Smlouva o zajištění elektronických informačních zdrojů č. 3P60225
Smlouva o zajištění elektronických informačních zdrojů č. 3P60225
1. Smluvní strany
Albertina icome Praha s.r.o., Xxxxxxxxx 00, 000 00 Xxxxx 0 XX: 49612158 DIČ: CZ49612158
registrace: Městský soud v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 20775 bankovní spojení: UniCredit Bank Czech Republic a.s., č. účtu zastoupená: ing. Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, jednatelem
(dále jen "dodavatel")
Masarykova univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, Xxxx Xxxxxx 0, 000 00 Xxxx IČ: 00216224 DIČ: CZ00216224
bankovní spojení: KB Brno-město, č. ú.
zastoupená: Prof. PhDr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, CSc., děkanem fakulty
(dále jen "odběratel")
2. Předmět smlouvy
1) Předmětem smlouvy je zajištění elektronických informačních zdrojů uvedených v příloze 1 této smlouvy (dále jen "produkty") pro odběratele v rozsahu IP adres Produkty jsou poskytovány formou online přístupu k serverům poskytovatelů licence uvedených v příloze 1 této smlouvy (dále jen „poskytovatel“) na dvanáctiměsíční období počínaje od 1. 1. 2017 do 31. 12. 2017.
2) Dodavatel je smluvním partnerem poskytovatelů a zároveň jejich oprávněným autorizovaným distributorem. Dodavatel je oprávněn zprostředkovat tyto licence k produktům v ČR (zprostředkovat uzavření licenčních smluv mezi poskytovatelem a odběratelem). Dodavatel prohlašuje, že není nabyvatelem těchto licencí na základě licenčních smluv mezi poskytovateli a dodavatelem.
3. Smluvní vztahy
1) Dodavatel se zavazuje zpřístupnit produkty odběrateli nejpozději k datu uvedenému v článku 2 této smlouvy. Pro případ porušení tohoto závazku se sjednává smluvní pokuta ve výši 0,05% denně za každý den prodlení.
2) Dodavatel není v prodlení podle odst. 1) tohoto článku v případě, že dojde k prodlení ve zpřístupnění produktu v důsledku prodlení s podpisem písemných licenčních ujednání mezi odběratelem a poskytovatelem (pokud poskytovatel vyžaduje písemnou formu).
3) Vzhledem k charakteru předmětu smlouvy (obsah elektronických informačních zdrojů je chráněn autorským právem) se na užití produktů vztahuje ustanovení licenčních podmínek resp. licenčního ujednání konkrétního poskytovatele. Licenční podmínky jsou zveřejněny v rámci online služby. Pokud poskytovatelé vyžadují podpis licenčních ujednání, pak dodavatel rovněž zprostředkuje jednání o těchto licenčních ujednáních mezi odběratelem a poskytovatelem.
4) Dodavatel neodpovídá za to, jak aktuální a kvalitní informace jsou v zpřístupňovaných informačních zdrojích k dispozici. Dodavatel rovněž neodpovídá za případnou existenci poruch v přístupu k informačním zdrojům či jejich dočasnou nedostupnost, kterou nezavinil porušením svých povinností.
5) Dojde-li během trvání této smlouvy k významným změnám na straně poskytovatele (např. k zásadním změnám v charakteru nebo složení dodávaných elektronických informačních zdrojů, k ukončení poskytování klíčových z nich, k ukončení činnosti poskytovatele apod.) a dodavatel se o takovéto změně dozví, je dodavatel povinen na tuto skutečnost odběratele co nejdříve upozornit a zároveň navrhnout způsob řešení dané situace (např. náhradu jiným elektronickým informačním zdrojem podobného charakteru apod.). Nebude-li odběratel souhlasit s navrhovaným řešením, je dodavatel oprávněn vypovědět plnění smlouvy v dotčené části s výpovědní dobou 30 dní. Ostatní ustanovení smlouvy zůstávají v platnosti.
6) Dodavatel a odběratel se dohodli, že právo na náhradu škody jedné smluvní strany způsobené druhou smluvní stranou nikoli úmyslným porušením její povinnosti stanovené touto smlouvu se omezuje tak, že odpovědná smluvní strana je povinna nahradit škodu nejvýše v částce rovné roční ceně (ročnímu plnění) dle čl. 4 odst. 1 této smlouvy (a přílohy č. 1 této smlouvy).
4. Cena a platební podmínky
1) Cena za plnění v rámci této smlouvy se stanovuje dohodou mezi odběratelem a dodavatelem ve výši dle přílohy 1 této smlouvy. Právo fakturovat vzniká dodavateli 1. 1. 2017. Den fakturace je zároveň dnem uskutečnění zdanitelného plnění.
2) Odběratel uhradí cenu na základě faktury vystavené dodavatelem ve lhůtě splatnosti 30 dní ode dne doručení faktury odběrateli. Odběratel má právo vrátit fakturu k doplnění v případě, že tato nesplňuje požadavky platných právních předpisů, v tom případě se počítá splatnost až ode dne doručení opravené faktury.
3) Pro případ prodlení odběratele se zaplacením faktury se sjednává smluvní pokuta ve výši 0,05% denně za každý den prodlení, která je splatná do 10 dnů ode dne doručení výzvy k jejímu zaplacení.
5. Závěrečná ustanovení
1) Smlouva se uzavírá na dobu určitou podle čl. 2 této smlouvy a je možno ji prodloužit dohodou smluvních stran.
2) Od smlouvy lze odstoupit v případě podstatného porušení smluvních závazků druhou stranou, a to doručením písemného odstoupení od smlouvy, v němž bude sdělena skutečnost, v níž je spatřováno podstatné porušení smlouvy. Za podstatné porušení této smlouvy se považují: prodlení odběratele se zaplacením ceny přesahující 60 dnů, prodlení dodavatele se zpřístupněním služeb odběrateli ve sjednané lhůtě nebo úpadek dodavatele dle platného insolvenčního zákona. Dále lze smlouvu ukončit dohodou smluvních stran.
3) Veškeré změny a doplňky této smlouvy musí být učiněny písemnou formou a podepsány oprávněnými zástupci obou smluvních stran. Pro účely doručování právních jednání smluvních stran činěných na základě této smlouvy (výpověď, odstoupení, návrh dodatku či dohody) nebo doručování výzev apod. se uplatní ustanovení § 573 občanského zákoníku. Smluvní strany si dohodly následující pravidla doručování zásilek obsahujících právní jednání nebo výzvu: zásilky jsou zasílány doporučeně, prostřednictvím držitele poštovní licence, na adresu smluvní strany uvedenou v této smlouvě, nebo jinou později oznámenou adresu.
4) Tato smlouva je uzavřena podle § 1746 odst. 2 občanského zákoníku a ve věcech neupravených touto smlouvou se práva a povinnosti smluvních stran řídí v celém rozsahu příslušnými ustanoveními občanského zákoníku, pokud není v této smlouvě sjednáno odchylně jinak. Smluvní strany si v souladu s § 630 odst. 1 občanského zákoníku ujednaly odchylně od § 629 odst. 1 občanského zákoníku pro práva vyplývající z této smlouvy nebo jejího porušení delší promlčecí lhůtu počítanou ode dne, kdy právo mohlo být uplatněno poprvé, a to promlčecí lhůtu v trvání pěti let, tím však není vyloučeno ustanovení § 639 občanského zákoníku.
5) Tato smlouva se povinně uveřejňuje prostřednictvím registru smluv dle zákona č. 340/2015 Sb.
6) Smluvní strany potvrzují, že smlouva neobsahuje obchodní tajemství žádné z nich, a že žádnou část smlouvy nevyloučily z uveřejnění.
7) Smluvní strany se dohodly, že smlouvu prostřednictvím Registru smluv uveřejní odběratel, s tím, že nebude-li smlouva takto uveřejněna do 20 dní od jejího uzavření (podpisu), je druhá smluvní strana povinna zajistit její uveřejnění sama.
8) Tato smlouva nabývá platnosti a účinnosti dnem jejího podpisu oběma smluvními stranami. Smlouva je vyhotovena ve 2 vyhotoveních, která mají všechna platnost originálu. Každý z účastníků smlouvy obdrží jedno vyhotovení.
9) Nedílnou součástí smlouvy jsou tyto přílohy: Příloha 1 – produkty, poskytovatelé a ceny
Příloha 2 – seznam časopisů v kolekci Taylor and Franci SSH Library na rok 2017
V Praze dne 5. 12. 2017 V Brně dne 12. 12. 2017
Za dodavatele Za odběratele
Xxx. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Prof. PhDr. Milan Pol, CSc.
jednatel Albertina icome Praha s.r.o. děkan Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity
UAFT | American Journal of Family Therapy | 0192-6187 | 1521-0383 | 45 | |
UJHE | American Journal of Health Education | 1932-5037 | 2168-3751 | 48 | |
UAPR | American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation | 1548-7768 | 1548-7776 | 20 | |
UAMJ | American Journalism | 0882-1127 | 2326-2486 | 34 | |
FANC | American Nineteenth Century History | 1466-4658 | 1743-7903 | 18 | |
RARC | American Review of Canadian Studies | 0272-2011 | 1943-9954 | 47 | |
RANA | Anatolia - An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research | 1303-2917 | 2156-6909 | 28 | |
CANG | Xxxxxxxx: Journal of Theoretical Humanities | 0969-725X | 1469-2899 | 22 | |
RANZ | Annals of Leisure Research | 1174-5398 | TBC | 20 | |
TASC | Annals of Science | 0003-3790 | 1464-5050X | 56 | |
RAAG | Annals of the American Association of Geographers | 0269-4452 | 2469-4460 | 107 | |
RICA | Annals of the International Communication Association | 2380-8985 | 380-8977 | 41 | |
VANQ | ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles | 0895-769X | 1940-3364 | 30 | |
CANF | Anthropological Forum | 0066-4677 | 1469-2902 | 27 | |
MAAE | Anthropology & Archeology of Eurasia | 1061-1959 | 158-092X | 56 | |
CANM | Anthropology & Medicine | 1364-8470 | 1469-2910 | 24 | |
UANN | Anthropology Now | 1942-8200 | 1949-2901 | 9 | |
RASA | Anthropology Southern Africa | 2332-3256 | 2332-3264 | 40 | |
RFAN | Anthrozoos | 0892-7936 | 1753-0377 | 30 | |
XXXX | Anxiety, Stress & Coping | 1061-5806 | 1477-2205 | 30 | |
PAPH | Aphasiology | 0268-7038 | 1464-5041 | 31 | |
HADS | Applied Developmental Science | 1088-8691 | 1532-480X | 21 | |
RAEC | Applied Economics | 9999-7004 | 9999-7004 | 49 | |
XXXX | Applied Economics Letters | 1350-4851 | 1466-4291 | 24 | |
UEEC | Applied Environmental Education & Communication | 1533-015X | 1533-0389 | 16 | |
RAMF | Applied Mathematical Finance | 1350-486X | 1466-4313 | 24 | |
HAME | Applied Measurement in Education | 0895-7347 | 1532-4818 | 30 | |
HAPN | Applied Neuropsychology Adult | 2327-9095 | 2327-9109 | 24 | |
RAIJ | Archaeological Journal | 0066-5983 | 2373-2288 | 174 | |
RATR | Architectural Theory Review | 1326-4826 | 1755-0475 | 22 | |
CJSA | Archives & Records: The Journal of the Archives & Records Association | 2325-7962 | 2325-7989 | 38 | |
RAAM | Archives and Manuscripts | 0157-6895 | 2164-6058 | 45 | |
USUI | Archives of Suicide Research | 1381-1118 | 1543-6136 | 21 | |
YAAA | Arms & Armour | 1741-6124 | 1749-6268 | 14 | |
UARE | Art Education | 0004-3125 | 2325-5161 | 70 | |
RFAT | Art in Translation | Online only | 1756-1310 | 9 | |
RCAJ | Art Journal | 0004-3249 | 2325-5307 | 76 | |
UART | Art Therapy | 0742-1656 | 2159-9394 | 34 |
VAEP | Arts Education Policy Review | 1063-2913 | 0000-0000 | 000 | |
FAPB | Asia Pacific Business Review | 1360-2381 | 1743-792X | 23 | |
RAPC | Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy | 2150-7686 | 2150-7708 | 8 | |
CAPE | Asia Pacific Journal of Education | 0218-8791 | 1742-6855 | 37 | |
RAPA | Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration | 2327-6665 | 2327-6673 | 39 | |
RSWD | Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development | 0218-5385 | 2165-0993 | 27 | |
RAPT | Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research | 1094-1665 | 1741-6507 | 22 | |
RPLR | Asia Pacific Law Review | 1019-2577 | 1875-8444 | 25 | |
CAPR | Asia Pacific Review | 1343-9006 | 1469-2937 | 24 | |
RAAF | Asian Affairs | 0306-8374 | 1477-1500 | 48 | |
VASA | Asian Affairs: An American Review | 0092-7678 | 1940-1590 | 44 | |
RAAN | Asian Anthropology | 1683-478X | 2168-4227 | 16 | |
RENG | Asian Englishes | 1348-8678 | 2331-2548 | 19 | |
CAET | Asian Ethnicity | 1463-1369 | 1469-2953 | 18 | |
RAGE | Asian Geographer | 1022-5706 | 2158-1762 | 34 | |
RAJC | Asian Journal of Communication | 0129-2986 | 1742-0911 | 27 | |
RASI | Asian Journal of Political Science | 0218-5377 | 1750-7812 | 25 | |
RAJT | Asian Journal of Technology Innovation | 1976-1597 | 2158-6721 | 25 | |
RAJW | Asian Journal of Women's Studies | 1225-9276 | 2377-004X | 23 | |
CASP | Asian Philosophy | 0955-2367 | 1469-2961 | 27 | |
RAPS | Asian Population Studies | 1744-1730 | 1744-1749 | 13 | |
FASI | Asian Security | 1479-9855 | 1555-2764 | 13 | |
CASR | Asian Studies Review | 1035-7823 | 1467-8403 | 41 | |
RAAE | Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics | 1608-1625 | 2164-2257 | 24 | |
RASP | Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education | 1837-7122 | 1837-7130 | 8 | |
XXXX | Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education | 1359-866X | 1469-2945 | 45 | |
CAEH | Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education | 0260-2938 | 1469-297X | 42 | |
CAIE | Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice | 0969-594X | 1465-329X | 24 | |
FAST | Astropolitics | 1477-7622 | 1557-2943 | 15 | |
HAJC | Atlantic Journal of Communication | 1545-6870 | 1545-6889 | 25 | |
