Memorandum of Understanding
Memorandum of Understanding
Formulář je ke stažení na
POZN. V memorandu zúčastněné organizace stvrzují vzájemnou spolupráci na projektu. Podepisují jej organizace vysílající, přijímající, případně zprostředkující. Uzavřeno musí být nejpozději před zahájením mobility.
Povinnou přílohou je jednotka výsledků učení.
Memorandum se uzavírá v takové jazykové verzi, aby jí rozuměly všechny strany. Český překlad je pro informaci k dispozici na xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxx/0000/
‘File code’ of the Memorandum of Understanding (optional) | |
Remove if not necessary nepovinný údaj, kolonku je možné odstranit | |
1. Objectives of the Memorandum of Understanding | |
The Memorandum of Understanding 1 (MoU) forms the framework for cooperation between the competent institutions. It aims to establish mutual trust between the partners. In this Memorandum of Understanding, partner organisations mutually accept their respective criteria and procedures for quality assurance, assessment, validation and recognition of knowledge, skills and competence for the purpose of transferring credit. | |
Are other objectives agreed on? Please tick as appropriate | X No ☐ Yes – these are: insert information |
1 For more information and guidance on the establishment of a MoU please refer to the ECVET User’s Guide: ‘Using ECVET for geographical mobility (2012) - Part II of the ECVET Users’ Guide - Revised version – including key points for quality assurance’ – available at: xxxx://xxx.xxxxx- xxxxxxxx.xx/Xxxxxxxxx/
2. Organisations signing the Memorandum of Understanding | |
Country | |
Name of organisation | |
Address | |
Telephone/fax | |
Website | |
Name | |
Position | |
Telephone/fax | Telefon nebo fax kontaktní osoby |
e-mail kontaktní osoby | |
Organisation 2 | |
Country | |
Name of organisation | |
Address | |
Telephone/fax | |
Website | |
Name | |
Position | |
Telephone/fax | |
Organisation 3 (remove table if not necessary) podle potřeby - podle počtu zapojených organizací přidejte nebo uberte tabulky | |
Country | |
Name of organisation | |
Address | |
Telephone/fax | |
Website | |
Name | |
Position | |
Telephone/fax | |
Organisation 4 (remove table if not necessary) | |
Country | |
Name of organisation | |
Address | |
Telephone/fax | |
Website | |
Name | |
Position | |
Telephone/fax | |
Organisation 5 (remove table if not necessary) | |
Country | |
Name of organisation | |
Address | |
Telephone/fax | |
Website | |
Name | |
Position | |
Telephone/fax | |
Organisation 6 (remove table if not necessary) | |
Country | |
Name of organisation | |
Address | |
Telephone/fax | |
Website | |
Name | |
Position | |
Telephone/fax | |
add more tables if necessary – remove page if not necessary
3. Other organisations covered by this Memorandum of Understanding (if appropriate) |
Explanatory note: For MoUs established within a broader context (such as agreements set up by sector based organisations, chambers, regional or national authorities) a list of organisations (VET providers, companies, etc.) who are able to operate in the framework of the MoU can be added. This list can consist of their names or it can refer to the type of VET providers. The list can be included as an annex. |
insert information here or remove if not necessary Není nutné vyplňovat. Zpravidla jiné organizace než vysílající, přijímající případně zprostředkující v projektu mobility nebývají zapojeny. |
4. The qualification(s) covered by this Memorandum of Understanding | |
Qualification 1 | |
Country | Czech Republic |
Title of qualification | Zde uveďte kód a název příslušné profesní kvalifikace z české národní soustavy kvalifikací |
EQF level (if appropriate) | Vyplňte příslušné číslo úrovně Evropského rámce kvalifikací: 3 (s výučním listem) nebo 4 (maturitní obor) nebo 6 (VOŠ) |
NQF level (if appropriate) | Zůstane nevyplněno, protože ČR zatím nemá vlastní národní rámec kvalifikací |
Unit(s) of learning outcomes for the mobility phases (refer to enclosure in the annex, if applicable) | Uveďte názvy jednotek výsledků učení |
