uzavretá podľa ust. § 269 ods. 2 zákona č. 513/1991 Zb. Obchodný zákonník v znení neskorších predpisov a § 11 zákona č. 25/2006 Z. z. o verejnom obstarávaní a o zmene a doplnení
niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov (ďalej aj ako „Zákon o verejnom obstarávaní“) (ďalej aj ako „zmluva“ alebo „Rámcová dohoda“)
Túto Rámcovú dohodu uzatvárajú zmluvné strany ako výsledok verejného obstarávania na predmet zákazky „Reklamné predmety“ realizovanej postupom a v súlade s ustanoveniami Zákona o verejnom obstarávaní
ČI. I.
Zmluvné strany:
Obchodné meno Slovenská záručná a rozvojová banka, a. s.
Sídlo Štefánikova 27, 814 99 Bratislava
Štatutárny orgán predstavenstvo
Zastúpený Xxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, predseda predstavenstva
Xxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, podpredseda predstavenstva
IČO 00 682 420
Právna forma akciová spoločnosť
IČ DPH: SK2020804478
Bankové spojenie: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Číslo účtu: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
zapísaná v obchodnom registri Okresného súdu Bratislava I, oddiel Sa, vložka č. 3010/B
(ďalej aj ako „objednávateľ“ alebo „SZRB“)
Obchodné meno/meno a priezvisko: AGENTÚRA INA, spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným Sídlo/Miesto podnikania: Bratislavská 93, 911 01 Trenčín
štatutárny orgán: konatelia
zastúpený: PhDr. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, konateľka
IČO: 34112642
IČ DPH: SK2020385972
Bankové spojenie: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Číslo účtu: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Registrácia: Okresný súd Trenčín, oddiel: Sro, vložka číslo: 414/R
e-mailová adresa pre objednávky: xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx-xxx.xx
faxové číslo pre objednávky: 032/7444073
(ďalej len „poskytovateľ“)
(objednávateľ a poskytovateľ ďalej spolu aj ako „zmluvné strany“ alebo jednotlivo ako
„zmluvná strana“)
Predmet zmluvy
1. Poskytovateľ sa zaväzuje pre objednávateľa dodávať reklamné predmety.
2. Pod reklamnými predmetmi sa rozumie tovar s možnosťou ľubovoľného výberu:
- z katalógov reklamných predmetov poskytovateľa, s cenníkom platným špeciálne pre SZRB (príloha č. 1),
- z mimokatalógovej ponuky prezentovanej na web stránke poskytovateľa,
- s označením loga SZRB podľa požiadavky objednávateľa.
3. Poskytovateľ sa zaväzuje vykonať a zabezpečiť predmet zmluvy podľa čl. II bod 2 tejto zmluvy vo vlastnom mene a na vlastnú zodpovednosť. Poskytovateľ sa zaväzuje použiť obchodné meno a logo objednávateľa výhradne na účely uvedené v tejto zmluve a výhradne v zobrazení a forme tak, ako to určí objednávateľ. Na základe každého čiastkového plnenia predmetu zmluvy poskytovateľ vypracuje písomný protokol.
4. Objednávateľ sa zaväzuje odovzdať objednávku/objednávky na dodanie reklamných predmetov podľa tejto zmluvy, poskytnúť poskytovateľovi všetky potrebné informácie, podklady, potrebnú súčinnosť pre označenie reklamných predmetov logom SZRB a zaplatiť poskytovateľovi dohodnutú cenu v súlade s článkom IV. tejto zmluvy.
Predpokladané množstvo, čas a miesto plnenia
1. Poskytovateľ sa zaväzuje vykonávať pre objednávateľa predmet zmluvy špecifikovaný v článku II bod 1 a 2. na základe čiastkových písomných objednávok objednávateľa v termíne do 31.12.2014, maximálne však do súhrnnej výšky ceny 9999,- Eur bez DPH, v závislosti od toho, ktorá skutočnosť nastane skôr. Objednávateľ nie je povinný súhrnnú výšku ceny podľa predchádzajúcej vety záväzne vyčerpať.
2. Písomné čiastkové objednávky na vykonanie predmetu zmluvy podľa článku II tejto zmluvy bude objednávateľ zasielať poskytovateľovi priebežne počas platnosti tejto zmluvy. V písomnej objednávke objednávateľ špecifikuje presne predmet zmluvy a požadovaný čas plnenia. Poskytovateľ je povinný vykonať predmet zmluvy podľa objednávky a dodať predmet zmluvy v lehote uvedenej v objednávke, najneskôr však do 15 dní odo dňa doručenia písomnej objednávky objednávateľa, pokiaľ sa s objednávateľom nedohodne inak, Písomná forma objednávky je splnená, ak objednávateľ zašle objednávku písomne, faxom alebo e-mailom poskytovateľovi na adresu alebo kontaktné údaje podľa záhlavia tejto zmluvy. V prípade objednávky zaslanej e-mailom alebo faxom je poskytovateľ povinný písomne potvrdiť prijatie objednávky od objednávateľa e-mailom alebo faxom. Poskytovateľ splní svoju povinnosť dodať jednotlivé časti predmetu zmluvy na základe písomnej objednávky objednávateľa tým, že vykoná jednotlivé časti predmetu zmluvy a dodá ich objednávateľovi spolu s písomným protokolom podľa článku II bod 3. tejto zmluvy v stanovenej lehote a objednávateľ ich prevezme písomným preberacím protokolom.
3. Miestom plnenia predmetu zmluvy je Slovenská záručná a rozvojová banka, a. s., Štefánikova 27, 814 99 Bratislava.
Čl. IV
Cena za predmet zmluvy a platobné podmienky
1. Cena za predmet zmluvy podľa čl. II bod 1. tejto zmluvy bola stanovená dohodou zmluvných strán v súlade so zákonom č. 18/1996 Z. z. o cenách v znení neskorších predpisov a vyhlášky MF SR č. 87/1966 Z. z., ktorou sa vykonáva zákon č. 18/1996 Z. z. o cenách v znení neskorších predpisov.
2. Cena vybraných reklamných predmetov je stanovená v súlade s cenníkom reklamných predmetov platným špeciálne pre SZRB (príloha č. 1).
3. Na akékoľvek vybrané reklamné predmety poskytne poskytovateľ paušálnu zľavu 40 % (slovom: štyridsať percent) z cenníka platného špeciálne pre SZRB (príloha č. 1).
Cena za predmet zmluvy je konečná, ktorú nie je možné meniť. Cena za dodanie tovaru musí obsahovať všetky náklady poskytovateľa vrátane označenia logom SZRB, dopravných nákladov, cla, dodania predmetu plnenia na určenú adresu miesta plnenia a ostatných nákladov
poskytovateľa súvisiacich s poskytnutím predmetu plnenia. DPH bude pripočítaná k cene vo výške stanovenej platným zákonom o dani z pridanej hodnoty v deň vzniku daňovej povinnosti.
4. Objednávateľ neposkytne poskytovateľovi preddavok na zrealizovanie predmetu zmluvy.
5. Objednávateľ je povinný uhradiť cenu za predmet zmluvy po jeho prevzatí na základe faktúry vystavenej poskytovateľom na účet poskytovateľa uvedený v záhlaví tejto zmluvy a to najneskôr do 15 dní odo dňa doručenia faktúry poskytovateľa do sídla objednávateľa. Faktúra musí obsahovať všetky náležitosti daňového dokladu v súlade s platnými právnymi predpismi a musí byť vystavená v súlade s touto zmluvou. Neoddeliteľnou súčasťou faktúry musí byť kópia preberacieho protokolu. V opačnom prípade je objednávateľ oprávnený faktúru poskytovateľovi vrátiť v lehote splatnosti faktúry a požadovať vystavenie opravenej alebo novej faktúry. Nová lehota splatnosti začína plynúť odo dňa doručenia opravenej resp. novej faktúry. Zmluvné strany sa dohodli, že táto doba sa nebude považovať za dobu omeškania objednávateľa so zaplatením ceny za predmet zmluvy a poskytovateľ nemá po túto dobu nárok na úrok z omeškania.
6. Cena za dodaný predmet zmluvy sa považuje za uhradenú dňom jej odpísania z účtu objednávateľa.
Čl. V
1. V prípade omeškania poskytovateľa s dodaním predmetu zmluvy v zmysle čiastkovej objednávky je objednávateľ oprávnený požadovať od poskytovateľa zaplatenie zmluvnej pokuty vo výške 10 % z ceny čiastkovej objednávky za každý začatý deň omeškania. Tým nie je dotknutý nárok objednávateľa na náhradu škody.
Čl. VI
Zodpovednosť za vady a záruka za akosť
1. Poskytovateľ zodpovedá za vady, ktoré má predmet zmluvy v čase jeho prevzatia objednávateľom.
2. Riadnym vykonaním predmetu zmluvy sa na účely tejto zmluvy rozumie vyznačenie loga SZRB na vybraných reklamných predmetoch podľa požiadavky objednávateľa a následné dodanie predmetu zmluvy v množstve podľa objednávky objednávateľa a v takej kvalite, v ktorej sa reklamné predmety bežne dodávajú na propagačné účely. Včasným vykonaním predmetu zmluvy sa rozumie dodanie predmetu zmluvy v množstve a požadovanej kvalite najneskôr do lehoty určenej v objednávke, alebo ak v objednávke nie je určená lehota, do lehoty určenej v čl. III bod 2 tejto zmluvy.
3. Pri dodaní predmetu zmluvy v nedostatočnom rozsahu a/alebo kvalite sa predmet zmluvy nepovažuje za vykonaný a poskytovateľovi nevzniká nárok na odmenu za vykonanie predmetu zmluvy ani v dodanom rozsahu.
4. Dodaním predmetu zmluvy s vadami je zmluva porušená poskytovateľom podstatným spôsobom a objednávateľ je oprávnený uplatniť postup podľa § 436 a nasl. Obchodného zákonníka.
5. Poskytovateľ poskytuje na dodaný predmet zmluvy záruku za akosť v trvaní 24 mesiacov od prebratia predmetu zmluvy/ časti predmetu zmluvy písomným protokolom.
Odstúpenie od zmluvy
1. Poskytovateľ je oprávnený písomne odstúpiť od zmluvy s okamžitou účinnosťou, ak objednávateľ neuhradí dohodnutú cenu za predmet zmluvy do 15 dní odo dňa doručenia písomného upozornenia o nezaplatení faktúry vystavenej v súlade s čl. IV tejto zmluvy.
2. Objednávateľ je oprávnený písomne odstúpiť od zmluvy s okamžitou účinnosťou, ak mu poskytovateľ nedodá predmet zmluvy v súlade s čl. II tejto zmluvy.
3. Účinky odstúpenia od zmluvy nastanú dňom doručenia písomného odstúpenia od zmluvy druhej zmluvnej strane.
Osobitné ustanovenia
1. Táto zmluva sa uzatvára na dobu určitú odo dňa jej podpísania zmluvnými stranami do 31.12.2014, maximálne však do vyčerpania súhrnnej výšky ceny 9999,- Eur bez DPH, v závislosti od toho, ktorá skutočnosť nastane skôr.
2. Túto zmluvu možno ukončiť písomnou dohodou zmluvných strán alebo písomnou výpoveďou jednej zo zmluvných strán aj bez uvedenia dôvodu, pričom výpovedná lehota je jeden mesiac a začína plynúť prvým dňom nasledujúceho mesiaca po riadnom doručení výpovede druhej zmluvnej strane.
3. Zmluva bez ďalšieho zaniká dosiahnutím súhrnnej výšky ceny uvedenej v čl. III bod 1 tejto zmluvy.
4. V prípade doručovania doporučených zásielok prostredníctvom poštovej prepravy sa v pochybnostiach má za to, že písomnosť bola zmluvnej strane doručená tretím dňom po dni jej odoslania druhou zmluvnou stranou na adresu uvedenú v záhlaví tejto zmluvy, a to aj v prípade, že sa zásielka vráti ako nedoručená.
5. Poskytovateľ nie je oprávnený postúpiť na tretiu osobu ktorékoľvek zo svojich práv a/alebo povinností vyplývajúcich z tejto zmluvy bez predchádzajúceho písomného súhlasu objednávateľa.
Záverečné ustanovenia
1. Právne vzťahy, neupravené touto zmluvou, sa spravujú príslušnými ustanoveniami zákona č. 513/1991 Zb. Obchodný zákonník a ostatnými všeobecne záväznými právnymi predpismi platnými v Slovenskej republike.
2. Táto zmluva nadobúda platnosť dňom jej podpísania oboma zmluvnými stranami a účinnosť dňom nasledujúcim po dni jej zverejnenia v Centrálnom registri zmlúv vedenom Úradom vlády Slovenskej republiky. Zmluvné strany sa ďalej dohodli, že zverejnenie zmluvy zabezpečí objednávateľ bezodkladne, najneskôr do 5 pracovných dní od jej podpísania oboma zmluvnými stranami. Poskytovateľ súhlasí so zverejnením zmluvy v celom jej znení vrátane jej prípadných príloh v zmysle zákona č. 211/2000 Z. z. o slobodnom prístupe k informáciám a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších právnych predpisov (ďalej aj ako „zákon“), pričom vyhlasuje, že zmluva neobsahuje informácie, ktoré by nebolo možné zverejniť resp. sprístupniť v zmysle zákona a to najmä obchodné tajomstvo, bankové tajomstvo, daňové tajomstvo a pod. a v prípade, že také informácie obsahuje dáva objednávateľovi súhlas tieto informácie v zmysle zákona zverejniť resp. sprístupniť. V prípade, ak zmluvné strany nezverejnia túto zmluvu v zmysle zákona a v zmysle § 47a Občianskeho zákonníka v lehote troch mesiacov odo dňa uzatvorenia tejto zmluvy platí, že k uzatvoreniu tejto zmluvy nedošlo a zmluvné strany nie sú touto zmluvou viazané.
3. Táto zmluva je vyhotovená v troch vyhotoveniach, z toho dve vyhotovenia sú určené pre objednávateľa a jedno vyhotovenie pre poskytovateľa.
4. Zmeny a doplnky tejto zmluvy sa môžu vykonať len so súhlasom oboch zmluvných strán a to formou písomného dodatku podpísaného oprávnenými zástupcami oboch zmluvných strán.
5. Túto zmluvu uzatvárajú zmluvné strany slobodne, vážne, určite a zrozumiteľne, a na znak súhlasu s jej obsahom pripájajú zmluvné strany svoje vlastnoručné podpisy.