RJAS | Atlantic Studies: Global Currents | 1478-8810 | 1740-4649 | 14 | |
RAHD | Attachment & Human Development | 1461-6734 | 1469-2988 | 19 | |
RAJP | Australasian Journal of Philosophy | 0004-8402 | 1471-6828 | 95 | |
RAJA | Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art | 1443-4318 | 2203-1871 | 17 | |
RAAA | Australian Archaeology | 0312-2417 | 2470-0363 | 83 | |
RFEM | Australian Feminist Law Journal | 1320-0968 | to be confirmed | 43 | |
CAFS | Australian Feminist Studies | 0816-4649 | 1465-3303 | 32 | |
CAGE | Australian Geographer | 0004-9182 | 1465-3311 | 48 |
RAHS | Australian Historical Studies | 1031-461X | 1031-461I | 48 | |
CAJI | Australian Journal of International Affairs | 1035-7718 | 1465-332X | 71 | |
XXXX | Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties | 1940-4158 | 1940-4166 | 22 | |
CAJL | Australian Journal of Linguistics | 0726-8602 | 1469-2996 | 37 | |
RAMO | Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs | 1836-6503 | 2333-6498 | 9 | |
CAJP | Australian Journal of Political Science | 1036-1146 | 1363-030X | 52 | |
RAPL | Australian Planner | 0729-3682 | 2150-6841 | 54 | |
RASW | Australian Social Work | 0312-407X | 1447-0748 | 70 | |
XXXX | Xxxxxx:Archaeological Research in Africa | 0067-270X | 1945-5534 | 52 | |
YBAQ | Baptist Quarterly | 0005-576X | 2056-7731 | 48 | |
HBAS | Basic and Applied Social Psychology | 0197-3533 | 1532-4834 | 39 | |
WBSS | Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian | 0163-9269 | 1544-4546 | 36 | |
RIRT | Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression | 1943-4472 | 1943-4480 | 9 | |
RBER | Bereavement Care | 0268-2621 | 1944-8279 | 36 | |
UBRJ | Bilingual Research Journal | 1523-5882 | 1523-5890 | 40 | |
HSBI | Biodemography and Social Biology | 1948-5565 | 1948-5573 | 63 | |
YBLT | Black Theology: An International Journal | 1476-9948 | 1743-1670 | 15 | |
TBMD | Body,Movement & Dance in Psychotherapy | 1743-2979 | 1743-2987 | 12 | |
RBJH | British Journal for the History of Philosophy | 0960-8788 | 1469-3526 | 25 | |
RBJE | British Journal of Educational Studies | 0007-1005 | 1467-8527 | 65 | |
CBJG | British Journal of Guidance & Counselling | 0306-9885 | 1469-3534 | 45 | |
CBJM | British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies | 1353-0194 | 1469-3542 | 44 | |
CBRE | British Journal of Religious Education | 0141-6200 | 1740-7931 | 39 | |
CBSE | British Journal of Sociology of Education | 0142-5692 | 1465-3346 | 38 | |
YBST | Bronte Studies | 1474-8932 | 1745-8226 | 42 | |
RBRI | Building Research & Information | 0961-3218 | 1466-4321 | 45 | |
YCBR | Bulletin for the Council for British Research in the Levant | 1752-7260 | 1752-7279 | 12 | |
CBIE | Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies | 0007-4918 | 1472-7234 | 53 | |
CBHS | Bulletin of Spanish Studies | 1475-3820 | 1478-3428 | 94 | |
RBUL | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists | 0096-3402 | 1938-3282 | 73 | |
FBSH | Business History | 0007-6791 | 1743-7938 | 59 | |
YCAL | California Archaeology | 1947-461X | 1947-4628 | 9 | |
CCJE | Cambridge Journal of Education | 0305-764X | 1469-3577 | 47 | |
CCAM | Cambridge Review of International Affair | 0955-7571 | 1474-449X | 30 | |
UCAT | Canadian Art Therapy Association Journal | 0832-2473 | 2377-360X | 30 | |
RCFP | Canadian Foreign Policy Journal | 1192-6422 | 2157-0817 | 23 | |
RCAS | Canadian Journal of African Studies / La Revue Canadienne des etudes Africaines | 0008-3968 | 1923-3051 | 51 | |
RCJD | Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'etudes du developpe | 0225-5189 | 2158-9100 | 38 |
RCLC | Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies | 0826-3663 | 2333-1461 | 42 | |
UCJS | Canadian Journal of Math, Science & Technology Education | 1492-6156 | 1492-4051 | 17 | |
RCJP | Canadian Journal of Philosophy | 0045-5091 | 1911-0820 | 47 | |
RCSP | Canadian Slavonic Papers/Revue Canadienne des Slavistes | 0008-5006 | 2375-2475 | 59 | |
RCNS | Capitalism Nature Socialism | 1045-5752 | 1548-3290 | 28 | |
RCBQ | Caribbean Quarterly | 0008-6495 | 2470-6302 | 63 | |
WCCQ | Cataloging & Classification Quarterly | 0163-9374 | 1544-4554 | 55 | |
RCEL | Celebrity Studies | 1939-2397 | 1939-2400 | 8 | |
CCAS | Central Asian Survey | 0263-4937 | 1465-3354 | 36 | |
YCEU | Central Europe | 1479-0963 | 1745-8218 | 15 | |
MCHA | Challenge | 0577-5132 | 1558-1489 | 60 | |
VCHN | Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning | 0009-1383 | 1939-9146 | 49 | |
CCEN | Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education | 1358-684X | 1469-3585 | 24 | |
WCFB | Child & Family Behavior Therapy | 0731-7107 | 1545-228X | 39 | |
WCYS | CHILD & YOUTH SERVICES | 0145-935X | 1545-2298 | 38 | |
CCCP | Child Care in Practice | 1357-5279 | 1476-489X | 23 | |
NCNY | Child Neuropsychology | 0929-7049 | 1744-4136 | 23 | |
UCED | Childhood Education | 0009-4056 | 2162-0725 | 93 | |
YCIP | Childhood in the Past | 1758-5716 | 2040-8528 | 10 | |
CCHG | Children's Geographies | 1473-3285 | 1473-3277 | 15 | |
RCEJ | China Economic Journal | 1753-8963 | 1753-8971 | 10 | |
RCSW | China Journal of Social Work | 1752-5098 | 1752-5101 | 10 | |
MCED | Chinese Education & Society | 1061-1932 | 1944-7116 | 50 | |
RCJC | Chinese Journal of Communication | 1754-4750 | 1754-4769 | 10 | |
MCLG | Chinese Law & Government | 0009-4609 | 1944-7051 | 49 | |
MCSA | Chinese Sociological Review | 2162-0555 | 2162-0563 | 50 | |
MCSH | Chinese Studies in History | 0009-4633 | 1558-0407 | 51 | |
XXXX | XXXXXXXXX: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature | 0193-7774 | 2051-6150 | 36 | |
XXXX | Xxxxxxxxx Higher Education: An International Journal of Research, Theory and Practice | 1536-3759 | 1539-4107 | 16 | |
CCST | Citizenship Studies | 1362-1025 | 1469-3593 | 21 | |
CCIT | City: Analysis of Urban Trends,Culture,Theory, Policy, Action | 1360-4813 | 1470-3629 | 21 | |
FCIV | Civil Wars | 1369-8249 | 1743-968X | 19 | |
RCDI | Classroom Discourse | 1946-3014 | 1946-3022 | 8 | |
WCLI | Clinical Gerontologist | 0731-7115 | 1545-2301 | 40 | |
WCSU | Clinical Supervisior (The) | 0732-5223 | 1545-231X | 36 | |
RCOA | Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice | 1752-1882 | 1752-1890 | 10 | |
PCEM | Cognition & Emotion | 0269-9931 | 1464-0600 | 31 | |
HCGI | Cognition and Instruction | 0737-0008 | 1532-690X | 35 | |
SBEH | Cognitive Behaviour Therapy | 1650-6073 | 1651-2316 | 46 |
PCNP | Cognitive Neuropsychiatry | 1354-6805 | 1464-0619 | 22 | |
PCGN | Cognitive Neuropsychology | 0264-3294 | 1464-0627 | 34 | |
PCNS | Cognitive Neuroscience | 1758-8928 | 1758-8936 | 8 | |
FCWH | Cold War History | 1468-2745 | 1743-7962 | 17 | |
WCOL | Collection Management | 0146-2679 | 1545-2549 | 42 | |
WCUL | College & Undergraduate Libraries | 1069-1316 | 1545-2530 | 24 | |
VCOL | College Teaching | 8756-7555 | 1930-8299 | 65 | |
TSIM | Collnet Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management | 0973-7766 | 2168-930X | 11 | |
CCLA | Colonial Latin American Review | 1060-9164 | 1466-1802 | 26 | |
RCOS | Comedy Studies | 2040-610X | 2040-6118 | 8 | |
RCLB | Commonwealth Law Bulletin | 0305-0718 | 1750-5976 | 43 | |
RCSA | Communicatio: South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research | 0250-0167 | 1753-5379 | 43 | |
RCCC | Communication & Critical/Cultural Studies | 1479-1420 | 1479-4233 | 14 | |
HCBQ | Communication Booknotes Quarterly | 1094-8007 | 1532-6896 | 48 | |
RCED | Communication Education | 0363-4523 | 1479-5795 | 66 | |
HCLW | Communication Law and Policy | 1081-1680 | 1532-6926 | 22 | |
HCMS | Communication Methods and Measures | 1931-2458 | 1931-2466 | 11 | |
RCMM | Communication Monographs | 0363-7751 | 1479-5787 | 84 | |
RCQU | Communication Quarterly & Communication Research | 0146-33736 | 1746-4102 | 65 | |
RCRS | Communication Reports | 0893-4215 | 1745-1043 | 30 | |
RCRR | Communication Research Reports | 0882-4096 | 1746-4099 | 34 | |
RCST | Communication Studies | 1051-0974 | 1745-1035 | 68 | |
RCMT | Communication Teacher Online | 1740-4622 | 1740-4630 | 31 | |
WJCL | Community & Junior College Libraries | 0276-3915 | 1545-2522 | 22 | |
UCJC | Community College Journal of Research & Practice | 1066-8926 | 1521-0413 | 41 | |
RCOD | Community Development | 1557-5330 | 9999-5330 | 48 | |
CCWF | Community, Work & Family | 1366-8803 | 1469-3615 | 20 | |
YCAS | Comparative American Studies An International Journal | 1477-5700 | 1741-2676 | 15 | |
YCCP | Comparative and Continental Philosophy | 1757-0638 | 1757-0646 | 9 | |
CCED | Comparative Education | 0305-0068 | 1360-0486 | 53 | |
UCST | Comparative Strategy | 0149-5933 | 1521-0448 | 36 | |
CCOM | Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education | 0305-7925 | 1469-3623 | 47 | |
NCAL | Computer Assisted Language Learning | 0958-8221 | 1744-3210 | 30 | |
NCSE | Computer Science Education | 0899-3408 | 1744-5175 | 27 | |
WCIS | Computers In The Schools | 0738-0569 | 1528-7033 | 34 | |
CCSD | Conflict, Security & Development | 1467-8802 | 1478-1174 | 17 | |
UCTP | Congress & the Presidency: A Journal of Capital Studies | 0734-3469 | 1944-1053 | 44 | |
YCMA | Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites | 1350-5033 | 1753-5522 | 19 | |
RCME | Construction Management & Economics | 0144-6193 | 1466-433X | 35 |
GCMC | Consumption Markets and Culture | 1025-3866 | 1477-223X | 20 | |
RCAA | Contemporary Arab Affairs | 1755-0912 | 1755-0902 | 10 | |
FCBH | Contemporary British History | 1361-9462 | 1743-7997 | 31 | |
RCBH | Contemporary Buddhism | 1463-9947 | 1476-7953 | 18 | |
MCSP | Contemporary Chinese Thought | 1097-1467 | 1558-0997 | 49 | |
GSIT | Contemporary French & Francophone Studies | 1740-9292 | 1740-9306 | 21 | |
XXXX | Contemporary Italian Politics | 2324-8823 | 2324-8831 | 9 | |
RCOJ | Contemporary Japan | 1869-2729 | 1869-2737 | 29 | |
GCJR | Contemporary Justice Review | 1028-2580 | 1477-2248 | 20 | |
GCMR | Contemporary Music Review | 0749-4467 | 1477-2256 | 36 | |
CCPO | Contemporary Politics | 1356-9775 | 1469-3631 | 23 | |
UUCP | Contemporary Psychoanalysis | 0010-7530 | 2330-9091 | 53 | |
FCSP | Contemporary Security Policy | 1352-3260 | 1743-8764 | 38 | |
RSOC | Contemporary Social Science | 1745-0144 | 1745-0152 | 12 | |
CCSA | Contemporary South Asia | 0958-4935 | 1469-364X | 25 | |
GCTR | Contemporary Theatre Review | 1048-6801 | 1477-2264 | 27 | |
CCON | Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies | 1030-4312 | 1469-3666 | 31 | |
CCPQ | Counselling Psychology Quarterly | 0951-5070 | 1469-3674 | 30 | |
RCIJ | Creative Industries Journal | 1751-0694 | 1751-0708 | 10 | |
HCRJ | Creativity Research Journal | 1040-0419 | 1532-6934 | 29 | |
TLIM | Creativity Studies | 2345-0479 | 2345-0487 | 10 | |
RCRE | Criminal Justice Ethics | 0731-129X | 1937-5948 | 36 | |
GJUP | Criminal Justice Studies | 1478-601X | 1478-6028 | 30 | |
RCAF | Critical African Studies | 2168-1392 | 2040-7211 | 9 | |
RCRC | Critical Arts | 0256-0046 | 1992-6049 | 31 | |
RCRA | Critical Asian Studies | 1467-2715 | 1472-6033 | 49 | |
RCDS | Critical Discourse Studies | 1740-5904 | 1740-5912 | 14 | |
YCRH | Critical Horizons (A Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory) | 1440-9917 | 1568-5160 | 18 | |
HCIL | Critical Inquiry in Language Studies | 1542-7587 | 1542-7595 | 14 | |
RCIN | Critical Interventions | 1930-1944 | 2326-411X | 11 | |
RCPS | Critical Policy Studies | 1946-0171 | 1946-018X | 11 | |
RCRI | Critical Review | 0891-3811 | 1933-8007 | 29 | |
FCRI | Critical Review of International Social & Political Philosophy | 1369-8230 | 1743-8772 | 20 | |
RCSE | Critical Studies in Education | 1750-8487 | 1750-8495 | 58 | |
RCSM | Critical Studies in Media Communication | 1529-5036 | 1479-5809 | 34 | |
RTER | Critical Studies on Terrorism | 1753-9153 | 1753-9161 | 10 | |
RCSO | Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory | 0301-7605 | 1748-8605 | 45 | |
VCRT | Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction | 0011-1619 | 1939-9138 | 58 | |
RCYE | Cultura y Educacion: Culture and Education | 1135-6405 | 1578-4118 | 29 | |
RFCS | Cultural and Social History | 1478-0038 | 1478-0046 | 14 | |
RCUS | Cultural Studies | 0950-2386 | 1466-4348 | 31 |
CCUT | Cultural Trends | 0954-8963 | 1469-3690 | 26 | |
GSCO | Culture and Organization | 1475-9551 | 1477-2760 | 23 | |
RCAR | Culture and Religion | 1475-5610 | 1475-5629 | 18 | |
RCTC | Culture, Theory and Critique | 1473-5784 | 1473-5776 | 58 | |
