming participants will get support with application procedure, accommodation, curricula and other issues that may arise before and during their mobility period.
The recognition and transfer of the credits at Host University obtained is based on proposed Learning Agreement approved by home and host University and Transcript of records from Host University. All partners are ready to provide support to the selected candidates with the process of study recognition. Host university will provide the students with the any additional document to the LA and ToR in case the student or the home university require it. MU is committed to offer special support or workshop in case the partner need any help with the process of study recognition.
For staff since it is also considered as integral part of their working experience report of their work prepared after end of mobility period at host institution, and corresponding with work plan proposed before start of mobility is considered sufficient outcome of mobility, but both institutions welcome other outcomes such as publications, conferences workshops and summer schools.
Tunisia - Dopad a šíření výsledků:
The following impact is expected from the implemented Erasmus+ student mobility: at the individual level - the acquisition of new knowledge, higher chances of finding work after graduation; at the university level – training top professionals, ensuring quality education; at the regional and national levels – training top professionals to promote the regional and nationwide development of higher education, bringing national education to European standards.
The following impact is expected from the implemented Erasmus+ staff mobility: at the individual level – advancing research; at the university level - improving scientific component, support of young and talented scientists, strengthening the competitiveness of universities in partner country; at regional and national levels – involvement of scientific and technical assistance (participation in various European programs fostering education development), regional and nationwide development of higher education, bringing national education to European standards.
In order to disseminate the Erasmus+ KA1 program all partners will organize the information days in our University, make the presentation of Program for students and Administrative Staff at the web-site of respective partner university and in the University newspaper. The former participants of the program also draw attention to the program. They tell their colleagues about the Program and advise to apply in order to participate in it next year.
The aim events such as information days and workshops is to distribute the knowledge and the best practice among faculties/institutions in order to increase the participation of individuals/universities in EU projects as well as to share project’s results and outcomes.
One of the ways of project awareness and promotion is a project website that is a great functional dissemination instrument. It includes the overall project’s presentation, its aims, partnership structure as well as it gives regular updates, and is a good method of sharing participant’s impressions. The regular reports that describe step-by-step results and represent short and long-term goals should be should be posted on the website.
Belarus - Relevance strategie:
Belarus State University belongs to a region which is very important for MU but at the same time the connection with this country and the university were interrupted twenty years ago and were not renewed at the centralized level. Thanks to the Erasmus Mundus projects, good cooperation with partners has been established again. The purpose of this project is to maintain the collaboration with the partners in Belarus and develop opportunities for further cooperation. This is in compliance with the strategy for internationalization of MU to keep the university open to cooperation with any
partners that can contribute to increasing the transnational mobility of students and staff and therefore contribute to the internationalization at home on one hand and help with the capacity building at the partner university on the other, through increasing the professionalization of the university staff.
Belarusian State University (BSU) belongs to a highly internationalized university community and puts a great attention to cooperation with foreign partners both at inter-university level and within international projects framework. BSU faculties and institutes actively participate in calls for proposals held by international funds and institutions. About 30 international projects within such programs as Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, Xxxx Xxxxxx, EU Cross-Border Cooperation, DAAD, FPB- Belarus, CIMO and many others are implemented at the University annually. Academic exchanges, joint researches and joint educational programs are implemented in the framework of more than 300 international agreements. BSU follows its strategic priorities to develop and implement internationalization strategic plan adopted for the next few years.
Development of academic mobility is the most important part in the internationalization strategy of the Belarusian State University as students and/or staff mobility improves the quality of educational programs, enriches the participants with international experience increasing their competence, qualification and competitiveness in the labor market.
The BSU as well as Xxxxxxx University are interested in mobility of students and teachers. These types of mobility fully meet all the requirements of the strategy aimed at broadening international contacts and increasing participation in international projects in the field of education, science and culture. XX passed through a similar transformation as the partners from the Belarus State University twenty years ago, so the experiences that they can share are particularly valuable. Unfortunately due to budget limitations only incoming mobilities are planned; however, MU will seek additional university funds to make both-way mobility possible. One place for each level is planned since all kinds of mobility are very important.
Belarus - Kvalita podmínek spolupráce:
Cooperation between BSU and Xxxxxxx University has a long history. In 1997 exchange of the staff and students, joint research and conferences in the field of Czech and Russian/Belarusian philology was established with the Faculty of Arts of MU. Since 2013 both universities are partners in Erasmus Mundus project HUMERIA.
The roles and responsibilities of the partners defined in the bilateral agreements will be equal. MU will be responsible for the financial management and for the payment of the grants. Both universities, however, will be responsible for the dissemination of the project as well as promotion of the mobility opportunity. Both universities will be also responsible to nominate their candidates according to the principle of equal opportunity for everyone, gender balance and with respect to the possible vulnerable situation of the candidates. Selection and final acceptance of the candidate will be on the host university, however it will be subject to approval by both sides.
Belarus - Kvalita koncepce a realizace projektu:
The main phases of the mobility project are:
- Dissemination and promotion- Application - Validation- Evaluation- Selection- Mobility period- Evaluation
To make the whole process transparent, the partners will use the online tool of Xxxxxxx University. Based on communication with the partner universities their plans in terms of selection go as follows:Home university will be responsible for the eligibility check and primary nomination of the candidates. The evaluation and selection will be done by the host university upon the following parameters:
1. Motivation letter
2. Language skills
3. Academic merit for BA and MA students and quality of the research or work proposal for PhD and staff
The final selection of the candidates is to be approved by both partners and the list has to be published.
The selected participants have all relevant information support from International Relations Department through the whole period of mobility. Besides, International Relations Department renders assistance with visa application process within its scope of competence. The recognition of the mobility period is performed on the basis of submitted academic transcripts/certificates issued by the host institution and in accordance with home institution’s regulations.
For credit recognition all partners will use the mobility tools of EU. Learning Agreement (LA), Transcript of Records (ToR), Research and Work Plan will be prepared by the candidates during the application period. All partners are ready to provide support to the selected candidates with the process of study recognition. Host university will provide the students with the any additional document to the LA and ToR in case the student or the home university require it. MU is committed to offer special support or workshop in case the partner need any help with the process of study recognition.
Belarus - Dopad a šíření výsledků:
Participating in the mobility project will facilitate better integrating of the Belarusian State University into the European higher education area and will favorably influence the university educational and research capacity.
Besides apparent professional development, studying abroad is an excellent way to establish links with foreign colleagues deepening thus further international cooperation. Students/staff mobility is a splendid opportunity to promote intercultural dialogue, improving awareness and understanding interdependence of the national and global matters. The participation of BSU students and staff in the international mobility programs also contributes into the dissemination of reliable and truthful information about the Republic of Belarus, Belarusian culture, traditions and way of life.
The information about the mobility program results will be distributed through the University websites, social networks as well as e-mailed to the relevant university departments and published in the University newspaper.
Argentina - Relevance strategie:
Argentina is a very important partner for MU in Latin America. The cooperation with this country is not only at university level, but also a contact with the Czech community in the country was established. The strategy of MU for this particular country is to strengthen the existing cooperation
but also to establish and support a better connection with the Czech communities in the country. We are aware that the goals of our strategy will not be achieved only by this project, thus a new Erasmus
+ Capacity Building project was submitted under the last call for applications. Unfortunately, unlike Erasmus Mundus in the projects under the new funding scheme it is not possible to support mobility. This activity between MU and partners in Argentina can be funded only in the framework of this project for credit mobilities. After thorough discussion with the partners we decided that due to the limited budget of the project it will not be possible to finance mobility from MU to Argentina. MU will try to find other resources to make the mobility reciprocal. MU was asked by the partners from Argentina to help with internationalization and particularly with increasing the English language proficiency of the staff at the partner universities. The project is funded by MU resources as it is very much in compliance with our strategy; however, we cannot support mobility to MU. Even though the budget of this project is very limited, the partners decided to allocate two mobilities for staff and two for students.
Buenos Aires University is structured in a decentralized manner. It does have a central International Relations Secretariat, however, each faculty has its own office. The main goal of the secretariats is to increase participation in internationalization activities. Among its additional objectives, University of Buenos Aires aims at strengthening opportunities for academic mobility at all levels, including students, teachers, researchers and administrative staff. At the same time, it intends to promote diversification and visibility of its academic offer outwards, to take part in international projects and to make profit of ongoing agreements. Cooperation with Xxxxxxx University could significantly improve the internationalization and contribute to the increasing the level of English at the institution. Jujuy National University aims to promote higher education exchange programs at all levels, to help to improve and enhance Jujuy National University career prospects of students and to promote intercultural understanding through cooperation with European countries, in order to contribute to the sustainable development of Latin America through expertise exchange, internationalization and mobility programs at all levels.
Universidad Nacional del Sur introduced several programs designed to manage educational quality in its Strategic Plan 2011-2016-2026. The programs are closely related to student mobility (internationalization of the curricula, teaching of foreign languages, follow-up of mobility students, academic indicators, internationalization at home, academic recognition, etc.). It is highly important for the Universidad Nacional del Sur to be able to continue participating in Erasmus programs since EMA2 and Alfa had a great impact on its students, especially at post-graduate level, and on capacity building for young professors and researchers in different disciplines. International office (established in 2007) has learned a lot in these last few years and a great part of this growth is due to cooperation with Europe.
Thanks to projects such as Alfa and Erasmus Mundus the university has learned and been able to apply best practices and implement them to its operations. In order to improve expertise and good practices.
1. Faculty of Humanities and Arts - University of Buenos Aires
2. Jujuy National University
3. National University of the South
4. University national of san Xxxx
Argentina - Kvalita podmínek spolupráce:
The cooperation with Argentina started in 2008 within an Erasmus Mundus Cooperation Window project. Another very successful project under Erasmus Mundus Action II was approved in 2012 which gave the partners opportunity to strengthen their cooperation. XX has started negotiation with the University of Buenos Aires on possible bilateral agreement beyond Erasmus+. Another very successful cooperation was established with the UNS this made us to prepare a new project proposal for capacity building under the new Erasmus+ scheme.
The University of Buenos Aires took part in PEACE Erasmus Mundus project that has just come to its end. The consortium consisted of other nineteen universities from Latin America and Europe (Xxxxxxx University was one of them). It was a profitable and learning experience for us to take up the Regional Coordinator role.
Jujuy National University participated in several international programs such as Erasmus Mundus Action 2, PEACE, EuroInkaNet and others with Europe.
In 2012 National University of the South received the first student from the Czech Republic and he was from Xxxxxxx University. He came as a free mover and studied at the Faculty of Economics and Administration. In August 2013, one of the UNS English as a Foreign Language Professors took a course at London University and became acquainted with a colleague from Xxxxxxx University, Xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx.
In January 2014 UNS was invited to participate in an Erasmus Mundus project that eventually was not selected. In September 2014 (during EAIE Conference in Prague) UNS was invited to a VIP Xxxxxxx Partner Meeting in Brno and the institution representatives were able to visit MU and finally meet colleagues at the International Office in person. In January 2015, UNS EFL professor was invited to participate in the Conference: Language Centers in Higher Education: Sharing Innovations, Research, Methodology and Best Practices that took place at Xxxxxxx University.
University national of san Xxxx is also very involved in different international activities and project, among others in the Erasmus Mundus PEACE project.
The roles and responsibilities of the partners defined in the bilateral agreements will be equal. MU will be responsible for the financial management and for the payment of the grants. Both universities, however, will be responsible for the dissemination of the project as well as promotion of the mobility opportunity. Both universities will be also responsible to nominate their candidates according to the principle of equal opportunity for everyone, gender balance and with respect to the possible vulnerable situation of the candidates. Selection and final acceptance of the candidate will be on the host university, however it will be subject to approval by both sides.
Argentina - Kvalita koncepce a realizace projektu:
The main phases of the mobility project are:
- Dissemination and promotion- Application - Validation- Evaluation- Selection- Mobility period- Evaluation
To make the whole process transparent, the partners will use the online tool of Xxxxxxx University. Based on communication with the partner universities their plans in terms of selection go as follows:Home university will be responsible for the eligibility check and primary nomination of the
candidates. The evaluation and selection will be done by the host university upon the following parameters:
1. Motivation letter
2. Language skills
3. Academic merit for BA and MA students and quality of the research or work proposal for PhD and staff
The final selection of the candidates is to be approved by both partners and the list has to be published.
It is responsibility of the home universities to nominate participants that:• promote the implementation of new cooperation activities such as bilateral agreements for mobility implementation;• foresee the participation of the staff in seminars, workshops on relevant topics for the cooperation of both Universities;• allow the expansion/creation of local and regional management and organizational structures, namely International Office, research groups (…);• contribute to the strengthening of the international cooperation capacity of Higher Education institutions involved in the partnership;• can be used to consolidate and extend links between departments and faculties;• prepare future cooperation projects between institutions, • create synergies among EU Higher Education System and Jujuy the use of ECTS, DiplomaSupplement, among others.• allow progresses in the application of ECTS or other systems of study recognition between the partner institutions;• contribute to promote Spanish as a second language.
For credit recognition all partners will use the mobility tools of EU. Learning Agreement (LA), Transcript of Records (ToR), Research and Work Plan will be prepared by the candidates during the application period. All partners are ready to provide support to the selected candidates with the process of study recognition. In some universities as UNS, the university board passed a provision for recognition of studies abroad. This provision is the legal framework for a compulsory recognition of academic activities carried out abroad and explains the procedure for students to obtain such recognition. It is recognized as a good practice for the rest of the partners to be followed.
Host university will provide the students with the any additional document to the LA and ToR in case the student or the home university require it. MU is committed to offer special support or workshop in case the partner need any help with the process of study recognition.
Argentina - Dopad a šíření výsledků:
The cooperation in the frame of the Erasmus+ programme would significantly help us plan and organize joint research projects. These research projects would focus on very important social, educational and political movements that draw scientific attention.
In case of the University of Buenos Aires, due to a long distance between Argentina and Czech Republic, a strong and regular cooperation – guest lectures and joint field research – has been nearly impossible to organize so far. That is why the planned cooperation would constitute an important framework and a starting point for future developments. As stated before, teaching and research are very close activities at the University of Buenos Aires. Research projects, developed together with MU, would have a direct impact on undergraduate students by means of teachers. At the same time, being a public entity, UBA keep permanent relations with governmental institutions, especially in the
field of education. The mobility project would benefit not only the Faculty of Humanities and Arts but also the public institutions we work with.