V Bratislave, dňa ……………… V Trenčíne, dňa ……………… | ||
V mene a za objednávateľa: | V mene a za poskytovateľa: | |
Slovenská záručná a rozvojová banka, a. s. | AGENTÚRA INA, spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným | |
Xxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx predseda predstavenstva | PhDr. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx konateľka |
Xxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx
podpredseda predstavenstva
Príloha č. 1
Cenník špeciálne platný pre SZRB
artikel | novinka | strana | popis | Cena v € bez DPH | Ceny po 40 % zľave |
1003 | 16 | Seville frosted plastic ballpen with black ink and a stylish metal clip. | 0,21 | 0,13 | |
1018 | Added colour | 48 | Plastic ballpen with blue ink and a flashing light on the top. | 0,84 | 0,50 |
1020 | Added colour | 179 | Plastic pocket case with five plasters. | 0,32 | 0,19 |
1033 | 162 | Handmade aluminium candle snuffer. | 2,34 | 1,41 | |
1034 | 65 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx metal pen set with a rollerball and ballpen both with black ink, supplied in a black Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx box. | 36,26 | 21,76 | |
1036 | 61 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx metal twist action ballpen with black ink and an attractive engraved pattern on the barrel, supplied in a black shiny Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx gift box with a white inlay. | 25,82 | 15,49 | |
1038 | 61 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx metal ballpen with black ink and a quality machined design to the lower barrel, supplied in a Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx presentation box and sleeve. | 13,23 | 7,94 | |
1039 | 161 | Double-walled stainless steel wine cooler. | 12,96 | 7,77 | |
1041 | 161 | Stainless steel champagne bucket. | 15,89 | 9,53 | |
1052 | 47 | Triangular shaped plastic text marker contains yellow, pink and green colours. | 0,51 | 0,31 | |
1058 | 63 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx ballpen and rollerpen with Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx® engraved clip and centre ring. Supplied in a black PU presentation box with light grey and velvet lining. | 18,63 | 11,18 | |
1060 | Added colour | 46 | Syringe shaped plastic text marker available with yellow or pink colouring. | 0,38 | 0,23 |
1063 | Added colour | 46 | Syringe shaped plastic ballpen with red or pale blue coloured liquid , black ink. | 0,23 | 0,14 |
1065 | 47 | Translucent plastic mini highlighter with clip. | 0,40 | 0,24 | |
1071 | 47 | Flower shaped plastic text marker contains the colours of blue, green, yellow, orange and pink. | 1,09 | 0,65 | |
1081 | 58 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx metal ballpen with silver trim, push button mechanism and black ink, supplied in a deluxe presentation case. | 6,89 | 4,13 | |
1082 | 65 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx metal rollerball with black ink, supplied in a deluxe presentation case. | 28,57 | 17,14 | |
1083 | 58 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx metal ballpen with silver trim, twist action mechanism and black ink, supplied in deluxe presentation case. | 8,19 | 4,91 | |
1085 | 58 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx metal ballpen with silver trim, twist mechanism and black ink, supplied in deluxe presentation case. | 10,90 | 6,54 | |
1086 | 61 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx metal ballpen with patterned cap and twist action mechanism and black ink, supplied in a deluxe presentation case. | 12,13 | 7,28 | |
1087 | 64 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx metal ballpen with silver trim, twist mechanism and black ink, supplied in a deluxe | 20,93 | 12,56 |
wooden presentation case. | |||||
1096 | 60 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx metal ballpen with twist action mechanism, black ink, supplied in a deluxe presentation case. | 11,06 | 6,64 | |
1105 | 323 | Twelve small felt tip pens in a nylon zipped pouch with belt clip attachment. | 0,99 | 0,60 | |
1110 | Added colour | 179 | Hand sanitizer spray in a transparent 10ml tube. | 0,62 | 0,37 |
1113 | 231 | ABS hard case trolley with four wheels. | 60,43 | 36,26 | |
1131 | 48 | Jumbo size High 5 ballpen with frosted coloured barrel and grip, blue ink. | 0,73 | 0,44 | |
1133 | 99 | Plastic membership/bank card holder. | 0,17 | 0,10 | |
1137 | 62 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx twist action ballpen with Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx® engraved clip and centre ring. Supplied in a black PU presentation box with light grey velvet lining. Black ink. | 10,97 | 6,58 | |
1139 | 60 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx metal twist action ballpen with Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx® engraved centre ring, supplied in a black PU covered presentation box with light grey velvet lining. Black ink. | 8,32 | 4,99 | |
1149 | 178 | White plastic container with coloured lid and key chain, holds approximately thirty wet wipes. | 0,83 | 0,50 | |
1152 | 261 | Vinyl covered key holder with a recycled fibre cloth inside for cleaning glasses and monitors etc. | 0,94 | 0,57 | |
1153 | 49 | Flashing heart on a ballpen with translucent coloured barrel and blue ink. | 0,85 | 0,51 | |
1157 | 48 | Two function ballpen with a two colour flashing ball on top and red and blue ink. | 1,02 | 0,61 | |
1159 | 53 | Folding plastic ballpen with black ink and a single LED light in a car key shaped metallic effect case with key chain. | 1,10 | 0,66 | |
1167 | 182 | Oval shaped Baltic foam floating key holder. | 0,33 | 0,20 | |
1168 | 48 | Beady eyed ballpen with clear coloured barrel, matching colour trim and blue ink. | 0,52 | 0,31 | |
1171 | 183 | Anti stress heart made from a foam PU material on a key chain. | 0,43 | 0,26 | |
1207 | 42 | Unsharpened pencil with tiger, ladybird, mouse, frog and cow designs. (sold in fifty assorted pieces per pack, prices per piece) | 0,44 | 0,26 | |
1208 | 43 | Unsharpened pencil with digits 0 to 9 designs. (sold in fifty assorted pieces per pack, prices per piece). | 0,37 | 0,22 | |
1209 | 112 | USB metal desk fan. | 8,09 | 4,85 | |
1211 | 55 | Plastic ballpen with blue ink and LED torch with coloured cord. | 0,83 | 0,50 | |
1342 | 301 | First aid kit in a nylon pouch, includes two 50 x 75mm non-adherent pads, one triangular bandage, one medium plasters, five small adhesive plasters, one alcohol prep pad, one antiseptic povidone- lodine prep pad, one large plaster, one reel of tape, one large bandage, one small bandage and a small pair of scissors. | 2,90 | 1,74 | |
1358 | 301 | Nylon waist bag and first aid kit, includes one triangular bandage with two safety pins, one bandage, one eye patch, two alcohol pads, two povidone-lodine prep pads, two sting relief medicated pads, two medium sterile plasters, two sterile gauze pads, one reel of tape, one pair of tweezers, one pair of small scissors and two safety pins. | 5,00 | 3,00 |
1361 | 162 | Fragranced candle in a cord covered tin with aromas of 02/vanilla, 11/coffee and 13/cinnamon. | 1,38 | 0,83 | |
1365 | 287 | 5m Metal tape measure with LED light, including a wrist strap and belt clip attachment. | 6,05 | 3,63 | |
1367 | 301 | First aid kit supplied in a nylon pouch with a belt clip attachment, consisting of tweezers, one tape, one role bandage, two adhesive sterile bandages, one small alcohol pad, one sting relief medicated pad, one antiseptic swab, one pair of scissors. | 1,44 | 0,87 | |
1374 | 301 | Waterproof first aid kit in a plastic case with carry cord, contains two film dressings, five plasters, four alcohol prep-pads, one moist wipe, one antiseptic wipe and one anti mosquito towelette | 2,44 | 1,47 | |
1376 | 162 | Heart shaped candle in a shaped tin box. | 0,63 | 0,38 | |
1383 | 286 | 3m Metal tape measure with stop button, including a wrist strap and belt clip attachment. | 2,65 | 1,59 | |
1385 | 286 | 5m Metal tape measure with stop button, including a wrist strap and belt clip attachment. | 4,10 | 2,46 | |
1387 | 301 | Handy size first aid kit in a plastic case, consisting of two alcohol prep pads, one antiseptic cleansing wipe and two bandages. | 1,00 | 0,60 | |
1388 | 286 | 8m Metal tape measure with stop button, including a wrist strap and belt clip attachment. | 5,59 | 3,36 | |
1393 | 287 | 3m Tape measure in a plastic and rubber casing including a wrist strap and belt clip attachment. | 2,43 | 1,46 | |
1395 | 287 | 5m Tape measure in a plastic and rubber casing including a wrist strap and belt clip attachment. | 3,61 | 2,17 | |
1484 | 177 | Heart shaped plastic mint card with approximately fifty sugar free mints. | 0,61 | 0,37 | |
1503 | 168 | Foldable plastic hair brush with mirror. | 0,66 | 0,40 | |
1545 | 233 | Travel kit in a grey plastic case, includes a toothbrush, toothpaste, earplugs, eye mask and socks. | 2,36 | 1,42 | |
1575 | 163 | Incense set with a ceramic holder, joss sticks and cones in different aromas. | 1,13 | 0,68 | |
1577 | 163 | Aroma set with a ceramic holder, cones, joss sticks, two tea-warmers and a bottle of oil. | 4,08 | 2,45 | |
1616 | 177 | Mint tin with approximately sixty sugar free mints with a click type lid. | 0,88 | 0,53 | |
1651 | 169 | Round plastic double mirror. | 0,56 | 0,33 | |
1658 | 168 | Round plastic single pocket mirror . | 0,26 | 0,16 | |
1680 | 28 | Metal ballpen with push cap mechanism and blue ink. | 0,87 | 0,52 | |
1731 | 31 | Aluminium pen set with a ballpen with blue ink and a mechanical pencil, supplied in a gift box with a clear lid. | 2,48 | 1,49 | |
1741 | 129 | Fleece hat made from 100% polyester, 200 gr/m2. | 1,62 | 0,97 | |
1743 | 129 | Fleece scarf made from 100% polyester, 200 gr/m2. | 2,03 | 1,22 | |
1745 | 128 | Fleece cap and scarf made from 100% polyester, 200 gr/m2. | 3,29 | 1,98 | |
1757 | 252 | Fleece blanket with a nylon carry strap made from 100% polyester, 170-180 gr/2m. | 8,07 | 4,84 | |
1761 | Added colour | 252 | Fleece blanket with a nylon carry strap made from 100% polyester, 170-180 gr/2m. | 6,70 | 4,02 |
1768 | 253 | Fleece blanket available in three colour combinations and supplied in a nylon zipped pouch made from 100% polyester, 200 gr/m2, unfolded size 150 x 130 cm. | 9,99 | 5,99 |
1769 | 317 | Glossy ABS plastic plastic piggy bank. | 1,88 | 1,13 | |
1771 | 101 | Plastic memo holder with metal crocodile clip. | 0,43 | 0,26 | |
1780 | 158 | Corkscrew opener in a presentation box with a replacement spindle and bottle clamp. | 8,14 | 4,89 | |
1783 | 317 | Plastic piggy bank with the nose as the stopper. | 1,68 | 1,01 | |
1786 | 158 | Wine bottle shaped opener with corkscrew and small magnet on the back. | 2,12 | 1,27 | |
1797 | 128 | Polar fleece ear cover made from 100% polyester, 200 gr/m2. | 1,78 | 1,07 | |
1798 | 128 | Polar fleece scarf with a glove at each end made from 100% polyester, 200 gr/m2. | 2,74 | 1,64 | |
1799 | 128 | Polar fleece set consisting of a hat, scarf (150 x 25 cms) and gloves, all packed in a 100% polyester drawstring bag, 200 gr/m2. | 6,65 | 3,99 | |
1870 | 269 | Route 66 small personal bag attached to a lanyard, made from 300D/PVC and nylon. | 3,31 | 1,98 | |
1871 | 272 | Route 66 180ml stainless steel hip flask supplied in a bonded leather pouch. | 19,67 | 11,80 | |
1872 | 268 | Route 66 cool bag suitable for six cans with front zipped pocket and adjustable shoulder strap, made from 300D/PVC and nylon. | 11,18 | 6,71 | |
1874 | 269 | Route 66 large backpack with padded adjustable shoulder straps, large main compartment, two front and side pockets, made from 300D/PVC and nylon. | 27,93 | 16,76 | |
1875 | 270 | Route 66 stainless steel and plastic sports bottle, 750 ml capacity with a folding straw, spring loaded cap and plastic carry loop. | 4,56 | 2,74 | |
1876 | 269 | Route 66 shoulder bag with zipped main compartment and front pocket, the shoulder straps are fully adjustable, made from 300D/PVC and nylon. | 11,21 | 6,73 | |
1878 | 269 | Route 66 large travel trolley bag with four separate compartments and various internal and external pockets, made from 300D/PVC and nylon. | 95,77 | 57,46 | |
1880 | 269 | Route 66 travel bag with separate shoe compartment and adjustable shoulder strap, made from 300D/PVC and nylon. | 22,25 | 13,35 | |
1881 | 271 | Route 66, UV 15 lip balm (5gms) supplied in a shaped tin case. | 1,09 | 0,65 | |
1882 | 271 | Route 66 pilot style sunglasses supplied in a PU case. | 13,06 | 7,84 | |
1884 | 271 | Route 66 plastic sunglasses in PU holder, includes a microfibre cleaning cloth. | 4,39 | 2,63 | |
1885 | 270 | Route 66 backpack with one main compartment, one inside zipped pocket and one front zipped pocket with embroidered Route 66 logo, 600d polyester material. | 11,32 | 6,79 | |
1887 | 272 | Route 66 wallet made from bonded leather, featuring credit card sections, note pockets and a coin pocket with stud fastening. | 17,58 | 10,55 | |
1889 | 270 | Route 66 document bag with one main compartment, one inside zipped pocket and one outside side pocket, embroidered Route 66 logo, 600d polyester material | 10,13 | 6,08 | |
1895 | 273 | Route 66, 100% cotton six panel sports cap with sandwich peak and metal buckle fastening. | 2,56 | 1,54 | |
1897 | 273 | Route 66, 100% cotton sun visor with sandwich peak and metal buckle fastening. | 2,55 | 1,53 | |
1906 | 316 | Piggy bank made of plaster, includes one wooden | 2,32 | 1,39 |
brush and five paint colours. (printing not available) | |||||
1908 | 235 | Travel plug in a plastic casing suitable for The European Union, United Kingdom, Switzerland Australia and the USA. | 3,36 | 2,02 | |
1918 | 311 | Teddy bear in a plush material with a coloured shirt. (t-shirt available in white, red and cobalt blue) | 2,20 | 1,32 | |
1919 | 316 | Plaster car piggy bank, supplied with a wooden brush and five paint colours. | 2,40 | 1,44 | |
1921 | 252 | Fleece travel blanket with nylon carrying handle, unfolded size 133 x 120 cm. | 7,48 | 4,49 | |
1923 | 253 | Fleece blanket, unfolded size 121 x 137 cm with plastic back, folded and packed in a pouch with carry strap. | 11,35 | 6,81 | |
1925 | 51 | Mini card barrel ballpen with plastic trim parts and wooden clip, attached to a metal key chain, blue ink. | 0,24 | 0,15 | |
1979 | 181 | Plastic key holder and bottle opener with a blue or white LED light. | 0,96 | 0,57 | |
1987 | Added colour | 181 | Plastic key holder with a white LED light and plastic coin (€0.50 size, not suitable for UK). | 0,69 | 0,41 |
1991 | 187 | Plastic key holder with bottle opener and LED light. | 0,73 | 0,44 | |
1992 | Added colour | 180, 281 | Plastic key holder with a push button light. | 0,44 | 0,26 |
2019 | 50 | Ballpen with a card barrel, wooden clip, coloured plastic parts and blue ink. | 0,20 | 0,12 | |
2025 | 18 | Kingston plastic ballpen with silver barrel, translucent coloured grip and blue ink. | 0,14 | 0,08 | |
2027 | 18 | Panama plastic ballpen with a frosted barrel and blue ink. | 0,17 | 0,10 | |
2032 | 19 | Cuba ballpen with ribbed rubber grip, plastic barrel and blue ink. | 0,32 | 0,19 | |
2038 | 22 | Maranello plastic ballpen with rubber grip and blue ink. | 0,43 | 0,26 | |
2043 | 296 | Metal Safety hammer with a soft rubber handle supplied with adhesive backing, mounted wall support and fixings. | 5,68 | 3,41 | |
2047 | 18 | Dakar ballpen with a translucent plastic barrel, rubber grip and black ink. | 0,27 | 0,16 | |
2049 | 26 | Plastic ballpen with a metal clip and tactile coloured patterned grip, black ink. | 0,38 | 0,23 | |
2051 | 15 | Eco ballpen made of corn derivatives, coloured cone, blue ink. | 0,44 | 0,26 | |
2052 | 15 | Eco ballpen made of corn derivatives, blue ink. | 0,44 | 0,26 | |
2055 | 34 | Lacquered metal ballpen with extra black refill, supplied in a gift box. | 4,29 | 2,57 | |
2056 | 162 | Scented cones with a ceramic flower shaped holder, available in apple or strawberry and supplied in round tin with transparent plastic window. | 2,31 | 1,38 | |
2057 | 34 | Metal ballpen and rollerball set with extra blue refills, supplied in a gift box. | 7,18 | 4,31 | |
2058 | 162 | Bottle with twenty five scented cones and a ceramic leaf shaped holder, available scents are green tea, lavender and rose. | 2,25 | 1,35 | |
2059 | 51 | Ballpen with card barrel and matching colour text marker in the top. (except black which has a yellow marker) | 0,31 | 0,19 | |
2063 | 133 | Digital plastic weather station with a sensor for using outside, clock, moon phase and weather forecast. | 21,92 | 13,15 |
2066 | 18 | Spring push button ballpen with black rubber grip, blue ink. | 0,34 | 0,20 | |
2077 | 285 | Automatic foldable plastic reading light with a metal clip. | 1,52 | 0,91 | |
2130 | 182 | 2m Plastic house shaped tape measure with key holder. | 0,61 | 0,36 | |
2131 | 182 | 1.5m plastic household tape measure with black stop button. | 0,48 | 0,29 | |
2147 | 286 | 2m Tape measure with spirit level, memo pad, pen with blue ink and belt clip in a plastic casing. | 1,12 | 0,67 | |