RCLP | Current Issues in Language Planning | 1466-4208 | 1747-7506 | 18 | |
RCIT | Current Issues in Tourism | 1368-3500 | 1747-7603 | 20 | |
RCWR | Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa | 1013-929X | TBC | 29 | |
RCUI | Curriculum Inquiry | 0362-6784 | 1467-873X | 47 | |
RCJO | Curriculum Journal | 0958-5176 | 1469-3704 | 28 | |
LDNC | Dance Chronicle | 0147-2526 | 1532-4257 | 40 | |
RDJA | Danish Journal of Archaeology | 2166-2282 | 2166-2290 | 6 | |
RDAP | Dapim: Studies on the Holocaust | 2325-6249 | 2325-6257 | 31 | |
RDAT | de arte | 0004-3389 | 2471-4100 | 52 | |
YDEI | Deafness & Education International | 1464-3154 | 1557-069X | 19 | |
UDST | Death Studies | 0748-1187 | 1091-7683 | 41 | |
GDPE | Defence and Peace Economics | 1024-2694 | 1476-8267 | 28 | |
CDAN | Defence and Security Analysis | 1475-1798 | 1475-1801 | 33 | |
FDEF | Defence Studies | 1470-2436 | 1743-9698 | 17 | |
FDAS | Democracy and Security | 1741-9166 | 1555-5860 | 13 | |
FDEM | Democratization | 1351-0347 | 1743-890X | 24 | |
RFDC | Design and Culture | 1754-7075 | 1754-7083 | 9 | |
RFDJ | Design for Health | 2473-5132 | 2473-5140 | 20 | |
RFDP | Design Philosophy Papers | n/a | 1448-7136 | 15 | |
CDIP | Development in Practice | 0961-4524 | 1364-9213 | 27 | |
CDSA | Development Southern Africa | 0376-835X | 1470-3637 | 34 | |
HDVN | Developmental Neuropsychology | 8756-5641 | 1532-6942 | 42 | |
UDBH | Deviant Behavior | 0163-9625 | 1521-0456 | 38 | |
RDST | Diaspora Studies | 0973-9572 | 0976-3457 | 10 | |
HDIM | Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education | 1559-5692 | 1559-5706 | 11 | |
NDCR | Digital Creativity | 1462-6268 | 1744-3806 | 28 | |
FDPS | Diplomacy & Statecraft | 0959-2296 | 1557-301X | 28 | |
CDSO | Disability & Society | 0968-7599 | 1360-0508 | 32 | |
HDSP | Discourse Processes | 0163-853X | 1532-6950 | 54 | |
CDIS | Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education | 0159-6306 | 1469-3739 | 38 | |
RDSP | disP -The Planning Review | 0251-3625 | 2166-8604 | 53 | |
CDIE | Distance Education | 0158-7919 | 1475-0198 | 38 | |
RDIS | Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory | 1600-910X | 18 | ||
YDIX | Dix-Neuf (Journal of the Society of Dix-Neuxiémistes) Online | 1478-7318 | 21 | ||
RNJD | Drama Australia Journal | 1445-2294 | 2200-775X | 41 | |
RDRT | Dramatherapy | 0263-0672 | 2157-1430 | 39 | |
YDRE | Dress (The Journal of the Costume Society of America) | 0361-2112 | 2042-1729 | 43 |
YDTC | Dutch Crossing (Journal of Low Country Studies) | 0309-6564 | 1759-7854 | 41 | |
RDAC | Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict | 1746-7586 | 1746-7594 | 10 | |
GECD | Early Child Development and Care | 0300-4430 | 1476-8275 | 187 | |
HEED | Early Education & Development | 1040-9289 | 1556-6935 | 28 | |
YEMC | Early Medieval China | 1529-9104 | 1946-7842 | 23 | |
YEMF | Early Modern French Studies | 2056-3035 | 2056-3043 | 39 | |
REPV | Early Popular Visual Culture | 1746-0654 | 1746-0662 | 15 | |
CEYE | Early Years | 0957-5146 | 1472-4421 | 37 | |
FEEJ | East European Jewish Affairs | 1350-1674 | 1743-971X | 47 | |
FJCS | East European Politics | 2159-9165 | 2159-9173 | 33 | |
MEEE | Eastern European Economics | 0012-8775 | 1557-9298 | 55 | |
UEDI | Eating Disorders | 1064-0266 | 1532-530X | 25 | |
HECO | Ecological Psychology | 1040-7413 | 1532-6969 | 29 | |
GEFN | Ecology of Food & Nutrition | 0367-0244 | 1543-5237 | 56 | |
REHD | Economic History of Developing Regions | 2078-0389 | 2078-0397 | 32 | |
CESR | Economic Systems Research | 0953-5314 | 1469-5758 | 29 | |
GEIN | Economics of Innovation and New Technology | 1043-8599 | 1476-8364 | 26 | |
RESO | Economy and Society | 0308-5147 | 1469-5766 | 46 | |
RETT | Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education | 0300-4279 | 1475-7575 | 45 | |
CEDE | Education Economics | 0964-5292 | 1469-5782 | 25 | |
REAC | Educational Action Research | 0965-0792 | 1747-5074 | 25 | |
HEDA | Educational Assessment | 1062-7197 | 1532-6977 | 22 | |
UEDG | Educational Gerontology | 0360-1277 | 1521-0472 | 43 | |
REMI | Educational Media International | 0952-3987 | 1469-5790 | 54 | |
REPT | Educational Philosophy and Theory | 0013-1857 | 1469-5812 | 49 | |
HEDP | Educational Psychologist | 0046-1520 | 1532-6985 | 52 | |
CEDP | Educational Psychology | 0144-3410 | 1469-5820 | 37 | |
CEPP | Educational Psychology in Practice | 0266-7363 | 1469-5839 | 33 | |
RERE | Educational Research | 0013-1881 | 1469-5847 | 59 | |
NERE | Educational Research & Evaluation | 1380-3611 | 1744-4187 | 23 | |
CEDR | Educational Review | 0013-1911 | 1465-3397 | 69 | |
CEDS | Educational Studies | 0305-5698 | 1465-3400 | 43 | |
HEDS | Educational Studies Online: The Journal of the American Educational Studies Association | 0013-1946 | 1532-6993 | 53 | |
MREE | Emerging Markets Finance & Trade | 1540-496X | 1558-0938 | 53 | |
REBD | Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties | 1363-2752 | 1741-2692 | 22 | |
RACR | English Academy Review: A Journal of English Studies | 1013-1752 | 1753-5360 | 34 | |
NEST | English Studies | 0013-838X | 1744-4217 | 98 | |
REIA | English Studies in Africa | 0013-8398 | 1943-8117 | 60 |
TEPN | Entrepreneurship & Regional Development | 0898-5626 | 1464-5114 | 29 | |
YENV | Environmental Archaeology (The Journal of Human Palaeoecology) Online | 1461-4103 | 1749-6314 | 22 | |
XXXX | Environmental Communication | 1752-4032 | 1752-4040 | 11 | |
CEER | Environmental Education Research | 1350-4622 | 1469-5871 | 23 | |
FENP | Environmental Politics | 0964-4016 | 1743-8934 | 26 | |
UEEE | Equity & Excellence in Education | 1066-5684 | 1547-3457 | 50 | |
REDP | Estudios de Psicologia: Studies in Psychology | 0210-9395 | 1579-3699 | 38 | |
HEBH | Ethics & Behavior | 1050-8422 | 1532-7019 | 27 | |
CEAE | Ethics and Education | 1744-9642 | 1744-9650 | 12 | |
RESW | Ethics and Social Welfare | 1749-6535 | 1749-6543 | 11 | |
CEPE | Ethics, Policy & Environment | 1366-879X | 1469-6703 | 20 | |
RERS | Ethnic and Racial Studies | 0141-9870 | 1466-4356 | 40 | |
YETH | Ethnoarchaeology (Journal of Archaeological, Ethnographic and Experimental Studies) | 1944-2890 | 1944-2904 | 9 | |
REAE | Ethnography & Education | 1745-7823 | 1745-7831 | 12 | |
REMF | Ethnomusicology Forum | 1741-1912 | 1741-1920 | 26 | |
RENO | Ethnopolitics | 1744-9057 | 1744-9065 | 16 | |
RETN | Ethnos | 0014-1844 | 1469-588X | 82 | |
REGE | Eurasian Geography and Economics | 1538-7216 | 1938-2863 | 58 | |
REAR | European Accounting Review | 0963-8180 | 1468-4497 | 26 | |
RECJ | European Competition Journal | 1744-1056 | 1757-8396 | 13 | |
RECR | European Early Childhood Education Research Journal | 1350-293X | 1752-1807 | 25 | |
MEUE | European Education | 1056-4934 | 1944-7086 | 49 | |
RESS | European Journal for Sport and Society | 1613-8171 | 2380-5919 | 14 | |
REJO | European Journal of Behavior Analysis | 1502-1149 | 2377-729X | 18 | |
PEDP | European Journal of Developmental Psychology | 1740-5629 | 1740-5610 | 14 | |
NEJE | European Journal of English Studies | 1382-5577 | 1744-4243 | 21 | |
REJP | European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling | 1364-2537 | 1469-5901 | 19 | |
CESW | European Journal of Social Work | 1369-1457 | 1468-2664 | 20 | |
REJS | European Journal of Special Needs Education | 0885-6257 | 1469-591X | 32 | |
XXXX | European Journal of Sport Science | 1746-1391 | 1536-7290 | 17 | |
CETE | European Journal of Teacher Education | 0261-9768 | 1469-5928 | 40 | |
REJH | European Journal of the History of Economic Thought | 0967-2567 | 1469-5936 | 24 | |
PEWO | European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology | 1359-432X | 1464-0643 | 26 | |
CEPS | European Planning Studies | 0965-4313 | 1469-5944 | 25 | |
RPEP | European Politics and Society | 2374-5118 | 2374-5126 | 18 |
CERH | European Review of History | 1350-7486 | 1469-8293 | 24 | |
PERS | European Review of Social Psychology | 1046-3283 | 1479-277X | 28 | |
GERR | European Romantic Review | 1050-9585 | 1740-4657 | 28 | |
FEUS | European Security | 0966-2839 | 1746-1545 | 26 | |
REUS | European Societies | 1461-6696 | 1469-8307 | 19 | |
RESM | European Sport Management Quarterly | 1618-4742 | 1746-031x | 17 | |
CEAS | Europe-Asia Studies | 0966-8136 | 1465-3427 | 69 | |
HEXC | Exceptionality | 0936-2835 | 1532-7035 | 25 | |
YEXM | Exemplaria: Medieval / Early Modern / Theory | 1041-2573 | 1753-3074 | 29 | |
UEAR | Experimental Aging Research | 0361-073X | 1096-4657 | 43 | |
RFAB | Fabrications: The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand | 1033-1867 | tbc | 27 | |
YFCH | Family & Community History | 1463-1180 | 1751-3812 | 20 | |
RFFP | Fashion Practice | 1756-9370 | 1756-9389 | 9 | |
RFFT | Fashion Theory | 1362-704x | 1751-7419 | 21 | |
RFEC | Feminist Economics | 1354-5701 | 1466-4372 | 23 | |
RFMS | Feminist Media Studies | 1468-0777 | 1471-5902 | 17 | |
RFSY | First Amendment Studies | 0899-7225 | 2168-1430 | 51 | |
RFWW | First World War Studies | 1947-5020 | 1947-5039 | 8 | |
YFOL | Folk Life (Journal of Ethnological Studies) | 0430-8778 | 1759-670X | 55 | |
RFOL | Folklore | 0015-587X | 1469-8315 | 128 | |
GFOF | Food & Foodways | 0740-9710 | 1542-3484 | 25 | |
RFFC | Food, Culture and Society | 1552-8014 | 1751-7443 | 20 | |
SFDS | Forum for Development Studies | 0803-9410 | 1891-1765 | 44 | |
RFSE | Forum for Social Economics | 0736-0932 | 1874-6381 | 46 | |
CGDE | Gender and Development | 1355-2074 | 1364-9221 | 25 | |
CGEE | Gender and Education | 0954-0253 | 1360-0516 | 29 | |
CGPC | Gender, Place & Culture | 0966-369X | 1360-0524 | 24 | |
RDGS | Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography | 0016-7223 | 1903-2471 | 117 | |
RGAB | Geografiska Annaler B | 0435-3684 | 1468-0467 | 99 | |
FGEO | Geopolitics | 1465-0045 | 1557-3028 | 22 | |
FGRP | German Politics | 0964-4008 | 1743-8993 | 26 | |
WGGE | Gerontology & Geriatrics Education | 0270-1960 | 1545-3847 | 38 | |
UGTI | Gifted and Talented International | 1533-2276 | 2470-9565 | 32 | |
CPAR | Global Change, Peace & Security | 1478-1158 | 1478-1166 | 29 | |
FGLC | Global Crime | 1744-0572 | 1744-01580 | 18 | |
RGER | Global Economic Review | 1226-508X | 1744-3873 | 46 | |
CGSJ | Global Society | 1360-0826 | 1469-798X | 31 | |
CGSE | Globalisation, Societies and Education | 1476-7724 | 1476-7732 | 15 | |
RGLO | Globalizations | 1474-7731 | 1474-774X | 14 | |
RGRL | Green Letters | 1468-8417 | 2168-1414 | 21 | |
RLAW | Xxxxxxxx Law Review | 1038-3441 | 1839-4205 | 26 | |
HHTH | Health Communication | 1041-0236 | 1532-7027 | 32 |
WHMQ | HEALTH MARKETING QUARTERLY | 0735-9683 | 1545-0864 | 34 | |
RHPR | Health Psychology Review | 1743-7199 | 1743-7202 | 11 | |
YHSO | Heritage & Society (formerly Heritage Management) | 2159-032X | 2159-0338 | 10 | |
CHAS | High Ability Studies | 1359-8139 | 1469-834X | 28 | |
CHER | Higher Education Research and Development | 0729-4360 | 1469-8366 | 36 | |
YHRJ | Hispanic Research Journal (Iberian and Latin American Studies) | 1468-2737 | 1745-820X | 18 | |
CHJF | Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television | 0143-9685 | 1465-3451 | 37 | |
VHIM | Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History | 0161-5440 | 1940-1906 | 50 | |
GHAT | History & Technology, an International Journal | 0734-1512 | 1477-2620 | 33 | |
GHAN | History and Anthropology | 0275-7206 | 1477-2612 | 28 | |
THPL | History and Philosophy of Logic | 0144-5340 | 1464-5149 | 38 | |
RAHA | History Australia | 1449-0854 | 1833-4881 | 14 | |
RHER | History of Economics Review | 1037-0196 | 1838-6318 | 68 | |
THED | History of Education | 0046-760X | 1464-5130 | 46 | |
RHEI | History of European Ideas | 0191-6599 | 1873-541x | 43 | |
THPH | History of Photography | 0308-7298 | 2150-7295 | 41 | |
VHIS | History: Reviews of New Books | 0361-2759 | 1930-8280 | 45 | |
RHOS | Holocaust Studies | 1750-4902 | 2048-4887 | 23 | |
RFHC | Home Cultures | 1740-6315 | 1751-7427 | 14 | |
RHAS | Housing and Society | 0888-2746 | 2376-0923 | 44 | |
RHPD | Housing Policy Debate | 1051-1482 | 2152-050X | 27 | |
CHOS | Housing Studies | 0267-3037 | 1466-1810 | 32 | |
SHOU | Housing, Theory & Society | 1403-6096 | 1651-2278 | 34 | |
UHJC | Xxxxxx Journal of Communication | 1064-6175 | 1096-4649 | 28 | |
HHUP | Human Performance | 0895-9285 | 1532-7043 | 30 | |
RHRD | Human Resource Development International | 1367-8868 | 1469-8374 | 20 | |
WASW | Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance | 0364-3107 | 1544-4376 | 41 | |
XXXX | Xxxxx Studies | 1502-1866 | 1741-8720 | 17 | |