For Jujuy National University, the desired impacts are related to the above mentioned university aims and strategies. Jujuy National University has a wide communication set of tools including mailing list, website, Facebook, Twitter and press releases that will be fully available to disseminate the results. At a national level, since it is a Public University that depends on the National government, the dissemination at a national level is guaranteed (during national forums, seminars, congresses and meetings of Higher Education at a national and international level).
The internationalization process at the National University of the South has markedly grown since 2007 when the Deputy Secretariat for International relations was created. International mobility has been greatly developed with a very active participation in most programs available for Argentine universities. XXX realizes that this active participation has a direct impact in academic quality and employability for those students who participate in the programs and we want to offer the opportunity to participate to all our students.
The first benefit of a mobility program is for the students. International opportunities change the way they see the world and they can learn soft skills necessary to become a better professional, such as intercultural skills, team work, self-awareness, etc. There are also benefits for the university and the region since students will be known in parts of the world where they were previously. A very careful student selection process guarantees that the best candidates get the scholarships. Once they return, they participate in an international student welcoming commission so as to help other incoming/outgoing students. After they graduate, they can include the international experience in their CVs which improves employability.
To disseminate the results of the mobility project at faulty and institution levels, the following measures will be taken:The participant will be required to submit periodical reports and a final report on his/her academic training to his/her home university. Those reports which will be submitted by each of the participants, as mentioned above need to be approved and validated by the host university as well. On the basis of the submitted reports, and in a period extending to three years, questionnaires will be filled out by the academic and administrative staff when they came back their original universities. This to follow the implementation of the knowledge they have already acquired abroad.Besides that, joint teaching and research activities will be carried out which will allow to spread knowledge and disseminate the results. Partner universities will be organizing conferences and workshops about the higher education institutions and higher education systems at these universities.
Information about the project, mobility opportunity and the results of the scholarship holders will be published on the website of the partner universities and will be available to the public.
Kosovo * UN resolution - Relevance strategie:
XX is very active internationally and some of the priorities in its latest strategy for internationalization are:
- to make transnational credit mobilities accessible for every student and- to increasing the professionalization and international confidence of the human resources inside the university as well as to bring internationalization home for non-mobile students through transnational mobility of staff (academic and administrative)- to build up the university’s reputation by sharing experience and
building capacity at universities in non-EU countries - to build strong ties to selected universities in each continent
A list of the HEIs from the Partner country:
- University of Prishtina
University of Prishtina is the largest university in the country, with approx. 50 000 students at all levels of study, 20 00 teaching staff and 500 administrative staff. The University of Prishtina will participate actively in the international cooperation process on the internationalization projects which will enable the harmonization of the study programmes at all levels according to the Bologna Process. This process is a step to the integration of the Kosovar higher education within the European processes of higher education by ensuring the accompanying elements including implementation of ECTS, quality assurance and transparency in Kosovar HE institutions. UP will contribute to society through raising the quality of education, learning and research at high international level of excellence. International cooperation in the field of education is crucial for an institution whose objective is to keep education at the international level. Being a partner institution in the project, University of Prishtina will benefit greatly from the internationalization of the University. Given the fact that UP highly prioritizes the international cooperation, it will be focused towards the intensive participation in the assessment in higher education, development strategy for continuing education etc.The strategy of the University of Prishtina foresees internationalization as a foundation for the quality development of its programs and studies. The experience at Xxxxxxx University (MU) will be gained in order to improve the services for students at the local level. On the other hand, the selected staff members from Kosovo will be both gaining and giving their experience and expertise as part of this mobility activity. The mobility is expected to result in joint research projects and other cooperation projects in the long xxx.Xx is critical that Master and PhD students gain experience at the MU and this will develop them as future teaching assistants in the Kosovo University;
The academic staff will be able to give lecture on the perspective of a developing education system and country. In addition, the exchange will result with joint projects and cooperation of other projects in future. The mobility of Kosovo staff to MU will result with improved professional practice such as revision of courses in specific areas (such as general and inclusive education).
Kosovo * UN resolution - Kvalita podmínek spolupráce:
Unviersity of Prishtina has been a partner at the JoinEU-SEE>Penta project at Erasmus Mundus action 2 programme where Xxxxxxx University is included as one of the European partners, too. Under this consortium several student exchange mobilities has been carried out in direction from Kosovo to the Czech Republic. Univesity of Prishtina has been a grant holder and a beneficiary of a number of TEMPUS projects and beneficiary of another Erasmus Mundus projects (Sigma Agile, Basileus, Eraweb).
Kosovo * UN resolution - Kvalita koncepce a realizace projektu:
The plans is to have an open call where all students and staff indicate their interest with a project idea and a selection committee managed at faculty of education level will review those and meet shortlisted candidates in order to determine the value and return of the investment for the development of the institution. The evaluation process will be done by the International Relations Office, and the academic support of the faculties.
The University of Prishtina will provide all technical support in terms of releasing staff and students from duties during the mobility period as well as provide professional support in terms of the areas of cooperation during the mobility so that this returns the best of the investment in this mobility.
Regarding the support, the International Relations Office of UP usually organized session days regarding the international programmes for scholarships, research, etc. Therefore, they will organize such as events before and during the open calls and provide them with all necessary information and administrative support.
The University of Prishtina will enable the harmonization of the study programmes at all levels according to the Bologna Process. This process is a step to the integration of the Kosovar higher education within the European processes of higher education by ensuring the accompanying elements including implementation of ECTS, quality assurance and transparency in Kosova HE institutions. UP will contribute to society through raising the quality of education, learning and research at high international level of excellence.
The roles and responsibilities of the partners defined in the bilateral agreements will be equal. MU will be responsible for the financial management and for the payment of the grants. Both universities, however, will be responsible for the dissemination of the project as well as promotion of the mobility opportunity. Both universities will be also responsible to nominate their candidates according to the principle of equal opportunity for everyone, gender balance and with respect to the possible vulnerable situation of the candidates. Selection and final acceptance of the candidate will be on the host university, however it will be subject to approval by both sides.
Kosovo * UN resolution - Dopad a šíření výsledků:
The University of Prishtina (UP), similar to other universities in the world, conveys unique responsibilities in professional training and research guidance, which are determinant for the development of the industry and trade, infra-structure, and society. UP has become a key factor for socio-economic development in Kosovo. University of Prishtina has proved to be very active aiming thus to foster development, enhance international competitiveness, economic growth, social cohesion and democracy. International cooperation in the field of education is crucial for University of Prishtina, and Kosovo in general, whose objective is to keep education at the international level.
Being a partner institution in the project, University of Prishtina will benefit greatly from the internationalization of the University, since the respected programme will generate institutional cooperation in the consortium with other partners, it will exchange not only academic and professional knowledge and experiences but cultural, economic and political views as well. Given the fact that UP highly prioritizes the international cooperation, it will be focused towards the intensive participation in the assessment in higher education, development strategy for continuing education, etc.
University of Pristina, with all its capabilities, will take the measures to disseminate the results of the mobility project at faculty and institution levels, and beyond where applicable, in the country.
University of Prishtina based on its experience, is prepared to respond to the needs for an education, according to international trends, which will enable the harmonization of the study programmes at all levels according to the Bologna Process. UP will organize a series of workshops with staff and students in order to disseminate the experience of the students and staff after the mobility period. In
addition, short articles will be published at websites as well as teacher magazines locally. Presentations on selected experiences will be done also at various education conferences held locally.
Russian Federation - Relevance strategie:
Russia is a strategic partner for MU. Not only do the historical and language similarities have strong influence on the connections with Russia but in general Russian students are a significant part of our international students and MU is a well-liked university for them. Thus in our strategy for internationalization we want to focus on this region. This effort was supported by our participation in several Erasmus Mundus projects with Russia, several bilateral agreements, a Czech language centre in Russia and now in the new Erasmus+ scheme we are looking for opportunities to maintain and strengthen our partnerships.
- Transnational mobility of students at all levels between the EU countries and beyond. The aim of the university is to make credit mobilities accessible for every student.
- Transnational mobility of staff, academic and administrative, between HEI in the EU and beyond, with the aim of increasing the professionalization and international confidence of the human resources inside the university as well as to bring internationalization home for non-mobile students.
These are two of the goals of our Strategy for internationalization with an attempt to strengthen particularly the strategic partnerships. In compliance with it and after thorough discussion with the partners keeping in mind the limits of the funding scheme we agreed on the proposed scheme. In the case of Russia the interest of MU students and staff is also significant thus we agreed on opening at least minimum places for all levels.
Internationalization efforts in Russian HEIs generally aim to increase number of international students and staff, to improve service centers and research laboratories, to establish and strengthen partnerships for student and faculty exchanges, dual-degree programmes, and research and to improve the global competitiveness and ranking of Russian universities through the development of research-driven international universities.
The partnership in the frameworks of the Erasmus+ Programme mobility scheme will facilitate stronger academic and scientific cooperation and the development of international teaching methods. These developments will support a goal to strengthen graduate and postgraduate studies, as well as student training, for the timeframe of 2015-2020. The connections forged and international experiences gained will support internationalization efforts, which include growing the universities’ competitiveness in research and education, as well as creating and promoting globally-oriented educational products, and expanding into new geographic markets at all levels of education.
Erasmus+ opportunities can therefore lead to:
• Increasing co-financing from international organization/funds;• Increasing number of the new international projects;• Increasing participation in an international partnership as a partner;• Increasing new forms of international cooperation;• Developing new international courses/lectures in a foreign language;• Implementation of double-degree programs in relevant subjects;• Development of collaborative partnerships in education programs, scientific works administration area;• Cultivate interest in international research and project initiatives across the University, including in units that have had relatively limited previous international engagement.
The internationalization of education and research is a particular strategic goal of Russian universities and this is reflected in their research and learning and teaching activities in myriad ways. As internationalization takes root, increasing elements of the undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum is presented in English. International mobility of students and academic faculty is an integral component of the internationalization strategy.
Talking about academic faculty exchange, Xxxxxxx + will highly contribute to the development of international research networks, increase added value to current research projects and give a boost to new ideas. The ERASMUS + programme will make it possible to develop a unique capacity platform for administrative staff of universities in terms of internationalization (how to improve the services for international students and staff, what are major issues of working with international cooperation agreement etc.).
2. Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Pacific National University"
3. Kazan Federal University
4. Mari State University
5. National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg
6. North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Xxxxxxxxxx
7. North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk
8. Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after X. Xxxxxxxxx
9. Russian State University for the Humanities
10. Udmurt State University11. URAL FEDERAL UNIVERSITY
Russian Federation - Kvalita podmínek spolupráce:
With most of potential Russian partners cooperation has been established thanks to EC supported Erasmus Cooperation Window projects (incl. “Integration, Interaction and Institutions - Triple I”, four consecutive mobility schemes since 2008; and “Xxxxxx X and II – Towards Modern and Innovative Higher Education”, since 2012) which makes a solid ground for further mobility development and expanding partnerships in other cooperation areas.
Close cooperation in the framework of these projects resulted in sustainable links and mutual support between the universities.M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University as a part of the Consortium of European and Russian universities participates in Erasmus Mundus “IAMONET-RU- International Academic Mobility Network with Russia” project as well.
Northern (Arctic) Federal University has already had positive experience of cooperation with the Xxxxxxx University within AURORA project. Northern (Arctic) Federal University has successfully hosted 2 Xxxxxxx University students which have chosen courses in the field of Russian language
studies and Law. In its turn, Xxxxxxx University has hosted one of our graduate students for a full PhD programme as well as one teacher and one bachelor student for a short term.
MU and Northern (Arctic) Federal University took part in the international conference held in Prague on 16-19 September by European Association for International Education. During the conference universities had a chance to promote their educational products and to make contacts necessary for cooperation development in the future.
Student exchange programme under bilateral agreement between Udmurt State University and Xxxxxxx University has been implemented since the academic year of 2012-2013. The total number of mobility participants is 19 students. In 2013 MU nominated a few students to study at the Russian Language Summer School offered by Udmurt State University for partner universities on the basis of tuition fee waiver. In the 2014-2015 academic year one student from MU is enrolled as an exchange student for studies under the intergovernmental agreement.
By now all of the participating universities have long-time relations in sphere of student and staff exchanges.
The roles and responsibilities of the partners defined in the bilateral agreements will be equal. MU will be responsible for the financial management and for the payment of the grants. Both universities, however, will be responsible for the dissemination of the project as well as promotion of the mobility opportunity. Both universities will be also responsible to nominate their candidates according to the principle of equal opportunity for everyone, gender balance and with respect to the possible vulnerable situation of the candidates. Selection and final acceptance of the candidate will be on the host university, however it will be subject to approval by both sides.
Russian Federation - Kvalita koncepce a realizace projektu:
Partners will be using the online tool of Xxxxxxx University.
The home institutions will be responsible for screening and (pre-) selecting students for this project and for making sure that each participating student is academically qualified and is proficient in the language of instruction which the host institution has stipulated. The (pre-) selection and nomination of outgoing students will be managed by departments, per their internal regulations. Partners may consider establishing a joint committee for review and approval of applications pre-selected by the home institution.
Faculties and departments establish selection criteria, choose participants from among its students and staff members and recommend them to International Office for organization of mobility. Thus the selection is made by the qualified staff members which guarantees adequate evaluation of the candidates’ professional skills and plans for mobility. International Office provides administrative support and is in charge of formal procedures.
Host universities are committed to give the home university all the necessary information on application procedures, deadlines, visa issues, and other practical information that student and staff need to know before the departure. Candidates should ensure that applications reach the host university in due time to make all necessary arrangements. As described below, the host university will provide visa support and student advising in order to develop an individual study plan for incoming students.Evaluation of incoming and outgoing applications will be made upon certain criteria, namely, academic performance, personal motivation, language proficiency, institutional
interest in the academic area, learning agreement/research or teaching/working plan. Thus evaluation will be done by both academic and administrative staff.
Regulations for nomination of teaching staff will be further discussed between the partners in the course of preparing application depending on the participants’ number and discipline areas preliminary agreed.
Universities will follow up on their previous successful cooperation experience in the organization of student and staff exchanges based on projects supported by Erasmus Cooperation Window programme.
Acceptance of students and staff with disabilities is subject to additional negotiations and acceptance decisions are made according to the needs of and ability to accommodate each case.
Partner institutions agree on:
• Accept all activities indicated in the learning agreement, provided these have been satisfactorily completed by the mobile student.• Provide, free-of-charge, incoming mobile students and their sending institutions with transcripts in English containing a full, accurate and timely record of their achievements and credits earned at the end of their mobility period.• Support the reintegration of mobile participants and give them the opportunity, upon return, to build on their experiences for the benefit of the Institution and their peers. • Ensure that staff are given recognition for their teaching and training activities undertaken during the mobility period, based on a mobility agreement.• Assist with accommodation issues by either offering places at dormitories or helping arrange alternative options the university campus. • Assist with health care issues.