Enclosures in annex - please tick as appropriate | ☐ Europass Certificate Supplement ☐ The learning outcomes associated with the qualification X Description of the unit(s) of learning outcomes for the mobility = do přílohy přidejte Jednotky výsledků učení ☐ Other: please specify |
Qualification 2 vyplňte další kvalifikace, pokud jich projekt pokrývá vice než jednu. Pokud ne, prázdné tabulky je možné odstranit. | |
Country | |
Title of qualification | |
EQF level (if appropriate) | |
NQF level (if appropriate) | |
Unit(s) of learning outcomes for the mobility phases (refer to enclosure in the annex, if applicable) | |
Enclosures in annex - please tick as appropriate | ☐ Europass Certificate Supplement ☐The learning outcomes associated with the qualification ☐ Description of the unit(s) of learning outcomes for the mobility ☐ Other: please specify |
Qualification 3 (remove table if not necessary) | |
Country | |
Title of qualification | |
EQF level (if appropriate) | |
NQF level (if appropriate) | |
Unit(s) of learning outcomes for the mobility phases (refer to enclosure in the annex, if applicable) | |
Enclosures in annex - please tick as appropriate | ☐ Europass Certificate Supplement ☐ The learning outcomes associated with the qualification ☐ Description of the unit(s) of learning outcomes for the mobility ☐ Other: please specify |
Qualification 4 (remove table if not necessary) | |
Country | |
Title of qualification | |
EQF level (if appropriate) | |
NQF level (if appropriate) | |
Unit(s) of learning outcomes for the mobility phases (refer to enclosure in the annex, if applicable) | |
Enclosures in annex - please tick as appropriate | ☐ Europass Certificate Supplement ☐ The learning outcomes associated with the qualification ☐ Description of the unit(s) of learning outcomes for the mobility ☐ Other: please specify |
Qualification 5 (remove table if not necessary) | |
Country | |
Title of qualification | |
EQF level (if appropriate) | |
NQF level (if appropriate) | |
Unit(s) of learning outcomes for the mobility phases (refer to enclosure in the annex, if applicable) | |
Enclosures in annex - please tick as appropriate | ☐ Europass Certificate Supplement ☐ The learning outcomes associated with the qualification ☐ Description of the unit(s) of learning outcomes for the mobility ☐ Other: please specify |
Qualification 6 (remove table if not necessary) | |
Country | |
Title of qualification | |
EQF level (if appropriate) | |
NQF level (if appropriate) | |
Unit(s) of learning outcomes for the mobility phases (refer to enclosure in the annex, if applicable) | |
Enclosures in annex - please tick as appropriate | ☐ Europass Certificate Supplement ☐ The learning outcomes associated with the qualification ☐ Description of the unit(s) of learning outcomes for the mobility ☐ Other: please specify |
add more tables if necessary – remove page if not necessary
5. Assessment, documentation, validation and recognition |
By signing this Memorandum of Understanding we confirm that we have discussed the procedures for assessment, documentation, validation and recognition and agree on how it is done. (Tímto stvrzujete, že jste se s partnerem/partnery dohodli na způsobu hodnocení, dokumentace, validace a uznání výsledků učení.) |
6. Validity of this Memorandum of Understanding |
This Memorandum of Understanding is valid until: insert information Zde uveďtedatum konce projektového období podle grantové smlouvy uzařené mezi DZS a příjemcem grantu. |
7. Evaluation and review process |
The work of the partnership will be evaluated and reviewed by: dd/mm/yyyy, person(s)/organisation(s) Zde uveďte: “Domem zahraniční spolupráce po předložení závěrečné zprávy o projektů” |
8. Signatures | |
Organisation / country | Organisation / country |
Name, role | Name, role |
Place, date | Place, date |
Přebytečné kolonky na podpisy odstraňte.
Organisation / country (remove if not necessary) | Organisation / country (remove if not necessary) |
Name, role | Name, role |
Place, date | Place, date |
Organisation / country (remove if not necessary) | Organisation / country (remove if not necessary) |
Name, role | Name, role |
Place, date | Place, date |
add more tables if necessary
9. Additional information |
Není nutné vyplňovat.
Přiložte Jednotku/y výsledků učení.