2173 | 302 | Small drawstring polyester bag for safety jacket certified to EN471 2003 and EN 340 2003. | 0,28 | 0,17 | |
2174 | 296 | Metal Safety hammer with a plastic handle, supplied with adhesive backing, mounted wall support and fixings . | 5,71 | 3,43 | |
2175 | 305 | Promotional 100% polyester safety jacket, orange (sizes M, XL and XXL) certified to EN471 2003 and EN 340 2003. | 2,95 | 1,77 | |
2179 | 286 | 3m Tape measure with a calculator and note pad in a plastic casing. | 5,57 | 3,34 | |
2186 | 305 | Promotional 100% polyester safety jacket for children, yellow (sizes XS - S) certified to EN471 2003 and EN 340 2003. | 2,58 | 1,55 | |
2187 | x | 112 | Docking station with LCD screen, FM radio, built in battery, remote control, electronic clock display, USB and SD card modes, TF card in the adaptor (not included), IPod, MP3, Iphone 3G & 4G, CD and DVD. | 66,74 | 40,04 |
2199 | 291 | Mini plastic tool set with four different screw bits two cross recess and two flat head including spirit level and a blue LED light. | 1,37 | 0,82 | |
2211 | 55 | Las Vegas light-up plastic ballpen with blue ink. | 0,94 | 0,56 | |
2214 | 22 | Marseille metal ballpen with rubber grip and black ink. | 0,45 | 0,27 | |
2225 | 322 | Junior drawing set consisting of ten coloured pencils, a 15cm ruler, sharpener and approximately twenty pictures for colouring. | 0,88 | 0,53 | |
2226 | 322 | Art set consisting of ten coloured pencils, including paint set, brush and plastic sharpener. | 1,06 | 0,64 | |
2228 | x | 113 | Portable sound station with a rechargeable battery suitable for 3-5 hours. Includes a USB, SD, electric guitar slot, one wireless and two wired microphone input. Reader for USB/SD/MMC, FM radio. 12V external power, AUX and wireless microphone. | 295,07 | 177,04 |
2251 | 12 | Club plastic ballpen with white barrel, coloured clip and blue ink. | 0,15 | 0,09 | |
2289 | x | 113 | Pair of earphones for Mp3/4 players with two spare sets of buds and supplied in a plastic case. | 1,01 | 0,60 |
2306 | x | 277 | Small plastic pocket torch on a key chain with soft feel coloured centre and single LED light. | 1,34 | 0,80 |
2314 | 201 | Coloured cotton exhibition/shopping bag with long handles 110gr/m2, 4oz. | 1,23 | 0,74 | |
2315 | 201 | Natural coloured cotton exhibition/shopping bag with short handles 110gr/m2, 4oz. | 0,96 | 0,58 | |
2316 | x | 277 | Small plastic torch on a key chain with USB for recharging, soft feel centre and single LED light. | 3,14 | 1,88 |
2324 | 313 | Box with twenty four assorted plastic mind games. (price each game) | 0,33 | 0,20 | |
2326 | 328 | Nylon zipped wallet holding two decks of playing | 3,99 | 2,39 |
cards, a natural coloured sharpened pencil and poker score pad. | |||||
2328 | 332 | Poker set with one hundred chips and two card games supplied in a metal box. | 8,44 | 5,06 | |
2331 | 315 | Skipping rope with plastic handles and a counting LCD display. | 3,26 | 1,95 | |
2342 | 200 | Natural coloured cotton exhibition/shopping bag with long handles 110gr/m2, 4 oz. | 1,04 | 0,63 | |
2343 | 330 | Games compendium in a PVC case. Includes: backgammon, chess, dominoes, cribbage, dice and two decks of cards. | 16,00 | 9,60 | |
2346 | 333 | Football table game, self assembled with six players on each side and a ball. | 24,15 | 14,49 | |
2349 | 332 | Three piece poker set in an aluminium case supplied with chips, dice and cards. | 25,78 | 15,47 | |
2350 | 181 | Metal key holder with a bottle opener and an inlayed magnetic 'euro' trolley disc, supplied in a black presentation box. | 1,54 | 0,92 | |
2370 | 186 | Square shaped paper insert suitable for item 5159, twelve pieces die cut on an A4 sheet, prices are per sheet. | 0,07 | 0,04 | |
2372 | 184 | T-Shirt shaped white paper insert suitable for item 5159, twelve pieces die cut on an A4 sheet, prices are per sheet. | 0,07 | 0,04 | |
2373 | 184 | Square inserts for item 2401, twelve pieces die cut on an A4 sheet, prices per sheet. | 0,07 | 0,04 | |
2374 | 184 | Heart shaped paper insert suitable for item 5158, twelve pieces die cut on an A4 sheet, prices per sheet. | 0,07 | 0,04 | |
2376 | 184 | Round paper insert suitable for item 5157, twelve pieces die cut on an A4 sheet, prices per sheet. | 0,07 | 0,04 | |
2398 | 276 | Plastic key holder with LED light. | 0,45 | 0,27 | |
2401 | 184 | Translucent plastic keyring, plain stock & unassembled only. | 0,42 | 0,25 | |
2411 | 276 | Small push button plastic torch and key holder. | 0,87 | 0,52 | |
2419 | x | 181 | Key chain with a plastic key shaped push button light. | 0,57 | 0,34 |
2422 | x | 291 | Ratchet screwdriver set consisting of 4 flat heads, 4 Phillips, 4 parallel, 4 hex and 4 Xxxxxxxxx'x attachments. | 7,34 | 4,40 |
2424 | x | 291 | Screwdriver set in a black and silver case. | 7,86 | 4,72 |
2425 | x | 53 | Plastic case containing a pencil, text marker and three ballpens with caps that indicate the ink colour. | 2,02 | 1,21 |
2430 | x | 105 | Ballpen with rubber grip and coloured plastic body, black ink and rubber tip suitable for a capacitive screen. | 0,65 | 0,39 |
2432 | 321 | Six small colour pencils in a recyclable box. | 0,23 | 0,14 | |
2436 | x | 49 | Spectacle shaped plastic ballpen with black ink. | 0,45 | 0,27 |
2437 | x | 15 | Black swan plastic ballpen with black ink. | 0,31 | 0,18 |
2438 | 325 | 56pc Art set supplied in a laminated card presentation box. | 5,95 | 3,57 | |
2441 | 276 | House shaped plastic key holder with red light. | 0,55 | 0,33 | |
2442 | x | 15 | White swan plastic ballpen with black ink. | 0,31 | 0,19 |
2460 | 42 | Witch wooden pencil. (twenty four assorted per pack, price per piece) | 0,38 | 0,23 | |
2468 | 321 | Twelve small colour pencils in a recyclable box. | 0,48 | 0,29 | |
2470 | 276 | Translucent plastic pocket torch with keyring, includes battery. | 0,52 | 0,31 |
2474 | 321 | Twelve full length colour pencils in a recyclable box. | 0,91 | 0,55 | |
2475 | 42 | Witch jumbo wooden pencil. | 1,38 | 0,83 | |
2478 | 51 | Flower ballpen with wooden barrel and blue ink. (twenty four assorted per pack, price per piece) | 0,66 | 0,40 | |
2495 | 320 | Twelve colour pencils with sharpener. | 0,68 | 0,41 | |
2497 | 320 | Six colour pencils with sharpener. | 0,42 | 0,25 | |
2498 | 51 | Animal ballpen with wooden barrel and blue ink. (twenty four assorted per pack, price per piece) | 0,66 | 0,40 | |
2526 | x | 279 | Small steel pocket torch with one LED light on a key chain. | 2,07 | 1,24 |
2530 | x | 144 | Ceramic soup bowl and matching spoon, 450 ml capacity. | 3,85 | 2,31 |
2532 | x | 318 | Soft toy Reindeer holding a fleece blanket (102 x 77cm). | 6,64 | 3,98 |
2540 | 183, 238 | Plastic key holder with compass. | 0,31 | 0,19 | |
2541 | 43 | Wooden unsharpened pencil with eraser. | 0,08 | 0,05 | |
2543 | x | 109 | iPad® holder in a bonded leather material with elastic closure. | 11,26 | 6,75 |
2544 | 238 | Key holder with a plastic compass. | 0,37 | 0,22 | |
2545 | 322 | School set with pencils, eraser, pencil sharpener and a ruler as the lid in a wooden box. | 1,79 | 1,08 | |
2546 | 329 | Domino game in a wooden box, with domino written on the lid. | 0,96 | 0,58 | |
2548 | 329 | Mikado game in a wooden box. | 0,89 | 0,54 | |
2552 | x | 80 | A4 Bonded leather folder with internal pockets, pen loop and thirty page lined note pad. | 14,14 | 8,48 |
2553 | 328 | Games set in a wooden box consisting of cards and dice. | 2,44 | 1,47 | |
2554 | x | 83 | Bonded leather notebook with a 8-digit calculator, thirty page note book and elasticated pen loop. | 7,08 | 4,25 |
2555 | 313 | Wooden yo-yo. | 0,37 | 0,22 | |
2566 | x | 81 | A4 Zipped folder in a bonded leather material with a large internal pocket and four business card pockets, pen loop and thirty page lined note pad. | 21,85 | 13,11 |
2573 | x | 297 | Foldable car organizer with pockets. | 10,25 | 6,15 |
2575 | x | 183 | Slap arm band covered in a polyester material. | 0,26 | 0,16 |
2577 | x | 13 | Metallic coloured plastic ball pen with rectangular shaped upper part, stylish clip and large capacity black ink refill. | 0,28 | 0,17 |
2578 | Added colour | 257 | Wooden bat and ball set. | 3,46 | 2,07 |
2580 | x | 13 | Plastic silver barrel ballpen with rectangular shaped upper part and blue ink. | 0,24 | 0,15 |
2581 | x | 13 | Plastic black barrel ballpen with rectangular shaped upper part, stylish metallic coloured clip and cone and large capacity black ink refill. | 0,27 | 0,16 |
2582 | 257 | Bat and ball set with chess and xxxx games, supplied in a black nylon carry case. | 4,87 | 2,92 | |
2591 | x | 13 | Plastic ballpen with translucent coloured trim, rectangular shaped upper part and blue ink. | 0,24 | 0,15 |
2599 | 256 | Badminton set consisting of two rackets with steal frames and plastic handles, two shuttles and a black mesh pouch with a shoulder strap. | 3,94 | 2,37 | |
2603 | 259 | Large 3800ml butterfly patterned transparent water container with pourer and tap. Includes six drinking mugs and two silicone ice stick moulds with plastic holders. (max 40 degrees celsius) | 5,80 | 3,48 | |
2613 | 247 | Drinking mug with plastic interior and coloured | 2,55 | 1,53 |
paper insert. (insert can't be printed) 0.4ltr capacity | |||||
2617 | 250 | Barbecue set in aluminium case with eight skewers, four spits, brush, soft brush, carving knife, carving fork, spatula with cutting knife and tongs. | 41,52 | 24,91 | |
2630 | 250 | Four piece barbecue set in a nylon carry bag contains a brush, fork, tongs and a spatula. | 20,93 | 12,56 | |
2631 | 250 | Six piece barbecue set in a black nylon apron with carving fork, spatula, tongs, oven glove and salt and pepper set. | 13,41 | 8,04 | |
2632 | 250 | Ten piece barbecue set in a nylon carry bag. | 12,90 | 7,74 | |
2634 | 153 | Stainless steel and plastic temperature gauge for cooking (°C/°F). | 7,74 | 4,65 | |
2636 | 179 | Plastic medical thermometer. | 2,47 | 1,48 | |
2637 | 250 | Twenty five piece barbecue set in an aluminium case includes spatula, fork and tongs. | 15,29 | 9,18 | |
2645 | 259 | Twenty five piece picnic rucksack for four people made from 600d polyester material and containing plastic crockery. | 36,46 | 21,88 | |
2657 | x | 317 | Play dough supplied in a plastic chicken and egg container with carry strap. The set contains twelve different doughs, a rolling pin, pineapple and banana moulds. | 4,52 | 2,71 |
2669 | 168 | Plastic pocket mirror and brush. | 0,70 | 0,42 | |
2679 | 28 | Twist action ballpen with black ink. | 0,87 | 0,52 | |
2691 | Added colour | 49 | Ballpen with blue ink in a lipstick shaped casing. | 0,27 | 0,16 |
2693 | x | 55 | Plastic car ballpen with blue ink. | 0,62 | 0,37 |
2697 | 42 | Jumbo wooden pencil with eraser and an attached plastic pencil sharpener. | 0,65 | 0,39 | |
2709 | 90 | Lined note pad in a spiral bound plastic case (approximately one hundred sheets) supplied with a retractable ballpen with blue ink. | 1,73 | 1,04 | |
2714 | 165 | Analogue plastic clock with three 10cm x 15cm (4" x 6") picture frames. This product can be used either on the wall or the desk, photos are inserted by pushing two buttons to release the back panel. | 5,90 | 3,54 | |
2715 | 92 | Spiral bound sixty page note book with ballpen, made from 100% recycled paper and a bio fabric coloured material, the pen has biodegradable parts and blue ink. | 1,62 | 0,97 | |
2716 | 86 | Note book with approximately thirty pages in a (300d) polyester case with an eight digit dual power calculator. | 3,42 | 2,05 | |
2717 | 242 | Survival set with a whistle, compass, thermometer, magnifying glass, mirror, torch and safety cord. | 2,32 | 1,39 | |
2723 | 327 | Plastic whistle with neck cord. (minimum quantity forty eight pieces) | 0,18 | 0,11 | |
2724 | 327 | Plastic whistle with a spiral wrist cord. | 0,40 | 0,24 | |
2726 | 104 | Folding plastic desk clock, pen holder and two photo frames with a 44.5mm x 74.9mm photo size. | 3,07 | 1,84 | |
2727 | 165 | Curved shaped metal photo frame with a 10cm x 15cm (4" x 6") photo size. | 2,92 | 1,75 | |
2731 | 165 | Oblong shaped aluminium photo frame with a 10cm x 15cm (4" x 6") photo size. | 4,30 | 2,58 | |
2736 | 90 | Note book with approximately eighty sheets in a hard plastic case with a retractable ballpen with black ink. | 0,78 | 0,47 | |
2738 | 90 | Note book and retractable ballpen with blue ink in a | 0,85 | 0,51 |
plastic spiral bound case. | |||||
2743 | 165 | Plastic photo frame with an LCD display digital clock, calendar and thermometer, photo size 12.5cm x 8.75cm (5" x 3.5"). | 5,47 | 3,28 | |
2747 | 164 | Plastic photo frame with a weather station, clock and calendar, photo size 10cm x 15cm (4" x 6"). | 9,05 | 5,43 | |
2749 | x | 193 | PVC wallet with press stud closing, internal pocket for notes, a pinch pocket for coins and one clear pocket. | 1,22 | 0,73 |
2756 | x | 193 | PVC Wallet with a pocket for notes and clear pocket for a credit card. | 0,55 | 0,33 |
2758 | 183 | Nylon 600d zipped key wallet. | 0,73 | 0,44 | |
2773 | 193 | Wallet made from bonded leather with several compartments and credit card sections. | 3,74 | 2,24 | |
2778 | 192 | Wallet made from bonded leather with several compartments and credit card sections. | 5,00 | 3,00 | |
2784 | 234 | Ear plugs on a nylon cord of approximately 63cms, packed in a rectangular plastic case . | 0,50 | 0,30 | |
2785 | 320 | Six hexagonal colour pencils, six crayons and a pencil sharpener supplied in a natural coloured card tube. | 0,75 | 0,45 | |
2786 | 320 | Wooden pencil shaped holder with six hexagonal coloured pencils. | 1,13 | 0,68 | |
2788 | 322 | Six small crayons in a recyclable box, certification to EN71. | 0,23 | 0,14 | |
2790 | 322 | Twelve small crayons in a recyclable box, certification to EN71. | 0,48 | 0,29 | |
2792 | 323 | Thirty piece crayon set in card container, certification to EN71. | 1,41 | 0,84 | |
2794 | 325 | Sixty eight piece artist set in a plastic case, certification to EN71 | 5,41 | 3,25 | |
2797 | 323 | Chalk sticks in six different colours. | 0,92 | 0,55 | |
2799 | Added colour | 42 | Bendy (unsharpened) plastic pencil with eraser. | 0,20 | 0,12 |
2807 | 246 | Six piece hip flask (220ml) with four cups (30ml) and funnel, all made from stainless steel. | 9,76 | 5,86 | |
2810 | 189 | Aeroplane shaped metal key holder supplied in a black laminated card box. | 1,66 | 1,00 | |
2822 | 148 | SOS buoy plastic bottle opener. | 0,89 | 0,53 | |
2834 | 139 | Porcelain mug, 250ml. Prices are for a white mug, colours have an additional cost. | 2,51 | 1,50 | |
2839 | 138 | Porcelain coffee mug, 150 ml. Prices are for a white mug, colours have an additional cost. | 2,23 | 1,34 | |
2842 | 138 | Verona coffee mug, 190ml. | 2,48 | 1,49 | |
2845 | 145 | Glass jar with wooden lid, 750g | 2,60 | 1,56 | |
2847 | 145 | Glass jar with wooden lid, 250g | 2,07 | 1,24 | |
2848 | 140 | Porcelain mug. 170ml. | 1,93 | 1,16 | |
2855 | 139 | Ceramic coffee mug with integral spoon (260ml). | 2,88 | 1,73 | |
2863 | 143 | Four piece set of two porcelain mugs (150ml) and two spoons in a gift box. | 7,12 | 4,27 | |
2864 | 140 | 300ml Ceramic mug with animal design on one side, supplied in four assorted colours only (green, yellow, blue and pink). | 3,04 | 1,83 | |
2866 | 139 | Heart shaped porcelain coffee mug (260ml) with integral spoon. | 3,42 | 2,05 | |
2873 | 278 | Aluminium pocket LED torch with key holder. | 1,66 | 1,00 | |
2875 | 138 | Ceramic mug and spoon (260ml) set designed with two contrasting glaze colours. | 2,45 | 1,47 | |
2879 | 142 | Set of two specially designed 80ml porcelain | 7,93 | 4,76 |
espresso cups and saucers packed in a stylish presentation carton. | |||||
2880 | Added colour | 140 | Ceramic mug (300ml) with a black panel for drawing, includes two chalks. | 3,26 | 1,96 |
2881 | 142 | Set of four specially designed 80ml porcelain cappuccino cups and saucers which are packed in a stylish presentation carton. | 9,41 | 5,65 | |
2882 | 270 | Route 66 ceramic mug with embossed logo on one side supplied in a presentation box, dishwasher and microwave proof. | 3,63 | 2,18 | |
2889 | 93 | Note book with a soft PU cover, one hundred lined pages, ribbon marker and elastic nylon band for closing. | 1,34 | 0,80 | |
2894 | 143 | White porcelain coffee mug set with all over design. The set consists of two 370 ml mugs and two 26.5cm x 19.5cm oval plates with matching design, supplied in a good quality presentation box. | 25,48 | 15,29 | |
2895 | 140 | Set of six different coloured porcelain cups (100ml) and saucers, packed in a colourful round gift box. | 23,23 | 13,94 | |
2896 | 143 | White porcelain single walled 500ml mug with all over coffee design and silicon cover, supplied in a good quality presentation box | 6,41 | 3,85 | |
2917 | 100 | 20cm Ruler with a solar powered eight digit calculator. | 1,81 | 1,08 | |
2919 | 97 | Eight digit solar powered plastic calculator with a matching neck cord of approximately 85 cm. | 1,51 | 0,90 | |