Some of the Russian partner universities offer a range of language classes of Russian language at various levels, from elementary to advanced courses. These classes aim to help students develop key linguistics skills and are taught by qualified teachers who offer a fun and stimulating learning environment.
According to the Russian Ministry of Education Russia recognizes diplomas of higher education of 24 countries. There is the experience in recognition of study programmes, in issuing diploma supplements and joint diplomas.
Russian Federation - Dopad a šíření výsledků:
In terms of implementation it is important to consider results across different levels. Implementation mechanisms on regional and national level contribute to:
• Positive reputational effects for the participating organizations;• increased awareness on a theme, target or area of work;• increased financial support by other supporters or donors;• increased influencing on policy and practice.
At a local level, partner institutions agree on realistic targets and deadlines to monitor progress and provide dissemination and exploitation activities at key stages of the project.
The measures which can be taken to disseminate the results of the mobility project are:
• To consider how and to whom dissemination and exploitation outcomes will be disseminated.• to conduct regular activities such as information sessions, training, demonstrations, peer reviews;• to
contact relevant media e.g. at local or regional level;• to assess the impact on target groups;• to evaluate achievements and impact.
Participation in the international mobility programs encouraged students, doctorates, post-doctorates and staff of the university to improve their language skills, to study the European scientific trends and search for joint research in European universities, to take part in conferences in Europe and make joint publications. In conclusion, it can be said that participating in mobility has had a remarkable effect on participants’ professional development and work related activities. Using new teaching methods after the mobility was most successful in general and adult education. Participants have used new contacts that they made during the mobility rather actively and thanks to this, the part of international cooperation has grown and the practical use of foreign languages has increased in everyday work.
International mobility programs seen as the first force impacting and shaping our university as their realization evolve to meet challenges of the internationalization. It gives Russian institutions impetus to fruitful collaboration, development of joint educational and research programs with some European partners, which result in re-engineering management systems with a focus on creation of a bilingual international business environment at the university:
• Expanding of the university’s international cooperation (new contacts and networks);• updating the educational programs in cooperation with international universities;• developing new courses and/or subjects with the content of global community knowledge and international problems; • acquaintance of the applicants with the abilities and the activity skills in the international arena (knowledge and understanding of International educational systems, understanding of other cultures and opened to other cultures, making professional contacts with foreign colleagues).
Experiences of individual participants of the mobility will contribute to institutional development: host university benefits academically from exchange of experience and good practices in teaching and research. In addition, host and home universities receive new ideas on how to broaden the curricula and courses offered for students. Faculties/departments at host universities adapt their procedures to accommodate an increasing flow of foreign students, developing new courses offered in English and/or adapting existing courses to allow for tutoring and evaluation in English when appropriate, even when teaching is given in a local language.
International mobility project will increase cross-cultural awareness of Russian students as well as provide them an opportunity to get integrated into international academic life. International mobility is an integral component of the curricula and the project will enhance the internationalization at home experience and increase the motivation of the students to study abroad. Erasmus+ framework is expected to have the following outcomes on the students and staff:
• Improved learning performance;• enhanced employability and improved career prospects;• increased sense of initiative and entrepreneurship;• improved foreign language competences;• enhanced inter- cultural awareness;• more positive attitude towards the European project and the EU values;• increased motivation for taking part in future education or training after the mobility period abroad.
Internationally experienced individuals are more likely to contribute to the quality of our society of today and tomorrow, being capable of fulfilling responsible positions in society. Participating partner universities follow up on achieved goals by providing lifelong and post experience education, and by conducting relevant research. Future society needs highly educated employees who are active in an international context.
Information about the project, mobility opportunity and the results of the scholarship holders will be published on the website of the partner universities and will be available to the public.
Palestine - Relevance strategie:
Partners from Palestine are an important part of the regional cooperation of MU in the Middle East. The cooperation started with a Tempus project in 2009 and was strengthened during the Erasmus Mundus mobility opportunities in the project under Action II. Based on our strategy we attempt to be open to cooperation with all regions and help with the capacity building of our partner universities. Mobilities are the best way to maintain the existing cooperation but also the only way to bring internationalization also to students and staff who are not directly involved in the mobility.
By sending students and staff members to partner universities, we hope to provide them with more global perspective on both their specific fields of study and on higher education in general. Participants will be introduced to a variety of perspectives as well as the best academic opportunities available in partner country. A main goal is to expand the international cooperation scheme to benefit and contribute in the field of research and development. The project would encourage the dialogue between researchers, different interested groups and the society for the common benefit of international competitiveness and attractiveness of the European Research Area.
Moreover, this project will help to upgrade the international cooperation from individual contacts to systematic institutional partnership, to contribute in fostering quality in research and teaching, to increase the international reputation and image of the involved universities, support the orientation of the universities towards the needs of national and international markets, and to support innovation in teaching and research.
The types of mobility were selected in cooperation with partner universities from the country. An objective is to expand the expertise and knowledge of the mobility staff and students, as well as to provide opportunities for international staff and students to benefit from the cooperation with local experts in the field. This mobility scheme will enable us to help with the capacity building of our partner university and increase professionalization of the staff as well as improve the process with study recognitions between our institutions, which is very important for any future cooperation. Taking into consideration the limits of the programme, we agreed on a mobility scheme that best fits the needs of the partners. In the coming programme, mobility will be offered at all levels and only one outgoing mobility is planned for staff from MU.
A list of the HEIs from the Partner country:
- Al-Quds University (AQU)
- An-Xxxxx National University (NNU)
- Islamic University of Gaza
Palestine - Kvalita podmínek spolupráce:
The project will include both universities with rich experience with cooperation in projects together with European partners and with no experience with similar project in order to broaden the impact and facilitate a wider network of partner universities involved and cooperating in the future.
Al-Quds University (AQU) and Xxxxxxx University were part of the Tempus - CORINTHIAM program (2009-2013), which supported the establishment of the Academic Cooperation Office
(ACO). This project included training of ACO staff and the mobility of students for Bachelor, Master and Doctorate degree studies. This brought in new knowledge and quality related to international cooperation into AQU and perspective for future cooperation.
An-Xxxxx National University has participated in Erasmus Mundus many times before, and they have both sent scholars abroad and received scholars through this program. NNU participate in the following Erasmus Mundus consortiums: Vrije Universities, EPIC, PEACE I+II, DUNIA BEAM, HERMES, AVEMPACE III, PHOENIX
Due to this large cooperation with different international projects, NNU was successfully able to operate and manage all the relevant activities. Their Office for International and Strategic Affairs maintains and promotes relationships with foreign universities and is a resource of the international staff and students at NNU. The Office for Academic Affairs and the Scholarship Office plays a large role in facilitating mobility and accommodating the needs of foreign students in Palestine. The university owns dormitory apartment which they offer for foreign staff and also helps in the process of securing leased apartments for oversea students.
On the other hand Islamic University of Gaza has no similar projects in cooperation with Xxxxxxx University and obvious benefit will be a fresh new look on various issues and affairs, willingness to improve the region as well as to cooperate with international partners and thus allowing the broader access to perspective students, researchers and staff members on all sides of the partnership.The roles and responsibilities of the partners defined in the bilateral agreements will be equal. MU will be responsible for the financial management and for the payment of the grants. Both universities, however, will be responsible for the dissemination of the project as well as promotion of the mobility opportunity. Both universities will be also responsible to nominate their candidates according to the principle of equal opportunity for everyone, gender balance and with respect to the possible vulnerable situation of the candidates. Selection and final acceptance of the candidate will be on the host university, however it will be subject to approval by both sides.
Palestine - Kvalita koncepce a realizace projektu:
The different phases of the mobility will cover for outgoing students/staff following steps: Announcements made about new mobility calls, applicants fill in the application form with the support of home university staff, along with the application they will submit predefined documents, home screen and validate the applications, host universities screens and evaluate the application. The selection will be based on the ranking of the candidates. Partners will be using the online tool of Xxxxxxx University.
The support provided to the student at the partner institutions in the Palestine covers all available aspects of support, for example:
- Provision of daily life information and support- Facilitation of accommodation services, universities owns housing which they offer for foreign staff and students and also helps in the process of securing an apartment for lease, if so desired by the scholar.- Facilitation of transportation services- Provision of support for registration in various courses- Provision of counseling of pre- and post-arrival affairs- Possibility of the language courses in Arabic language (offered optional language courses to incoming students and staff. For instance at NNU courses are called Arabic Language for Non-Native Speakers. These classes had four levels and had duration of 4 months. The classes met for three hours daily for a total of 240 contact hours). If needed, there is possibility to offer some English courses through the department of English and Language Centers as well.
All the partner universities agreed on mutual transfer of the credit system for incoming and outgoing students. Courses will be recognized and they can continue with their original study programs. For example NNU uses the following equation to convert from ECTS to our credit system: 1 ECTS= 0.5-
0.6 credit hours. They use the American system at the university where the basic unit of this system is a credit hour. In general one course is equivalent to three credit hours and each credit hour is equivalent to 16 contact hour over all the semester which is consist of 16 week (i.e. one course=3 credit hour =3 contact hour per week).
For credit recognition all partners will be using the mobility tools of EU. Learning Agreement (LA), Transcript of Records (ToR), Research and Work Plan will be prepared by the candidates during the application period. All partners are ready to provide support to the selected candidates with the process of study recognition. Host university will provide the students with the any additional document to the LA and ToR in case the student or the home university require it. MU is committed to offer special support or workshop in case the partner need any help with the process of study recognition.
Palestine - Dopad a šíření výsledků:
Participants in this mobility program will receive quality education in their fields and access to academic resources unavailable in the Palestinian territories, as well as the chance to broaden their perspective and experience academic life in another culture, and the opportunity to serve as a representative of their country and culture abroad. Both institutions will benefit from greater internationalization and academic and cultural exchange. Local benefits will include a greater number of Palestinian students who have received high-quality education abroad and can bring a more global perspective to both their studies and their community. Regionally and nationally, both institutions will be facilitating greater cultural exchange and understanding, and improving the educational and professional opportunities available to Palestinian students and partner university staff. This cultural, academic and professional exchange is essential to facilitating greater understanding in the international world. Coming into contact with new traditions and culture will provide students and staff on both sides of the cooperation with a better knowledge of the needs of both countries and will open doors for future cooperation and contact. All the institutions will benefit from a pool of innovative and dedicated participants that will help expand the horizons of collaboration and mutual benefit.
In order to disseminate information on the results of this mobility project, partners will hold seminars and workshops, advertising the opportunity on the university website and using posters and newspapers to reach the entire West Bank and Gaza. Also an e-mail communication with students and staff will be used as well as contacting all the deans and departments. The most effective promotion channels will be the workshops and advertising on websites. All the partners will furthermore make the proper arrangements to host scholars and staff from abroad. Another means taken to dissemination of the mobility project and its results will be through: Brochures and publications, video productions or training of trainers (for specific education courses).
Information about the project, mobility opportunity and the results of the scholarship holders will be published on the website of the partner universities and will be available to the public.
Egypt - Relevance strategie:
A list of the HEIs from Partner country:
- Damanhour University
- Helwan University
- Sohag University
- Mansoura University
Partners included in the project proposes high-quality academic programs governed by local and international standards to prepare graduates capable of competition and innovation; it provides competency improvement programs for Faculty members while improving their educational and research capabilities that will eventually be reflected efficiently on both students and local and national environment.
As was already mentioned the priority of MU in its latest strategy for internationalization is:
- to make transnational credit mobilities accessible for every student and- to increasing the professionalization and international confidence of the human resources inside the university as well as to bring internationalization home for non-mobile students through transnational mobility of staff (academic and administrative)- to build up the university’s reputation by sharing experience and building capacity at universities in non-EU countries - to build strong ties to selected universities in each continent
Partners from Egypt are very important for MU because of the excellent quality of education there but also, according to our strategy we wish to maintain the good cooperation established with the universities in the region thanks to the Erasmus Mundus programme.
The strategic plans of the Egyptian partners aim generally at:- Developing a roadmap showing the direction of the university, goals setting and how to achieve them.- Accelerating growth through development, maximizing the benefit in education, research, and community service, and determining priorities in accordance with the University needs.- Developing internal coordination and comprehension among activities and communications processes.- Setting realistic goals and control the implementation.- Providing the correct data for the leadership to make the best decisions and providing a referential framework of the budgets.- Providing the analyses and clarifying the university potentials and aspects of strength and weakness.- Implementing the processes of monitoring and performance evaluation periodically.- Giving feedback on the planning process, the operational plan, spreading the awareness of change, strategic thinking, and evaluating results and objectives
Helwan University has many research projects funded nationally and internationally. This experience extends to participating in international projects such as Tempus III, Tempus IV, FP7, ENPI, Erasmus Mundus, NSF, USAID, and DAAD. Typical participation in EU projects is: CERES-Tempus, AES- Tempus, AIP-Tempus, IP-Tempus, MATS-FP7, EUROSUNmed-FP7, STSmed-ENPI, PV tracking System-RDI, Water desalination-RDI, GIS-MCDM Atlas Egypt for wind Farms Siting – STDF.
For instance, Helwan University (HU) boasts 20 faculties having about 100,000 under graduates, 11000 postgraduates, and 5000 staff members. In addition to the well defined fields such as Business, Engineering, Computers, Science, Humanities, HU is a distinguished specially in applied arts, fine arts, Music, and Hotel managements. The University offers all academic degrees (undergraduates and postgraduates) in the fields relevant to each Faculty. It is a dynamic University with continuously developed concept that serves the educational process promotion and the advance of the society in Egypt.
Sohag University has more than 40,000 students in the 12 Faculties in addition to around 760 postgraduate students seeking postgraduate degrees. Also we have around 800 staff could befit form the mobility grants.
Because of the limitations of the programme only one mobility from MU to Egypt was planned. The planned mobility from Egypt to MU had to be reduced; however, due to the great interest from the partners’ side all levels of mobility were planned with stronger emphases on staff mobility, particularly academic staff mobility which is an important basis for further cooperation but also with big added value for our students and a broad influence on the internationalization at home.