GIDE | Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power | 1070-289X | 1547-3384 | 24 | |
HIDN | Identity | 1528-3488 | 1532-706X | 17 | |
RIMU | Imago Mundi | 0308-5694 | 1479-7801 | 69 | |
FIMM | Immigrants & Minorities: Historical Studies in Ethnicity, Migration and Diaspora | 0261-9288 | 1744-0521 | 35 | |
FIND | India Review | 1473-6489 | 1557-3036 | 16 | |
CIMW | Indonesia and the Malay World | 1363-9811 | 1469-8382 | 45 |
YIAR | Industrial Archaeology Review | 0309-0728 | 1745-8196 | 39 | |
CIAI | Industry & Innovation | 1366-2716 | 1469-8390 | 24 | |
RIYA | Infancia y Aprendizaje: Journal for the Study of Education and Development | 0210-3702 | 1578-4126 | 40 | |
RIOB | Infant Observation | 1369-8036 | 1745-8943 | 20 | |
CICT | Information and Communications Technology Law | 1360-0834 | 1469-8404 | 26 | |
RICS | Information, Communication and Society | 1369-118X | 1468-4462 | 20 | |
RILL | Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching | 1750-1229 | 1750-1237 | 11 | |
RIMP | Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice | 1447-9338 | 19 | ||
CIEJ | Innovation: The European Journal of Social Sciences | 1351-1610 | 1469-8412 | 30 | |
RIIE | Innovations in Education & Teaching International | 1470-3297 | 1470-3300 | 54 | |
SINQ | Inquiry | 0020-174X | 1502-3923 | 60 | |
RIHR | Intellectual History Review | 1749-6977 | 1749-6985 | 27 | |
FINT | Intelligence & National Security | 0268-4527 | 1743-9019 | 32 | |
NILE | Interactive Learning Environments | 1049-4820 | 1744-5191 | 25 | |
RIAC | Inter-Asia Cultural Studies | 1464-9373 | 1469-8447 | 18 | |
CEJI | Intercultural Education | 1467-5986 | 1469-8439 | 28 | |
RFIN | Interiors | 2041-9112 | 2041-9120 | 8 | |
WJHT | International Journal Of Hospitality & Tourism Administration | 1525-6480 | 1525-6499 | 18 | |
RIEJ | International Economic Journal | 1016-8737 | 1743-517X | 31 | |
RFJP | International Feminist Journal of Politics | 1461-6742 | 1468-4470 | 19 | |
SPSY | International Forum of Psychoanalysis | 0803-706X | 1651-2324 | 26 | |
RIGS | International Gambling Studies | 1445-9795 | 1479-4276 | 17 | |
RINH | International History Review | 0707-5332 | 1949-6540 | 39 | |
GINI | International Interactions | 0305-0629 | 1547-7444 | 43 | |
XXXX | International Journal for Academic Development | 1360-144X | 1470-1324 | 22 | |
HJPR | International Journal for the Psychology of Religion | 1050-8619 | 1532-7582 | 27 | |
RJSC | International journal for the Study of the Christian Church | 1474-225X | 1747-0234 | 17 | |
RINA | International Journal of Advertising | 0265-0487 | 1759-3948 | 36 | |
HIAP | International Journal of Aerospace Psychology | 2472-1840 | 2472-1832 | 27 | |
UARC | International Journal of Architectural Heritage: Conservation, Analysis, and Restoration | 1558-3058 | 1558-3066 | 11 | |
RART | International Journal of Art Therapy | 1745-4832 | 1745-4840 | 22 | |
RBEB | International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism | 1367-0050 | 1747-7522 | 20 |
CIJC | International Journal of Children's Spirituality | 1364-436X | 1469-8455 | 22 | |
NHYP | International Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis | 0020-7144 | 1744-5183 | 65 | |
RCAC | International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice | 0192-4036 | 2157-6475 | 41 | |
UICE | International Journal of Construction Education and Research | 1557-8771 | 1550-3984 | 13 | |
GCUL | International Journal of Cultural Policy | 1028-6632 | 1477-2833 | 23 | |
RCCM | International Journal of Culture and Mental Health | 1754-2863 | 1754-2871 | 10 | |
CIJD | International Journal of Disability, Development and Education | 1034-912X | 1465-346X | 64 | |
CIEY | International Journal of Early Years Education | 0966-9760 | 1469-8463 | 25 | |
MJEC | International Journal of Electronic Commerce | 1086-4415 | 1557-9301 | 22 | |
GENV | International Journal of Environmental Studies | 0020-7233 | 1029-0400 | 74 | |
UFMH | International Journal of Forensic Mental Health | 1499-9013 | 1932-9903 | 16 | |
UJGP | International Journal of Group Psychotherapy | 0020-7284 | 1943-2836 | 67 | |
RJHS | International Journal of Heritage Studies | 1352-7258 | 1470-3610 | 23 | |
REUJ | International Journal of Housing Policy | 1461-6718 | 1473-3269 | 17 | |
RIJH | International Journal of Human Resource Management | 0958-5192 | 1466-4399 | 28 | |
TIED | International Journal of Inclusive Education | 1360-3116 | 1464-5173 | 21 | |
UJIC | International Journal of Intelligence & Counterintelligence | 0885-0607 | 1521-0561 | 30 | |
RIJJ | International Journal of Jungian Studies | 1940-9052 | 1940-9060 | 9 | |
TEDL | International Journal of Leadership in Education | 1360-3124 | 1464-5092 | 20 | |
TLED | International Journal of Lifelong Education | 0260-1370 | 1464-519X | 36 | |
HIJL | International Journal of Listening | 1090-4018 | 1932-586X | 31 | |
MIMH | International Journal of Mental Health | 0020-7411 | 1557-9328 | 46 | |
RMJM | International Journal of Multilingualism | 1479-0718 | 1747-7530 | 14 | |
RPDM | International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media | 1479-4713 | 2040-0934 | 13 | |
RIPH | International Journal of Philosophical Studies | 0967-2559 | 1466-4542 | 25 | |
RJPT | International Journal of Philosophy and Theology | 2169-2327 | 2169-2335 | 78 | |
MIJP | International Journal of Political Economy | 0891-1916 | 1558-0970 | 46 | |
LPAD | International Journal of Public Administration | 0190-0692 | 1532-4265 | 40 |
TQSE | International Journal of Qualititative Studies in Education | 0951-8398 | 1366-5898 | 30 | |
YJRL | International Journal of Regional and Local History | 2051-4530 | 2051-4549 | 12 | |
CWSE | International Journal of Research and Method in Education | 1743-727X | 1743-7288 | 40 | |
TSED | International Journal of Science Education | 0950-0693 | 1464-5289 | 39 | |
TSRM | International Journal of Social Research Methodology | 1364-5579 | 1464-5300 | 20 | |
MIJS | International Journal of Sociology | 0020-7659 | 1557-9336 | 47 | |
RIJS | International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology | 1612-197X | 1557-251X | 15 | |
RISP | International Journal of Sport Policy | 1940-6940 | 1940-6959 | 9 | |
HSTC | International Journal of Strategic Communication | 1553-118X | 1553-1198 | 11 | |
TSPM | International Journal of Strategic Property Management | 1648-715X | 1648-9179 | 21 | |
TSDW | International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology | 1350-4509 | 1745-2627 | 24 | |
HIJT | International Journal of Testing | 1530-5058 | 1532-7574 | 17 | |
CIJB | International Journal of the Economics of Business | 1357-1516 | 1466-1829 | 24 | |
FHSP | International Journal of the History of Sport | 0952-3367 | 1743-9035 | 34 | |
CIJL | International Journal of the Legal Profession | 0969-5958 | 1469-9257 | 24 | |
RIJT | International Journal of Tourism Sciences | 1598-0634 | 2377-0058 | 17 | |
RITR | International Journal of Training Research | 1448-0220 | tbc | 15 | |
RJUS | International Journal of Urban Sciences | 1226-5934 | TBC | 21 | |
TJUE | International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development | 1946-3138 | 1946-3146 | 9 | |
CIJW | International Journal of Water Resources | 0790-0627 | 1360-0648 | 33 | |
RARS | International Journal of African Renaissance Studies | 1818-6874 | 1753-7274 | 12 | |
HIJM | International Journal on Media Management | 1424-1277 | 1424-1250 | 19 | |
HMRJ | International Multilingual Research Journal | 1931-3152 | 1931-3160 | 11 | |
FINP | International Peacekeeping | 1353-3312 | 1743-906x | 24 | |
CIPS | International Planning Studies | 1356-3475 | 1469-9265 | 22 | |
UPMJ | International Public Management Journal | 1096-7494 | 1559-3169 | 20 | |
RGEE | International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education | 1038-2046 | 1747-7611 | 26 | |
CIRA | International Review of Applied Economics | 0269-2171 | 1465-3486 | 31 | |
XXXX | International Review of Law, Computers & Technology | 1360-0869 | 1364-6885 | 31 |
RRPA | International Review of Public Administration | 1229-4659 | 2331-7795 | 22 | |
RIRR | International Review of Retail Distribution & Consumer Research | 0959-3969 | 1466-4402 | 27 | |
CIRS | International Review of Sociology | 0390-6701 | 1469-9273 | 27 | |
RIRS | International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology | 1750-984X | 1750-9858 | 10 | |
RSPE | International Spectator | 0393-2729 | 1751-9721 | 52 | |
RICE | International Studies in Catholic Education | 1942-2539 | 1942-2547 | 9 | |
RISS | International Studies in Sociology of Education | 0962-0214 | 1747-5066 | 27 | |
CISP | International Studies in the Philosophy of Science | 0269-8595 | 1469-9281 | 31 | |
MIMO | International Studies of Management & Organization | 0020-8825 | 1558-0911 | 47 | |
WIRS | Internet Reference Services Quarterly | 1087-5301 | 1540-4749 | 22 | |
RIIJ | Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies | 1369-801X | 1469-929X | 19 | |
UIML | Investigations in Mathematics Learning | 1947-7503 | 2472-7466 | 9 | |
RIAJ | Investment Analysts Journal | 1029-3523 | 2077-0227 | 46 | |
CIST | Iranian Studies | 0021-0862 | 1475-4819 | 50 | |
RIES | Irish Educational Studies | 0332-3315 | 1747-4965 | 36 | |
FIPS | Irish Political Studies | 0790-7184 | 1743-9078 | 32 | |
CISR | Irish Studies Review | 0967-0882 | 1469-9303 | 25 | |
CICM | Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations | 0959-6410 | 1469-9311 | 28 | |
FISA | Israel Affairs | 1353-7121 | 1743-9086 | 23 | |
RIFA | Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs | 2373-9770 | 2373-9789 | 11 | |
YITC | Italian Culture | 0161-4622 | 1559-0909 | 35 | |
YITS | Italian Studies | 0075-1634 | 1748-6181 | 72 | |
RJFO | Japan Forum | 0955-5803 | 1469-932X | 29 | |
CJST | Japanese Studies | 1037-1397 | 1469-9338 | 37 | |
RJAV | Javnost - The Public | 1318-3222 | 1854-8377 | 24 | |
RJAZ | Jazz Perspectives | 1749-4060 | 1749-4079 | 11 | |
RJCH | Jewish Culture and History | 1462-169x | 18 | ||
RJEQ | Jewish Quarterly | 0449-010x | 2326-2516 | 64 | |
RCUV | Journal for Cultural Research | 1479-7585 | 1740-1666 | 21 | |
RMAR | Journal for Maritime Research | 2153-3369 | 1469-1957 | 19 | |
USGW | Journal for Specialists in Group Work | 0193-3922 | 1549-6295 | 42 | |
YSSA | Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education | 1935-7397 | 1935-7400 | 11 | |
WJAS | Journal Of Access Services | 1536-7967 | 1536-7975 | 14 | |
YATE | Journal of Adult Theological Education | 1740-7141 | 1743-1654 | 14 | |
RAOL | Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning | 1472-9679 | 1754-0402 | 17 | |
UJOA | Journal of Advertising | 0091-3367 | 1557-7805 | 46 | |
WJAB | Journal Of African Business | 1522-8916 | 1522-9076 | 18 |
CJAC | Journal of African Cultural Studies | 1369-6815 | 1469-9346 | 29 | |
WAMT | Journal Of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma | 1092-6771 | 1545-083x | 26 | |
WASP | Journal Of Aging & Social Policy | 0895-9420 | 1545-0821 | 29 | |
RJAC | Journal of Applied Communication Research | 0090-9882 | 1479-5752 | 45 | |
WAPP | Journal Of Applied School Psychology | 1537-7903 | 1537-7911 | 33 | |
WASR | Journal Of Applied Security Research | 1936-1610 | 1936-1629 | 12 | |
UASP | Journal of Applied Sport Psychology | 1041-3200 | 1533-1571 | 29 | |
RACO | Journal of Architectural Conservation | 1355-6207 | 2326-6384 | 23 | |
RJAE | Journal of Architectural Education | 1046-4883 | 1531-314x | 71 | |
TTPA | Journal of Architecture and Urbanism | 2029-7955 | 2029-7947 | 41 | |
WJAO | Journal Of Archival Organization | 1533-2748 | 1533-2756 | 14 | |
RAPP | Journal of Asian Public Policy | 1751-6234 | 1751-6242 | 10 | |
WAPB | Journal Of Asia-Pacific Business | 1059-9231 | 1528-6940 | 18 | |
XXXX | Journal of Australian Studies | 1444-3058 | 1835-6419 | 41 | |
CJSB | Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies | 1944-8953 | 1944-8961 | 19 | |
RBAL | Journal of Baltic Studies | 0162-9778 | 1751-7877 | 48 | |
HBHF | Journal of Behavioral Finance | 1542-7560 | 1542-7579 | 18 | |
CJBV | Journal of Beliefs & Values | 1361-7672 | 1469-9362 | 38 | |
RJBE | Journal of Biological Education | 0021-9266 | 2157-6009 | 51 | |
WJBI | Journal Of Bisexuality | 1529-9716 | 1529-9724 | 17 | |
RJBS | Journal of Borderlands Studies | 0886-5655 | 2159-1229 | 32 | |
HBEM | Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media | 0883-8151 | 1550-6878 | 61 | |