2923 | 97 | Solar powered eight digit calculator attached to a black PU business card holder with white border stitching. | 3,32 | 1,99 | |
2928 | 141 | White porcelain mug and saucer, 150 ml. | 2,91 | 1,75 | |
2959 | 100 | 30cm plastic ruler with two pencils, a plastic sharpener and eraser. | 0,80 | 0,48 | |
2966 | 100 | 20cm Plastic ruler with an eight digit dual power calculator. | 1,90 | 1,14 | |
2980 | 317 | Plastic drawing mug with three colouring pictures (26cm x 9cm) pencils not included. | 2,32 | 1,39 | |
2989 | 281 | Dynamo self charging plastic torch with three LED lights. | 1,59 | 0,96 | |
3001 | 21 | Juno plastic retractable ballpen with blue ink and a metal clip. | 0,27 | 0,16 | |
3005 | 305 | Sun visor in a fluorescent polyester fabric with a sandwich peak design and velcro fastening, 150 g/m2. | 1,14 | 0,68 | |
3006 | 32 | Twist action metal ballpen with black ink and rollerball bound in PU and supplied in a matching zipped case. | 6,59 | 3,95 | |
3007 | 254 | Cotton sun visor with adjustable fastening, 100% cotton. | 1,30 | 0,78 | |
3011 | 25 | Cardiff ballpen with a plastic silver barrel and coloured grip, blue ink. | 0,22 | 0,13 | |
3014 | 17 | Fortuna plastic ballpen with blue ink, a metal clip and a solid coloured barrel. | 0,39 | 0,23 | |
3015 | Added colour | 25 | Newport ballpen with a plastic coloured barrel and grip, blue ink. | 0,22 | 0,13 |
3020 | 23 | Voltaire metal ballpen with three ergonomic rubber grip pads and two silver centre rings, blue ink. | 0,77 | 0,46 | |
3035 | 16 | Rimini ballpen with translucent plastic barrel and metal clip, blue ink. | 0,18 | 0,11 |
3037 | 23 | Star ballpen with translucent plastic barrel and metal silver parts, blue ink. | 0,57 | 0,34 | |
3071 | x | 130 | Analogue watch with plastic casing and silicon strap, supplied in a clear plastic box. | 7,05 | 4,23 |
3073 | x | 131 | Flexi man plastic alarm clock with memo holder. | 2,90 | 1,74 |
3076 | x | 93 | Note book with a soft PU cover, one hundred lined pages, ribbon marker and elastic nylon band for closing. | 2,49 | 1,49 |
3099 | x | 92 | Wire bound note book with a magnetic closure, contains one 7.5 x 5cm sticky note pads, four x 25 sheet page memos, a sixty page double sided lined note pad and a ballpen with black ink. | 2,24 | 1,34 |
3106 | 28 | Metz metal ballpen with a shiny polished ornament ring with blue ink. | 0,85 | 0,51 | |
3115 | x | 95 | Bookmark made from card with five different coloured sticky page memos and a 4 x 4.5cm sticky note pad. | 0,47 | 0,28 |
3116 | 26 | Chicago metal ballpen in different coloured lacquered finishes with blue ink. | 0,80 | 0,48 | |
3117 | x | 290 | Aluminium pen shaped pocket screwdriver set with light. Includes three flat head and 3 Philips screw parts. | 2,83 | 1,70 |
3120 | x | 318 | Felt Christmas hat. | 0,41 | 0,25 |
3127 | x | 148 | Steel Friday afternoon hammer with bottle opener and PVC handle. | 5,20 | 3,12 |
3129 | 232 | Aluminium luggage tag with a metal cord fastening. | 1,09 | 0,65 | |
3132 | 233 | Plastic luggage tag with adjustable strap. | 0,45 | 0,27 | |
3133 | 185 | Plastic ID pass holder with an approximate 80cm retractable cord. | 0,66 | 0,39 | |
3141 | 287 | 2m Plastic tape measure with a wrist strap and belt clip attachment. | 1,51 | 0,90 | |
3143 | 287 | 3m Plastic tape measure with a wrist strap and belt clip attachment. | 1,61 | 0,97 | |
3144 | 33 | Escape pen set consisting of a metal ballpen with blue ink and mechanical pencil, supplied in a metal presentation case. | 3,35 | 2,01 | |
3145 | 287 | 5m Plastic tape measure with a wrist strap and belt clip attachment. | 2,54 | 1,52 | |
3148 | 22 | Luzern aluminium ballpen with rubber grip and blue ink. | 0,76 | 0,46 | |
3150 | x | 319 | Polyester Christmas sock. | 0,80 | 0,48 |
3163 | 232 | Luggage tag in PVC inclusive of cord. | 0,73 | 0,44 | |
3165 | 21 | Havana plastic ballpen with a metal clip, frosted upper barrel and matching coloured rubber grip, blue ink. | 0,29 | 0,18 | |
3167 | Added colour | 232 | Plastic luggage tag in the shape of a suitcase. | 0,38 | 0,23 |
3168 | 28 | Tallinn metal ballpen with push cap action and blue ink. | 1,23 | 0,74 | |
3175 | 141 | White porcelain set consisting of two 370ml mugs and two 26.5 x 19.5 cm oval plates, supplied in a white rigid gift box. | 25,45 | 15,27 | |
3177 | 141 | White porcelain cup and saucer, 100cc/ml. | 2,44 | 1,46 | |
3179 | 141 | Super white porcelain cup and saucer, 230cc/ml. | 4,63 | 2,78 | |
3180 | 185 | Round plastic key holder with approximately 60cm of retractable cord. | 1,50 | 0,90 | |
3181 | 138 | White 300ml porcelain tea cup with lid. | 4,89 | 2,94 | |
3182 | 185 | Round plastic translucent ski pass holder with | 0,41 | 0,25 |
approximately 80cm of retractable cord and a belt clip. | |||||
3183 | 146 | Plastic salt and pepper holder | 1,56 | 0,93 | |
3188 | 28 | Aluminium Cardiff ballpen, black ink. | 0,61 | 0,37 | |
3189 | x | 113 | Retro phone hand set with pick up/hang up button and noise reduction system. Works with all mobile devices and computers. | 9,46 | 5,67 |
3190 | x | 294 | Plastic car power adapter with one USB port, plugs into the car cigarette lighter jack to become a powered USB port. | 1,17 | 0,70 |
3191 | 138 | Set consisting of a white ceramic tea pot and 350ml cup, packed in a white gift box. | 11,22 | 6,73 | |
3193 | 256 | Coloured nylon wrist wallet with black zipped pocket and velcro closing. | 0,59 | 0,35 | |
3195 | 256 | Plastic UV watch. | 0,99 | 0,59 | |
3196 | x | 113 | Ear phones with soft padding for comfortable wearing and adjustable frame. | 10,61 | 6,36 |
3198 | x | 113 | Silicone sound enhancer speaker. | 1,73 | 1,04 |
3199 | x | 135 | Digital weather station with clock, alarm, week display, weather icons, in/outdoor temperature display in C/F functions, includes a DC adapter, 4 AAA batteries, and a digital wireless sensor. | 25,48 | 15,29 |
3277 | x | 233 | Travel kit in a clear PVC zipped case, includes a spray bottle, two bottles with caps, two cream dishes and a small funnel. | 3,51 | 2,11 |
3297 | x | 319 | Two plaster Christmas baubles supplied with six paints and a brush. | 2,73 | 1,64 |
3298 | 33 | Pen set consisting of a lacquered ballpen and pencil in a matching colour metal presentation box, black ink. | 2,21 | 1,32 | |
3302 | 52 | Leto plastic ballpen with rubber grip and four ink colours of blue, red, black and green. | 0,39 | 0,24 | |
3305 | x | 319 | Ceramic Christmas mug supplied with six paints and a brush. | 3,67 | 2,20 |
3306 | 52 | Xxxxx plastic ballpen with rubber grip, belt clip and four ink colours of blue, red, black and green. | 0,44 | 0,26 | |
3319 | 10 | Clear plastic ballpen with rubber grip and translucent clip, blue ink. | 0,20 | 0,12 | |
3321 | Added colour | 11 | Xxxxxx plastic ballpen with rubber grip, translucent clip and blue ink. | 0,12 | 0,07 |
3337 | 35 | Classic pen set consisting of a metal ballpen and rollerball with black ink, presented in a luxury gift box with magnetic closing. | 9,88 | 5,93 | |
3338 | 35 | Classic metal ballpen with black ink, presented in a luxury gift box with magnetic closing. | 6,31 | 3,79 | |
3341 | 48 | Jumbo size plastic ballpen with rubber grip and blue ink. | 0,57 | 0,34 | |
3347 | 30 | Saltzburg stainless steel ballpen with a translucent coloured plastic ring and black ink. | 1,43 | 0,86 | |
3354 | 32 | Vienna pen set, consisting of a metal barrel ballpen with blue ink and a mechanical pencil both with ergonomically designed rubber grips. The set is presented in a metal gift box. | 4,19 | 2,52 | |
3359 | 32 | Sienna metal pen set, consisting of a ballpen and rollerball with imitation leather barrels and black ink, supplied in an aluminium and imitation leather case. | 6,38 | 3,83 | |
3363 | x | 72 | A4 Folder with padded PVC cover, large internal | 10,22 | 6,13 |
pocket, two small card pockets, pen loop and thirty page lined note pad. | |||||
3364 | x | 73 | Note pad with PVC padded cover, two internal pockets, pen loop and thirty page lined note pad. | 3,69 | 2,21 |
3366 | 20 | Tornado ballpen with plastic barrel, metal clip and soft feel grip, black ink. | 0,31 | 0,18 | |
3373 | 24 | Texas metal ballpen with blue ink, rubber grip and coloured lacquered barrel. | 1,21 | 0,73 | |
3374 | 10 | Alicante ballpen with a clear plastic barrel and coloured push button and grip, blue ink. | 0,23 | 0,14 | |
3376 | 66 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx stylish metal ballpen with Swarovski crystallized elements, black ink and supplied in gift box. | 60,44 | 36,26 | |
3378 | 24 | Luxor plastic ballpen with blue ink. | 0,42 | 0,25 | |
3380 | 54 | Tadco mini plastic ballpen with rubber grip and black ink and attached to a nylon lanyard with safety lock. | 0,33 | 0,20 | |
3381 | 18 | Spiral ballpen with a push cap action, plastic silver satin barrel with chrome fittings and black ink. | 0,22 | 0,13 | |
3382 | 65 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx pen set with a beautifully designed brass ballpen and rollerball with black ink, supplied in a quality Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx presentation case. | 42,85 | 25,71 | |
3383 | 18 | Spiral ballpen with a push cap action, plastic coloured barrel with chrome fittings and black ink. | 0,22 | 0,13 | |
3389 | 21 | Spot-on ballpen with a silver plastic barrel and part coloured spotted rubber grip and blue ink. | 0,34 | 0,20 | |
3390 | Added colour | 24 | Mirate plastic ballpen with a coloured barrel and push button, transparent clip and blue ink. | 0,22 | 0,13 |
3393 | 37 | Dome metal twist action ballpen with blue ink and supplied in a grey presentation case with magnetic closing. | 5,12 | 3,07 | |
3397 | 256 | Tri-fly plastic sky spinner. | 0,51 | 0,30 | |
3398 | 10 | Storm plastic ballpen with a matching coloured rubber grip and black ink. | 0,15 | 0,09 | |
3399 | 64 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx calligraphy set consisting of a jar of ink, red wax with portfire, stamp and a quill pen with 6 different crowns, supplied in a deluxe gift box. | 21,99 | 13,19 | |
3401 | x | 73 | A5 Zipped PVC folder with two internal open pockets and one zipped, six small credit card size pockets, pen loop and thirty page lined note pad. | 9,90 | 5,94 |
3402 | x | 73 | A5 PVC folder with one large and one small internal pocket, pen loop and thirty page lined note pad. | 7,01 | 4,21 |
3403 | x | 73 | A4 Zipped PVC folder with two large internal pockets and four small credit card size pockets, pen loop and thirty page lined note pad. | 16,91 | 10,15 |
3404 | x | 72, 109 | PVC padded iPad® holder which folds as a desk top stand. | 11,79 | 7,07 |
3434 | 148 | Plastic ice cream scoop. | 2,70 | 1,62 | |
3436 | 251 | Disposable barbecue set with 250g of charcoal. | 3,51 | 2,10 | |
3438 | 251 | Disposable barbecue set with 500g of charcoal. | 4,95 | 2,97 | |
3441 | 26 | Aluminium retractable ballpen with a black dotted rubber grip, black ink. | 0,44 | 0,26 | |
3443 | 197 | PVC zipped cosmetic bag with carrying strap. | 1,86 | 1,12 | |
3444 | 27 | Aluminium push button ballpen with arrow shaped metal clip, blue ink. | 0,62 | 0,37 | |
3446 | 31 | Aluminium ballpen with silver trim parts and matching stitched PU pouch, black ink. | 0,88 | 0,53 | |
3448 | 31 | Aluminium ballpen with silver metal trim and black | 1,71 | 1,03 |
ink in a matching coloured tin box with black foam inlay. | |||||
3449 | 254 | Large foldable cap in a matching coloured pouch. | 0,87 | 0,52 | |
3451 | x | 41 | Wooden ballpen and rollerpen with metal trim parts and black ink, supplied in a matching presentation case. | 21,99 | 13,19 |
3453 | 255 | Foldable cowboy style 170T polyester hat in a matching pouch. | 1,44 | 0,86 | |
3456 | 16 | Plastic push button ballpen with silver trim parts, coloured barrel and complimenting centre segment, black ink. | 0,23 | 0,14 | |
3458 | 17 | Plastic ballpen with metallic effect barrel and silver trim parts, black ink. | 0,22 | 0,13 | |
3459 | x | 151 | Lunch box made from polypropylene. | 2,28 | 1,37 |
3462 | 14 | Plastic retractable ballpen with satin finish coloured barrel and blue ink. | 0,21 | 0,13 | |
3464 | 33 | Aluminium ballpen and a pencil supplied in a black plastic box with clear lid, blue ink. | 2,49 | 1,49 | |
3465 | 21 | Plastic silver barrelled ballpen with matching coloured parts and rubber grip, blue ink. | 0,37 | 0,22 | |
3466 | 36 | Stylish pen set consisting of a ballpen and rollerpen which have black ink and are supplied in a quality presentation box. | 8,81 | 5,29 | |
3467 | 23 | Plastic retractable ballpen with blue ink, metallic look coloured barrel and silver trim parts. | 0,32 | 0,19 | |
3481 | x | 247 | 500ml Travel mug with a plastic body and stainless steel centre. | 2,96 | 1,78 |
3526 | 146 | Stainless steel/glass oil and vinegar sprayer, 80 ml. | 6,27 | 3,76 | |
3539 | 314 | Bubble gun with container of fluid. | 1,21 | 0,72 | |
3541 | 314 | Plastic water gun. | 1,02 | 0,61 | |
3543 | 186 | Peace bottle opener and key holder. | 1,07 | 0,64 | |
3545 | 186 | Metal house bottle opener and key holder. | 0,84 | 0,50 | |
3547 | 186 | Steel truck shaped bottle opener and key holder. | 0,84 | 0,50 | |
3570 | x | 314 | Foam water shooter. | 1,17 | 0,70 |
3571 | x | 314 | Plastic sword shaped water shooter, capacity 120 ml. | 4,49 | 2,69 |
3572 | x | 225 | Sports/Travel bag with zipped external pocket and one main zipped compartment. 600D polyester. | 12,03 | 7,22 |
3574 | x | 219 | Document bag made from 600D polyester with zipped outer pocket and one main zipped internal pocket, includes a separate shoulder strap. | 7,28 | 4,37 |
3575 | x | 203 | Trolley shopping bag with two plastic handles and two plastic coins which are supplied in the internal pocket. | 5,19 | 3,11 |
3576 | x | 213 | Backpack in a 600d polyester material with a main compartment, one zipped and one open front pocket, two mesh side pockets and adjustable shoulder straps. | 10,82 | 6,49 |
3577 | x | 225 | 600d Polyester sports bag with a vertical zipped pocket. | 10,17 | 6,10 |
3578 | x | 219 | Document bag in a polyester material with one main compartment, one front zipped pocket and four further small pockets under the front flap. | 8,39 | 5,03 |
3579 | x | 213 | 600d Polyester backpack with a vertical front zipped pocket and adjustable padded shoulder straps. | 9,02 | 5,41 |
3580 | x | 220 | Laptop bag in a 600D polyester material with a front pocket with velcro closing and one large padded internal compartment. | 9,42 | 5,65 |
3581 | x | 219 | Stylish shoulder bag in a 600d polyester material with one main compartment, three card sized pockets and three pen loops, supplied with a padded shoulder strap. | 9,59 | 5,76 |
3582 | x | 92 | Writing set consisting of a note book with soft PU cover, 100 lined pages, ribbon marker and elastic nylon band for closing and aluminium push button ballpen with blue ink, supplied in a black presentation box. | 3,43 | 2,06 |
3583 | x | 244 | Microfibre sports towel in a vented drawstring nylon pouch. 40 x 80cm | 6,17 | 3,70 |
3584 | x | 244 | Microfibre sports towel in a vented drawstring nylon pouch. 30 x 30cm | 2,42 | 1,45 |
3585 | x | 132 | Plastic outdoor thermometer with celsius scales. | 2,30 | 1,38 |
3586 | x | 95 | House bookmark made from card with five different coloured sticky page memos and a 15 sheet sticky note pad. | 0,47 | 0,28 |
3587 | x | 95 | Phone bookmark made from card with five different coloured sticky page memos and a 15 sheet sticky note pad. | 0,47 | 0,28 |
3588 | x | 179 | Hand sanitizer gel with moisturizers and vitamin E. 0.5 oz (15 ml). | 0,47 | 0,28 |
3589 | x | 179 | Hand sanitizer spray, 20 ml, in a translucent case. | 1,05 | 0,63 |
3590 | x | 53 | Twist action plastic ballpen with black ink and metal bottle opener. | 0,44 | 0,26 |
3591 | x | 185 | Felt tag with metal key ring. | 0,45 | 0,27 |
3592 | x | 191 | Neoprene armband with transparent pocket for a mobile phone or MP3 player. | 2,73 | 1,64 |
3593 | x | 259 | Stadium cushion with side pocket and carry handle, 600D polyester. | 5,88 | 3,53 |
3594 | x | 205 | Foldable polyester ice bucket/bag with integrated black plastic handles and metal bottle opener. | 12,50 | 7,50 |
3595 | x | 207 | Large folding polyester cooler bag with zipped pocket and carry handles. | 9,95 | 5,97 |
3596 | x | 220 | 600D Polyester iPad shoulder bag with padded internal pocket and velcro closing, front pocket and adjustable shoulder strap. | 3,60 | 2,16 |
3597 | x | 221 | PVC laptop shoulder bag with two large pockets, one padded, two external side pockets and six small pockets. Includes an adjustable carry strap. | 21,27 | 12,76 |
3598 | x | 45 | 420d Polyester pencil case with zipped closure. | 0,56 | 0,34 |
3599 | 189 | House shaped metal key holder, supplied in a black laminated card box. | 1,13 | 0,68 | |
3601 | 189 | House shaped metal key holder, supplied in a black laminated card box. | 1,10 | 0,66 | |
3604 | x | 207 | Six can 420d polyester cooler bag with a carry handle and a zipped main compartment. | 1,85 | 1,11 |