Egypt - Kvalita podmínek spolupráce:
Xxxxxxx University was very successful in the Erasmus Mundus programme which enable it to establish excellent partnerships in all desired regions. The cooperation with Egypt on centralized institutional level started at 2011 with the project Medastar. Damanhour Univrsity, Helwan University and Sohag University were the institutions included, as well as Xxxxxxx University, in the Erasmus Mundus MEDASTAR (2012-2015) project. In the framework of this project between Xxxxxxx University and its Egyptian partners has existed a regular flow of student, postgraduate and staff mobilities.
From Mansoura University to Xxxxxxx University, Dr. Xxxx Xxxxxxxx as he main project coordinator at the university, has visited Xxxxxxx University for ten month mobility and therefore is eager to foster the relations and cooperation between both universities even deeper in order to facilitate the student and staff mobility flow as well in order to promote internationalization of Mansoura University.
The roles and responsibilities of the partners defined in the bilateral agreements will be equal. MU will be responsible for the financial management and for the payment of the grants. Both universities, however, will be responsible for the dissemination of the project as well as promotion of the mobility opportunity. Both universities will be also responsible to nominate their candidates according to the principle of equal opportunity for everyone, gender balance and with respect to the possible vulnerable situation of the candidates. Selection and final acceptance of the candidate will be on the host university, however it will be subject to approval by both sides.
Egypt - Kvalita koncepce a realizace projektu:
For better management and transparency the partners will be using the online tools of Xxxxxxx University. All partners will have they are evaluated both at home and host university according to the selected criteria (academic performance, language skills, motivation and relevance). Then the selection of suitable candidates is carried out by the selection committee and results can be published. Selected candidates are then provided with all necessary administrative and information support in order to ensure a smooth run of the mobility. Transparency of the selection will be ensured for the selection of the participants.Home university will be responsible for the eligibility check and primary nomination of the candidates. The evaluation and selection will be done by the host university upon the following parameters:
- Motivation letter
- Language skills
- Academic merit for BA and MA students and quality of the research or work proposal for PhD and staff
The final selection of the candidates is to be approved by both partners and the list has to be published.
The partner universities in Egypt and Xxxxxxx University promised to give to the selected grant holders all the necessary support. Most of the universities have already a broad experience in doing so and they will provide the necessary support as they did in the framework of MEDASTAR Erasmus Mundus programme, including:
- Facilitating the transportation and accommodation- Providing them with necessary lectures, course selection supportsetting the frame structure of the exchange programs in ECTS and credit hours systems and their recognition- Sharing all the meetings and the effective discussion during the activities- Promoting scientific research and supporting cooperation with other European universities, Egyptian regional and international scientific research centers- Supporting and organizing the dissemination and capitalization of the project results- Arrangement of social activities, events, sightseeing tours etc.- Providing the regular progress reporting including technical and financial issues- Promoting student personality to make him/her capable of invention, challenging, self- learning, teamwork, and national and international competition.
Partners will support also the continuous coordination and management of the project by Xxxxxxx University in order to achieve all the goals set. All study periods undertaken by students and researchers will be recognized by the partner institutions of the project.
For credit recognition all partners will use the mobility tools of EU. Learning Agreement (LA), Transcript of Records (ToR), Research and Work Plan will be prepared by the candidates during the application period. All partners are ready to provide support to the selected candidates with the process of study recognition. Host university will provide the students with the any additional document to the LA and ToR in case the student or the home university require it. MU is committed to offer special support or workshop in case the partner need any help with the process of study recognition.
Based on the experience from this project an update and development of academic programs in the light of modern international trends according to international standards with respect to national conditions might be undertaken. Continuous Education, E-learning, and Distance Learning might be helpful assets, too.
Egypt - Dopad a šíření výsledků:
The proposed mobility project shall contribute towards the development of human resources and the international cooperation capacity of higher education institutions in third countries through increased mobility streams between the European Union and third countries. It is aimed to improve accessibility and enhance the profile and visibility of European higher education around the world as well as its attractiveness for third country nationals and citizens of the Union. Students, researchers and staff members will increase their awareness towards the education systems in the EU countries, learn a new good practices that can be introduced to the Egyptian academic environment.
The impact will include also the deepening a strong relationship with Xxxxxxx University. This will allow and ease more mobility exchange with the EU institutions and vice versa. This may lead even to establishing a joint or dual degree with EU institutions and other partners in the project in future.
Assessment of the outcomes of the mobility will be pointed by the personal reports from each participant representing the acquired experiences in the European University, reports of the host university about the activities of the Egyptian visitors and shared scientific publications. Amongst the impacts and results of such project will be increasing the expertise and professionalism of teachers; adequacy of forms of instruction (lectures, seminars, interactive training sessions, etc.) and the mode of study (on-site, distance or a combination of these); satisfaction of students, students´ study facilities (libraries, study rooms, IT equipment). Furthermore the link between creative research activities and education activities, involvement of teachers and students in research projects will be created.
Dissemination activities will include university and faculties’ websites, workshops and seminars on university and faculty levels, using internet communication media (such as facebook and others) but also printed materials, posters will be distributes at partner universities. Even more personalized communication between high level representatives of the partner universities will be used. Another thing will be to establish networking group among the students and the staff members in the consortium such that to keep a sustainable relationship between the scholars and the staff.
Information about the project, mobility opportunity and the results of the scholarship holders will be published on the website of the partner universities and will be available to the public.
Brazil - Relevance strategie:
Brazil as the largest country in Latin America is an important partner to cooperate with and MU has been exchanging students with the institutions since 2002. Those exchanges were not limited to the students of Portuguese language and literature, but across the disciplines. On the other hand there have been only little interactions among the scholars so far. This is due to the distance and high cost of travel and stay: MU staff had little money that could be used towards this goal. This program provides a great opportunity to move around more teachers or doctorate students who might be a great source of inspiration for the more sophisticated cooperation with Brazil.
There are three Brazilian partners that MU intends to work on the project implementation with: University of São Paulo (USP), Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP) and Federal University of Goiás (FUG). All three represent different types of institutions with different rationales and goals to gain from the project.
XXX’x intent in this project is to intensify information exchange with other institutions aiming at scientific advancement and promoting the best international education. Erasmus Plus provides us the opportunity to enhance the links among Latin American and European higher education institutions in
order to achieve excellence in all fields of academic knowledge. USP is the most renowned and by many rankings the best university in the Latin America. It has strong results in research, and as such is a great partner to achieve some of MU goals of internationalization strategy, such as the one that wants to make MU an internationally competitive research institution carrying out excellent global research in the international teams, and/or one that more concretely aims at keeping strong ties with selected universities at every continent – USP being the one for Latin America.
UNIFESP goals in the project are more focused on the increase of the internal issues, such as a “raise the quality of higher education and knowledge production”; “support of countries with less social and economic development”; “prepare students for the globalized labour market”; or “change experiences to achieve a better education and skills of the academic community”. FUG sees tge programme relevant because it offers mobility opportunities for the students and staff besides all the outcomes that come with the project (improvement of learning performance, foreign language competence, intercultural awareness and so on). It also allows the improvement of our undergraduate and graduate courses through the contact with foreign institutions´ students and staff. MU’s role in such setting would be to work in the position of a senior partner sharing know how to build capacities of these partners. That is an activity that is also identified in the MU Strategy of Internationalization.
In line with the above described rationales, the mobility program is open to Brazilian students at all levels of study, whereas there are places for only doctorate students and academic staff traveling at the opposite direction.
Brazil - Kvalita podmínek spolupráce:
MU has a bilateral agreement with USP that dates to 2008. Just in the last four years the scheme counted 12 USP student exchanges to MU and 6 in the opposite direction. USP and MU were partners in the former Erasmus Mundus projects, and so were UNIFESP and FUG, more specifically EMUNDUS15 project, coordinated by Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
Accepting partnership roles within a standard Erasmus mobility programme such as Erasmus Mundus which all three partners undertook successfully, ensures understanding with the principles of the Bologna Process, credit recognition, quality assurance, as well as financial and administrative nature. This is therefore very promising as far as the prospect of the project which is being proposed by this application is concerned. MU would be the senior – coordinating – institution, in charge of budget as well as final decisions about the project implementation.
Brazil - Kvalita koncepce a realizace projektu:
MU and the institutions from the partner country have started discussion about the agreement that would comply with the Erasmus+ guidelines. This ongoing talks are foreseen to be completed and the agreements signed by the end of June 2015. Along with that, promotional campaign would start with a goal to inform students and staff of the mobility opportunity. The actual call of application and selection of students and staff will not take place before the results of the programme selections is not released.
The selection process of students at MU side will be 3-tier:1. Students have to prove that they have sufficient command of needed language – if they want to study in English, then need to take the internal English language test (the holders of TOEFL, IELTS and/or Cambridge exams [CAE or higher] are exempted); if in Portuguese, MU language Center evaluates the skills individually.2. Students have to submit online application, along with the motivation letter, at least one reference
letter, and transcript of records. These documents are reviewed by at least three staff.3. Oral interviews of the shortlisted candidates in English and/or Portuguese are the final assessing point of the selection.
To apply for an exchange program, the applicant must submit a Learning agreement informing the reasons and aims of the exchange, as well as the period he/she intents to study abroad. There are going to be comittees composed by faculties of all the involved areas will be structured to evaluate the applications of outgoing and incoming students and/or xxxxx.Xxxxxxx
MU has, owing to heavy involvement in many international projects, broad experience with hosting students and staff from all over the world. The Center for International Cooperation is a large unit in charge of these people, and starting with providing information at the website, through the visa support, and accommodation arrangements, and academic assistance before, during and after the mobility, caters all well. That, in combination with the very active International Student Club ensuring each international student gains as much as possible culturally and socially from staying in Brno, makes great fit to provide professional as well as personal care for well-being of all our guests.
To act in all matters related to internationalization, USP created its own International Office in 1982, now called Agência USP de Cooperação Acadêmica Nacional e Internacional (AUCANI) – USP Internacional Agency, composed of academic and technical staff and organized into three sectors: Administrative, Academic and International Relations (agreements and mobility) and Communications. In order to improve the relationship between international students and the academic community, USP created the iFriend, a program where undergraduate USP students volunteer to collaborate on the reception, as in the stay and academic activities of up to three exchange students.
The recognition of academic study abroad is already carried out by a learning agreement signed by the selected candidate, his/her department head and local project coordinators from both home and host universities. The document proves the agreement among all parties involved that the credits gained by the students at the host university will substitute the ones to be gained at home university during the semester/s abroad. Given the difference between the credit systems, responsibility is vested above all on the department coordinators: there are charts matching credit values, but the coordinators decide what type of recognition is applied (course from partner university substitutes an existing course from the home university, or it is recognized as a brand new courses) and for how many credits. There are regular seminars for the coordinators where updates on the system is provided and experience exchanged.
Brazil - Dopad a šíření výsledků:
As known, Brazil has many challenges regarding the improvement of its socioeconomic situation, and fields like Education and Public Health offer an excellent opportunity for foreign students and researchers with a social mind to develop. On the other hand, Brazilian students, faculty members and researchers who have an experience abroad will gain knowledge and expertise, which will be used to benefit the country. USP could help disseminate the project in the country by spreading it out to other Brazilian teaching and research institutions, through our communication department and through the Ministry of Education.The impact will be felt at all academic levels in all campuses of UNIFESP, which will enable the creation of an institutional insight into the benefits of internationalization and the strategic importance of the international insertion of the institution (and not its isolated actors) in the global university academic cooperation scenario.
The mobility project will improve language competence and broaden intercultural awareness of the participants, who will be better prepared to live and work in an intercultural, globalized world; it will consolidate the International Mobility Program of the university, by stimulating the development of research and cultural projects in collaboration with foreignuniversities; finally it will increase our contribution to society due to the results of the joint projects as well as promote an international environment to our community.
All three universities will promote and disseminate the project results through their own media and websites. USP has own newspaper, which is distributed to students, faculty and technical- administrative staff within the campi, free of charge. This is an important tool to spread out the information about the project. The dissemination may also be made by the Communication and International Relations department from the university and the website from USP and its International Office. Brazil has been working very hard both to increase scientific production and to accelerate technological innovation aiming at its socioeconomic development. International partnerships and the mobility of members of the academic community are extremely important in this process.
Algeria - Relevance strategie:
A list of the HEI from the Partner country:
- University of Kasdi Merbah
- University of Oran 1
Xxxxxxx University is very active in the area of internationalization, which has become a priority area of the university. In the strategy a strong emphasis is put on building strong ties with selected universities in each continent. Algeria is not a traditional partner country for MU but based on our strategy we have already participated in an Erasmus Mundus project with partners from Algeria and a strong connection was established. The experience with students from there is excellent:
• Transnational mobility of students at all levels between the EU countries and beyond. The aim of the university is to make credit mobilities accessible for every student.• Transnational mobility of staff, academic and administrative, between HEI in the EU and beyond, with the aim of increasing the professionalization and international confidence of the human resources inside the university as well as to bring internationalization home for non-mobile students.• To build strong ties to selected universities in each continent
The mission and objectives are to provide and promote education, training and scientific research. Both universities includes in their curriculum many academic programs at the Bachelor, Master and Doctorate level that vary from sciences (Informatics, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics), Biology, Medical sciences (Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy), Arabic literature and arts, Communication Science, library science, Islamic civilization, History) etc. These programs have been developed to meet the needs of education, scientific research and industry.
The international strategy is based on the promotion of institutional cooperation and mobility activities with foreign universities in general and with European and Mediterranean ones in particular. Thus Xxxxxxx University (MU), as a partner university in the previous Erasmus Mundus project is an
excellent choice for the cooperation. Universities encourage the implementation of student mobility within European programs and cooperative actions such as joint teaching and research programs and cultural exchange. It helps to open the universities to the international scene, significant improvement and even creating common degrees between the Algerian universities and MU. Another objective is to provide the space for development of the universities’ managerial knowledge and capacities through such exchanges.
The main objectives of such a strategy are to improve transparency and comparability and to facilitate academic recognition of studies and qualifications in order to overcome barriers such as the differentiation of degree systems. Taking part in Erasmus+ program is an opportunity for them to reach such objectives. The special focus will be given to the Master’s, PhD’s and both academic and administrative staff mobilities.
Having had some experience with Erasmus Mundus mobility and after thorough discussion with partners also taking into consideration the limits of the project we agreed that only mobility from Algeria to MU will be planned. To fit well into the strategy and needs of the institution only mobility of graduates and staff will be undertaken.
Algeria - Kvalita podmínek spolupráce:
The cooperation of MU with universities in Algeria started in 2012 within the Erasmus Mundus programme.