WBFL | Journal Of Business & Finance Librarianship | 0896-3568 | 1547-0644 | 22 | |
TBEM | Journal of Business Economics and Management | 1611-1699 | 2029-4433 | 18 | |
WBBM | Journal Of Business To Business Marketing | 1051-712X | 1547-0628 | 24 | |
RJCM | Journal of Change Management | 1469-7017 | 1479-1811 | 17 | |
RCMH | Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health | 1728-0583 | 1728-0591 | 29 | |
WJCC | Journal Of Child Custody | 1537-9418 | 1537-940x | 14 | |
RJCP | Journal of Child Psychotherapy | 0075-417X | 1469-9370 | 43 | |
WCSA | Journal Of Child Sexual Abuse | 1053-8712 | 1547-0679 | 26 | |
CJCP | Journal of Children & Poverty | 1079-6126 | 1469-9389 | 23 | |
RCHM | Journal of Children and Media | 1748-2798 | 1748-2801 | 11 | |
WCTR | Journal Of China Tourism Research | 1938-8160 | 1938-8179 | 13 | |
RJCC | Journal of Chinese Cinema | 1750-8061 | 1750-807X | 11 | |
RCEA | Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies | 1476-5284 | 1476-5292 | 15 | |
YJCH | Journal of Chinese Religions | 0737-769X | 2050-8999 | 45 | |
RCIS | Journal of Civil Society | 1744-8689 | 1744-8697 | 13 | |
NCEN | Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology | 1380-3395 | 1744-411x | 39 |
HCAP | Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology | 1537-4416 | 1537-4424 | 46 | |
HJCD | Journal of Cognition and Development | 1524-8372 | 1532-7647 | 18 | |
PECP | Journal of Cognitive Psychology | 2044-5911 | 2044-592X | 29 | |
UJCC | Journal of College and Character | 2194-587x | 1940-1639 | 18 | |
UCRL | Journal of College Reading and Learning | 1079-0195 | 2332-7413 | 47 | |
WCSP | Journal Of College Student Psychotherapy | 8756-8225 | 1540-4730 | 31 | |
FCCP | Journal of Commonwealth & Comparative Politics | 1466-2043 | 1743-9094 | 55 | |
WCOM | Journal Of Community Practice | 1070-5422 | 1543-3706 | 25 | |
RCAD | Journal of Comparative Asian Development | 1533-9114 | 2150-5403 | 16 | |
FCPA | Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis | 1387-6988 | 1572-5448 | 19 | |
YJCA | Journal of Conflict Archaeology | 1574-0773 | 1574-0781 | 12 | |
UPCY | Journal of Constructivist Psychology | 1072-0537 | 1521-0650 | 30 | |
WCHI | Journal Of Consumer Health On The Internet | 1539-8285 | 1539-8293 | 21 | |
CJCA | Journal of Contemporary African Studies | 0258-9001 | 1469-9397 | 35 | |
RJOC | Journal of Contemporary Asia | 0047-2336 | 1752-7554 | 47 | |
CDEB | Journal of Contemporary Central & Eastern Europe | 0965-156X | 1469-3712 | 25 | |
CJCC | Journal of Contemporary China | 1067-0564 | 1469-9400 | 26 | |
CJEA | Journal of Contemporary European Studies | 1478-2804 | 1478-2790 | 25 | |
CJCR | Journal of Contemporary Religion | 1353-7903 | 1469-9419 | 32 | |
WCET | Journal Of Convention & Event Tourism | 1547-0148 | 1547-0156 | 18 | |
RCLS | Journal of Corporate Law Studies | 1473-5970 | 1757-8426 | 17 | |
WCRT | Journal Of Couple & Relationship Therapy | 1533-2691 | 1533-2683 | 16 | |
WCMH | Journal Of Creativity In Mental Health | 1540-1383 | 1540-1391 | 12 | |
RJCJ | Journal of Crime and Justice | 0735-648X | 2158-9119 | 40 | |
RCJE | Journal of Criminal Justice Education | 1051-1253 | 1745-9117 | 28 | |
YJCR | Journal of Critical Realism | 1476-7430 | 1572-5138 | 16 | |
RJCE | Journal of Cultural Economy | 1753-0350 | 1753-0369 | 10 | |
RJCG | Journal of Cultural Geography | 0887-3631 | 1940-6320 | 34 | |
UJCI | Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising | 1064-1734 | 2164-7313 | 38 | |
UJCP | Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy | 1550-5170 | 2156-8154 | 14 | |
TCUS | Journal of Curriculum Studies | 0022-0272 | 1366-5839 | 49 | |
UJOD | Journal of Dance Education | 1529-0824 | 2158-074X | 17 | |
RJDE | Journal of Development Effectiveness | 1943-9342 | 1943-9407 | 9 | |
FJDS | Journal of Development Studies | 0022-0388 | 1743-9140 | 53 | |
UJDL | Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education | 2153-2974 | to follow | 33 | |
WRDH | Journal of Disability & Religion | 1522-8967 | 1522-9122 | 21 |
WJDR | Journal Of Divorce & Remarriage | 1050-2556 | 1540-4811 | 58 | |
UJEC | Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education | 1090-1027 | 1745-5642 | 38 | |
RJEA | Journal of Eastern African Studies | 1753-1055 | 1753-1063 | 11 | |
WJEB | Journal Of East-West Business | 1066-9868 | 1528-6959 | 23 | |
MJEI | Journal of Economic Issues | 0021-3624 | 1946-326X | 51 | |
RJEC | Journal of Economic Methodology | 1350-178X | 1469-9427 | 24 | |
GPRE | Journal of Economic Policy Reform | 1748-7870 | 1748-7889 | 20 | |
RECO | Journal of Ecotourism | 1472-4049 | 1747-7638 | 16 | |
CJEW | Journal of Education and Work | 1363-9080 | 1469-9435 | 30 | |
VJEB | Journal of Education for Business | 0883-2323 | 1940-3356 | 92 | |
HJSP | Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR) | 1082-4669 | 1532-7671 | 22 | |
CJET | Journal of Education for Teaching | 0260-7476 | 1360-0540 | 43 | |
TEDP | Journal of Education Policy | 0268-0939 | 1464-5106 | 32 | |
CJEH | Journal of Educational Administration and History | 0022-0620 | 1478-7431 | 49 | |
HEPC | Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation | 1047-4412 | 1532-768X | 27 | |
WEAN | Journal Of Elder Abuse & Neglect | 0894-6566 | 1540-4129 | 29 | |
FBEP | Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties | 1745-7289 | 1745-7297 | 27 | |
WERM | Journal Of Electronic Resources In Medical Libraries | 1542-4065 | 1542-4073 | 14 | |
WACQ | Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship | 1941-126X | 1941-1278 | 29 | |
RNRL | Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law | 0264-6811 | 2376-4538 | 35 | |
CJEP | Journal of Environmental Planning and Management | 0964-0568 | 1360-0559 | 60 | |
CJOE | Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning | 1523-908X | 1522-7200 | 19 | |
WECD | Journal Of Ethnic And Cultural Diversity In Social Work | 1531-3204 | 1531-3212 | 26 | |
CJMS | Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies | 1369-183X | 1469-9451 | 43 | |
WECJ | Journal Of Ethnicity In Criminal Justice | 1537-7938 | 1537-7946 | 15 | |
GEUI | Journal of European Integration | 0703-6337 | 1477-2280 | 39 | |
RJPP | Journal of European Public Policy | 1350-1763 | 1466-4429 | 24 | |
WEBS | Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work | 2376-1407 | 2376-1415 | 14 | |
HJFC | Journal of Family Communication | 1526-7431 | 1532-7698 | 17 | |
WJFP | Journal Of Family Psychotherapy | 0897-5353 | 1540-4080 | 28 | |
WFSW | Journal Of Family Social Work | 1052-2158 | 1540-4072 | 20 | |
RJFS | Journal of Family Studies | 1322-9400 | 1839-3543 | 23 | |
WFFT | Journal Of Feminist Family Therapy | 0895-2833 | 1540-4099 | 29 | |
YJFA | Journal of Field Archaeology | 0093-4690 | 2042-4582 | 42 | |
WFPM | Journal Of Food Products Marketing | 1045-4446 | 1540-4102 | 23 |
WFBR | Journal Of Foodservice Business Research | 1537-8020 | 1537-8039 | 20 | |
RJFP | Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology | 1478-9949 | 1478-9957 | 28 | |
WFPP | Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice | 1522-8932 | 1522-9092 | 17 | |
CJFH | Journal of Further and Higher Education | 0309-877X | 1469-9486 | 41 | |
WGLM | Journal Of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health | 1935-9705 | 1935-9713 | 21 | |
WGLS | Journal Of Gay & Lesbian Social Services | 1053-8720 | 1540-4056 | 29 | |
CJGS | Journal of Gender Studies | 0958-9236 | 1465-3869 | 26 | |
CJGR | Journal of Genocide Research | 1462-3528 | 1469-9494 | 19 | |
RJOG | Journal of Geography | 0025-1341 | 1752-6868 | 116 | |
CJGH | Journal of Geography in Higher Education | 0309-8265 | 1466-1845 | 41 | |
WGER | Journal Of Gerontological Social Work | 0163-4372 | 1540-4048 | 60 | |
WGFS | Journal Of Glbt Family Studies | 1550-428X | 1550-4298 | 13 | |
RJGE | Journal of Global Ethics | 1744-9626 | 1744-9634 | 13 | |
RGFM | Journal of Global Fashion Marketing: Bridging Fashion and Marketing | 2093-2685 | 2325-4483 | 8 | |
UGIT | Journal of Global Information Technology Management | 1097-198X | 2333-6846 | 20 | |
WGLO | Journal Of Global Marketing | 0891-1762 | 1528-6975 | 30 | |
RGAM | Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science: Bridging Asia and the World | 2163-9159 | 2163-9167 | 27 | |
RCOM | Journal of Graphic Novels & Comics | 2150-4857 | 2150-4865 | 8 | |
WGAR | Journal Of Groups In Addiction & Recovery | 1556-035X | 1556-0368 | 12 | |
WHCC | Journal Of Health Care Chaplaincy | 0885-4726 | 1528-6916 | 23 | |
UHCM | Journal of Health Communication | 1081-0730 | 1087-0415 | 22 | |
RJHT | Journal of Heritage Tourism | 1734-873X | 1474-6631 | 12 | |
CJHE | Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management | 1360-080X | 1469-9508 | 39 | |
WJHM | Journal Of Homosexuality | 0091-8369 | 1540-3602 | 64 | |
WHOS | Journal Of Hospital Librarianship | 1532-3269 | 1532-3277 | 17 | |
UHAT | Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education | 1096-3758 | 2325-6540 | 29 | |
UHFM | Journal of Hospitality Financial Management | 1091-3211 | 2152-2790 | 25 | |
WHMM | Journal Of Hospitality Marketing & Management | 1936-8623 | 1936-8631 | 26 | |
WJHE | Journal Of Housing For The Elderly | 0276-3893 | 1540-353x | 31 | |
WHUM | Journal Of Human Behavior In The Social Environment | 1091-1359 | 1540-3556 | 27 | |
CJHD | Journal of Human Development and Capabilities | 1945-2829 | 1945-2837 | 18 | |
WHRH | Journal Of Human Resources In Hospitality & Tourism | 1533-2845 | 1533-2853 | 16 | |
CJHR | Journal of Human Rights | 1475-4835 | 1475-4843 | 16 | |
CJIL | Journal of Iberian & Latin American Studies | 1470-1847 | 1469-9524 | 23 |
RJIL | Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research | 1326-0219 | 2151-9668 | 23 | |
WIMM | Journal Of Immigrant & Refugee Studies | 1556-2948 | 1556-2956 | 15 | |
FICH | Journal of Imperial & Commonwealth History | 0308-6534 | 1743-9329 | 45 | |
HICP | Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy | 1528-9168 | 1940-9214 | 16 | |
UIPS | Journal of Information Privacy & Security | 2333-696X | 13 | ||
WITP | Journal Of Information Technology & Politics | 1933-1681 | 1933-169x | 14 | |
UTCA | Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research | 2333-6897 | 19 | ||
RJIH | Journal of Intelligence History | 1616-1262 | 2169-5601 | 16 | |
UJIA | Journal of Interactive Advertising | n/a | 1525-2019 | 17 | |
RJIC | Journal of Intercultural Communication Research | 1747-5749 | 1747-5767 | 46 | |
CJIS | Journal of Intercultural Studies | 0725-6868 | 1469-9540 | 38 | |
WJIR | Journal Of Intergenerational Relationships | 1535-0770 | 1535-0932 | 15 | |
WILD | Journal Of Interlibrary Loan,Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve | 1072-303X | 1540-3572 | 27 | |
RJCS | Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy | 2169-9763 | 2169-978x | 33 | |
RJII | Journal of International and Intercultural Communication | 1751-3057 | 1751-3065 | 10 | |
WICM | Journal Of International Consumer Marketing | 0896-1530 | 1528-7068 | 29 | |
WIFA | Journal Of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing | 0897-4438 | 1528-6983 | 29 | |
WICO | Journal Of Internet Commerce | 1533-2861 | 1533-287x | 16 | |
RISB | Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding | 1750-2977 | 1750-2985 | 11 | |
UICA | Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology | 1556-4894 | 1556-1828 | 12 | |
FJIH | Journal of Israeli History | 1353-1042 | 1744-0548 | 36 | |
RJKC | Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema | 1756-4905 | 1756-4913 | 9 | |
UJJE | Journal of Jewish Education | 1524-4113 | 1554-611X | 83 | |
RJLA | Journal of Landscape Architecture | 1862-6033 | tbc | 12 | |
HLIE | Journal of Language, Identity & Education | 1534-8458 | 1532-7701 | 16 | |
YJLI | Journal of Language, Literature and Culture | 2051-2856 | 2051-2864 | 64 | |
CJLA | Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies | 1356-9325 | 1469-9575 | 26 | |
HJLE | Journal of Latinos and Education | 1534-8431 | 1532-771X | 16 | |
FLGH | Journal of Legal History | 0144-0365 | 1744-0564 | 38 | |
RJLP | Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law | 0732-9113 | 2305-9931 | 49 | |
FJLS | Journal of Legislative Studies | 1357-2334 | 1743-9337 | 23 | |
WJLS | Journal Of Lesbian Studies | 1089-4160 | 1540-3548 | 21 |
WLCO | Journal Of Lgbt Issues In Counseling | 1553-8605 | 1553-8338 | 11 | |
WJLY | Journal Of Lgbt Youth | 1936-1653 | 1936-1661 | 14 | |
WLIS | Journal Of Library & Information Services In Distance Learning | 1533-290x | 1533-2918 | 11 | |