3609 | x | 207 | 70D Nylon cooler/lunch bag with velcro closing and carry strap. | 1,97 | 1,18 |
3610 | x | 198 | Shopping bag in a 80g/m2 non-woven material with long handles and coloured trim. | 0,94 | 0,56 |
3612 | x | 285 | Set consisting of multi functional pliers and steel torch with nine LED lights, supplied in a magnetic closing box. | 17,07 | 10,24 |
3614 | x | 291 | 26pcs Tool set in a zipped metal case with foam inlay. | 11,26 | 6,75 |
3615 | 189 | Car shaped metal key holder, supplied in a black laminated card box. | 1,01 | 0,61 |
3616 | x | 277 | Key holder with one LED light. | 0,64 | 0,38 |
3620 | x | 110 | Computer lamp with five LED lights and 25cm metal flexible wire with a USB connector. | 2,67 | 1,60 |
3633 | x | 105 | Metal laser with white LED light and rounded rubber tip, suitable for all capacitive touch screens, commonly used on Smart Phones and Tablets. | 3,54 | 2,13 |
3635 | x | 285 | Multi tool with torch supplied in a presentation box with magnetic closing. | 25,07 | 15,04 |
3639 | x | 112 | Plastic desk fan with USB connector. | 5,33 | 3,20 |
3641 | x | 153 | Luxury meat knife and fork set supplied in a velvet inlayed presentation case. | 22,46 | 13,47 |
3646 | x | 241 | Steel pocket knife with black rubber trim parts and consists of a corkscrew, two philips flathead and one crosshead screwdriver. a saw, main knife, pointed knife, pliers, pair of scissors and a hooked knife with flatheaded top. | 6,92 | 4,15 |
3648 | x | 155 | Cheese board made from wood and glass with two magnetic strips and a parmesan shaver and fork. | 11,73 | 7,04 |
3652 | x | 241 | Eight function pocket knife with plastic and black rubberized casing, compass, push button red LED light, scissors, philips screwdriver, corkscrew and two further knives. | 5,10 | 3,06 |
3656 | x | 207 | Six can cooler bag in a non-woven material and 33 ml capacity. | 1,85 | 1,11 |
3657 | x | 151 | Apple slicer which cuts in to eight pieces. | 2,35 | 1,41 |
3658 | x | 225 | 600d Polyester foldable travel bag with one front zipped pocket, one side and two end zipped pockets, one main compartment and adjustable shoulder straps. | 14,16 | 8,50 |
3660 | x | 203 | Foldable barrel bag with waterproof coated 600d polyester and metal handle, supplied in a 420d polyester matching pouch with carry strap. | 6,92 | 4,15 |
3662 | x | 197 | Ladies bag in a polyester material with five internal pockets and one outer zipped pocket. | 4,99 | 2,99 |
3663 | x | 208 | 600d Fold-up polyester backpack with one main compartment, one front zipped pocket, two mesh pockets and adjustable padded shoulder straps. | 10,41 | 6,25 |
3675 | x | 151 | Plastic storage box for an apple/fruit. | 1,05 | 0,63 |
3678 | 102 | Ballerina metal letter opener, supplied in a black laminated card box. | 2,04 | 1,23 | |
3684 | 104 | Sirius plastic pen holder with a calendar, alarm clock and thermometer. | 4,20 | 2,52 | |
3685 | 104 | Desk tidy in a stitched PU material with plastic clock, calendar, alarm and thermometer. | 10,88 | 6,53 | |
3689 | 146 | Two in one pepper and salt mill with rubberized black trim. | 6,78 | 4,07 | |
3690 | x | 175 | Anti stress decision maker made from a PU foam material. | 0,97 | 0,58 |
3691 | 102 | Metal letter opener, supplied in a black laminated card box. | 2,02 | 1,21 | |
3702 | x | 175 | Anti stress dice made from a PU foam material. | 0,97 | 0,58 |
3710 | 256 | Foldable 170T nylon frisbee supplied in a nylon pouch, size unfolded 25cm. | 0,46 | 0,28 | |
3712 | x | 175 | Anti stress truck made from a PU foam material. | 1,60 | 0,96 |
3714 | 146 | Stainless steel 80ml oil sprayer with black plastic trim. | 8,46 | 5,08 | |
3716 | 147 | Porcelain oil-vinegar and salt-pepper holders supplied in a black presentation box. | 9,80 | 5,88 |
3722 | 146 | Metal salt or pepper mill with spring dispenser. | 3,64 | 2,18 | |
3724 | 147 | Stainless steel salt and pepper mill. | 7,35 | 4,41 | |
3725 | x | 47 | Hand shaped five colour plastic text maker. | 1,45 | 0,87 |
3726 | x | 247 | 335ml Plastic double walled drinking mug with twist cap. | 2,90 | 1,74 |
3735 | 238 | Plastic compass on a nylon strap. | 1,10 | 0,66 | |
3737 | 135 | Plastic LCD display desk clock with a calendar and thermometer. | 3,79 | 2,28 | |
3739 | x | 161 | Frosted plastic bottle cooler/ice bucket. | 6,13 | 3,68 |
3740 | x | 202 | Non woven shoulder bag with long handles. | 0,90 | 0,54 |
3741 | x | 155 | Cheese set made from rubberwood with a glass cutting plate, three different knives and one fork. | 17,72 | 10,63 |
3750 | x | 98 | Plastic credit/business card case with seven internal concertina pockets. | 3,22 | 1,93 |
3751 | x | 247 | 500ml Stainless steel double walled travel tumbler with a silicone centre band. | 4,56 | 2,74 |
3755 | x | 291 | 6-in-1 Screwdriver with a four LED light torch, consisting of two flat head, two cross head and one thorax screw driver, all with magnetic tips and integrated in the handle. | 3,96 | 2,38 |
3758 | x | 325 | 24pc Art set in a plastic case and consisting of a brush, twelve paints, eight crayons, a sharpener, pencil and eraser. | 1,80 | 1,08 |
3760 | x | 191 | Felt mobile phone pouch. | 0,85 | 0,51 |
3762 | x | 191 | Neoprene mobile phone pouch with wrist strap. | 1,57 | 0,94 |
3763 | x | 329 | Game set consisting of two decks of cards and a set of dominoes, supplied in a presentation box. | 11,79 | 7,07 |
3768 | 239 | Plastic pocket binoculars with 2.5 x 3 magnification. | 2,80 | 1,68 | |
3776 | x | 17 | Plastic ballpen with metallic colour barrel, metal clip and blue ink. | 0,28 | 0,17 |
3781 | x | 29 | Aluminium ballpen with a coloured lacquered barrel, silver metal trim parts and blue ink. | 0,89 | 0,54 |
3782 | x | 11 | Stylish plastic ballpen with matt coloured barrel, large rubber grip and blue ink. | 0,27 | 0,16 |
3783 | x | 313 | Plastic transparent light-up yo yo. | 1,05 | 0,63 |
3786 | 239 | Aluminium and rubber binoculars with an 8 x 21 magnification, supplied in a black nylon pouch. | 9,41 | 5,65 | |
3788 | x | 40 | Twist action wooden ballpen with metal trim parts and black ink. | 1,11 | 0,67 |
3789 | 239 | Aluminium and rubber binoculars with red lenses and an 8 x 22 magnification, supplied in black nylon pouch. | 12,66 | 7,60 | |
3799 | x | 27 | Twist action aluminium ballpen with coloured barrel, eight ring rubber grip and blue ink. | 1,12 | 0,67 |
3802 | 235 | Five piece sewing set and mirror in a translucent plastic case, includes a needle, safety pin, cotton, two buttons and a threader | 0,52 | 0,31 | |
3804 | x | 40 | Push button wooden ballpen with metal trim parts and blue ink. | 0,97 | 0,58 |
3805 | x | 40 | Shaped wooden ballpen with blue ink. | 0,40 | 0,24 |
3808 | x | 29 | Aluminium ballpen with patterned grip, silver trim parts and blue ink. | 0,67 | 0,40 |
3812 | x | 17 | Push button plastic ballpen with coloured grip and blue ink. | 0,38 | 0,23 |
3826 | 255 | Sun hat made from 100% cotton. | 1,01 | 0,61 | |
3832 | x | 105 | Metal twist action ballpen with rubber tip and black ink, suitable for all capacitive screens. | 0,94 | 0,56 |
3835 | x | 31 | Plastic pen with metal clip and black ink. | 0,51 | 0,31 |
3836 | 233 | Luxury five piece shoe polish set in a deluxe soft feel PU case includes a shoe xxxx, brush, shoe shine, neutral shoe polish and a cloth. | 6,25 | 3,75 | |
3840 | x | 29 | Twist action plastic ballpen with black ink, metal trim parts and integrated text marker. | 0,74 | 0,44 |
3853 | 233 | Plastic travel tooth brush. | 0,32 | 0,19 | |
3854 | 223 | Large sports bag with one main compartment, two end pockets and one zipped side pocket, carry handles and an adjustable shoulder strap. | 11,60 | 6,96 | |
3855 | 168 | Nail clippers with magnifier and small integral file. | 3,32 | 1,99 | |
3856 | 222 | Sports bag with one large compartment, carry straps and an adjustable shoulder strap. 600d polyester material. | 10,46 | 6,28 | |
3857 | x | 105 | Small stylus with integral ballpen with black ink, suitable for all capacitive screens. | 0,53 | 0,32 |
3858 | x | 234 | Pair of foam ear plugs with a 65cm cord (approx), supplied in a transparent plastic tube with coloured cap and key chain. | 0,52 | 0,31 |
3859 | 239 | Foldable 3x magnification binoculars made from card. | 0,68 | 0,41 | |
3861 | x | 11 | Plastic ballpen with a matt coloured barrel, innovative push spring cap and blue ink. | 0,28 | 0,17 |
3862 | 224 | Sports bag in a two tone fabric with one main compartment, one side zipped pocket and adjustable shoulder strap, 600d polyester. | 11,59 | 6,96 | |
3863 | x | 46 | Plastic ballpen with blue ink, rubber grip and a coloured text marker in the top. | 0,44 | 0,26 |
3864 | 217 | Document bag in a two tone fabric with zipped front pocket and adjustable shoulder strap. 600d polyester. | 6,73 | 4,04 | |
3865 | x | 59 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx twist action ballpen with chrome cap, CD dome on the top and black ink, supplied in a Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx presentation box | 8,82 | 5,29 |
3866 | 213 | Backpack in a two tone fabric with a main compartment, three exterior zipped pockets and padded adjustable shoulder straps. 600d polyester. | 10,08 | 6,05 | |
3867 | x | 27 | Aluminium ballpen with metal clip and patterned rubber grip and blue ink. | 1,01 | 0,60 |
3868 | x | 52 | Eight colour plastic ballpen with writing colours, pink, brown, red, green, purple, grey, yellow and light blue. | 0,96 | 0,58 |
3869 | x | 37 | Classical twist action ballpen with black barrel, silver cap and gold trim parts, supplied with black ink and in a presentation box with a white satin inlay. | 6,86 | 4,12 |
3873 | x | 11 | Plastic ballpen with a white barrel, coloured clip, innovative push spring cap and blue ink. | 0,24 | 0,15 |
3876 | x | 37 | Metal push button ballpen with a patterned fabric covered barrel and black ink, supplied in a black presentation box. | 4,60 | 2,76 |
3877 | x | 63 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx pen set, consisting of a ballpen and rollerpen with part leather covered barrel and black ink, supplied in a quality Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx presentation case. | 33,56 | 20,13 |
3878 | x | 245 | 220ml Folding drinking cup with compartment for pills/sugar etc. supplied on a carabiner belt clip. | 1,29 | 0,78 |
3879 | x | 245 | 330ml Foldable drinking bottle with carabiner belt clip. | 1,41 | 0,85 |
3943 | 131 | Plastic desk clock with adjustable dial and a roll function. | 3,48 | 2,09 |
3946 | 131 | Wall clock in a non detachable plastic frame. | 8,74 | 5,24 | |
3956 | 312 | Juggling ball made of imitation leather material. | 0,59 | 0,35 | |
3965 | 175 | Anti stress ball made from a PU foam material. | 0,62 | 0,37 | |
3967 | 176 | Anti stress €50 note made from a PU foam material. | 1,10 | 0,66 | |
3969 | 176 | Anti stress bowling pin made from a PU foam material. | 1,21 | 0,73 | |
3973 | 312 | Three ball juggling set supplied in a white cotton drawstring bag, consisting of a blue/white, red/white and orange/white ball. | 2,10 | 1,26 | |
3976 | x | 330 | Luxurious 6-in-1 games compendium, consisting of backgammon, chess, checkers/draughts, poker dice, dominoes and cribbage, packed in a stylish presentation box. | 35,49 | 21,29 |
3992 | 181, 280 | Solar powered plastic key holder with three LED lights. | 1,65 | 0,99 | |
3993 | Added colour | 50 | Ballpen with bamboo barrel, plastic coloured parts and blue ink. | 0,40 | 0,24 |
3995 | 110 | Plastic optical and wireless USB 2.0 mouse . | 14,28 | 8,57 | |
4005 | 120 | Umbrella with a puppy or frog image polyester fabric 170t. | 4,25 | 2,55 | |
4011 | 124 | Umbrella with automatic opening and eight 190t polyester fabric panels with a silver underside, includes a matching carrying sleeve. | 6,21 | 3,72 | |
4016 | 119 | Umbrella with eight 190t polyester fabric panels, aluminium shaft foam handle and velcro closing. | 8,00 | 4,80 | |
4019 | 123 | Storm proof umbrella with eight 210t nylon fabric panels that have a silver coloured outside edging and double velcro fastening. | 13,77 | 8,26 | |
4041 | 97 | Dual powered eight digit plastic calculator with a translucent coloured edge. | 2,01 | 1,20 | |
4042 | 123 | 190T Nylon umbrella with reflective edging, fibre glass shaft and ribs with a rubber handle and velcro fastening. | 8,21 | 4,93 | |
4047 | 97, 98 | Business card holder plastic with 8 digit calculator and metal ballpen with blue ink. | 1,12 | 0,67 | |
4050 | 96 | Stylish dual powered eight digit desk calculator in ABS plastic. | 3,87 | 2,32 | |
4054 | 117 | Mini 190t nylon fabric umbrella in a PVC case. | 4,52 | 2,71 | |
4055 | 118 | Foldable 190t nylon fabric umbrella with a wooden shaft and supplied in a matching nylon sleeve and velcro closing. | 3,87 | 2,32 | |
4056 | 118 | Foldable 190t polyester fabric umbrella with a metal frame and shaft, supplied in an aluminium tube and velcro fastening. | 7,75 | 4,65 | |
4058 | 122 | Umbrella with sixteen different coloured 190t nylon fabric panels, metal shaft and wooden handle with velcro fastening. | 7,36 | 4,41 | |
4064 | 121 | Umbrella with eight 190t polyester fabric panels, automatic opening and metal shaft with velcro closing. | 3,59 | 2,16 | |
4066 | 120 | Golf size 190t nylon fabric umbrella with a metal shaft and wooden handle with velcro fastening. | 5,98 | 3,59 | |
4068 | 125 | Automatic opening umbrella with a wooden shaft and eight 190t polyester fabric panels with reflective border and wooden crook handle that closes with a wooden button. | 5,54 | 3,32 | |
4070 | 124 | Classic 190t polyester fabric umbrella with a wooden shaft and handle automatic opening with a | 4,73 | 2,84 |
velcro fastening. | |||||
4081 | x | 240 | 3pc Metal/plastic pocket knife consisting of a knife, scissors and file. | 2,27 | 1,36 |
4087 | 123 | Sports umbrella with eight 210t polyester fabric panels and a black metal frame and shaft, includes a matching carrying sleeve and a velcro fastening. | 6,69 | 4,02 | |
4088 | 127 | Umbrella with eight 170t polyester fabric panels, automatic opening and plastic coloured handle with a velcro fastening. | 3,97 | 2,38 | |
4089 | 123 | Storm-proof vented 210t polyester fabric umbrella with a metal frame and shaft, foam handle and matching carrying sleeve. | 8,98 | 5,39 | |
4092 | 117 | Folding 210t polyester fabric umbrella supplied in a nylon sleeve with a velcro fastening. | 3,40 | 2,04 | |
4096 | 119 | Automatic opening umbrella with 210t polyester fabric with silver coloured underside, metal frame, foam handle and a push button closing. | 5,79 | 3,48 | |
4103 | 127 | Automatic opening umbrella with eight 190t polyester fabric panels with an aluminium shaft and x xxxxx handle with velcro closing. | 5,09 | 3,06 | |
4104 | 118 | Folding 210t polyester fabric umbrella supplied in a sleeve. | 4,33 | 2,60 | |
4118 | 124 | Manual opening sixteen panel umbrella with wooden shaft and handle, gold colour metal tips and black ribs, pongee 190T material with velcro fastening. | 9,13 | 5,48 | |
4119 | 68, 127 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx 110cm/25" polyester automatic umbrella/walking stick with fibre glass shaft & ribs, genuine leather black handle and Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx strap. | 18,05 | 10,83 | |
4121 | 118 | Umbrella with push button opening, 190T nylon fabric panels, black metal shaft and ribs with a foam handle. | 7,07 | 4,24 | |
4123 | 127 | Nylon eight panel automatic umbrella with black pongee on the underside. The umbrella has a gold coloured aluminium shaft and crook handle. | 7,75 | 4,65 | |
4125 | 127 | Umbrella/walking stick with manual opening, twenty four pongee panels with black plastic shaped handle, supplied in a nylon sleeve with velcro fastening. | 7,84 | 4,71 | |
4136 | 126 | Umbrella with double layered 190T nylon material, wooden shaft and tips. The underside of the canopy can have a cloud or rain drop design with velcro fastening. | 8,01 | 4,81 | |
4140 | 125 | Classic 190t polyester fabric umbrella with a wooden shaft and handle automatic opening and velcro fastening. | 5,89 | 3,53 | |
4141 | 121 | Umbrella with eight 190t polyester fabric panels, automatic opening, metal shaft and velcro closing. | 4,41 | 2,64 | |
4142 | 120 | Golf size nylon umbrella with a metal shaft and wooden handle with velcro closing. | 6,84 | 4,10 | |
4144 | 191 | Neoprene carry case for an MP3 player/phone with head phone outlet, comes with a coloured lanyard suitable for iPhones and Blackberry's. | 2,69 | 1,61 | |
4145 | 125 | Classic umbrella with 16 panels, wooden shaft and handle and metal frame with automatic opening. 190t polyester and pongee material. | 10,44 | 6,27 | |
4146 | 190 | Mobile phone holder with a neck cord and safety release suitable for iPhones and Blackberry's. | 1,42 | 0,85 |
4147 | 124 | Classic umbrella with 16 panels, wooden shaft and handle and metal frame with automatic opening. 190T polyester and pongee material. | 10,44 | 6,27 | |
4154 | 235 | Folding metal bag hook in a gift box. | 1,68 | 1,01 | |