The University of Oran 1 was involved in several international projects: Tempus, Erasmus Mundus (Imagine, Averroes, EMMAG, CLIMATE). Xxxxxxx University and University of Oran 1 were partners in EMMAG project experiencing a fruitful cooperation. The University of Oran 1 have special international relations with universities in the following countries: EU Member states, Morocco, Tunisia, USA, Canada, South Korea, Egypt, Lebanon, Xxxxxx, Syria.
On the other side University of Kasdi Merbah have no previous experience with Xxxxxxx University under such project and thus the project is opening a possible vital cooperation and broaden the partnership networks of both universities allowing them to have more international reach. University of Kasdi Merbah has already signed about 60 cooperation agreements with international universities situated in 21 countries, and they have been involved in a mobility program in the framework of Erasmus Mundus as associated partner.
The roles and responsibilities of the partners defined in the bilateral agreements will be equal. MU will be responsible for the financial management and for the payment of the grants. Both universities, however, will be responsible for the dissemination of the project as well as promotion of the mobility opportunity. Both universities will be also responsible to nominate their candidates according to the principle of equal opportunity for everyone, gender balance and with respect to the possible vulnerable situation of the candidates. Selection and final acceptance of the candidate will be on the host university, however it will be subject to approval by both sides.
Algeria - Kvalita koncepce a realizace projektu:
The main phases of the mobility project are:
- Dissemination and promotion- Application - Validation- Evaluation- Selection- Mobility period- Evaluation
To make the whole process transparent, the partners will use the online tool of Xxxxxxx University. Based on communication with the partner universities their plans in terms of selection go as follows:
Home university will be responsible for the eligibility check and primary nomination of the candidates. The evaluation and selection will be done by the host university upon the following parameters:
1. Motivation letter
2. Language skills
3. Academic merit for BA and MA students and quality of the research or work proposal for PhD and staff
The final selection of the candidates is to be approved by both partners and the list has to be published.
For credit recognition all partners will use the mobility tools of EU. Learning Agreement (LA), Transcript of Records (ToR), Research and Work Plan will be prepared by the candidates during the application period. All partners are ready to provide support to the selected candidates with the process of study recognition. Host university will provide the students with the any additional document to the LA and ToR in case the student or the home university require it. MU is committed to offer special support or workshop in case the partner need any help with the process of study recognition.
At the University of Oran 1 the selection of the candidates for nomination for an Erasmus+ international mobility will be done with respect to specific criteria such as: Academic and language requirements, quality of application, prioritized thematic fields, and relevance of mobility for both the host and home institution, brain-drain prevention and future cooperation. University will provide all possible assistance for scholarship holders to get private accommodation.
University of Oran 1 recognize all the credits mentioned in the learning agreement (the contract signed both by the home and the host universities).
Algeria - Dopad a šíření výsledků:
The desired impact of the mobility project on participants, universities and at local, regional and national levels could be seen in the following points:
1. As far as participants are concerned, the mobility project can help them renew and update their knowledge and thus bring new positive changes to the universities: the cultural and academic distance between the Algerian universities and other international universities would be narrowed down.
2. This project will help the both universities to understand and increase the knowledge about the higher education systems in particular countries
3. It will help and allow the academic recognition for the scholarship holders
4. It will increase the various professional skills of the participants, help to increase their employability of the graduates and participants
5. It will bring internationalization at home thus enable international experience for non-mobile students as well
6. By getting the Algerian universities and Xxxxxxx University promoted and will help them reach and elevate the excellent level in the field of academia and research matters and the visibility at international level, this would unquestionably help in developing also the socio- economic status at the local, regional and ultimately at the national level.
To disseminate the results of the mobility project at faulty and institution levels, the following measures will be taken:The participant will be required to submit periodical reports and a final report on his/her academic training to his/her home university. Those reports which will be submitted by each of the participants, as mentioned above need to be approved and validated by the host university as well. On the basis of the submitted reports, and in a period extending to three years, questionnaires will be filled out by the academic and administrative staff when they came back their original universities. This to follow the implementation of the knowledge they have already acquired abroad.
Besides that, joint teaching and research activities will be carried out which will allow to spread knowledge and disseminate the results. Partner universities will be organizing conferences and workshops about the higher education institutions and higher education systems at these universities.
Information about the project, mobility opportunity and the results of the scholarship holders will be published on the website of the partner universities and will be available to the public.
Lebanon - Relevance strategie:
A list of HEIs from the Partner country:
- Lebanese American University
- Saint-Xxxxxx University
The cooperation of MU with universities in Lebanon started at the very beginning of the Erasmus Mundus programme, in 2007. Since a strategy of MU is to strengthen its international activities and transnational mobility is one of the main tools for this, the cooperation with all partners from the region is very important for us. It is seen as a means for internationalization at home for the MU environment where incoming students and staff have significant influence on the local students. Another important focus of our strategy for internationalization is the capacity building of our partner universities, which is why we also offer and focus on the staff mobility – administrative and academic. This is a way how to share experience and increase the professionalization of staff on both sides. Taking this and the limits of the programme into consideration we agreed with the partners to offer one mobility per partner institution at BA, MA and staff levels. For staff both types of mobility are planned – academic and administrative. Due to budget limitations only one outgoing staff mobility is planned.
The main common goal and focus of Lebanese American University (LAU) is to extend LAU’s academic, professional and social services beyond its campuses and provide opportunities for students and faculty to expand their university experience to the community and abroad. A several specific aims are part of LAU strategy of internationalization:
1. To establish and strengthen full services for student study abroad and international exchange agreements;
2. To make LAU a destination for foreign students;
3. To encourage academic programming and support faculty who include social responsibility and civic engagement in courses;
4. To provide LAU students with civic engagement opportunities to enhance their sense of social responsibility;
5. To expand Continuing Education courses off-campus and across Lebanon;
6. To ensure that LAU Institutes fulfill their Outreach mandates.
XXX is interested in undergraduate and graduate mobilities to expand the horizon of its student body and provide them with opportunities to experience European academic institutions. As for faculty and staff mobilities they are necessary to exchange expertise in several fields knowing that XXX is a leading academic institution in the MENA region also hosting such mobilities in exchange at LAU will diversify the LAU community and will allow for exchange of thoughts, research and expertise.
Regarding the Saint-Xxxxxx University, for many previous years, international relations’ actions have been focused on France, Switzerland, Canada and Belgium, due to Saint-Xxxxxx University (USJ) is a French speaking University. Since 2005, the Internationalization strategy has developed to widening the scope of collaboration actions to other countries such as Italy, Germany, Romania, Brazil, Argentina, Japan, USA, UK, China, etc.
An Erasmus Plus agreement with Xxxxxxx University would not only help the USJ in the sustainability of cooperation started under Erasmus Mundus, but it would also help reinforcing the place of the Czech Republic as a destination for academic mobility and scientific cooperation. The most likely types of mobility for USJ to take place are on the bachelor and master level (as well as LAU in previous paragraphs). Academic staff mobility might also be interesting in certain fields of study.
Lebanon - Kvalita podmínek spolupráce:
The cooperation of MU with universities in Lebanon stared in 2007 when during the first call for Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window proposals a project coordinated by Lund University was approved and Xxxxxxx University became one of the EU partners. Since that time MU has been actively involved in many other projects in the region.
Now, both Lebanese universities as well as Xxxxxxx University are included in a partnership under Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx MEDASTAR project coordinated by the University of Oviedo in Spain. In the framework of this project a fruitful cooperation and mobility flow has been carried out in both directions. XXX hosted several students from Xxxxxxx University and both Lebanese partners has sent their students to experience European higher education system. All of the students were participating with overall very good academic performance.
The roles and responsibilities of the partners defined in the bilateral agreements will be equal. MU will be responsible for the financial management and for the payment of the grants. Both universities, however, will be responsible for the dissemination of the project as well as promotion of the mobility opportunity. Both universities will be also responsible to nominate their candidates according to the principle of equal opportunity for everyone, gender balance and with respect to the possible
vulnerable situation of the candidates. Selection and final acceptance of the candidate will be on the host university, however it will be subject to approval by both sides.
Lebanon - Kvalita koncepce a realizace projektu:
The phases of the project includes an opening a call for applications and related disseminating activates. After the collection of the applications electronically an evaluation process and candidate selection will be carried out based on the home and host university internal procedures of evaluation and agreed criteria. For example at USJ selection will be made by the Dean of each Faculty based on academic merit and language proficiency. XXX always look for highly qualified candidates who can adapt to the American style learning experience. English is a requirement to study at LAU so applicants should provide proof of their English proficiency from their home university. After the selection the participants can start their mobility.
To make the whole process transparent, the partners will use the mobility tool of Xxxxxxx University. Based on communication with the partner universities their plans in terms of selection go as follows:
Home university will be responsible for the eligibility check and primary nomination of the candidates. The evaluation and selection will be done by the host university upon the following parameters:
1. Motivation letter
2. Language skills
3. Academic merit for BA and MA students and quality of the research or work proposal for PhD and staff
The final selection of the candidates is to be approved by both partners and the list has to be published.
Partners will provide the participants of the project with all necessary information and administrative support as well as offer them necessary assistance with other practicalities such as visa procedures, accommodation, and transport and course selection. Partners will accompany them and give them advice throughout the whole process since the application until the final day of mobility. Students will be provided by the detailed orientation upon their arrival.
For credit recognition all partners will use the mobility tools of EU. Learning Agreement (LA), Transcript of Records (ToR), Research and Work Plan will be prepared by the candidates during the application period. All partners are ready to provide support to the selected candidates with the process of study recognition. Host university will provide the students with the any additional document to the LA and ToR in case the student or the home university require it. USJ follows the European credit transfer system since 2003. Therefore, there should be no difficulties in terms of credits recognition.
Lebanon - Dopad a šíření výsledků:
The desired impact of the mobility project on participants, universities and at local, regional and national levels could be seen in the following points:
1. As far as participants are concerned, the mobility project can help them renew and update their knowledge and thus bring new positive changes to the universities: the cultural and academic distance between the Algerian universities and other international universities would be narrowed down.
2. This project will help the both universities to understand and increase the knowledge about the higher education systems in particular countries
3. It will help and allow the academic recognition for the scholarship holders
4. It will increase the various professional skills of the participants, help to increase their employability of the graduates and participants
5. It will bring internationalization at home thus enable international experience for non-mobile students as well
6. By getting the Algerian universities and Xxxxxxx University promoted and will help them reach and elevate the excellent level in the field of academia and research matters and the visibility at international level, this would unquestionably help in developing also the socio- economic status at the local, regional and ultimately at the national level.
Such project not only have an impact on the participating individuals but it has also a spillover effect either in their professional or family environment. Being part of this kind of projects impacts the university's community in general and allows all parties involved to have a better understanding of different academic systems, cultures and countries.
Given the high impact and role of social media in all parts of the world partners will rely not only on the traditional means of dissemination like printed publications and websites but also on social media tools in order to promote the different international programs. Partners will communicate the available information not only to our students, faculty and staff but also to the network of alumni as well as to the academic community in Lebanon in general.
Information about the project, mobility opportunity and the results of the scholarship holders will be published on the website of the partner universities and will be available to the public.
Israel - Relevance strategie:
A list of the HEIs from the Partner country
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Gordon Academic College
- Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- University of Haifa
Israel is a strategic partner for MU, particularly underlined in the strategy for internationalization. The partnership started in 2009 with a Tempus project and was strengthened and widened with three Erasmus Mundus projects coordinated by MU and another Tempus project. The cooperation was recognized also by the governments of both countries by making MU responsible for the Xxxxxxx
Xxxxx Distinguished Chair and Xxxxxxx Chair – a mobility scheme for researchers between both countries.
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) strives to improve its global standing as a leading research institution to become a point of pilgrimage for researchers and students from all over the world. The university will attract them to unique programs in fields which are well known and offer an added value. The university will actively pursue expanding its international research collaborations by, amongst other things, encouraging the exchange of researchers, of all levels, graduate and undergraduate students to improve its quality of research and teaching. BGU's goal is to create a vibrant global community of researchers and students. The mobility with Xxxxxxx University will support its goal to increase the number of foreign students and staff and will create new research collaboration as well as strengthen the existing ones.
Gordon Academic College (GAC) has been very active in the field of internationalization. During the last three years, GAC has coordinated a very successful TEMPUS program, DOIT, which has become a model for other similar programs in Israel. GAC has been a partner in another TEMPUS program, LLAF, which also proves to be very successful. In 2015 GAC has applied to coordinate an Erasmus+ project and international cooperation is a very important part of the institutional strategy and life. The mobility with MU perfectly fit into the strategy and strengthen the international recognition of the university.
IDC Herzliya has a tradition of internationalization with a student body composed of 25% international students but there is much to be proud of. Throughout its 20 year history IDC graduates have contributed to economic, environmental and social development on every continent,; and through its research outputs, IDC has contributed in a significant way to the development of new technologies, therapies, economic change and cultural enrichment worldwide. The cooperation with EU is becoming much important for IDC Herzliya and this project will be very important to strengthen the established cooperation and move the focus of cooperation from America to EU.
Although the Hebrew University has been actively engaged in international cooperation for research and teaching from its early outset, internationalization is increasingly becoming a strategic institutional priority now. The university is strongly committed to the enrichment of the academic environment for students and faculty through the creation of international connections with academic institutions abroad. Internationalization as a strategic priority has led to encouragement of the introduction of more academic programs and courses taught in English at the faculty level, a steady increase in academic agreements with strategic partners, increased encouragement and participation in exchange programs. The Hebrew University endeavors to enable its top students an international study period at leading institutions that are of particular relevance to their studies, and thus students have the opportunity to benefit from complementary academic areas of studies and access to academic resources. The collaboration within the Erasmus+ Credit Mobility Programme will serve to enrich and expand existing successful academic collaboration between Xxxxxxx and the Hebrew University. The mobility will serve to provide students in both institutions with an international educational experience and thus enriching the academic programs at both institutions.
The University of Haifa regards internationalization as a significant means to achieve quality through diversity and to deliver on the university’s goal of being a leading university with a global reach. University of Haifa vision is that mobility is essential to ensure high quality higher education and it is also an important pillar for exchange and collaboration with other parts of the world. In this project we want to continue in the excellent cooperation and support particularly the mobility of
undergraduate students which cannot be supported by other established schemes and which are very popular between partners due to the already mentioned Erasmus Mundus projects. MU Staff Training is also very popular among the Israeli partners; therefore, we want to support it since administrative mobility is rarely supported.