WJLA | Journal Of Library Administration | 0193-0826 | 1540-3564 | 57 | |
WJLM | Journal Of Library Metadata | 1938-6389 | 1937-5034 | 17 | |
RJLS | Journal of Literary Studies | 0256-4718 | 1753-5387 | 33 | |
UPIL | Journal of Loss and Trauma: International Perspectives on Stress and Coping | 1532-5024 | 1532-5032 | 22 | |
MMIS | Journal of Management Information Systems | 0742-1222 | 1557-928X | 34 | |
RMSR | Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion | 1476-6086 | 1942-258x | 14 | |
WMGL | Journal Of Map And Geography Libraries | 1542-0353 | 1542-0361 | 13 | |
WJMC | Journal Of Marketing Channels | 1046-669X | 1540-7039 | 24 | |
RJMC | Journal of Marketing Communications | 1352-7266 | 1466-4445 | 23 | |
WMHE | Journal Of Marketing For Higher Education | 0884-1241 | 1540-7144 | 27 | |
RJMM | Journal of Marketing Management | 0267-257X | 1472-1376 | 33 | |
MMTP | Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice | 1069-6679 | 1944-7175 | 25 | |
GMAS | Journal of Mathematical Sociology | 0022-250X | 1545-5874 | 41 | |
HJMR | Journal of Media and Religion | 1534-8423 | 1534-8415 | 16 | |
ROMB | Journal of Media Business Studies | 1652-2354 | 2376-2977 | 14 | |
HMEC | Journal of Media Economics | 0899-7764 | 1532-7736 | 30 | |
HMME | Journal of Media Ethics | 0890-0523 | 1532-7728 | 32 | |
RJML | Journal of Media Law | 1757-7632 | 1757-7640 | 9 | |
RJMP | Journal of Media Practice | 1468-2753 | 2040-0926 | 18 | |
RMED | Journal of Medieval History | 0304-4181 | 1873-1279 | 43 | |
RIBS | Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies | 1754-6559 | 1754-6567 | 9 | |
IJMH | Journal of Mental Health | 0963-8237 | 1360-0567 | 26 | |
UMID | Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities | 1931-5864 | 1931-5872 | 10 | |
XXXX | Journal of Military Ethics | 1502-7570 | 1502-7589 | 16 | |
RMOH | Journal of Modern Chinese History | 1753-5654 | 1753-5662 | 11 | |
RMIS | Journal of Modern Italian Studies | 1354-571X | 1469-9583 | 22 | |
CMJS | Journal of Modern Jewish Studies | 1472-5886 | 1472-5894 | 16 | |
CJME | Journal of Moral Education | 0305-7240 | 1465-3877 | 46 | |
VJMB | Journal of Motor Behavior | 0022-2895 | 1940-1027 | 49 | |
RMMD | Journal of Multicultural Discourses | 1744-7143 | 12 | ||
RMMM | Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development | 0413-4632 | 1747-7557 | 38 | |
RJME | Journal of Museum Education | 1059-8650 | 2051-6169 | 42 | |
RMAA | Journal of Musical Arts in Africa | 1812-1004 | 2070-626X | 14 |
GMUR | Journal of Musicological Research | 0141-1896 | 1547-7304 | 36 | |
CJMM | Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs | 1360-2004 | 1469-9591 | 37 | |
NNMR | Journal of New Music Research | 0929-8215 | 1744-5027 | 46 | |
WNON | Journal Of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing | 1049-5142 | 1540-6997 | 29 | |
FNAS | Journal of North African Studies | 1362-9387 | 1743-9345 | 22 | |
WJOR | Journal Of Offender Rehabilitation | 1050-9674 | 1540-8558 | 56 | |
YORG | Journal of Organisational Transformation & Social Change | 1477-9633 | 2040-056X | 14 | |
WORG | Journal Of Organizational Behavior Management | 0160-8061 | 1540-8604 | 37 | |
YJPC | Journal of Paper Conservation | 1868-0860 | 2057-1682 | 18 | |
YPAT | Journal of Pastoral Theology | 1064-9867 | 2161-4504 | 27 | |
CJPE | Journal of Peace Education | 1740-0201 | 1470-021X | 14 | |
RJPD | Journal of Peacebuilding & Development | 1542-3166 | 2165-7440 | 12 | |
RPSS | Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management | 0885-3134 | tbc | 37 | |
HJPA | Journal of Personality Assessment | 0022-3891 | 1532-7752 | 99 | |
UJRD | Journal of Physical Education Recreation & Dance | 0730-3084 | 2168-3816 | 88 | |
TJPT | Journal of Poetry Therapy | 0889-3675 | 1567-2344 | 30 | |
RPIC | Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism | 1833-5330 | 2159-5364 | 12 | |
WJPP | Journal Of Policy Practice | 1558-8742 | 1558-8750 | 16 | |
RPRT | Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events | 1940-7963 | 1940-7971 | 9 | |
CJPI | Journal of Political Ideologies | 1356-9317 | 1469-9613 | 22 | |
WPLM | Journal Of Political Marketing | 1537-7857 | 1537-7865 | 16 | |
RPOW | Journal of Political Power | 2158-379X | 2158-3803 | 10 | |
UPSE | Journal of Political Science Education | 1551-2169 | 1551-2177 | 13 | |
VJPF | Journal of Popular Film and Television | 0195-6051 | 1930-6458 | 45 | |
MPKE | Journal of Post Keynesian Economics | 0160-3477 | 1557-7821 | 40 | |
RJPW | Journal of Postcolonial Writing | 1744-9855 | 1744-9863 | 53 | |
WPOV | Journal Of Poverty | 1087-5549 | 1540-7608 | 21 | |
RPIL | Journal of Private International Law | 1744-1048 | 1757-8418 | 13 | |
WPHS | Journal Of Progessive Human Services | 1042-8232 | 1540-7616 | 28 | |
WJPM | Journal Of Promotion Management | 1049-6491 | 1540-7594 | 23 | |
RJPR | Journal of Property Research | 0959-9916 | 1466-4453 | 34 | |
RPIA | Journal of Psychology in Africa | 1433-0237 | 1815-5626 | 27 | |
WJPO | Journal Of Psychosocial Oncology | 0734-7332 | 1540-7586 | 35 | |
WPCW | Journal Of Public Child Welfare | 1554-8732 | 1554-8740 | 11 | |
HPRR | Journal of Public Relations Research | 1062-726X | 1532-754X | 29 | |
WQAH | Journal Of Quality Assurance In Hospitality & Tourism | 1528-008X | 1528-0098 | 18 | |
NJQL | Journal of Quantitative Linguistics | 0929-6174 | 1744-5035 | 24 |
HJRS | Journal of Radio and Audio Media | 1937-6529 | 1937-6537 | 24 | |
WJRM | Journal Of Relationship Marketing | 1533-2667 | 1533-2675 | 16 | |
WRSP | Journal Of Religion & Spirituality In Social Work: Social Thought | 1542-6432 | 1542-6440 | 36 | |
WRSA | Journal Of Religion, Spirituality & Aging | 1552-8030 | 1552-8049 | 29 | |
WRTI | Journal Of Religious & Theological Information | 1047-7845 | 1528-6948 | 16 | |
CJRI | Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology | 0264-6838 | 1469-672X | 35 | |
UJRC | Journal of Research in Childhood Education | 0256-8543 | 2150-2641 | 31 | |
URCE | Journal of Research on Christian Education | 1065-6219 | 1934-4945 | 26 | |
UREE | Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness | 1934-5747 | 1934-5739 | 10 | |
UJRT | Journal of Research on Technology in Education | 1539-1523 | 1945-0818 | 49 | |
RJRR | Journal of Risk Research | 1366-9877 | 1466-4461 | 20 | |
MRPO | Journal of Russian & East European Psychology | 1061-0405 | 1558-0415 | 54 | |
SCRI | Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention | 1404-3858 | 1651-2340 | 18 | |
WJSC | Journal Of School Choice | 1558-2159 | 1558-2167 | 11 | |
WJSV | Journal Of School Violence | 1538-8220 | 1538-8239 | 16 | |
USTE | Journal of Science Teacher Education | 1046-560X | 1573-1847 | 28 | |
USMT | Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy | 0092-623X | 1521-0715 | 43 | |
TJSA | Journal of Sexual Aggression | 1355-2600 | 1742-6545 | 23 | |
RSBE | Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship | 0827-6331 | 2169-2610 | 29 | |
RJSE | Journal of Social Entrepreneurship | 1942-0676 | 1942-0684 | 8 | |
WSSR | Journal Of Social Service Research | 0148-8376 | 1540-7314 | 43 | |
RJSF | Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law | 0964-9069 | 1469-9621 | 39 | |
USWE | Journal of Social Work Education | 1043-7797 | 2163-5811 | 53 | |
WSWD | Journal Of Social Work In Disability & Rehabilitation | 1536-710X | 1536-7118 | 16 | |
WSWE | Journal Of Social Work In End-Of-Life & Palliative Care | 1552-4256 | 1552-4264 | 13 | |
CJSW | Journal of Social Work Practice | 0265-0533 | 1465-3885 | 31 | |
WSWP | Journal Of Social Work Practice In The Addictions | 1533-256X | 1533-2578 | 17 | |
FBSS | Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies | 1468-3857 | 1743-9639 | 17 | |
CJSS | Journal of Southern African Studies | 0305-7070 | 1465-3893 | 43 | |
CJSC | Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies | 1463-6204 | 1469-9818 | 18 | |
WSPI | Journal Of Spirituality In Mental Health | 1934-9637 | 1934-9645 | 19 | |
RJTO | Journal of Sport & Tourism | 1477-5085 | 1029-5399 | 21 | |
USPA | Journal of Sport Psychology in Action | 2152-0704 | 2152-0712 | 8 |
RJSP | Journal of Sports Sciences | 0264-0414 | 1466-447X | 35 | |
RJSM | Journal of Strategic Marketing | 0965-254X | 1466-4488 | 25 | |
FJSS | Journal of Strategic Studies | 0140-2390 | 1743-937x | 40 | |
UARP | Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice | 1949-6591 | 1949-6605 | 54 | |
RSUS | Journal of Sustainable Tourism | 0966-9582 | 1747-7646 | 25 | |
WTIB | Journal Of Teaching In International Business | 0897-5930 | 1528-6991 | 28 | |
WTSW | Journal Of Teaching In Social Work | 0884-1233 | 1540-7349 | 37 | |
WTTT | Journal Of Teaching In Travel & Tourism | 1531-3220 | 1531-3239 | 17 | |
WTHS | Journal Of Technology In Human Services | 1522-8835 | 1522-8991 | 35 | |
RALA | Journal of the African Literature Association | 2167-4736 | 2167-4744 | 11 | |
YJAC | Journal of the American Institute for Conservation | 0197-1360 | 1945-2330 | 56 | |
RJPA | Journal of the American Planning Association | 0194-4363 | 1939-0130 | 83 | |
RJAP | Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy | 1354-7860 | 1469-9648 | 22 | |
YJBA | Journal of the British Archaeological Association | 0068-1288 | 1747-6704 | 170 | |
RBSP | Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology | 0007-1773 | 2332-0486 | 48 | |
YJPE | Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association | 1812-4461 | 2224-7963 | 37 | |
NJHN | Journal of the History of the Neurosciences | 0964-704X | 1744-5213 | 26 | |
RIOR | Journal of the Indian Ocean Region | 1948-0881 | 1948-108x | 13 | |
RCON | Journal of the Institute of Conservation | 1945-5224 | 1945-5232 | 40 | |
HLNS | Journal of the Learning Sciences | 1050-8406 | 1532-7809 | 26 | |
RJPS | Journal of the Philosophy of Sport | 0094-8705 | 1543-2939 | 44 | |
RRMA | Journal of the Royal Musical Association | 0269-0403 | 1471-6933 | 142 | |
RTCC | Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change | 1476-6825 | 1747-7654 | 15 | |
RJTH | Journal of Tourism History | 1755-182X | 1755-1838 | 9 | |
RJTS | Journal of Transatlantic Studies | 1479-4012 | 1754-1018 | 15 | |
WTNM | Journal Of Transnational Management | 1547-5778 | 1547-5786 | 22 | |
WJTD | Journal Of Trauma & Dissociation | 1529-9732 | 1529-9740 | 18 | |
WTTM | Journal Of Travel & Tourism Marketing | 1054-8408 | 1540-7306 | 34 | |
CJUD | Journal of Urban Design | 1357-4809 | 1469-9664 | 22 | |
CJUT | Journal of Urban Technology | 1063-0732 | 1466-1853 | 24 | |
RJOU | Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainabilty | 1754-9175 | 1754-9183 | 10 | |
RJVC | Journal of Victorian Culture | 1355-5502 | 1750-0133 | 22 | |
RJVP | Journal of Visual Art Practice | 1470-2029 | 1758-9185 | 16 | |
RJVL | Journal of Visual Literacy | 1051-144X | 2379-6529 | 36 |
RJVE | Journal of Vocational Education and Training | 1363-6820 | 1747-5090 | 69 | |
YWAC | Journal of War & Culture Studies | 1752-6272 | 1752-6280 | 10 | |
WJWL | Journal Of Web Librarianship | 1932-2909 | 1932-2917 | 11 | |
YJWA | Journal of Wetland Archaeology | 1473-2971 | 2051-6231 | 17 | |
CJWR | Journal of Wine Research | 0957-1264 | 1469-9672 | 28 | |
WJWA | Journal Of Women & Aging | 0895-2841 | 1540-7322 | 29 | |
WWAP | Journal Of Women, Politics & Policy | 1554-477X | 1554-4788 | 38 | |
WJWB | Journal Of Workplace Behavioral Health | 1555-5240 | 1555-5259 | 32 | |
CJYS | Journal of Youth Studies | 1367-6261 | 1469-9680 | 20 | |
RJOP | Journalism Practice | 1751-2786 | 1751-2794 | 11 | |
RJOS | Journalism Studies | 1461-670x | 1469-9699 | 18 | |
RJDR | Judicial Review | 1085-4681 | 1757-8434 | 22 | |
UJUN | Jung Journal | 1934-2039 | 1934-2047 | 11 | |
RJPN | Jurisprudence | 2040-3313 | 2040-3321 | 8 | |
RJQY | Justice Quarterly | 0741-8825 | 1745-9109 | 34 | |
UJSJ | Justice System Journal | 0098-261X | 2327-7556 | 38 | |
UKDR | Kappa Delta Pi Record | 0022-8958 | 2163-1611 | 53 | |
RKLJ | King's Law Journal | 0961-5768 | 1757-8442 | 28 | |
YKIV | KIVA: Journal of Southwestern Anthropology and History | 0023-1940 | 2051-6177 | 82 | |
SKON | Konsthistorisk Tidskrift | 0023-3609 | 1651-2294 | 86 | |
CLAH | Labor History | 0023-656X | 1469-9702 | 58 | |
RLAB | Labour & Industry: A Journal of the Social and Economic Relations of Work | 1030-1763 | 2325-5676 | 27 | |
RLSH | Landscape History | 0143-3768 | 2160-2506 | 38 | |
CLAR | Landscape Research | 0142-6397 | 1469-9710 | 42 | |
YLAN | Landscapes | 1466-2035 | 2040-8153 | 18 | |