4161 | 185 | Polyester lanyard with safety release clip and plastic key holder. | 0,67 | 0,40 | |
4164 | 191 | Polyester lanyard with a matching colour transparent sliding PVC badge, plastic detachable phone hanger and a plastic safety release. | 0,83 | 0,50 | |
4188 | x | 262 | PVC Inflatable beach ball (this item is phthalate free). | 0,70 | 0,42 |
4418 | 135 | Plastic desk clock with LCD display thermometer, calendar and alarm. | 3,32 | 1,99 | |
4430 | 145 | Plastic cooking timer with minute and second modes and magnetic back. | 2,60 | 1,56 | |
4451 | 131 | Plastic wall clock with a detachable dial for personalisation. | 5,64 | 3,38 | |
4488 | 96 | Plastic eight digit calculator with rubber sides and automatic opening lid. | 1,65 | 0,99 | |
4490 | 178 | Round translucent plastic pill box with three compartments. | 0,29 | 0,17 | |
4492 | 178 | Square translucent plastic pill box with four compartments. | 0,44 | 0,26 | |
4501 | 96 | Great value plastic eight digit calculator. | 1,55 | 0,93 | |
4503 | 132 | Plastic water powered alarm clock. | 7,84 | 4,71 | |
4505 | 103 | Promotional plastic letter opener. | 0,24 | 0,14 | |
4518 | 281 | Pen style plastic pocket torch. | 1,11 | 0,67 | |
4532 | 281 | Dynamo self charging plastic torch with two LED lights. | 1,48 | 0,89 | |
4541 | 35 | Calculator and a plastic pen with blue ink in a plastic case that closes from either side (360 degrees). | 1,78 | 1,07 | |
4544 | 280 | Mini plastic dynamo torch with two LED lights, supplied on a metal key chain. | 2,35 | 1,41 | |
4549 | 132 | LCD water powered plastic desk clock. | 7,73 | 4,64 | |
4551 | 96 | Transparent touch screen eight digit plastic solar powered calculator. | 2,23 | 1,34 | |
4553 | 98 | Solar powered eight digit credit card size calculator in a smooth black PVC case. | 1,34 | 0,81 | |
4557 | 280 | Dynamo torch with solar panel, three LED lights and carry strap. | 4,15 | 2,49 | |
4565 | 256 | Translucent waterproof container with hinged lid and a carry cord with safety release. | 1,04 | 0,62 | |
4567 | 148 | Food peeler with a rubber handle and plastic transparent container to collect the waste. | 3,46 | 2,08 | |
4569 | 152 | Set of kitchen knives on a wooden magnetic holder, packed in a white gift box. | 23,90 | 14,34 | |
4580 | x | 35 | Metal ballpen with silver trim parts and black ink, supplied in a matching tube. | 3,51 | 2,10 |
4582 | 154 | Cheese set consisting of one cheese knife and fork with wooden handles and a steel waiters knife, packed in wooden box of which the lid can be used as a cutting board. | 11,57 | 6,94 | |
4585 | x | 208 | Polyester 600d backpack with zipped main compartment, one zipped front pocket and adjustable padded shoulder straps. | 4,89 | 2,93 |
4590 | 152 | Five stainless steel kitchen knives with coloured handles, set in a black polypropylene holder. | 12,99 | 7,80 | |
4603 | 247 | Stainless steel travel mug with a 520ml capacity and | 3,44 | 2,06 |
a plastic handle and lid. | |||||
4617 | 248 | Stainless steel vacuum flask with a 500ml capacity. | 6,42 | 3,85 | |
4632 | x | 118 | 30" Polyester umbrella with fibreglass frame and XXX foam handle with matching coloured inset. | 9,25 | 5,55 |
4650 | 332 | Magnetic cotton dartboard with two sides and six magnetic darts packed in a cylindrical gift box. | 10,21 | 6,12 | |
4652 | 155 | Round rubberwood cheeseboard with three knives. | 10,62 | 6,37 | |
4657 | 154 | Wooden cheeseboard with magnetic tape strip and five accessories. | 15,64 | 9,38 | |
4658 | 246 | Coloured plastic mug with a stainless steel interior, 400ml capacity with plastic lid and handle. | 3,78 | 2,27 | |
4659 | 249 | Stainless steel vacuum flask with a 750ml capacity, supplied in blue nylon 600D case with a carrying strap. | 10,68 | 6,41 | |
4665 | 246 | Set of two stainless steel mugs both with a 200ml capacity. | 8,91 | 5,35 | |
4666 | 248 | Stainless steel 500ml vacuum flask and two double walled 300ml mugs, supplied in a deluxe gift box. | 15,04 | 9,02 | |
4668 | 249 | One litre stainless steel vacuum flask. | 9,72 | 5,83 | |
4678 | 248 | Stainless steel 500ml vacuum flask and two double walled 260ml mugs, supplied in a nylon carry case. | 18,31 | 10,98 | |
4680 | 149 | Stainless steel cocktail set with a 250ml shaker, including an ice tong and a spoon, supplied in a gift box. | 14,78 | 8,87 | |
4699 | 153 | Stainless steel five piece knife set in a rubberwood block. | 33,93 | 20,36 | |
4710 | x | 285 | Rubberized torch/lantern with one LED light. | 4,51 | 2,71 |
4728 | x | 113 | Mobile phone speaker case, includes batteries. | 11,52 | 6,91 |
4756 | 249 | Double walled 500ml capacity vacuum flask which can be poured without removing the lid. | 7,17 | 4,30 | |
4759 | 314 | Bubble blower and liquid, 55ml. | 0,37 | 0,22 | |
4761 | x | 135 | Crystal weather station featuring a calendar with weekday display in 7 languages, 12/24 hours clock with dual alarm with snooze, LED weather forecast, indoor temperature in C and F (2 Pin European plug only). | 45,38 | 27,23 |
4763 | 134 | Weather station in a plastic casing, featuring a clock, alarm, calendar, temperature and humidity information. Supplied with batteries and a European mains connector. | 22,02 | 13,21 | |
4769 | 135 | Plastic weather station with weather forecast, time, calendar, thermometer and hydrometer. | 11,84 | 7,10 | |
4785 | 130 | Three aluminium wall clocks showing times for twenty four world cities. | 24,24 | 14,55 | |
4787 | 134 | Digital weather station with clock, alarm, temperature and humidity information and light up display. | 13,25 | 7,95 | |
4789 | 134 | Digital desk or wall weather station with clock, calendar, temperature (C/F), humidity information and back light. | 9,36 | 5,61 | |
4790 | 248 | Double walled stainless steel flask with a 500ml capacity. | 10,26 | 6,15 | |
4803 | 284 | Head light with eight LED lights in a plastic casing and strap for the head adjustment, suitable for joggers and car workshops. | 5,45 | 3,27 | |
4807 | 284 | Head light with five LED lights in a plastic casing and strap for the head adjustment, suitable for joggers and car workshops. | 3,30 | 1,98 |
4810 | 283 | Steel LED torch with three lights, rubber grip and carry strap. | 5,53 | 3,32 | |
4814 | 281 | Plastic torch with a coloured soft feel rubber grip and transparent wrist cord, includes battery. | 2,19 | 1,31 | |
4816 | 283 | Metal twist action pocket torch with a wrist strap in a foam inlay gift box. | 2,50 | 1,50 | |
4833 | 283 | Metal pocket torch with a wrist strap and twelve LED lights, supplied in a black presentation box. | 6,22 | 3,73 | |
4835 | 283 | Steel pocket torch with a patterned rubber grip, wrist strap and seventeen LED lights, supplied in a black presentation box. | 8,44 | 5,07 | |
4837 | 283 | Steel pocket torch with fourteen LED lights, wrist strap and supplied in a black presentation box. | 6,73 | 4,04 | |
4843 | 106 | Key holder with a small metal torch that has six LED lights and a laser pointer. | 2,88 | 1,73 | |
4845 | 279 | Key holder with a small push button metal torch and LED light. | 1,53 | 0,92 | |
4849 | 279 | Small metal torch with one LED light on a carabiner clip. | 1,43 | 0,86 | |
4850 | 291 | Gift set consisting of a metal pen shaped screwdriver, four flat headed and four Philips screwdriver bits, matching pocket torch with three LED lights and key holder. | 4,39 | 2,63 | |
4851 | 282 | Push button aluminium torch with six LED lights and wrist strap. | 2,11 | 1,26 | |
4853 | Added colour | 290 | Pen shaped screwdriver with four flat head and four Philips screwdriver bits. | 2,10 | 1,26 |
4854 | 100 | Plastic ruler of (30 cms/12 inches). | 0,29 | 0,17 | |
4855 | 278 | Powerful 0.5 watt aluminium torch on a carabiner clip.(telescopic holder makes the light beam adaptable) | 2,03 | 1,22 | |
4856 | 300 | Set of two bicycle lights with the front light having five LED lights and three functions and the rear red light four LED lights with seven flashing functions. | 5,53 | 3,32 | |
4857 | 285 | Plastic push button torch with fourteen LED lights. | 3,52 | 2,11 | |
4858 | 300 | Two function plastic bicycle light with five LED lights. | 3,89 | 2,33 | |
4859 | 284 | Aluminium three function head torch with five LED lights. | 5,50 | 3,30 | |
4861 | 278 | Small metal pocket torch with three LED lights and a trigger clip attachment. | 1,53 | 0,92 | |
4867 | 279 | Metal opener on a key chain with a three LED light push button torch. | 1,97 | 1,18 | |
4869 | 279 | Metal push button torch with one LED light on a key chain. Pulling apart the casing reveals the torch. | 2,17 | 1,30 | |
4871 | 282 | Brushed steel push button pocket torch with nine LED lights and nylon wrist band. | 3,73 | 2,24 | |
4873 | 279 | Aluminium bottle opener and push button pocket light with nine LED lights and nylon wrist band. | 3,34 | 2,00 | |
4901 | 180 | Key and coin holder for a € 1.00 or € 0.50. Not suitable for the UK. | 0,36 | 0,21 | |
4945 | 132 | Plastic clock powered by water energy in the three water tubes. | 12,20 | 7,32 | |
5004 | 110 | Plastic 1.1 compatible USB hub with four ports, star shaped with a suction cup on the back. | 2,86 | 1,71 | |
5012 | 311 | Teddy bear in a plush material, for the cotton t-shirt see item 5013. | 4,02 | 2,41 | |
5013 | 311 | Cotton T-shirt for soft toy products 5012,8084 and 8091. | 0,86 | 0,51 |
5077 | 170 | Self heating re-usable PVC and acetate pad, to apply heat squeeze the metal disk several times. To re- use, immerse in hot water | 1,04 | 0,63 | |
5091 | 175 | Anti stress hard hat made from a PU foam material. | 0,87 | 0,52 | |
5125 | 54 | Twister ballpen with blue ink and a push button white LED light attached to a black lanyard with safety closure. | 0,77 | 0,46 | |
5127 | 108 | Ballpen with blue ink, a micro SD card reader and carabiner clip, presented in a transparent plastic case. | 2,21 | 1,32 | |
5136 | 91 | A6 Note book bound in a PU cover with approximately one hundred lined sheets and a ribbon marker. | 2,22 | 1,33 | |
5137 | 91 | A5 Note book bound in a PU cover with approximately one hundred lined sheets and a ribbon marker. | 3,48 | 2,09 | |
5138 | 91 | A4 Note book bound in a PU cover with approximately one hundred lined sheets and a ribbon marker. | 5,09 | 3,05 | |
5139 | 91 | A6 Spiral bound PVC covered sixty five page notebook and plastic ballpen with blue ink. | 1,19 | 0,71 | |
5140 | 91 | A5 Spiral bound PVC covered sixty five page notebook and plastic ballpen with blue ink. | 2,02 | 1,21 | |
5141 | 91 | A4 Spiral bound PVC covered sixty five page notebook and plastic ballpen with blue ink. | 3,51 | 2,11 | |
5156 | 186 | Plastic bottle opener and key holder, paper inserts supplied separately (item 2370). | 0,78 | 0,47 | |
5157 | 184 | Plastic round key holder, paper inserts supplied separately (item 2376). | 0,46 | 0,27 | |
5158 | 184 | Plastic heart key holder, paper inserts supplied separately (item 2374). | 0,44 | 0,26 | |
5159 | 184 | Plastic T-shirt shaped key holder, paper inserts supplied separately (item 2372). | 0,46 | 0,28 | |
5210 | 12 | Olympic plastic ballpen with coloured barrel and black plastic grip and clip, blue ink. | 0,24 | 0,14 | |
5211 | 19 | Plastic ballpen of which the clip retracts when in use, blue ink. | 0,36 | 0,22 | |
5212 | 19 | Plastic ballpen with a clip that retracts when twisted, blue ink. | 0,34 | 0,20 | |
5214 | 172 | Bathroom set consisting of a sponge, sisal, nail brush and a pumice stone with a white cord, all packed in a wooden container. | 6,66 | 3,99 | |
5216 | 255 | Five panel cotton cap for children with a velcro fastening on the back. | 2,55 | 1,53 | |
5217 | 313 | Plush material animal coin purse with zip and key chain printing available on the tag. | 1,15 | 0,69 | |
5218 | 313 | Animal finger toy in a plush material, printing available on the tag, packed in twenty four assorted pieces. | 1,09 | 0,65 | |
5219 | 312 | Animal drawstring mobile phone holder printing available on the tag. | 1,21 | 0,73 | |
5220 | 173 | Green tea scented bath set supplied in an attractive synthetic green leather finish case, contents include 150ml each of shower gel, body lotion, shampoo and conditioner, a 100g soap and a puff. | 13,62 | 8,17 | |
5223 | 19 | Dante aluminium ballpen with black ink and a black rubber push button. | 0,59 | 0,35 | |
5224 | 228 | Super light weight trolley case with a push button | 56,12 | 33,67 |
tubular handle, a padded side carrying handle, one inside mesh pocket and two front zipped pockets, polyester 600d material. | |||||
5227 | 216 | Shoulder bag with one side pocket, two pen loops and an adjustable carrying strap, 600d polyester material. | 3,82 | 2,29 | |
5232 | 249 | Double walled 450ml vacuum flask with stainless steel interior, plastic exterior with rubber grip and spring loaded cap. | 7,85 | 4,71 | |
5233 | 243 | Stainless steel 600ml drinking bottle with metallic plastic exterior. | 4,26 | 2,56 | |
5234 | 205 | 210D polyester shopping cooler bag with long integrated handles, front pocket and zipped main compartment. | 4,74 | 2,85 | |
5235 | 215 | Seminar bag with handle and zipped front pocket, 300d polyester material. | 1,90 | 1,14 | |
5238 | 127 | Umbrella made with a double layer taffeta material, automatic opening, black metal frame and curved plastic handle with velcro closing. | 5,86 | 3,52 | |
5242 | 103 | PVC magnifying glass in a vinyl pouch. | 0,36 | 0,21 | |
5243 | 17 | Mataro plastic ballpen with blue ink, silver barrel and shaped coloured rubber grip. | 0,26 | 0,16 | |
5247 | 118 | Automatic opening polyester 190t material umbrella with eight panels and a velcro closing. | 7,99 | 4,80 | |
5248 | 177 | Tin case with approximately 23g/90 mints. | 1,40 | 0,84 | |
5251 | Added colour | 177 | Rectangular shaped plastic mint card with approximately fifty sugar free mints. | 0,69 | 0,41 |
5253 | 305 | Warning safety triangle certified to EN417, durable light and compact for easy storage. | 3,82 | 2,29 | |
5319 | 55 | Plastic ballpen with metal clip, two LED lights in the point and blue ink. | 0,94 | 0,56 | |
5333 | 308 | Soft toy bear, includes tag for printing purposes. | 2,75 | 1,65 | |
5335 | 308 | Brown bear holding a red heart. | 3,31 | 1,99 | |
5337 | 309 | Soft toy monkey, includes tag for printing purposes. | 2,75 | 1,65 | |
5339 | 308 | Soft toy lion, includes tag for printing purposes. | 2,75 | 1,65 | |
5341 | 310 | Plush toy elephant, monkey, hippo and frog, includes tag for printing purposes. | 3,01 | 1,81 | |
5343 | 309 | Soft toy Dalmatian dog, includes tag for printing purposes. | 2,75 | 1,65 | |
5354 | 303 | High visibility 300d polyester backpack with a front pocket, two mesh side pockets and adjustable shoulder straps. | 10,44 | 6,26 | |
5409 | 259 | Folding leisure chair made from 600d polyester and an aluminium frame, supplied in a 210d polyester carry case. | 17,58 | 10,55 | |
5410 | 90 | Wire bound recycled note book with seventy lined pages, a retractable ballpen with blue ink and nylon elastic band for closing. | 1,07 | 0,64 | |
5411 | 259 | Folding tripod stool made from 600d polyester and a aluminium frame, supplied in a 210d polyester carry case. | 5,51 | 3,31 | |
5413 | 111 | Egg-shaped digital photo frame with 1.5 inch LCD screen and 8MB memory. Includes a calendar, clock, week display functions and multiple scenes picture slide show. | 18,47 | 11,08 | |
5492 | 303 | High visibility 190t poyester elasticated cover for backpacks etc with two reflective stripes. | 2,50 | 1,50 | |
5498 | 204 | Zipped foldable cooler shopping bag with aluminium | 3,31 | 1,98 |
foil interior. | |||||
5499 | 97 | Automatic opening plastic calculator with world time clock and calendar. | 3,37 | 2,02 | |
5521 | 238 | Plastic pedometer with a step counter with km's, miles and calories, includes a belt clip. | 1,74 | 1,04 | |
5568 | 202 | Travel bag with rope handles in a striped PVC material. | 14,19 | 8,52 | |
5575 | 199 | Polyester 600d beach bag with long handles. | 3,28 | 1,97 | |
5576 | 226 | Travel bag in a 600d polyester material with a shoulder strap and an extra compartment. | 8,68 | 5,21 | |
5578 | 213 | Polyester 600d backpack with a front zipped pocket. | 9,73 | 5,84 | |
5585 | 223 | Nylon 600d 15.6" laptop bag with two zipped side pockets including a padded internal pocket and padded carrying straps. | 26,79 | 16,08 | |
5587 | 213 | Backpack in a 600d nylon material including one extra front zipped pocket and two small side pockets. | 10,78 | 6,47 | |
5594 | 217 | Polyester 420d shoulder bag with several internal pockets and an adjustable shoulder strap. | 5,27 | 3,16 | |
5607 | 235 | Polyester 600d wallet with a zipped pocket and a neck cord with safety release. | 1,47 | 0,88 | |
5613 | 204 | Polyester waist bag with reflective strip, two side zipped pockets, one centre pocket and white 500ml water bottle. | 6,79 | 4,08 | |
5619 | Added colour | 198 | Foldable shopping bag in a non-woven material. | 0,81 | 0,48 |
5621 | 226 | Explorer travel bag with one side and two end zipped pockets, PU and 420d ripstop material. | 14,97 | 8,98 | |