Israel - Kvalita podmínek spolupráce:
The collaboration of MU and Israel came to existence in 2009 first as a TEMPUS cooperation in the region (CORINTHIAM- that aimed on the implementation of ECTS in Israel and oPt). Later as extension to this cooperation four of the partner institutions have started their cooperation through the EMAIL project (Xxxxxxx University and 3 Israeli partners BGU, HUJI and IDC) and that was the basis for an excellent partnership.
Xxx Xxxxxx University of the Negev collaborated in several Tempus and Erasmus Mundus programs, the later are: EDEN, EMAIL I, EMAIL II, EMAIL III. There is also a specific faculty institutional agreement between the universities.
Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya has until now participated in Erasmus Mundus programs (i.e. EMAIL consortium), Tempus (e.g. Esprit) or specific programme developed between Xxxxxxx University and its Israeli partners called Xxxxxxx Distinguished Chair.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem has been a part of Erasmus Mundus EMAIL programmes in years 2007-2015, under the coordination of Xxxxxxx University as well as the other partners. During the years of EMAIL Erasmus Mundus under the leadership of Xxxxxxx University, students of Xxxxxxx and the Hebrew University have benefited from funding for the exchange of students and staff. To date, 16 Hebrew university students from the faculties of humanities, law, social sciences and school of Business have spent 1-2 semesters at Xxxxxxx and have been very satisfied by their overall experience.
University of Haifa and Xxxxxxx University has been partners through the Erasmus Mundus programme EMAIL Consortium. Between the years 2011 to 2014 the University of Haifa sent to Xxxxxxx University 6 students in their BA level and 1 staff. Xxxxxxx University sent to the University of Haifa 11 students: two doctoral students, seven graduate students, two undergraduate students and two faculty members. Such vital flow of students and researchers as well as university staff members is truly exceptional and therefore it is highly desirable to continue in the cooperation. In addition, the University of Haifa has a student exchange agreement with Xxxxxxx University and they are in the process of submission two projects under the KA2 Erasmus+ in two proposals.
Among the partners from Israel, Gordon Academic College has no previous experience with Xxxxxxx University, but according to the partnership negotiation an impression has been made on GAC members and leadership by the representatives of Xxxxxxx University who came to Israel to give a speech about their experience with international projects. In 2014 GAC signed its first bilateral agreement in terms of faculty mobility with a Romanian partner (EDEN) and this year they already have several faculty and administrative staff members interested in taking part in the projects.
The roles and responsibilities of the partners defined in the bilateral agreements will be equal. MU will be responsible for the financial management and for the payment of the grants. Both universities, however, will be responsible for the dissemination of the project as well as promotion of the mobility opportunity. Both universities will be also responsible to nominate their candidates according to the principle of equal opportunity for everyone, gender balance and with respect to the possible
vulnerable situation of the candidates. Selection and final acceptance of the candidate will be on the host university, however it will be subject to approval by both sides.
Israel - Kvalita koncepce a realizace projektu:
The main phases of the mobility project are:
- Dissemination and promotion- Application - Validation- Evaluation- Selection- Mobility period- Evaluation
To make the whole process transparent, the partners will use the mobility tool of Xxxxxxx University.
Home university will be responsible for the eligibility check and primary nomination of the candidates. The evaluation and selection will be done by the host university upon the following parameters:
- Motivation letter
- Language skills
- Academic merit for BA and MA students and quality of the research or work proposal for PhD and staff
The final selection of the candidates is to be approved by both partners and the list has to be published.
For credit recognition all partners will use the mobility tools of EU. Learning Agreement (LA), Transcript of Records (ToR), Research and Work Plan will be prepared by the candidates during the application period. All partners are ready to provide support to the selected candidates with the process of study recognition. Host university will provide the students with the any additional document to the LA and ToR in case the student or the home university require it. MU is committed to offer special support or workshop in case the partner need any help with the process of study recognition.
At BGU assistance is provided as well as guidance to the whole process of finding possible courses, seeking approval for the program from the academic department at BGU and completing all the paper work. In addition, once the student returns from his/ her mobility, assistance is given for the process of approving and getting credit for the courses taken at the host university.
The BGU has committed to approve the credit for courses that were taken at host institution and vice versa.
At Gordon Academic College they involve all the key stakeholders, from the president and heads of departments in order to create clearly defined tasks and to conceptualize a sustainable work plan which can be developed, sustained and finished in time. XXX believes that the collaborative approach is crucial in order to make sure that all the projects that we are involved in succeed and that the atmosphere is a positive one. GAC plans to support the participants in every possible way: during the preparation stage we intend to help the participants learn about the culture of their host country and of the institution they are going to and will help with all the bureaucratic preparations needed. During the time the participants are abroad, GAC will keep in touch with them and make sure their needs are net.
Gordon Academic College made a strategic decision on this point and all courses that will be taken by students as part of the mobility program will be recognized by our college.
At IDC in Herzliya based on agreed-upon learning agreements IDC recognize credit earned abroad at partner institutions.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) advertises on an annual basis a competitive call for applications for exchange opportunities to students and staff. The call is published internally via various different media channels. Once a student has been accepted into the programme, the student exchange coordinator is in direct contact with each of the student about their outgoing study period. This includes a pre-departure support such as (verification of enrollment in partner institution, visa, and health insurance matters, helping the student to adjust to his/her time abroad). This includes providing the student with information about the host institution as well as at the host country. HUJI have implemented a "learning agreement" form for which all students must have signed by their department advisor and international office in order to have the courses approved for credit transfer. The coordinators at the host institution must verify the enrollment of the students in these courses. Once the transcript is received, the registrar's office checks to see that the transcript matches the courses which have been approved in the learning agreement. Upon return students who participate in the exchange programme are asked to complete an assessment questionnaire on their return. These surveys are reviewed by the student exchange coordinator, and any issues are brought to the attention of the International Office. The student exchange coordinator also ensures that the participating students work to promote the student exchange program and assist.
For University of Haifa (UofH) LA and ToR are the main mobility documents. In order to recognize all the credits and their study abroad in full scale, students are asked to sign a learning agreement and to include all the courses and ECTS they will take abroad. Israeli universities are not using ECTS credit system. Their credit system based on academic hours but the transfer can be made from ECTS in rate of every 1 Israeli = 1.5 (one and a half) ECTS.
Israel - Dopad a šíření výsledků:
Increased presence of quality students, researchers and staff members at partner institutions, enhanced opportunities for the international students and staff abroad are the main priorities of exchange programs.
On an institutional/local level, the benefits of the participation in the Erasmus+ program are multifold. For all the partners in this project proposal outgoing and incoming exchange students, such short terms study abroad opportunities enable the university to provide the students with a better education by gaining skills to participate in the global arena, often learning a new language, encountering a new culture, gaining new international social skills, international networking. Former exchange students often pursue an international Master’s degree, apply for an internship with an international organization and have international careers. In the long run the exchange program therefore contributes to the internationalization of the public and the private sector in the Czech Republic, Israel and far beyond.
On the flip-side, the importance of incoming students is in creating a more international campus, which makes for a more interesting, stimulating campus life, enriching the university's Israeli students by acquainting them with diverse cultures and familiarizing them the communication skills and cultural sensitivities they need today in today's global marketplace. Additionally, such students enable international networking (research) opportunities for university faculty and students, bring high
quality research students and staff which benefit the university faculty. A mobility agreement with Xxxxxxx will be particularly beneficial in the faculties’ efforts towards internationalization in that students will come to the partner universities’ classrooms from an area of the world that is not generally well represented in their exchange student population.
The proposed mobility project will enrich the students and staff and expose them to possibilities of the global world. This influences the people as individuals as well as human beings to become more open to different societies and different communities. Moving out of their comfort zone will then make them more open to understanding and more helpful to people that will come from the different background. Not only it can broaden the horizon, but also it can also be a life changing experience. This will influence the local university level as well as for their future careers on a regional or national level. All personnel who participate in such mobility are required to submit a report, as well as write tips and useful information for people that will go on that mobility the following year.
Thus besides the above mentioned the impacts as stated by the partner institution should cover also the following at institutional level:
1) To have more departments that encourage their students to study a semester abroad by making it part of their degree.
2) As far as possible, to expand mobility funding and to enable a wide-reaching opportunities of grants, loans and scholarships provided by the universities
3) As a prerequisite for mobility and internationalization, a support the teaching of foreign languages At national level
1) An identification in the country problems, e.g. in relation to issuing visas, residence and work permits in the higher education field, and they will take measures accordingly to make mobility easier.
2) Partners will give extra attention and opportunities to under-represented groups to be eligible and suitable for the mobility and recognize the importance of adequate student support services to this end.
The dissemination of the project results will be in the form of internal reporting to faculty and institutional relevant offices on the quantity and quality of the mobility and academic collaboration between the institutions. Partners also intend to disseminate the results of the mobility project at all levels, including research with the faculty members who take place in the project, meetings with faculty members, round tables, etc. Partner universities also intend to publish handbooks regarding the project in order to encourage others to take part in it in the future.
A classic way of dissemination through websites, seminars, newspapers and posters as well as social networks will be used. Moreover, even using a specific eNewsletter or institutional magazines are a part of the dissemination strategy as well.
Indonesia - Relevance strategie:
A list of the HEIs from the Partner country:
- Unverisitas Airlangga
- Universitas Gadjah Mada
Since 2015 a new Strategy for Internationalization was approved for MU. According to it, Asia is still strategic area for us, however our interest not only in cooperation with developed country in the region but we aim to play a greater part in the developing countries. Indonesia with its fast growing economy and development is particularly important for us. According to our strategy we want to increase the exchange of students and staff and thus establish better cooperation in the area of academia and research. We also want to offer places for staff exchange in order to increase the professionalization of the staff
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is the biggest university in Indonesia (considering the number of registered students), also the oldest university in the country, founded on 19 December 1949. It is the most comprehensive university, covering more than 70s departments in its 18 Faculties, Graduate School, and Centre of Studies. It has been traditionally considered to be one of the top three premier universities in Indonesia. Growing to be the leading universities in Indonesia UGM brings the vision to be a pioneer of World Class Research University in Indonesia which is excellent, full of innovation, dignified, and dedicated to national interest and humanity, inspired by Xxxxxxxxx (the five-principle ideology of Indonesia).
Along with the vision, UGM has general mission to promote excellence in educational activities, research, and community service which aim to nurture excellent and beneficial knowledge for Indonesian society and to participate in Indonesian socio-cultural building. It is in line with the national goals to be globally recognized and nationally resilient nation. In short, “locally rooted, globally respected” as an official motto inspires every sectors and activities in UGM.
Univesitas Airlangga (UA) has a five-year long program in which internationalization is a necessity. With the theme of Global Networking for Global Partnership, they would like to allow their student and research staff to experience a high level of education according in the context of European education. They would like to also draw as many academicians and students as possible from all over the world to experience both academic and non-academic life at our university. UA strives to improve the quality of the research and community services in accordance to the international standards and have an international reputation.
In its goal to become the top national leading world class research universities, they seek to collaborate more with overseas institutions and international partners. It is dedicated to support research and teaching that can increase prosperity, security, and human welfare. This commitment requires research that is relevant, faculty members who are empowered, and administration that is efficient. These goals are not simple to achieve, and are never fully met. Instead, partners recognize that this is an on-going, continual process of improvement, one which requires an engagement with global networks, but which remains committed to uniquely Indonesian values. Therefore, partners are keen to explore further research and cooperation with other universities, namely with Xxxxxxx University as a representative of European educational area, within in order to craft a trajectory toward achieving prosperity, security, and human welfare.
Taking account to aforementioned philosophies, visions, and also strategic plans, this proposal will bring much beneficial for both sides of partnership. The student (especially undergraduate) and staff mobility will be the main way to increase international exposure directly with long-term impact for the quality improvement of Indonesian human resources. Direct interaction and involvement are the only way to learn and acknowledge real lesson from the first hand as well as to increase inter-cultural understanding as global citizen for people from Indonesia as well as from Europe.
Such selection of levels will certainly important to enlarge their knowledge and cross cultural understanding. Recently, undergraduate students still become the main priority in developing human resources in Indonesia. Therefore, these schemes will bring marvelous impact on the quality developing of human resources in Indonesia.
Indonesia - Kvalita podmínek spolupráce:
This project proposal includes two Indonesian partners, one with already established partnership with Xxxxxxx University in the Erasmus Mundus programme (Universitas Gadjah Mada) and with excellent cooperation and experience (Universitas Airlangga) from the joint preparation of Erasmus Mundus project TIME where both university jointly worked on the proposal as coordinator and co- coordinator. This is seen as very positive asset of the project proposal because it will allow broadening of the network of cooperating institutions from the region and country, the support might be given from both Xxxxxxx University and Universitas Gadjah Mada and the project progress might be evaluated and managed based on discussion from different perspectives which will allow to constantly develop further the expertise of Xxxxxxx University as a representative of European higher education system.
In detailed description, as it was mentioned, Universitas Airlangga has no project cooperation with Xxxxxxx University yet. On the other hand a broad cooperation between Xxxxxxx University and Universitas Gadjah Mada has been carried out through being part of consortium agreement of Erasmus Mundus AREAS and AREAS+ (Academic Relations between Europe and Asia) projects.
The roles and responsibilities of the partners defined in the bilateral agreements will be equal. MU will be responsible for the financial management and for the payment of the grants. Both universities, however, will be responsible for the dissemination of the project as well as promotion of the mobility opportunity. Both universities will be also responsible to nominate their candidates according to the principle of equal opportunity for everyone, gender balance and with respect to the possible vulnerable situation of the candidates. Selection and final acceptance of the candidate will be on the host university, however it will be subject to approval by both sides.
Indonesia - Kvalita koncepce a realizace projektu:
As Higher Education Institution and party in the agreement at the same time, partners will provide the project with high quality participants who also passed set project and university's criteria to apply for an international mobility programme. In addition to that, partner universities will also evaluate the candidacy of its students, consult future participants, promote the project to prospective students and staffs, and compose a report of the conduct of the programme from the university's perspective as a contributed insight for the development of the project.
In regards to the qualification, certain criteria for the students and staffs will be used. Each student candidate for bachelor exchange level will be nominated based on academic merit (GPA, academic achievement, and research activities), relevance of study (study plan/proposal) as well as other added values (non-academic achievement, language proficiency, activism, etc.). Meanwhile the staff candidate will be nominated based on their background, unit of duty, work plan, and other added values (reputation, achievement, language proficiency, and activism).