YLHI | Language & History | 1759-7536 | 1759-7544 | 60 | |
RMLI | Language & Intercultural Communication | 1470-8477 | 1747-759X | 17 | |
HLAC | Language Acquisition | 1048-9223 | 1532-7817 | 24 | |
RLAE | Language and Education | 0950-0782 | 1747-7581 | 31 | |
HLAQ | Language Assessment Quarterly | 1543-4303 | 1543-4311 | 14 | |
RMLA | Language Awareness | 0965-8416 | 1747-7565 | 26 | |
PLCP | Language Cognition and Neuroscience | 2327-3798 | 2327-3801 | 32 | |
HLLD | Language Learning and Development | 1547-5441 | 1547-3341 | 13 | |
RLLJ | Language Learning Journal | 0957-1736 | 1753-2167 | 45 | |
RLMS | Language Matters | 1022-8195 | 1753-5395 | 48 | |
RLCC | Language, culture and Curriculum | 0790-8318 | 1747-7573 | 30 | |
PLAT | Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition | 1357-650X | 1464-0678 | 22 | |
RLAC | Latin American and Carribean Ethnic Studies | 1744-2222 | 1744-2230 | 12 | |
WLAB | Latin American Business Review | 1097-8526 | 1528-6932 | 18 | |
RLAL | Law & Literature | 1535-685X | 1541-2601 | 29 |
RLFM | Law and Financial Markets Review | 1752-1440 | 1752-1459 | 11 | |
RLAH | Law and Humanities | 1752-1483 | 1752-1491 | 11 | |
RLIT | Law Innovation and Technology | 1757-9961 | 1757-997X | 9 | |
NLPS | Leadership & Policy in Schools | 1570-0763 | 1744-5043 | 16 | |
CJEM | Learning Media & Technology | 1743-9884 | 1743-9892 | 42 | |
RLET | Legal Ethics | 1460-728x | 1757-8450 | 20 | |
WLRS | Legal Reference Services Quarterly | 0270-319X | 1540-949x | 36 | |
ULSC | Leisure Sciences | 0149-0400 | 1521-0588 | 39 | |
RLST | Leisure Studies | 0261-4367 | 1466-4496 | 36 | |
RLOI | Leisure/Loisir | 1492-7713 | 2151-2221 | 41 | |
YLEV | Levant: The Journal of the Council for British Research in the Levant | 0075-8914 | 1756-3801 | 49 | |
YLBH | Library & Information History | 1758-3489 | 1758-3497 | 33 | |
ULCA | Library Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services | 1464-9055 | 1873-1821 | 40 | |
RLWR | Life Writing | 1448-4528 | 1751-2964 | 14 | |
GLIT | Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory | 1043-6928 | 1545-5866 | 28 | |
ULRI | Literacy Research & Instruction | 1938-8071 | 1938-8063 | 56 | |
YLIT | Lithic Technology | 0197-7261 | 2051-6185 | 42 | |
ULTG | Liturgy | 0458-063X | 1557-3001 | 32 | |
CLOE | Local Environment | 1354-9839 | 1469-6711 | 22 | |
FLGS | Local Government Studies | 0300-3930 | 1743-9388 | 43 | |
RLES | Loisir et Societe / Society and Leisure | 0705-3436 | 1705-0154 | 40 | |
REME | Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies | 1752-0843 | 1752-0851 | 10 | |
RMOR | Management & Organizational History | 1744-9359 | 1744-9367 | 12 | |
RMLE | Managing Sport and Leisure | 2375-0472 | 2375-0480 | 22 | |
RNMF | Maritime Affairs:Journal of the National Maritime Foundation of India | 0973-3159 | 1946-6609 | 13 | |
TMPM | Maritime Policy & Management | 0308-8839 | 1464-5254 | 44 | |
MMER | Marketing Education Review | 1052-8008 | 2153-9987 | 27 | |
WMFR | Marriage & Family Review | 0149-4929 | 1540-9635 | 53 | |
HMCS | Mass Communication and Society | 1520-5436 | 1532-7825 | 20 | |
RFMR | Material Religion | 1743-2200 | 1751-8342 | 13 | |
GMPS | Mathematical Population Studies | 0889-8480 | 1547-724x | 24 | |
HMTL | Mathematical Thinking and Learning | 1098-6065 | 1532-7833 | 19 | |
HMPE | Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science | 1091-367X | 1532-7841 | 21 | |
HMES | Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research & Perspective | 1536-6367 | 1536-6359 | 15 | |
RMEA | Media Asia | 0129-6612 | 2377-6277 | 44 | |
CMEH | Media History | 1368-8804 | 1469-9729 | 23 | |
HMEP | Media Psychology | 1521-3269 | 1532-785X | 20 |
GMEA | Medical Anthropology | 0145-9740 | 1545-5882 | 36 | |
WMRS | Medical Reference Services Quarterly | 0276-3869 | 1540-9567 | 36 | |
FMCS | Medicine Conflict & Survival | 1362-3699 | 1743-9396 | 33 | |
YMED | Medieval Archaeology | 0076-6097 | 1745-817X | 61 | |
YMMT | Medieval Mystical Theology | 2046-5726 | 2046-5734 | 26 | |
YMSS | Medieval Sermon Studies | 1366-0691 | 1749-6276 | 61 | |
FMHR | Mediterranean Historical Review | 0951-8967 | 1743-940x | 32 | |
FMED | Mediterranean Politics | 1362-9395 | 1743-9418 | 22 | |
PMEM | Memory | 0965-8211 | 1464-0686 | 25 | |
CMHR | Mental Health, Religion & Culture | 1367-4676 | 1469-9737 | 20 | |
CMET | Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning | 1361-1267 | 1469-9745 | 25 | |
HMET | Metaphor and Symbol | 1092-6488 | 1532-7868 | 32 | |
YMCA | Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology | 0146-1109 | 2327-4271 | 42 | |
CCRI | Middle East Critique | 1943-6149 | 1943-6157 | 26 | |
RMDJ | Middle East Development Journal | 1793-8120 | 1793-8171 | 9 | |
CAME | Middle Eastern Literatures | 1475-262X | 1475-2638 | 20 | |
FMES | Middle Eastern Studies | 0026-3206 | 1743-7881 | 53 | |
UMSJ | Middle School Journal | 0094-0771 | 2327-6223 | 48 | |
YMDH | Midland History | 0047-729X | 1756-381X | 42 | |
HMCA | Mind, Culture, and Activity | 1074-9039 | 1532-7884 | 24 | |
YMNG | Ming Studies | 0147-037X | 1759-7595 | 76 | |
RMOB | Mobilities | 1745-0101 | 1745-011x | 12 | |
CMCF | Modern and Contemporary France | 0963-9489 | 1469-9869 | 25 | |
YMON | Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies | 0254-9948 | 2057-1690 | 65 | |
CMRT | Mortality | 1357-6275 | 1469-9885 | 22 | |
RMER | Multicultural Education Review | 2005-615X | 2377-0031 | 9 | |
HMCP | Multicultural Perspectives | 1521-0960 | 1532-7892 | 19 | |
HMBR | Multivariate Behavioral Research | 0027-3171 | 1532-7906 | 52 | |
YMHJ | Museum History Journal | 1936-9816 | 1936-9824 | 10 | |
RMMC | Museum Management and Curatorship | 0964-7775 | 1872-9185 | 32 | |
YMSI | Museums & Social Issues (A Journal of Reflective Discourse) | 1559-6893 | 2051-6193 | 12 | |
CMUE | Music Education Research | 1461-3808 | 1469-9907 | 19 | |
WMUS | Music Reference Services Quarterly | 1058-8167 | 1540-9503 | 20 | |
RMUS | Musicology Australia | 0814-5857 | 1949-453X | 39 | |
RMUZ | Muziki | 1812-5980 | 1753-593x | 14 | |
RNAC | NACLA Report on the Americas | 1071-4839 | 2471-2620 | 49 | |
UNAN | NAEA News | 0160-6395 | 2471-7339 | 59 | |
YNAM | Names: A Journal of Onomastics | 0027-7738 | 1756-2279 | 65 | |
UWHE | NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education | 1940-7882 | 1940-7890 | 10 |
CNID | National Identities | 1460-8944 | 1469-9907 | 19 | |
FNEP | Nationalism & Ethnic Politics | 1353-7113 | 1557-2986 | 23 | |
CNAP | Nationalities Papers | 0090-5992 | 1465-3923 | 45 | |
YNAW | Ñawpa Pacha (Journal of Andean Archaeology) | 0077-6297 | 2051-6207 | 37 | |
NNCS | Neurocase | 1355-4794 | 1465-3656 | 23 | |
RNPA | Neuropsychoanalysis | 1529-4145 | 2044-3978 | 19 | |
PNRH | Neuropsychological Rehabilitation | 0960-2011 | 1464-0694 | 27 | |
CNGS | New Genetics & Society | 1463-6778 | 1469-9915 | 36 | |
CNPE | New Political Economy | 1356-3467 | 1469-9923 | 22 | |
CNPS | New Political Science | 0739-3148 | 1469-9931 | 39 | |
RACL | New Review of Academic Librarianship | 1361-4533 | 1740-7834 | 23 | |
RCLL | New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship | 1361-4541 | 1740-7885 | 23 | |
RFTS | New Review of Film & Television Studies | 1740-0309 | 1740-7923 | 15 | |
XXXX | New Review of Information Networking | 1361-4576 | 1740-7869 | 22 | |
RMNW | New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative W | 1479-0726 | 7777-7777 | 14 | |
RNZP | New Zealand Economic Papers | 0077-9954 | 1943-4863 | 51 | |
GNCC | Nineteenth Century Contexts | 0890-5495 | 1477-2663 | 39 | |
SWOM | Nora, Nordic Journal of Women's Studies | 0803-8740 | 1502-394X | 25 | |
RNHR | Nordic Journal of Human Rights | 1891-8131 | 1891-814X | 35 | |
RNJM | Nordic Journal of Music Therapy | 0809-8131 | 1944-8260 | 26 | |
RNPY | Nordic Psychology | 1901-2276 | 1904-0016 | 69 | |
RNOR | Norma-International Journal of Masculinity Studies | 1890-2138 | 1890-2146 | 12 | |
SGEO | Norsk Geografisk Tidsskr | 0029-1951 | 1502-5292 | 71 | |
UAAJ | North American Actuarial Journal | 1092-0277 | tbc | 21 | |
YNHI | Northern History | 0078-172X | 1745-8706 | 54 | |
SARC | Norwegian Archaeological Review | 0029-3652 | 1502-7678 | 50 | |
UODL | Ocean Development & International Law | 0090-8320 | 1521-0642 | 48 | |
COPL | Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning | 0268-0513 | 1469-9958 | 32 | |
UOMJ | Organization Management Journal | 1541-6518 | 14 | ||
CODS | Oxford Development Studies | 1360-0818 | 1469-9966 | 45 | |
YOGS | Oxford German Studies | 0078-7191 | 1745-9214 | 46 | |
CORE | Oxford Review of Education | 0305-4985 | 1465-3915 | 43 | |
XXXX | Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal | 1472-9342 | 1757-8469 | 17 | |
RPRJ | Pacific Rim Property Research Journal | 1444-5921 | 2201-6716 | 23 | |
CPDH | Paedagogica Historica | 0030-9230 | 1477-674X | 53 | |
YPEQ | Palestine Exploration Quarterly | 0031-0328 | 1743-1301 | 149 | |
TPAR | Parallax | 1353-4645 | 1460-700X | 23 | |
HPAR | Parenting | 1529-5192 | 1532-7922 | 17 | |
RPER | Parliaments, Estates and Representation | 0260-6755 | 1947-248X | 37 |
RPED | Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Em | 0264-3944 | 1468-0122 | 35 | |
RPOP | Patterns of Prejudice | 0031-322X | 1461-7331 | 51 | |
HPJE | Peabody Journal of Education | 0161-956X | 1532-7930 | 92 | |
CPER | Peace Review | 1040-2659 | 1469-9982 | 29 | |
HPED | Pedagogies: An International Journal | 1554-480X | 1554-4818 | 12 | |
RPCS | Pedagogy, Culture & Society | 1468-1366 | 1747-5104 | 25 | |
RPRS | Performance Research | 1352-8165 | 1469-9990 | 22 | |
RPCP | Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies | 1477-9757 | 1752-9182 | 16 | |
VPPS | Perspectives on Political Science | 1045-7097 | 1930-5478 | 46 | |
TPSP | Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education | 1360-3108 | 1460-7018 | 21 | |
RMPS | Perspectives: Studies in Translatology | 0907-676X | 1747-6623 | 25 | |
RPSJ | Philippine Political Science Journal | 0115-4451 | 2165-025x | 38 | |
RPEX | Philosophical Explorations | 1386-9795 | 1741-5918 | 20 | |
RPPA | Philosophical Papers | 0556-8641 | 1996-8523 | 46 | |
CPHP | Philosophical Psychology | 0951-5089 | 1465-394X | 30 | |
RPHO | Photographies | 1754-0763 | 1754-0771 | 10 | |
RFPC | Photography and Culture | 1751-4517 | 1751-4525 | 10 | |
CPES | Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy | 1740-8989 | 1742-5786 | 22 | |
YPAN | Plains Anthropologist | 0032-0447 | 2052-546X | 62 | |
RPPE | Planning Perspectives | 0266-5433 | 1466-4518 | 32 | |
CPPR | Planning Practice and Research | 0269-7459 | 1360-0583 | 32 | |
RPTP | Planning Theory & Practice | 1464-9357 | 1470-000X | 18 | |
GPPR | Police Practice and Research - An International Journal | 1561-4263 | 1477-271X | 18 | |
GPAS | Policing & Society | 1043-9463 | 1477-2728 | 27 | |
CPOS | Policy Studies | 0144-2872 | 1470-1006 | 38 | |
UPCP | Political Communication | 1058-4609 | 1091-7675 | 34 | |
YPOT | Political Theology | 1462-317X | 1743-1719 | 18 | |
FTMP | Politics, Religion & Ideology | 2156-7689 | 2156-7697 | 18 | |
CPSA | Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies | 0258-9346 | 1470-1014 | 44 | |
HPPC | Popular Communication | 1540-5702 | 1540-5710 | 15 | |
RPMS | Popular Music & Society | 0300-7766 | 1740-1712 | 40 | |
RPST | Population Studies | 0032-4728 | 1477-4747 | 71 | |
RPSA | Post Soviet Affairs | 1060-586X | 1938-2855 | 33 | |
CPCS | Postcolonial Studies | 1368-8790 | 1466-1888 | 20 | |
CPCE | Post-Communist Economies | 1463-1377 | 1465-3958 | 29 | |
YPMA | Post-Medieval Archaeology | 0079-4236 | 1745-8137 | 51 | |
YPRT | Practical Theology | 1756-073X | 1756-0748 | 10 | |
CPRA | Practice - Social Work in Action | 0950-3153 | 1742-4909 | 29 | |
VPSF | Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth | 1045-988X | 1940-4387 | 61 |
MPET Problems of Economic Transition 1061-1991 1557-931X | 59 | ||||
MPPC | Problems of Post-Communism | 1075-8216 | 1557-783X | 64 | |
RJIE | Professional Development in Education | 1941-5257 | 1941-5265 | 43 | |
CPRO | Prometheus | 0810-9028 | 1470-1030 | 35 | |
FPRS | Prose Studies | 0144-0357 | 1743-9426 | 39 | |
TPPL | Psychiatry, Psychology and Law | 1321-8719 | 1934-1687 | 24 | |
HPSP | Psychoanalysis: Self and Context | 2472-0038 | 2472-0046 | 12 | |
HPSD | Psychoanalytic Dialogues | 1048-1885 | 1940-9222 | 27 | |
HPSI | Psychoanalytic Inquiry | 0735-1690 | 1940-9133 | 37 | |
UPPE | Psychoanalytic Perspectives | 1551-806x | 2163-6958 | 14 | |