5622 | 214 | Explorer backpack with two main zipped compartments and two side pockets, PU and 420d ripstop material. | 14,02 | 8,41 | |
5666 | 216 | Exhibition style shoulder bag in a non-woven material. | 1,19 | 0,71 | |
5667 | 197 | Small 190t polyester vanity case with mirror . | 3,27 | 1,96 | |
5668 | 204 | Waist bag with five zipped pockets, 600d polyester material. | 4,98 | 2,99 | |
5675 | 224 | Sports bag with various pockets and adjustable shoulder strap, 600d polyester material. | 11,24 | 6,75 | |
5688 | 223 | Sports/travel bag with front zipped pocket and adjustable shoulder strap, 600d polyester material. | 8,96 | 5,38 | |
5689 | 225 | Sports/travel bag with large front pocket and reflective stripes, includes an adjustable shoulder strap, 600d polyester material. | 14,03 | 8,42 | |
5690 | 226 | Travel bag with extendible handle and various compartments, polyester material 600d. | 24,13 | 14,48 | |
5714 | 41 | Toronto wooden ballpen with silver metal clip and blue ink. | 1,38 | 0,83 | |
5716 | 38 | Alaska rosewood ballpen with silver metal clip and blue ink. | 2,17 | 1,30 | |
5732 | 107 | Metal, class one laser pointer which is safe under all conditions of normal use, with a black ink ballpen, torch and PDA pointer supplied in a metal tin with a foam inlay. | 3,06 | 1,84 | |
5734 | 107 | Metal, class one laser pointer which is safe under all conditions of normal use with a black ink ballpen and LED light, supplied in an MDF case with a foam inlay. | 3,08 | 1,85 | |
5736 | 106 | Metal, class one laser pointer which is safe under all | 3,05 | 1,83 |
conditions of normal use and LED light supplied in a PU pouch. | |||||
5741 | 41 | Maplewood pen set consisting of a ballpen with blue ink, pencil and a matching beechwood presentation box. | 5,26 | 3,15 | |
5743 | 107 | Matt silver telescopic metal ballpen with blue ink, pointer and a class one laser pointer which is safe under all conditions of normal use presented in a matt silver tin box with a light grey foam inlay. | 3,65 | 2,19 | |
5745 | 107 | Two-in-one matt silver ballpen with blue ink, PDA pen, flexible LED light, blue UV light and red class 1 laser which is safe under all conditions of normal use, presented in a tin case with a foam inlay. | 3,06 | 1,84 | |
5746 | 107 | Twist action ballpen with blue ink, a class 1 laser pointer which is safe under all conditions of normal use and white LED light presented in a tin case with a foam inlay . | 3,68 | 2,21 | |
5747 | 106 | Key holder with a class one laser and a white LED light presented in a tin case with a foam inlay. | 2,81 | 1,69 | |
5749 | 107 | Ballpen with black ink, a class one laser pointer which is safe under all normal circumstances and LED light supplied in a foam inlay box. | 2,47 | 1,48 | |
5751 | 106 | Aluminium key holder with a red class one laser pointer which is safe under all normal circumstances and matching coloured carabiner belt clip. | 2,19 | 1,31 | |
5765 | 46 | Ballpen with black ink and a yellow text marker at one end. | 0,97 | 0,58 | |
5768 | 39 | Twist action metal/rosewood ballpen and rollerball with black ink and a letter opener, supplied in a matching wooden rosewood case. | 24,86 | 14,92 | |
5770 | 38 | Metal/rosewood ballpen and rollerball in a beechwood case, black ink. | 14,32 | 8,59 | |
5776 | 145 | Crème Brulee set consisting of a gas lighter with adjustable flame and four 100ml stoneware dishes. (gas not supplied). | 17,13 | 10,28 | |
5777 | 212 | Stylish backpack with a front vertical zipped pocket, lower front pocket and soft padded adjustable shoulder straps. | 8,46 | 5,08 | |
5778 | 325 | Forty eight piece pencil shaped art case made from recycled material, containing a pencil sharpener, glue, eight colour pencils and one HB pencil, eight wax crayons, twelve oil pastels, an eraser, cleaning foam, one plastic paperclip, twelve coloured water paints and a brush. | 4,66 | 2,79 | |
5779 | 217 | Document/shoulder bag made from 600d polyester with one zipped main pocket, one front pocket and two side pockets, supplied with an adjustable shoulder strap. | 6,78 | 4,07 | |
5780 | 38 | Coloured wooden pen set consisting of a ballpen and rollerpen with black ink, supplied in a matching wooden box. | 9,90 | 5,94 | |
5782 | 38 | Wooden ballpen with black ink in a matching case | 7,26 | 4,36 | |
5783 | 204 | Waist bag with a padded back and one main zipped compartment, 600d polyester. | 3,88 | 2,33 | |
5784 | 41 | Pen set made from bamboo, consisting of a ballpen and rollerpen, both with metal trim parts and blue ink, supplied in a matching box. | 9,83 | 5,90 | |
5785 | 227 | Trolley bag with one main compartment and two front zipped pockets. PU and 600d polyester. | 55,45 | 33,27 |
5786 | 41 | Ballpen made from bamboo and metal trim parts, blue ink and supplied in a matching box. | 7,15 | 4,29 | |
5807 | Added colour | 292 | Ice scraper in a polyester glove with black fleece lining. | 2,53 | 1,52 |
5815 | 292 | Plastic ice scraper with a solid colour handle. | 0,72 | 0,43 | |
5816 | 292 | Plastic ice scraper in various frosted colours. | 0,70 | 0,42 | |
5817 | 292 | Plastic ice scraper in a nylon fleece glove. | 1,64 | 0,99 | |
5821 | 292 | Plastic ice scraper with three LED lights. | 2,65 | 1,59 | |
5984 | 67 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx gift set consisting of a bonded leather key chain and magnetic closing business card holder, both with forty two genuine Swarovski crystals each, supplied in a presentation box. | 30,32 | 18,19 | |
5986 | 59 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx lacquered metal twist action ballpen with silver trim and black ink, presented in a luxurious presentation box. | 10,93 | 6,56 | |
5987 | 67 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx key holder with bonded leather strap and 33 genuine Swarovski crystals, supplied in a presentation box . | 14,23 | 8,54 | |
5988 | 59 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx metal twist action ballpen with soft feel barrel, chrome cap and black ink, presented in a luxurious presentation box. | 9,83 | 5,90 | |
5989 | 67 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx heart shaped bag hanger with thirty three genuine Swarovski crystals, supplied in a presentation box. | 14,23 | 8,54 | |
5990 | 331 | Xxxx game in a silver tin box consisting of sixteen game figures and two dice. | 3,64 | 2,19 | |
5991 | 63 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx pen set, consisting of a grey metallic ballpen and rollerpen both with black ink and presented in a luxurious dual fold box. | 24,58 | 14,75 | |
5992 | 331 | Chess game in a silver tin box with thirty two game figures. | 3,67 | 2,20 | |
5993 | 66 | Swarovski twist action ballpen with silver trim and one hundred and fifty crystals, black ink. | 42,85 | 25,71 | |
5994 | 331 | Chequers game in a silver tin box with thirty two game figures. | 3,66 | 2,19 | |
5996 | 331 | Chequers, xxxx and dice games in a silver tin box. The score pad is in English, Dutch, German, French and Spanish. | 7,15 | 4,29 | |
5997 | 66 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx brass ballpen for ladies with a fully covered cap of Swarovski crystals and presented in a Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx gift box. | 27,47 | 16,48 | |
6084 | Added colour | 302 | Reflective plastic snap arm band, certified to EN13356:2001. | 0,45 | 0,27 |
6119 | 218 | Business bag for up to 15" laptops in a 1680d microfibre material with one outside zipped pocket, two internal pockets and an adjustable shoulder strap. | 11,34 | 6,80 | |
6130 | 331 | Combination seven games set in a wooden case certified to EN71 includes backgammon, chess, cribbage, dominoes, checkers and poker. | 18,96 | 11,38 | |
6141 | 216 | Popular document bag in a polyester material with two short handles. | 3,36 | 2,02 | |
6157 | 217 | Value shoulder bag for up to 14" laptops with a front vertical zip, polyester material. | 5,80 | 3,48 | |
6163 | 331 | Combination five game set supplied in a wooden box dominoes, xxxx, chess, draughts and Mikado. | 3,46 | 2,08 | |
6183 | 216 | Shoulder document bag in a 600d polyester material, two small internal pockets, zip pockets | 9,02 | 5,41 |
inside and on the front, velcro closing. | |||||
6189 | 202 | Frosted PVC shoulder/carrying bag, long handles and a push button fastening. | 3,74 | 2,24 | |
6194 | 150 | Cotton single oven mitten with a white panel for printing. | 1,73 | 1,04 | |
6198 | 150 | Cotton apron with front pocket,145g/m2. | 3,12 | 1,87 | |
6201 | 132 | Plastic LCD thermometer with a suction cap, examines the temperature of the environment automatically six times per minute. | 1,92 | 1,15 | |
6204 | 212 | Polyester 600d material backpack with two internal pockets, one small exterior zipped pocket and soft padded carry straps. | 8,82 | 5,29 | |
6209 | 223 | Cambridge 14" laptop bag in a 1680d polyester material with rubber handles and PVC backing, can also be used as a backpack. | 22,41 | 13,44 | |
6212 | 145 | Deluxe metal kitchen timer in the shape of an egg with a sixty minute duration. | 4,08 | 2,45 | |
6214 | 145 | Plastic kitchen timer in the shape of an egg with a sixty minute duration. | 1,99 | 1,19 | |
6227 | x | 200 | Exhibition/shopping bag, non woven material 80 gr/m2. | 0,64 | 0,38 |
6229 | 170 | Body massager, plastic with five points to relax those muscles and tension. | 0,72 | 0,43 | |
6232 | 209 | Drawstring backpack, non woven material 80gr/m2. | 0,86 | 0,52 | |
6238 | 208 | Drawstring backpack with reflective strip in a 190t polyester material. | 1,40 | 0,84 | |
6242 | 208 | Drawstring backpack in a 190t polyester material. | 1,07 | 0,64 | |
6243 | 298 | Plastic safety lamp with clip two functions can blink or have permanent light. | 0,66 | 0,40 | |
6245 | 209 | Nylon 170t junior backpack with velcro flap and colour matched drawstrings. | 1,62 | 0,97 | |
6264 | 198 | Foldable carrying bag with belt clip in a 190t polyester material. | 1,38 | 0,83 | |
6266 | 198 | Foldable carrying bag in an attached pouch with a belt clip, 190t polyester material. | 1,50 | 0,90 | |
6278 | 209 | Triangular city bag in a 600d polyester material with a shoulder strap, mobile phone holder and a zipped outer pocket. | 6,51 | 3,90 | |
6284 | 198 | Foldable carrying bag supplied in different shaped pouches with a plastic belt clip attachment. | 1,49 | 0,90 | |
6289 | 299 | Set of two mini bicycle lights, each with one LED light, supplied in a translucent plastic box. | 3,21 | 1,92 | |
6292 | 198 | Carrying bag with a coloured trim, made of natural coloured jute. | 2,57 | 1,54 | |
6294 | 201 | Carrying bag in a non-woven material with gusset. | 0,76 | 0,45 | |
6299 | 170 | Plastic and rubber massager with three lights. | 6,60 | 3,96 | |
6304 | 203 | Foldable 600d polyester shopping bag with zipped side pocket and aluminium frame. | 12,76 | 7,65 | |
6330 | 299 | Safety reflector with a black carabiner hook and a red light with three different settings of permanent, fast or flashing. | 1,18 | 0,71 | |
6331 | 302 | Round reflective plastic key holder. | 0,32 | 0,19 | |
6333 | 302 | Vest shaped reflective plastic key holder. | 0,32 | 0,19 | |
6336 | 276 | Light bulb key holder with multi colour changing lights. | 0,77 | 0,46 | |
6337 | 300 | Bicycle cover made from 190t polyester and PU interior coating . | 0,65 | 0,39 | |
6421 | 197 | Nylon (70d) toilet bag with main compartment and | 4,04 | 2,42 |
one zipped outside pocket. | |||||
6425 | 197 | Toilet bag in a 600d polyester material with two zipped compartments. | 3,82 | 2,29 | |
6427 | 197 | Travel toiletry bag in a polyester material. | 4,22 | 2,53 | |
6431 | 224 | Sports/travel bag with various compartments in a 600d polyester material. | 18,08 | 10,85 | |
6603 | 328 | Playing cards with our own design. | 0,58 | 0,35 | |
6605 | 193 | Leather wallet with notes and driving license pockets and space for seven credit cards. | 8,78 | 5,27 | |
6607 | 193 | Leather wallet with notes and driving license pockets and space for three credit cards. | 7,97 | 4,78 | |
6621 | 295 | Parking disc and ice scraper with three plastic shopping trolley coins in the back. | 1,15 | 0,69 | |
6622 | 200 | A5 size polypropylene promotional/exhibition bag with two white carry cords. | 0,80 | 0,48 | |
6623 | 200 | A4 size polypropylene promotional/exhibition bag with two white carry cords. | 1,06 | 0,64 | |
6632 | 287 | Plastic folding 2m meter ruler with cms/inches. | 2,13 | 1,28 | |
6663 | 68 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx bonded leather wallet set consisting of a double pocket business card holder and a credit card wallet for six cards, a clear pocket for a personal card, coin pocket and a note section. All supplied in a presentation box. | 30,00 | 18,00 | |
6717 | 55 | Ballpen and LED light with silver coloured barrel, black grip and blue ink. | 0,39 | 0,24 | |
6814 | 160 | Five piece wine set in a wooden gift box (excludes wine) includes a waiters friend, temperature gauge, drip neck collar, bottle stop and a wine pourer bottle stop. | 16,49 | 9,89 | |
6817 | 159 | Mosel wine set with a metal waiters bar knife and bottle stopper, supplied in a black gift box. | 3,32 | 1,99 | |
6821 | 159 | Four piece wine set supplied in a deluxe wooden gift box, includes a waiters friend, temperature gauge, bottle stop and a drip neck collar. | 10,26 | 6,16 | |
6828 | 160 | Seven piece wine set in a wooden gift box with a glass window lid (excludes wine) includes two bottle stops, waiters friend, drip neck collar, temperature gauge, wine pourer bottle stop and a bottle clamp. | 35,99 | 21,59 | |
6829 | 160 | Four piece wine set in an aluminium gift box (excludes wine) includes a waiters friend, wine pourer bottle stop, bottle stop and a drip neck collar. | 17,67 | 10,60 | |
6832 | 159 | Four piece wine set with a chess-game in a wooden gift box includes chess game, bottle stop, temperature gauge, drip neck collar and a waiters friend | 10,52 | 6,31 | |
6837 | 158 | Black rubberized bottle with a steel waiters bar knife and a metal bottle stopper, each set in a black flock inlay. | 7,95 | 4,77 | |
6839 | 158 | Three piece wine set in a rubberized glass shaped holder, includes a wine funnel, wine ring and opener with corkscrew. | 10,09 | 6,05 | |
7001 | 101 | Plastic square memo holder with coloured liquid and a metal clip. | 1,14 | 0,68 | |
7003 | 100 | Acrylic memo holder with three metal clips. | 0,61 | 0,36 | |
7007 | x | 100 | Acrylic paper clip. | 0,94 | 0,56 |
7043 | 149 | Gift set consisting of a stainless steel meat knife and fork and packed in a transparent plastic box. | 5,59 | 3,35 |
7045 | 149 | Salad utensils made from stainless steel and packed in a transparent plastic box. | 6,72 | 4,03 | |
7047 | 152 | Set of six kitchen utensils packed in a bamboo box, the lid of the box can be used as a cutting board. | 31,73 | 19,04 | |
7049 | 101 | Heart shaped acrylic memo holder with metal clip. | 0,90 | 0,54 | |
7051 | 101 | Translucent acrylic cube memo holder with metal clip. | 0,43 | 0,26 | |
7096 | 173 | Five minute plastic shower sand timer with suction cap on the back. | 1,75 | 1,05 | |
7112 | 240 | Stainless steel seven function pocket knife includes corkscrew, Philips head screwdriver, bottle opener, scissors, knife, file and a can opener. | 1,70 | 1,02 | |
7123 | 286 | 3m metric/imperial tape measure in a soft feel rubber casing with lock, carry strap and belt clip. | 2,01 | 1,20 | |
7125 | 286 | 5m metric/imperial tape measure in a soft feel rubber casing with lock, carry strap and belt clip. | 2,54 | 1,53 | |
7126 | 183 | Acrylic spirit level with key chain. | 0,41 | 0,24 | |
7142 | 182 | Key holder with one metre metric/imperial plastic tape. | 0,40 | 0,24 | |
7158 | 52 | Two plastic ballpens and note pad stickers in a holder with a clip, red and black ink. | 0,34 | 0,21 | |
7163 | 173 | Bath set consisting of shower gel, soap, bath salt, nailbrush and sponge with sisal, supplied in a wooden gift box. | 10,48 | 6,29 | |
7165 | 172 | Bath set consisting of shower gel, shower cream, body lotion, sponge with sisal, supplied in a gift box. | 6,64 | 3,98 | |
7166 | 286 | 2m Plastic tape measure metric/imperial with spirit level and laser that measures up to 100m. | 6,03 | 3,62 | |
7167 | 173 | Bath set consisting of shower gel, body lotion, sponge with sisal, soap, bath salt and puff, supplied in a wooden tub. | 12,50 | 7,50 | |
7176 | 108 | Square screen cleaner for attaching to a monitor, comes with a black retractable cord of approximately 66cms long. | 0,65 | 0,39 | |
7183 | 242 | Survival set consisting of a pocket torch, multi functional pocket knife and compass, supplied in a black nylon pouch. | 7,39 | 4,43 | |
7210 | 209 | Children's animal shaped school bag with front zipped pocket and soft padded carrying straps. 600d polyester. | 6,71 | 4,03 | |
7215 | 82 | A4 Nylon zipped portfolio with a four ring xxxxxx mechanism, calculator and twenty page lined writing pad with a pen holder, the front of the bag has two zipped pockets while the inside has one zipped pocket and slots for five credit cards. | 22,97 | 13,78 | |