At the partner institutions, every student who is willing to apply this programme is urged to contact their academic supervisor in their Department or Study Program for obtaining consent in the learning agreement that they planned. When a student applies for a semester abroad, he/she should prepare a
letter to present his/her study plan and give a clear description of the courses, which he/she would like to take, also indicating the total amount of credits. Responsible bodies or officials will then acknowledge this and deal with evaluation or acknowledging of his/her application.
For the staff mobility mechanism, the staff and academia that are willing to join exchange programme must make a proposal contains a set of work plan and other necessary documents for their mobility beforehand. They must consult the proposal to their supervisors or Head of the Department as well as OIA. This proposal will be sent to partner through official nomination from OIA.
For the incoming students and staff, UGM and UA have committed to conduct full service and facilities. The same will be provided from the MU (European) side. For the outgoing student and staff, UGM will provide needed supporting documents, open single door of communication/application to Xxxxxxx University.
After completing the exchange period abroad, the student should hand over the transcript that he/she obtained from the host university to the Head of Department who will then hold a meeting with all relevant lecturers and professors to decide which credits can be transferred. As for the staff, they must hand over a “back-to-office” report and responsible with the knowledge they have got abroad by sharing and transfer it to their colleagues. Furthermore, we will involve the students and staffs in various internationalization activities of UGM.
Meanwhile for the incoming student and staff, both Indonesian universities have committed to conduct full service and facilities. Once they arrive to Indonesia, we will share guidance and further assistance to adapt with living here. They are also being able to transfer their credit with ECTS method to count.
The recognition of the participants’ studies is applied on both directions of mobility. All the universities are committed to recognize the studies and allow them to transfer the credits. This shall help to promote the mobility and allow applying for as many suitable candidates as possible.
Indonesia - Dopad a šíření výsledků:
Universitas Xxxxxx Xxxx believes that the programme could bring much positive impacts for the university, local community, regional stake holders, even for the nation as general.
By joining student and staff mobility, one could enrich his/her experience international atmosphere of academic activities. It would help to improve the language proficiency, build leadership quality and global competence, and also improve inter-cultural understanding among us. This quality improvement will certainly increase the university ranking. Furthermore, the increasing numbers of international student will encourage each Faculty or Department to be more ready with international collaboration and international student mobility programme.
The increasing number of international student will promote more international tourists in Yogyakarta, since the city has numerous tourism destinations that will entice everyone to explore. It is in line with Provincial Government’s mission “Yogyakarta 2025 as the top tourist destination in Southeast Asia”.
A more visionary impact of the programme, the quality improvement of individual will bring much beneficial for national policy and long term national goals of Indonesia. The knowledge and experience that being received from abroad could lead one to share and evaluate the country. In some extend, she/he could give a policy recommendation towards government’s policy and also
participation as international player, i.e.G20. Furthermore, it could bring the national resilience as reality in food security, energy, and maritime issues.
By the Universitas Airlannga the desired impacts on the selected participant were described and should include following:
-Enlarging knowledge academically and culturally On Universitas Airlangga (local):
-Increasing the number of international mobility schemes-Increasing the level of global recognition- Increasing the number of doctoral faculties-Increasing the quality of the human resources (students, staffs, faculties)-Increasing the number and quality of researches
(Regional):-As the best university in the eastern part of Indonesia, the international mobility schemes will impact on the human resources development in East Java Province and the eastern part of Indonesia for the most academicans in Universitas Airlangga is from East Java and the eastern part of Indonesia
(National):-The development of Universitas Airlangga, East Java, and the eastern part of Indonesia will bring a massive impact on the human resources development in Indonesia. The resulted research and learning could be used to build and develop Indonesia in the future.
In disseminating UA university-level mobility projects or programs we use the following social media: Facebook Group, Twitter, and our website (xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx). We also send letters to all of the 14 faculties and if necessary to related domestic partners.
The Directorate of Higher Education has also stipulated that all partnerships be reported to them. In doing so, we have to report the progress of all our collaborations, including our exchange programs.
To bring the idea into real impact, UGM sees the importance of measurement and dissemination of the programme. There are several ways possibly to conduct after the return of the grantees. (1) Giving them a questionnaire contains of evaluation and to measure their achievements. (2) Asking them to disseminate and share their experience with their colleagues, friends, and even public. (3) Conducting more international activities based on their input. (4) Encouraging their direct involvement in various internationalisation activities of UGM.
Information about the project, mobility opportunity and the results of the scholarship holders will be published on the website of the partner universities and will be available to the public. MU will also actively promote the project and disseminate the results through all available channels.
China (People's Republic of) - Relevance strategie:
A list of the HEIs from the Partner country:
- Nanjing University
China is a priority area for all EU universities. MU has also established very good cooperation with 3 universities there and value the good relationship with them. However, for the project we decided to cooperate only with Nanjing University - we signed a bilateral agreement with NU recently, in 2014. According to our latest strategy for internationalization, we aim to increase the cooperation with the partners there and raise out influence there.
Nanjing University (NJU) attaches great importance to international cooperation and student or staff exchanges. NJU has amongst its partners also other world renowned European universities including Xxxxxxx University. This program undoubtedly provides a great opportunity for partners not only to continue and strengthen its existing cooperation and academic links with its key partners in Europe or China, but also to explore expansive collaboration with other member universities.
Our main objective is to foster mutual enrichment and better understanding between European and Asian countries, to further enhance structured cooperation and exchanges between Nanjing University and Xxxxxxx University.
NJU, as partner in China, would like to take this opportunity to further promote the progress of a student internationalization. That explains why students at all levels including undergraduates, Master and PhD students are all included in this mobility project. The main idea is to offer more chances for students to have international exposure during their study at NJU, and to strengthen the links with member universities in this project via student mobility program. Meanwhile, NJU is also making great efforts to attract incoming students from EU countries to study language and content courses in Nanjing. A series of English-taught content courses are to be designed and offered at the beginning of Fall Semester 2015.
Staff training is another part that NJU has been attaching great importance, too. In order to develop the global perspective of both administrative and academic staff, NJU even set up a particular fund through CSC scholarship to sponsor their mobility at host universities. The links with staff and faculty from both sides are proved to be the most effective way to identify the potential partner universities with mutual academic interest from both sides. Due to the required workload of their home office, administrative staff from NJU in this project may be limited to certain areas for the time being.
To achieve all those goals, mobilities in all level are planned.
China (People's Republic of) - Kvalita podmínek spolupráce:
Xxxxxxx University and Nanjing University have already participated in EU-funded Erasmus Mundus Project of EXPERTS, which is coordinated by the University of Goettingen, Germany. Both Nanjing University and Xxxxxxx University are member universities in EXPERTS, EXPERTS-II, EXPERTS- III, EXPERTS4Asia, EXPERTS-SUSTAIN.
Within the framework of the above-mentioned projects, the two universities have implemented the mobility of university academic and administrative staff members and students, and in addition, they also signed a bilateral student exchange agreement. Thus, this may serve as a proof of the fruitful cooperation between both universities.
The roles and responsibilities of the partners defined in the bilateral agreements will be equal. MU will be responsible for the financial management and for the payment of the grants. Both universities, however, will be responsible for the dissemination of the project as well as promotion of the mobility opportunity. Both universities will be also responsible to nominate their candidates according to the principle of equal opportunity for everyone, gender balance and with respect to the possible vulnerable situation of the candidates. Selection and final acceptance of the candidate will be on the host university, however it will be subject to approval by both sides.
China (People's Republic of) - Kvalita koncepce a realizace projektu:
Both university will use the online tool of MU to facilitate the administration of the mobility.
The selection plan for students will be decided upon the local management team at Nanjing University, which consists of members from all the concerned functional offices such as the Graduate School, Office of International Cooperation and Exchanges, Office for Academic Affairs, etc. The selection will be mainly based on the applicant’s motivation, academic performance and the recommendation from home university.
The selection of staff candidates will be more flexible than that of student participants. For those academic or administrative staff, as long as they have this motivation to apply and receive the approval from their home faculty or from senior supervisors at the offices, they are able to apply directly. If the scholarship is granted, the staff grants holders needs to have a good coordination in terms of their administrative, teaching or research workload at the home faculty or offices during their absence.
For our outgoing grantees, NJU International Office will assist them to complete the official nomination procedure or any additional application procedures required by those host universities, assist grantees to get all the necessary documents for visa application, help them to go through all the formalities required by the home university, and to get in touch with any other NJU students who are already in the same host university or country (if necessary), coordinate with the IRO staff at the host university for solutions of some urgent issues such as visa, housing or admission documents.
XXX has carried out many student exchange programs with their European partners, among which Xxxxxxx University is one of the key partners. Therefore, when the students complete their exchange study at the European university, the International Office will receive the official transcripts from the partner university and we then will work with their Office for Academic Affairs or Graduate School to transfer the credits. ECTS system has already been introduced to NJU colleagues before and they could transfer ECTS to NJU credits based on requirements of different modules.
If the Office for Academic Affairs and the Graduate School have any questions about students' mobility study, IRO will help to follow up with European partners to get more supporting documents to prove students' actual study at the host universities.
China (People's Republic of) - Dopad a šíření výsledků:
XXX as a C9 member has been taking the lead in both education and research in China. Through this mobility project, Nanjing University would like to further promote the global strategy in terms of the internationalization of both staff and students, and to further improve partners’ international image and reputation. Nanjing University would like to play an even more active role in the international cooperation and exchanges with European universities and Xxxxxxx University in particular. Thus, the desired impact would include the stronger links with existing EU partners, the new partnership in
extensive areas with member universities in this project, the concrete research collaboration developed from the staff mobility as well as the benefit of students at all levels from both sides who can later serve the community and country with global perspective and comprehensive skills.
Nanjing University will distribute information of this mobility project to the Office for Academic Affairs, the Graduate School and Office for Human Resources. The call for applications related to this project will be announced on the official websites. Information such as the application procedure, target candidates, application deadline, scholarships and the list of host universities will be included. Dissemination will also be covered by organizing workshops and information meetings at partner universities.
All the project information will also be shared on the NJU lily BBS and the website of Renren. Based on those platforms, even more potential candidates outside NJU in China could also obtain information.
Ukraine - Relevance strategie:
A list of the HEIs from Partner country:
- Xxxx Xxxxxx National University of Lviv (IFNUL)
- National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (NTUU)
- Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (CHNU)
- Zaporizhzhya National University (ZNU)
Ukraine is a strategic partner for MU. Cooperation with different universities in Ukraine is established not only at centralized university level but also at the level of different faculties and departments. A big advantage for cooperation with those universities is the language, as for students it is easy to live in Brno since they can understand the language without long preparation. According to our experience in different Erasmus Mundus projects, MU is the most desirable destination for Ukrainian students and we would like to support this. In compliance with the strategy for internationalization of the university, we would like to strengthen our strategic partnerships and Ukraine partners belong to them.
The proposed project is fully in accordance with the latest strategy for internationalization of MU for the period 2015-2020. Some of the priorities in it are:
- to make transnational credit mobilities accessible for every student and- to increasing the professionalization and international confidence of the human resources inside the university as well as to bring internationalization home for non-mobile students through transnational mobility of staff (academic and administrative)- to build up the university’s reputation by sharing experience and building capacity at universities in non-EU countries - to build strong ties to selected universities in each continent
The partnerships in Ukraine are of very good quality and students excellent. MU wish to contribute also to the professionalization of the staff. In this regards we offer different staff training courses to share our experience and good practices with our partners. These trainings will be core offer for our administrative colleagues. This is also the reason to plan one administrative staff mobility for each university.
All universities in Ukraine have internationalization strategies corresponding to strategy of Xxxxxxx University with main aims as:- Promoting academic mobility (staff and students);-Sharing mutual best practice in education-Academic mobility of students is aimed at improving the quality of higher education, effectiveness research, ensuring the competitiveness of graduates on the labor market. - strengthening international position. - Improvement of key competences and skills of students of all study levels and also academic and administrative staff..- increasing graduates' competitive performance at the labor market due to their study abroad experience- raising foreign language competences of students and staff- securing quality of science and research activities due to academic exchange- creating multi-cultural environment
The mobility scheme was planned taking into consideration the need of the partners but also the limits of the budget. To assure good added value of the planned mobility we decided to offer places for all levels.
Ukraine - Kvalita podmínek spolupráce:
Xxxxxxx University and all universities in Ukraine share great basis for mutual cooperation enhanced by various range of international projects. Common standards are set mainly by cooperation within framework of Erasmus Mundus program. Especially projects Alrakis, Backis and Humeria enhanced mutual cooperation but also various range of international inter institutional agreements gave all partners necessary background for future more intensive cooperation in various fields of study.
Previous experience of mutual cooperation is:
The IFNUL supports the exchange of students and good practice in the framework of bilateral Cooperation Agreements with various universities from European Union. IFNUL has a successful experience in arranging the internship for students according to the cooperation between IFNUL and Foundation “LEOPOLIS FOR FUTURE”.
In 2014/2015 academic year one of National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" students study at Xxxxxxx University as a free mover.
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx National University (CHNU) is partner with Xxxxxxx University in Humeria with focus on mobilities in PhD level
Within the frameworks of EMA 2 HUMERIA and with financial support provided by the Government of Czech Republic, 5 BA and MA students from Zaporizhzhya National University studied Journalism, Management and Philology at Xxxxxxx University in 2014/15
Previous experience of all partners will help set similar standards of process of selection of candidates, their responsibilities during mobility and also process of recognition of mobility outcomes as were set within Erasmus Mundus cooperation framework.
The roles and responsibilities of the partners defined in the bilateral agreements will be equal. MU will be responsible for the financial management and for the payment of the grants. Both universities, however, will be responsible for the dissemination of the project as well as promotion of the mobility opportunity. Both universities will be also responsible to nominate their candidates according to the principle of equal opportunity for everyone, gender balance and with respect to the possible vulnerable situation of the candidates. Selection and final acceptance of the candidate will be on the host university, however it will be subject to approval by both sides.
Ukraine - Kvalita koncepce a realizace projektu:
The main phases of the mobility project are:
- Dissemination and promotion- Application - Validation- Evaluation- Selection- Mobility period- Evaluation
To make the whole process transparent, the partners will use the online tool of Xxxxxxx University. Based on communication with the partner universities their plans in terms of selection go as follows:
Home university will be responsible for the eligibility check and primary nomination of the candidates. The evaluation and selection will be done by the host university upon the following parameters:
1. Motivation letter
2. Language skills
3. Academic merit for BA and MA students and quality of the research or work proposal for PhD and staff
Additional documents for staff and PhD students are letter of Support from home institution and also pre acceptance letter from host institution which proves that candidate has established contact with advisor at Host University. The final selection of the candidates is to be approved by both partners and the list has to be published.