RPPS | Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: Applications, Theory and Research | 0266-8734 | 1474-9734 | 31 | |
WPSW | Psychoanalytical Social Work | 1522-8878 | 1522-9033 | 24 | |
RPCO | Psychodynamic Practice: Individual, Groups & Organisations | 1475-3634 | 1475-3626 | 23 | |
HPLI | Psychological Inquiry | 1047-840X | 1532-7965 | 28 | |
UPYP | Psychological Perspectives: A Semiannual Journal of Jungian Thought | 0033-2925 | 1556-3030 | 60 | |
GPSH | Psychology & Health | 0887-0446 | 1476-8321 | 32 | |
RPSE | Psychology & Sexuality | 1941-9899 | 1941-9902 | 8 | |
GPCL | Psychology, Crime & Law | 1068-316X | 1477-2744 | 23 | |
RPSY | Psychosis | 1752-2439 | 1752-2447 | 9 | |
TPSR | Psychotherapy Research | 1050-3307 | 1468-4381 | 27 | |
RPRB | Psyecology: Revista Bilingue de Psicologia Ambiental/Bilingual Journal of Environmental Psychology | 2171-1976 | 1989-9386 | 8 | |
YPUA | Public Archaeology | 1465-5187 | 1753-5530 | 16 | |
MPIN | Public Integrity | 1099-9922 | 1558-0989 | 19 | |
WPLQ | Public Library Quarterly | 0161-6846 | 1541-4540 | 36 | |
RPXM | Public Management Review | 1471-9037 | 1471-9045 | 19 | |
RPMM | Public Money & Management | 0954-0962 | 1467-9302 | 37 | |
MPMR | Public Performance & Management Review | 1530-9576 | 1557-9271 | 41 | |
WPSQ | Public Services Quarterly | 1522-8959 | 1522-9114 | 13 | |
YPEG | Publications of the English Goethe Society | 0959-3683 | 1749-6284 | 86 | |
UQRP | Qualitative Reseacrh in Psychology | 1478-0887 | 1478-0895 | 14 | |
RQRS | Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise | 1939-8441 | 1939-845X | 9 | |
RQRR | Qualitative Research Reports | 1745-9435 | 1745-9443 | 17 | |
CQHE | Quality in Higher Education | 1353-8322 | 1470-1081 | 23 | |
XXXX | Xxxxxxxxxxxx Finance | 1469-7688 | 1469-7696 | 17 | |
PQJE | Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology | 1747-0218 | 1747-0226 | 70 | |
RQJS | Quarterly Journal of Speech | 0033-5630 | 1479-5779 | 103 | |
GQRF | Quarterly Review of Film & Video | 1050-9208 | 1543-5326 | 34 |
UQST | Quest | 0033-6297 | 1543-2750 | 69 | |
CREE | Race Ethnicity and Education | 1361-3324 | 1470-109X | 20 | |
URWL | Reading & Writing Quarterly | 1057-3569 | 1521-0693 | 33 | |
URPY | Reading Psychology | 0270-2711 | 1521-0685 | 38 | |
WREF | Reference Librarian (The) | 0276-3877 | 1541-1117 | 58 | |
CREP | Reflective Practice | 1462-3943 | 1470-1103 | 18 | |
YREF | Reformation | 1357-4175 | 1752-0738 | 22 | |
YRRR | Reformation & Renaissance Review | 1462-2459 | 1743-1727 | 19 | |
FRFS | Regional & Federal Studies | 1359-7566 | 1743-9434 | 27 | |
CRES | Regional Studies | 0034-3404 | 1360-0591 | 50 | |
RREL | Religion | 0048-721X | 1096-1151 | 47 | |
UREL | Religion & Education | 1550-7394 | 1949-8381 | 44 | |
CRSS | Religion, State & Society: the Keston | 0963-7494 | 1465-3974 | 45 | |
UREA | Religious Education | 0034-4087 | 1547-3201 | 112 | |
RREP | Representation | 0034-4893 | 1749-4001 | 53 | |
CRID | Research in Dance Education | 1464-7893 | 1470-1111 | 18 | |
CRDE | Research in Drama Education | 1356-9783 | 1470-112X | 22 | |
HRHD | Research in Human Development | 1542-7609 | 1542-7617 | 14 | |
RRME | Research in Mathematics Education | 1479-4802 | 1754-0178 | 19 | |
RPCE | Research in Post-Compulsory Education | 1359-6748 | 1747-5112 | 22 | |
CRST | Research in Science & Technological Education | 0263-5143 | 1470-1138 | 35 | |
GSPM | Research in Sports Medicine: An International Journal | 1543-8627 | 1543-8635 | 25 | |
HRLS | Research on Language & Social Interaction | 0835-1813 | 1532-7973 | 50 | |
RRED | Research Papers in Education | 0267-1522 | 1470-1146 | 32 | |
URQE | Research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport | 0270-1367 | 2168-3824 | 88 | |
URTM | Research Technology Management | 0895-6308 | 1930-0166 | 60 | |
WRTC | Residential Treatment For Children & Youth | 0886-571X | 1541-0358 | 34 | |
RRHI | Rethinking History | 1364-2529 | 1470-1154 | 21 | |
RRMX | Rethinking Marxism | 0893-5696 | 1475-8059 | 29 | |
CREA | Review of African Political Economy | 0305-6244 | 1740-1720 | 44 | |
RROC | Review of Comunication Online | n/a | 1535-8593 | 17 | |
GRED | Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies | 1071-4413 | 1556-3022 | 39 | |
RRIP | Review of International Political Economy | 0969-2290 | 1466-4526 | 24 | |
CRPE | Review of Political Economy | 0953-8259 | 1465-3982 | 29 | |
RRSE | Review of Social Economy | 0034-6764 | 1470-1162 | 75 | |
RREV | Review: Literature & Arts of the Americas | 0890-5762 | 1743-0666 | 50 | |
GRVA | Reviews in Anthropology | 0093-8157 | 1556-3014 | 46 | |
RRPS | Revista de Psicologia Social: International Journal of Social Psychology | 0213-4748 | 1579-3680 | 32 | |
FRVR | Revolutionary Russia | 0954-6545 | 1743-7873 | 30 | |
HRHR | Rhetoric Review | 0735-0198 | 1532-7981 | 36 | |
RRSQ | Rhetoric Society Quarterly | 0277-3945 | 1930-322X | 47 |
UROR | Roeper Review | 0278-3193 | 1940-865x | 39 | |
VROQ | Romance Quarterly | 0883-1157 | 1940-3216 | 64 | |
YROS | Romance Studies | 0263-9904 | 1745-8153 | 35 | |
RRMC | Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle | 1472-3808 | 2167-4027 | 48 | |
RRSO | Rural Society | 1037-1656 | 2204-0536 | 26 | |
YRUR | Rural Theology (International, Ecumenical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives) | 1470-4994 | 2042-1273 | 15 | |
RUSI | RUSI Journal | 0307-1847 | 1744-0378 | 162 | |
MRES | Russian Education & Society | 1060-9393 | 1558-0423 | 59 | |
RRJC | Russian Journal of Communication | 1940-9419 | 1940-9427 | 9 | |
MRUP | Russian Politics & Law | 1061-1940 | 1558-0962 | 55 | |
MRSS | Russian Social Science Review | 1061-1428 | 1557-7848 | 58 | |
MRSH | Russian Studies in History | 1061-1983 | 1558-0881 | 56 | |
MRSL | Russian Studies in Literature | 53 | |||
MRSP | Russian Studies in Philosophy | 1061-1967 | 1558-0431 | 55 | |
RSAF | Safundi: The Journal of South African and American Studies | 1753-3171 | 1543-1304 | 18 | |
SACT | Scandinavian Actuarial Journal | 0346-1238 | 1651-2030 | 117 | |
SEHR | Scandinavian Economic History Review | 0358-5522 | 1750-2837 | 65 | |
CSJE | Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research | 0031-3831 | 1470-1170 | 61 | |
SHIS | Scandinavian Journal of History | 0346-8755 | 1502-7716 | 42 | |
SJHT | Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism | 1502-2250 | 1502-2269 | 17 | |
SOLD | Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament | 0901-8328 | 1502-7244 | 31 | |
RSPR | Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review | 0106-2301 | 1600-0803 | 40 | |
SSLA | Scando-Slavica | 0080-6765 | 1600-082x | 63 | |
NSES | School Effectiveness and School Improvement | 0924-3453 | 1744-5124 | 28 | |
CSLM | School Leadership & Management | 1363-2434 | 1364-2626 | 37 | |
GSGS | Science & Global Security | 0892-9882 | 1547-7800 | 25 | |
WSTL | Science & Technology Libraries | 0194-262x | 1541-1109 | 36 | |
VSCA | Science Activities: Classroom Projects and Curriculum Ideas | 0036-8121 | 1940-1302 | 54 | |
CSAC | Science as Culture | 0950-5431 | 1470-1189 | 26 | |
HSSR | Scientific Studies of Reading | 1088-8438 | 1532-799X | 21 | |
RSGJ | Scottish Geographical Journal | 1470-2541 | 1751-665X | 133 | |
RSCR | Scrutiny2 - Issues in English Studies in Southern Africa | 1812-5441 | 1753-5409 | 22 | |
FSST | Security Studies | 0963-6412 | 1556-1852 | 26 | |
RSEL | Self & Society | 0306-0497 | 2374-5355 | 45 | |
PSAI | Self and Identity | 1529-8868 | 1529-8876 | 16 | |
RFSS | Senses and Society | 1745-8927 | 1745-8935 | 12 |
WSER | Serials Librarian (The): From the Printed Page to the Digital Age | 0361-526X | 1541-1095 | 73 | |
USRV | Serials Review | 0098-7913 | 1879-095X | 43 | |
WSMQ | Services Marketing Quarterly | 1533-2969 | 1533-2977 | 38 | |
RSEV | Seventeenth Century | 0268-117X | 2050-4616 | 32 | |
CSED | Sex Education:Sexuality, Society and Learning | 1468-1811 | 1472-0825 | 17 | |
USAC | Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity | 1072-0162 | 1532-5318 | 24 | |
CSMT | Sexual and Relationship Therapy | 1468-1994 | 1468-1749 | 32 | |
RSHK | Shakespeare | 1745-0918 | 1745-0926 | 13 | |
RSFO | Sikh Formations:Religion,Culture,Theory | 1744-8727 | 1744-8735 | 13 | |
FSLA | Slavery & Abolition | 0144-039X | 1743-9523 | 38 | |
WSEE | Slavic & East European Information Resources | 1522-8886 | 1522-9041 | 18 | |
YSLA | Slavonica | 1361-7427 | 1745-8145 | 23 | |
RSER | Small Enterprise Research | 1321-5906 | tbc | 24 | |
FSWI | Small Wars & Insurgencies | 0959-2318 | 1743-9558 | 28 | |
WSCS | Smith College Studies In Social Work | 0037-7317 | 1553-0426 | 87 | |
FSAS | Soccer and Society | 1466-0970 | 1743-9590 | 18 | |
RSCG | Social & Cultural Geography | 1464-9365 | 1470-1197 | 18 | |
REAJ | Social and Environmental Accountability Journal | 0969-160X | 2156-2245 | 37 | |
RSDY | Social Dynamics | 0253-3952 | 1940-7874 | 43 | |
TSEP | Social Epistemology | 0269-1728 | 1464-5297 | 31 | |
RSHI | Social History | 0307-1022 | 1470-1200 | 42 | |
CSID | Social Identities | 1350-4630 | 1363-0296 | 23 | |
PSIF | Social Influence | 1553-4510 | 1553-4529 | 12 | |
CSMS | Social Movement Studies | 1474-2837 | 1474-2829 | 16 | |
PSNS | Social Neuroscience | 1747-0919 | 1747-0927 | 12 | |
RSSC | Social Sciences in China | 0252-9203 | 1940-5952 | 38 | |
CSOS | Social Semiotics | 1035-0330 | 1470-1219 | 27 | |
CSWE | Social Work Education | 0261-5479 | 1470-1227 | 36 | |
WSHC | Social Work In Health Care | 0098-1389 | 1541-034x | 56 | |
WSMH | Social Work In Mental Health | 1533-2985 | 1533-2993 | 15 | |
WHSP | Social Work In Public Health | 1937-1918 | 1937-190x | 32 | |
WSWG | Social Work With Groups | 0160-9513 | 1540-9481 | 40 | |
CSAD | Socialism and Democracy | 0885-4300 | 1745-2635 | 31 | |
USFO | Sociological Focus | 0038-0237 | 50 | ||
UTSQ | Sociological Quarterly | 0038-0253 | 1533-8525 | 58 | |
MSOR | Sociological Research | 1061-0154 | 2328-5184 | 56 | |
USLS | Sociological Spectrum | 0273-2173 | 1521-0707 | 37 | |
USOU | Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture, and Society | 1099-9949 | 1548-3843 | 19 | |
RSAG | South African Geographical Journal | 0373-6245 | 2151-2418 | 99 |
RSHJ | South African Historical Journal | 0258-2473 | 1726-1686 | 69 | |
RSAR | South African Journal of Accounting Research | 1029-1954 | 2376-3981 | 31 | |
RJAL | South African Journal of African Languages | 0257-2117 | tbc | 37 | |
RSAJ | South African Journal of International Affairs | 1022-0461 | 1938-0275 | 24 | |
RSPH | South African Journal of Philosophy | 0258-0136 | 2073-4867 | 36 | |
RJHR | South African Journal on Human Rights | 0258-7203 | 1996-2126 | 33 | |
RSSR | South African Review of Sociology | 2152-8586 | 2072-1978 | 48 | |
RTHJ | South African Theatre Journal | 1013-7548 | TBC | 30 | |
CSAS | South Asia:Journal of South Asian Studies | 0085-6401 | 1479-0270 | 40 | |
RSAD | South Asian Diaspora | 1943-8192 | 1943-8184 | 9 | |
RSAC | South Asian History and Culture | 1947-2498 | 1947-2501 | 8 | |
RSAP | South Asian Popular Culture | 1474-6689 | 1474-6697 | 15 | |
RSAS | South Asian Studies | 0266-6030 | 2153-2699 | 33 | |
FSES | South European Society & Politics | 1360-8746 | 1743-9612 | 22 | |
YSEA | Southeastern Archaeology | 0734-578X | 2168-4723 | 36 | |
RALL | Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies | 1607-3614 | 1727-9461 | 35 | |
RSJC | Southern Communication Journal | 1041-794X | 1930-3203 | 82 | |
CSPP | Space and Polity | 1356-2576 | 1470-1235 | 21 | |
REFC | Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting/Revista Espanola de Financiacion y Contabilidad | 0210-2412 | 0210-2412 | 46 | |
RSEA | Spatial Economic Analysis | 1742-1772 | 1742-1780 | 12 | |
RSIH | Sport in History | 1746-0263 | 1746-0271 | 37 | |
FCSS | Sport in Society | 1743-0437 | 1743-0445 | 20 | |
CSES | Sport, Education and Society | 1357-3322 | 1470-1243 | 22 | |
RSEP | Sport, Ethics and Philosophy | 1751-1321 | 1751-133X | 11 | |
RSPB | Sports Biomechanics | 1476-3141 | 1752-6116 | 16 | |
MRSD | Statutes & Decisions: The Laws of the USSR and its Successor States | 1061-0014 | 1558-0903 | 51 | |
RSAN | Strategic Analysis | 0970-0161 | 1754-0054 | 41 | |
TSTC | Strategic Comments (Online) | n/a | 1356-7888 | 23 | |
TSSU | Strategic Survey | 0459-7230 | 1476-4997 | 117 | |
USTR | Strategies: A Journal for Physical & Sport Educators | 0892-4562 | 2168-3778 | 30 | |
HSEM | Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal | 1070-5511 | 1532-8007 | 24 | |
SNEC | Studia Neophilologica | 0039-3274 | 1651-2308 | 89 |