All partners organize consultation during the application period to all students and staff interested in application for international mobility. The selection process for Academic Staff is the same as for students. Support for students and staff before their mobility with different information and advisory services is necessary part of all partners role. With the help of international office and faculty staff all outgoing and incoming participants will get support with application procedure, accommodation, curricula and other issues that may arise before and during their mobility period.
Mutual recognition of courses studies abroad was enhanced by introduction of new Law on Education in Ukraine in 2014. It will change the curriculum development in Ukrainian HEI that means that University (not Ministry) will be responsible for educational programs and list of subjects. In such situation HEI will be more flexible in recognition of subjects and credits.
IFNUL student should pass all credits and exams from this Curriculum in order to receive the Diploma. Students should pass extra exams, which are obligatory, and they do not study them in Host University. Recognition of credits is based on Transcript of Records, received in Host University, all subjects, which are in the Curriculum and their marks are reenrolled.
In 2014 we increased the number of elective courses for students till 25% in learning plan. So it will help us to reenroll more courses and include them to individual students plan. IFNUL plan to increase the number of recognized courses on the basis of the course description not on title and add them to the individual students plan.
Before departure, students willing to study abroad are required to prepare and sign Learning Agreement. Confirmed Learning Agreement guarantees that the positive results of studies will be recognized after the mobility period.
NTUU « KPI » is one of the first universities in Ukraine that in September 2003 joined the community of universities that have signed the Magna Charta of European Universities ("Magna Charta Universitatum"). Since that NTUU “KPI” actively becomes a member of the Bologna process and a participant of education system reformations. Since 2006 the single system of credits (ECTS – European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) has been adopted as well as in 2011 university actively issues its graduates the European diploma supplement that simplifies and facilitates the degrees and qualifications recognition. The recognition and transfer of the obtained credits at Host University is performed within Learning Agreement and Transcript of records.
For credit recognition all partners will use the mobility tools of EU. Learning Agreement (LA), Transcript of Records (ToR), Research and Work Plan will be prepared by the candidates during the application period. All partners are ready to provide support to the selected candidates with the process of study recognition. Host university will provide the students with the any additional document to the LA and ToR in case the student or the home university require it. MU is committed to offer special support or workshop in case the partner need any help with the process of study recognition.
For academic and administrative staff, the results of mobility activities presented in final report can be recognized as compulsory career enchantment training based on Academic Council's decision.
Ukraine - Dopad a šíření výsledků:
The established contacts between the EU institutions and non-EU institutions continue to develop in the form of bilateral contacts, joint new projects and joint conferences and seminars.
Project improves social and economic situation of the participants, they can conduct educational and scientific work, use libraries and laboratories in host universities for conduction their research which is not possible in the non-EU institutions. The students after mobility become more competitive on the internal and external labour market, they improve their language skills, they can live and work in different cultural and social environment. The PhD students after mobility exchange defend their PhD thesis at Home University. Post-doctorates and staff publish monographs and text-books and also improve their language skills and can prepare and deliver lectures in foreign languages.
Considerable impact is expected in the field of teaching. Faculty staff will gain international experience that will lead to the improvement of teaching and training quality, especially in the field of multi-disciplinary programs. In addition project will facilitate better understanding between the partner organizations in regards to teaching and learning peculiarities. From the administrative point of view project will upgrade administrative services, such as modernization of students’ recruitment strategies, enhancing international students’ services etc. The most significant influence is expected particularly on participants. Participation will extend their knowledge and improve skills to the benefit of university. As participation in mobility programs boosts the employability of its participants, it’s foreseen the increase of university’s attractiveness.
The following impact is expected from the implemented Erasmus+ student mobility: at the individual level - the acquisition of new knowledge, higher chances of finding work after graduation; at the university level – training top professionals, ensuring quality education; at the regional and national levels – training top professionals to promote the regional and nationwide development of higher education, bringing national education to European standards, support towards EU membership.
The following impact is expected from the implemented Erasmus+ staff mobility: at the individual level – advancing research; at the university level - improving scientific component, support of young and talented scientists, strengthening the competitiveness of Ukrainian universities; at regional and
national levels – involvement of scientific and technical assistance (participation in various European programs fostering education development), regional and nationwide development of higher education, bringing national education to European standards, support towards EU membership.
In order to disseminate the Erasmus+ KA1 program all partners will organize the information days in our University, make the presentation of Program for students and Academic Staff at the web-site of respective partner university and in the University newspaper. The former participants of the program also draw attention to the program. They tell their colleagues about the Program and advise to apply in order to participate in it next year.
The aim events such as information days and workshops is to distribute the knowledge and the best practice among faculties/institutions in order to increase the participation of individuals/universities in EU projects as well as to share project’s results and outcomes. One of the ways of project awareness and promotion is a project website that is a great functional dissemination instrument. It includes the overall project’s presentation, its aims, partnership structure as well as it gives regular updates, and is a good method of sharing participant’s impressions. The regular reports that describe step-by-step results and represent short and long-term goals should be should be posted on the website.
In order to disseminate the results of the project and to increase project's visibility at other various levels, the following activities will be performed:
- students and faculty meetings with successful grantees; grantees’ reports to Student and Faculty Councils and University Academic Council;- Erasmus faculty coordinators meetings to share experience in managing project activities, evaluating academic results etc; - establishing discussion platforms in social networks (Facebook, Vkontakte);- publications in local and national media (general information, success stories etc); - distribution of printed materials (leaflets, posters etc).
Chile - Relevance strategie:
A list of the HEIs from the Partner country:
- Universidad Central de Chile
- University Mayor
Close cooperation with the partners in Chile was established in 2009 due to the Erasmus Mundus projects. Chile was also one of the important partners in our Latin American strategy for internationalization, although the funding for this region is always very limited. A bilateral agreement between MU and the University Mayor was signed in 2008, however, due to very limited funds the activities under this agreement are also limited and unbalanced. The situation changed with Erasmus Mundus where we were together in a project. Now we are looking for new opportunities to foster the cooperation. The countries in Latin America and particularly Chile are important for MU because based on our strategy we aim to have strategic partners in all continents. Taking into consideration the wide range of research of MU it is vital to have good partners in all regions. In many projects universities from Spain are favoured because of the language and in fact the language is one of the reasons why MU wants to improve the cooperation with Latin America. The Spanish language is more and more important for the students and researchers and we aim to strengthen our connections with our partners in the region.
The project proposal is aimed and related to the internationalization strategies of above mentioned universities for several reasons. First, it shall allow them as well as Xxxxxxx University to continue developing the relationship both with European and Latin American Universities. Through these network building opportunities, universities are strengthening the teaching and learning strategies, while exploring interesting and promising joint research areas.
Partner universities have accumulated valuable experience and assets participating in previous Erasmus Mundus programmes. In this sense, participation in these programmes has allowed them to obtain resources to improve the human capital, both in academic and administrative respects. This is fundamental for the internationalization strategy.
Mobility proposals reflect the main lines of the mission and vision of partner universities. In this sense, staff and researcher mobilities are very desirable to building up valuable networks. Although we have two very important partners in Chile we cannot plan as much mobility as we need due to the budget restrictions. Only one student and one staff mobility are planned for this project.
Chile - Kvalita podmínek spolupráce:
Xxxxxxx University and Universidad Central de Chile have been partners in an Erasmus Mundus programme, namely PEACE, coordinated by Uppsala University together with Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Between Xxxxxxx University and University Mayor exist a bilateral agreement and constant flow of exchange students and consolidate it is our interest. From 2008 to 2015 Universidad Mayor has received 16 students from Czech Republic.
The roles and responsibilities of the partners defined in the bilateral agreements will be equal. MU will be responsible for the financial management and for the payment of the grants. Both universities, however, will be responsible for the dissemination of the project as well as promotion of the mobility opportunity. Both universities will be also responsible to nominate their candidates according to the principle of equal opportunity for everyone, gender balance and with respect to the possible vulnerable situation of the candidates. Selection and final acceptance of the candidate will be on the host university, however it will be subject to approval by both sides.
Chile - Kvalita koncepce a realizace projektu:
The selection of the suitable candidates is done after the call for applications is carried out. The quality and pertinence of the research and training programmes presented by the academic and admin staff interested in participating on mobility is crucial in terms of selection.
To make the whole process transparent, the partners will use the online tool of Xxxxxxx University. Based on communication with the partner universities their plans in terms of selection go as follows:
Home university will be responsible for the eligibility check and primary nomination of the candidates. The evaluation and selection will be done by the host university upon the following parameters:
1. Motivation letter
2. Language skills
3. Academic merit for BA and MA students and quality of the research or work proposal for PhD and staff
The final selection of the candidates is to be approved by both partners and the list has to be published.
The University shall facilitate as much as possible in- and outbound mobility, providing support in terms of Visa obtainment; grade and credit recognition; assistance in obtaining housing and accommodation. International offices at partner universities have professional staff members to support the incoming and outgoing students and researchers. Incoming students receive complete information about visa, medical insurance, emergency contacts and housing. Prior to their
arrival/departure they will receive several e-mails with all necessary information. At the end of the exchange semester universities will provide the students (or send to their address) an official transcript of records and official certificate.
Besides above mentioned students both incoming and outgoing are expected to have satisfactory academic results during the exchange period and also be possible future ambassadors between Chile and the Czech Republic. Partner universities shall recognize the mobility period upon presentation of a report and dissemination of the knowledge and experience obtained.For credit recognition all partners will use the mobility tools of EU. Learning Agreement (LA), Transcript of Records (ToR), Research and Work Plan will be prepared by the candidates during the application period. All partners are ready to provide support to the selected candidates with the process of study recognition. Host university will provide the students with the any additional document to the LA and ToR in case the student or the home university require it. MU is committed to offer special support or workshop in case the partner need any help with the process of study recognition.
Chile - Dopad a šíření výsledků:
Mobility provides participants with meaningful professional, academic and life experiences, which will surely shape their future professional career in positive ways, particularly in opening up their horizons and increasing their chances to obtain fulfilling jobs at home and abroad. Besides the professional development such mobilities shall help to develop also their understanding and sense of respect for different cultures, social and ethnic groups.
Partner universities and the whole of its community will benefit with this mobility project by improving teaching and learning strategies, strengthening the human capital, and increasing the exposure of the students to international experiences.
According to OECD statistics, Chile presents the lowest GIRD levels amongst the group, and is significantly below the OECD average. All forms of improving and increasing the research capacities will impact positively on Chile’s national development goals and EU-Chile mutual positive relationship.
Partners shall engage in several communication and dissemination strategies, including internal communications - websites, mailing lists, bulletins, affisches and posters, and also meetings with the community (students, professors and staff members). We shall also inform the general community about the programme and its results through Chile national-level media, including associated TV channels (CNN Chile), electronic press (El Mostrador) and other relevant networks.
Besides that each semester students take an online evaluation of their experience of international exchange. These assessments will be shared with students, university leadership and teachers of the universities in which they did exchange.
Příloha II – Přidělený rozpočet
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Náklady na organizaci mobilit | 227 | 60400 |
Cestovní náklady | 227 | 92450 |
Pobytové náklady | 227 | 750960 |
Celkem | 227 | 903810 |
Albania | ||
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Cestovní náklady | 10 | 2750 |
Pobytové náklady | 10 | 54720 |
Celkem | 10 | 57470 |
Algeria | ||
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Cestovní náklady | 6 | 2160 |
Pobytové náklady | 6 | 26940 |
Celkem | 6 | 29100 |
Argentina | ||
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Cestovní náklady | 3 | 3300 |
Pobytové náklady | 3 | 8980 |
Celkem | 3 | 12280 |
Armenia | ||
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Cestovní náklady | 12 | 4320 |
Pobytové náklady | 12 | 31640 |
Celkem | 12 | 35960 |
Belarus | ||
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Cestovní náklady | 4 | 1100 |
Pobytové náklady | 4 | 12980 |
Celkem | 4 | 14080 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | ||
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Cestovní náklady | 31 | 8525 |
Pobytové náklady | 31 | 87450 |
Celkem | 31 | 95975 |
Brazil | ||
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Cestovní náklady | 3 | 3300 |
Pobytové náklady | 3 | 7720 |
Celkem | 3 | 11020 |
Chile | ||
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Cestovní náklady | 2 | 2200 |
Pobytové náklady | 2 | 4980 |
Celkem | 2 | 7180 |
China (People's Republic of) | ||
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Cestovní náklady | 4 | 4400 |
Pobytové náklady | 4 | 7250 |
Celkem | 4 | 11650 |
Costa Rica | ||
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Cestovní náklady | 2 | 2200 |
Pobytové náklady | 2 | 5120 |
Celkem | 2 | 7320 |
Egypt | ||
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Cestovní náklady | 13 | 4680 |
Pobytové náklady | 13 | 49130 |
Celkem | 13 | 53810 |
Indonesia | ||
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Cestovní náklady | 9 | 9900 |
Pobytové náklady | 9 | 22160 |
Celkem | 9 | 32060 |
Israel | ||
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Cestovní náklady | 34 | 12240 |
Pobytové náklady | 34 | 120670 |
Celkem | 34 | 132910 |
Kosovo * UN resolution | ||
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Cestovní náklady | 14 | 3850 |
Pobytové náklady | 14 | 47160 |
Celkem | 14 | 51010 |
Lebanon | ||
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Cestovní náklady | 9 | 3240 |
Pobytové náklady | 9 | 21040 |
Celkem | 9 | 24280 |
Morocco | ||
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Cestovní náklady | 5 | 1800 |
Pobytové náklady | 5 | 25960 |
Celkem | 5 | 27760 |
Palestine | ||
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Cestovní náklady | 12 | 4320 |
Pobytové náklady | 12 | 37040 |
Celkem | 12 | 41360 |
Russian Federation | ||
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Cestovní náklady | 13 | 6890 |
Pobytové náklady | 13 | 43700 |
Celkem | 13 | 50590 |
Serbia | ||
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Cestovní náklady | 15 | 4125 |
Pobytové náklady | 15 | 34150 |
Celkem | 15 | 38275 |
Tunisia | ||
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Cestovní náklady | 4 | 1100 |
Pobytové náklady | 4 | 9960 |
Celkem | 4 | 11060 |
Ukraine | ||
Rozpočtová kategorie | Celkový počet účastníků | Celkový grant v EUR |
Cestovní náklady | 22 | 6050 |
Pobytové náklady | 22 | 92210 |
Celkem | 22 | 98260 |