7218 | 241 | Three piece stainless steel and pakkawood pocket knife which is a material of exceptional quality and long lasting beauty. | 4,38 | 2,63 | |
7220 | 241 | One piece steel and pakkawood pocket knife which is a material of exceptional quality and long lasting beauty. | 6,58 | 3,95 | |
7221 | 68 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx bonded leather briefcase. This quality product has three main internal pockets, the first has slots for five business cards, three pen loops, one pocket for a calculator and one for a mobile phone, the second is padded for a laptop computer | 111,52 | 66,91 | |
7232 | 289 | Large nine function stainless steel multi tool with mahogany inlays and supplied in a nylon pouch with | 11,05 | 6,63 |
belt loop, includes a small saw with file, flat and Philips head screwdriver, a small hook knife, two flat blades and a file. | |||||
7236 | 240 | Small ten function stainless steel pocket knife with mahogany inlays, includes scissors, a saw, a knife, Philips head screwdriver, a corkscrew with four rings, a hook knife and a small loop with a ring and two flat blades. | 4,44 | 2,67 | |
7238 | 289 | Large ten function stainless steel multi tool with soft feel handles, supplied in a nylon pouch with belt loop, includes a pair of scissors, a saw, knife, Philips head screwdriver, two flat blades, one corkscrew with four rings, hook knife and a small loop with a ring on top. | 8,40 | 5,04 | |
7239 | 240 | Seven piece steel pocket knife with silicon insets and a matt metallic finish including a pair of scissors, corkscrew, bottle opener/flat head screwdriver, philips screwdriver, large flat blade, can opener and a small flat blade. | 4,97 | 2,98 | |
7240 | 158 | Three function bar knife with two openers and a corkscrew. | 2,24 | 1,35 | |
7305 | 33 | Aluminium and plastic ballpen with blue ink and pencil, supplied in a translucent presentation box. | 1,11 | 0,66 | |
7502 | 205 | Nylon 70D cooler bag for up to a one litre bottle. | 3,89 | 2,34 | |
7504 | 206 | Nylon 420d Cooler bag for six bottles at a capacity of 1.5 litres per item. | 8,82 | 5,29 | |
7509 | 243 | Aluminium drinking bottle with a 650ml capacity. | 3,13 | 1,88 | |
7516 | 204 | Bicycle cooler bag in a polyester 600d material front zipped pocket with a PVC sleeve. | 8,29 | 4,97 | |
7521 | 206 | Morello nylon 420d cooler bag. | 10,35 | 6,21 | |
7535 | 206 | Cooler bag with side compartment for drinking bottle (not included) and carrying strap, polyester 600d material. | 8,88 | 5,33 | |
7539 | 245 | Plastic drinking bottle with a 400ml capacity with a compass and a freezer pack. | 2,44 | 1,47 | |
7551 | Added colour | 243 | Transparent plastic and stainless steel 800ml sports bottle with a foldable spout, cap and removable carry ring. | 3,89 | 2,33 |
7552 | Added colour | 243 | 400ml Aluminium water bottle with a carabiner clip attachment. | 2,26 | 1,36 |
7553 | 220 | Neoprene laptop sleeve, suitable for laptops up to 15". | 3,96 | 2,38 | |
7554 | 220 | Bag made from 210D polyester with front zipped pocket, suitable for a 13.3” netbook/notebook. | 4,38 | 2,63 | |
7555 | 43 | Unsharpened wooden carpenters pencil. | 0,17 | 0,10 | |
7556 | 207 | Nylon rucksack cooler bag made from 70D nylon and with adjustable shoulder straps. | 9,00 | 5,40 | |
7557 | 244 | Plastic drinking bottle with a 650ml capacity. | 2,78 | 1,67 | |
7559 | 43 | Mechanical pencil (0.7mm lead) and white eraser. | 0,21 | 0,13 | |
7563 | 161 | PVC transparent cooler bag with each panel filled with silicon gel. | 3,66 | 2,20 | |
7565 | 315 | Snow glider plastic sledge. | 2,57 | 1,54 | |
7566 | 144 | Set of two ceramic, microwave safe mini casserole dishes. | 6,13 | 3,68 | |
7567 | Added colour | 244 | Foldable transparent plastic water bottle with belt clip, 420 ml capacity. | 0,95 | 0,57 |
7568 | 144 | Set of two ceramic, microwave safe mini casserole dishes. | 6,46 | 3,87 |
7569 | 245 | 750ml Plastic drinking bottle with solid colour cap and removable straw. | 2,01 | 1,21 | |
7618 | 168 | Seven piece manicure set in a coloured PU material case, consisting of electroplated nail clippers, tweezers, scissors, 3 cuticle implements and a nail file. | 2,53 | 1,52 | |
7624 | 169 | Four piece manicure set supplied in an aluminium case, includes scissors, nail file, nail clippers and a cuticle implement. | 2,13 | 1,28 | |
7701 | 294 | Metal tyre pressure gauge on a key chain. | 0,63 | 0,38 | |
7702 | 103 | Plastic bookmark and 8cm ruler with a magnifier. | 0,35 | 0,21 | |
7703 | 283 | Aluminium torch with nine LED lights, rubber on/off push button and a wrist cord attachment. | 3,27 | 1,96 | |
7705 | 103 | Thin PVC credit card size magnifying glass. | 0,31 | 0,18 | |
7707 | 103 | Ultra thin PVC magnifying glass. | 0,32 | 0,19 | |
7997 | 75 | Memo blocks in a luxurious bonded leather case, includes two yellow memo blocks, each 76x76x10mm with one hundred adhesive pages, green, orange and pink blocks of 25x76x10mm with one hunded adhesive pages. | 7,95 | 4,77 | |
7999 | 96 | Plastic case holding two fifty sheet memo pads and eight smaller coloured pads, with a dual powered eight digit calculator on the lid. | 2,56 | 1,54 | |
8005 | 94 | Plastic case holding approximately 1600 self adhesive memo papers and pads in different colours. | 3,17 | 1,90 | |
8007 | 94 | Small plastic case with approximately two hundred self-adhesive coloured index tags and different sized pads. | 1,17 | 0,70 | |
8011 | 94 | Card case with approximately one hundred self- adhesive memo papers and two self adhesive pads. | 1,16 | 0,70 | |
8019 | 308 | Plush toy lion with a night cap and a gown, includes a tag for printing purposes. | 4,47 | 2,68 | |
8031 | 174 | Anti stress globe made from a PU foam material. | 0,78 | 0,47 | |
8032 | 176 | Anti stress house made from a PU foam material. | 1,31 | 0,79 | |
8033 | 176 | Anti stress heart made from a PU foam material. | 0,68 | 0,41 | |
8034 | 174 | Anti stress car made from a PU foam material. | 0,95 | 0,57 | |
8049 | 309 | Plush toy panda, includes a tag for printing purposes. | 1,54 | 0,93 | |
8053 | 309 | Plush toy dog, includes a tag for printing purposes. | 1,54 | 0,92 | |
8078 | 174 | Anti stress football made from a PU foam material. | 0,72 | 0,43 | |
8084 | 311 | Soft toy hippo, plush material, for t-shirt see item 5013 includes a tag for printing purposes. | 3,35 | 2,01 | |
8086 | 12 | Plastic clipwriter with blue ink with a combination of a ballpen and a paper clip in one. | 0,35 | 0,21 | |
8088 | 253 | Soft toy bear holding a fleece blanket (75cm x 75cm). | 6,69 | 4,01 | |
8089 | 315 | Skipping rope with animal designs on the wooden handles. | 1,90 | 1,14 | |
8091 | 311 | 20cm Soft toy mouse, plush material, for t-shirt see item 5013, includes a tag for printing. | 3,33 | 2,00 | |
8101 | 26 | Oceana plastic ballpen with metal clip and blue ink. | 0,37 | 0,22 | |
8103 | 21 | Atlantica plastic ballpen with translucent coloured centre segment and blue ink. | 0,33 | 0,20 | |
8105 | 298 | Heart shaped flashing safety light with a clip attachment. | 0,73 | 0,44 | |
8107 | 298 | Arrow shaped flashing safety light with a clip attachment. | 0,84 | 0,50 |
8110 | 38 | Rosewood ballpen with blue ink in a rosewood matching box. | 6,83 | 4,10 | |
8120 | 39 | Rosewood ballpen with blue ink and pencil in a rosewood presentation box. | 10,16 | 6,09 | |
8121 | 26 | Valleta push button plastic ballpen with metal clip and black ink. | 0,25 | 0,15 | |
8123 | 52 | Torpedo 4 Colour plastic ballpen with a silver barrel and rubber grip. | 0,33 | 0,20 | |
8124 | 299 | Safety reflector with three light functions (constant, medium and fast flashing) on a plastic carabiner clip. | 1,04 | 0,63 | |
8125 | 110 | USB 2.0 mini optical mouse with black retractable cord (69.5 cm). | 5,99 | 3,60 | |
8127 | 110 | USB 2.0 optical mouse with a soft feel finish, 800dpi and with a 125 cm cord. | 5,46 | 3,28 | |
8129 | 110 | USB 2.0 ergonomic optical mouse with cord and USB plug. Resolution 2.4G, 27MHz 800-1600dpi. | 5,48 | 3,29 | |
8147 | 12 | Pacifica retractable plastic ballpen with black plastic clip and blue ink. | 0,14 | 0,08 | |
8169 | 320 | Wooden pencil with multi-coloured lead. | 0,23 | 0,14 | |
8201 | 78 | Note pad with approximately thirty pages in a PU cover with business card slots and a magnetic fastening. | 2,51 | 1,50 | |
8206 | 85 | A4 PU Conference folder with a note pad and a calculator. | 12,77 | 7,66 | |
8212 | 85 | A4 Zipped PU conference folder, excludes note pad (item code 8400) and pen. | 10,65 | 6,39 | |
8307 | 74 | Note book made from a smooth bonded leather with integral calculator (excludes pen). | 5,59 | 3,35 | |
8340 | 111 | Computer pack consisting of a mouse, mouse extender, four port hub (compatible to 1.1) and a calculator, supplied in a nylon case. | 18,66 | 11,20 | |
8348 | 108 | USB SD/MMC plastic card reader (compatible to 1.1). | 1,63 | 0,98 | |
8350 | 104 | Metal CD holder that holds twelve CD's. | 1,56 | 0,94 | |
8357 | 104 | Wheel plastic CD holder that holds twenty four CD's. | 2,31 | 1,38 | |
8358 | 99 | Plastic bank card holder for one card. | 0,16 | 0,09 | |
8365 | 111 | Computer set in a black zipped PU case consisting of a PU covered optical mouse and three port 2.0 hub, both with detachable and retractable USB cables. | 23,07 | 13,84 | |
8371 | 108 | Plastic LCD cleaner and brush. | 0,63 | 0,38 | |
8383 | 190 | Sockie mobile phone/ MP3 polyester cover with a neck cord and safety release suitable for iPhones, Blackberry's and smart phones. | 1,22 | 0,73 | |
8410 | 80 | A4 zipped microfibre conference folder with a note pad and a dual power calculator. | 17,92 | 10,75 | |
8416 | 82 | A4 Microfibre conference folder with a note pad (excludes pen). | 9,22 | 5,53 | |
8419 | 148 | Plastic bottle opener in the shape of a fist. | 0,26 | 0,16 | |
8423 | 164 | Aluminium wall or desk photo frame with "friends" die cut card inlay for seven pictures. | 8,31 | 4,99 | |
8428 | 82 | A4 Folder in a PU material with full zip closure and embossed crocodile skin effect cover. Includes a twenty sheet lined pad, one large pocket, six business card size pockets and three pen slots. | 20,05 | 12,03 | |
8432 | 78 | Microfibre zipped folder with PVC edging and integrated handles which can be stowed away, zipped internal pocket, eight digit dual power calculator and twenty page note pad. | 16,82 | 10,09 |
8443 | 231 | Laptop trolley case (17,3'') made from a nylon 1680d material, shoulder strap included. | 68,87 | 41,32 | |
8512 | 98 | Metal business card holder covered in a stitched PU material with magnetic closing. | 2,94 | 1,76 | |
8517 | Added colour | 187 | Metal key holder and bottle opener. | 0,20 | 0,12 |
8523 | 76 | Bonded leather folder with an eight digit calculator and three internal pockets, pen loop and thirty page lined writing pad. | 20,35 | 12,21 | |
8526 | 192 | Bonded leather wallet with a main note pocket, a studded coin pocket, zipped pocket and space for ten credit cards. | 5,84 | 3,51 | |
8540 | 288 | Translucent plastic cutter with seven blades. | 0,34 | 0,20 | |
8545 | 288 | Plastic cutter with safety mechanism. | 0,48 | 0,29 | |
8592 | 87 | Document bag with expandable pockets in a polypropylene material. | 2,01 | 1,20 | |
8594 | 87 | A4 Expanding file with twelve dividers in a polypropylene material. | 3,63 | 2,18 | |
8596 | 86 | A4 flexible plastic clipboard with a silver clip. | 1,42 | 0,85 | |
8599 | 69 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx bonded leather folder with fifty sheet A4 pad, five internal pockets and a crystal studded magnetic fastening. Supplied in a Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx non woven drawstring bag and presentation box. | 53,93 | 32,36 | |
8601 | 69 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx A4 conference folder with a fifty sheet note pad and Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx silk lining, supplied in a quality non woven bag and box (excludes pens). | 25,95 | 15,57 | |
8603 | 69 | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx A4 zipped conference folder with a fifty sheet note pad, eight digit calculator and Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx silk lining, supplied in a quality non woven bag and box (excludes pen). | 26,13 | 15,68 | |
8605 | 87 | A4 Bonded leather conference folder with zipped internal pocket and push-button fastening excludes note pad (item code 8400). | 19,91 | 11,95 | |
8609 | 78 | A5 Bonded leather conference folder with an eight digit twist calculator and note pad (excludes pen). | 9,81 | 5,89 | |
8612 | 80 | A4 Bonded leather zipped conference folder, note pad (item code 8400) & pens not included. | 20,99 | 12,59 | |
8613 | 77 | A5 Bonded leather zipped conference folder and note pad (excludes pen). | 10,31 | 6,19 | |
8614 | 218 | Briefcase made of bonded leather with various compartments and an adjustable shoulder strap. | 64,13 | 38,48 | |
8615 | 77 | A4 Bonded leather conference folder with a four ring mechanism, zip and carry handle. | 25,06 | 15,03 | |
8617 | 77 | A4 Bonded leather zipped conference folder and note pad. | 22,68 | 13,61 | |
8619 | 75 | A4 Bonded leather conference folder and note pad. | 13,95 | 8,37 | |
8620 | 85 | A4 Conference folder in a PU material, note pad (item code 8400) & pens not included, colours: blue/silver gilt corners, black/gold gilt corners. | 6,59 | 3,95 | |
8622 | 85 | A5 Conference folder in a PU material, note pad (item code 8500) & pens not included, colours: blue/silver gilt corners, black/gold gilt corners. | 3,55 | 2,13 | |
8639 | 75 | Bonded leather note book with fifty sheets of paper, includes pen blue ink and three bank card pockets. | 3,07 | 1,84 | |
8644 | 242 | Outdoor survival set consisting of binoculars, a compass, poncho, pocket knife and torch, packed in | 11,73 | 7,04 |
a nylon case. | |||||
8654 | 189 | Elongated shaped metal key holder. | 1,29 | 0,78 | |
8659 | 187 | Key holder with a metal bottle opener. | 1,03 | 0,62 | |
8661 | 84 | Conference portfolio in a 600d polyester material with a four ring mechanism, note pad and document case with attached files case (excludes pens). | 16,92 | 10,15 | |
8662 | 78 | Notebook in a 600d nylon and PU material, an eight- digit calculator and a thirty page note pad. | 4,45 | 2,67 | |
8664 | 79 | Business card holder for seventy two cards, made from 600d nylon and PU materials. | 4,55 | 2,73 | |
8666 | 79 | A5 Conference folder in a 70d nylon material, featuring one large internal pocket and one small business card pocket, nylon pen loop and a thirty page lined note pad. | 5,73 | 3,44 | |
8668 | 79 | A4 Conference folder in a 70d nylon material, featuring two large internal pockets and two small business card pockets, nylon pen loop and a thirty page lined note pad. | 9,12 | 5,47 | |
8671 | 188 | Player metal key holder, supplied in a black laminated card box. | 1,02 | 0,61 | |
8679 | 189 | Round metal key holder, supplied in a black laminated card box. | 1,29 | 0,77 | |
8690 | 188 | Metal key holder, supplied in a black laminated card box. | 1,17 | 0,70 | |
8701 | 74 | Deluxe bonded leather business card holder which holds seventy two cards. | 5,43 | 3,26 | |
8706 | 34 | Metal bag hanger, key holder and black plastic ballpen with blue ink, supplied in a gift presentation box. | 4,51 | 2,70 | |
8715 | 240 | Eleven piece stainless steel pocket knife includes a bottle opener, can opener/flat head screwdriver, corkscrew, Philips screwdriver, two saws, pair of scissors, two small knives, a large knife and a wire bender. | 2,23 | 1,34 | |
8716 | 193 | Leather wallet with several compartments and a credit card section | 10,88 | 6,53 | |
8717 | 74 | Business card holder made from bonded leather with a velour interior and magnetic fastening. | 2,79 | 1,68 | |
8719 | 294 | Bonded leather wallet for driving license/documents. | 2,37 | 1,42 | |
8722 | 295 | Plastic parking disc with four different languages. | 0,72 | 0,43 | |
8730 | 294 | PVC wallet for driving license/documents. | 2,00 | 1,20 | |
8732 | 79 | Bonded leather business card holder with a seventy two card capacity. | 6,14 | 3,68 | |
8734 | 75 | Bonded leather business card holder holds up to twenty business/credit cards. | 2,41 | 1,44 | |
8735 | 288 | Plastic cutter with ten blades. | 0,21 | 0,13 | |
8745 | 99 | Metal business card holder, holds up to approx ten cards. | 1,52 | 0,91 | |
8749 | 99 | Aluminium business card holder with a fifty sheet note pad and a metal ballpen with blue ink. | 2,71 | 1,62 | |
8761 | 293 | Triangular plastic ice scraper. | 0,23 | 0,14 | |
8766 | 99 | Aluminium business card holder in metallic colours, holds up to approx ten cards. | 1,10 | 0,66 | |
8769 | 305 | Polyester safety jacket medium, extra large and extra, extra large, certified to EN471, class 2/2. | 3,17 | 1,90 | |
8777 | 305 | Safety set for the car consisting of a safety vest and a warning triangle in a zipped nylon bag. | 6,85 | 4,11 |
8857 | 326 | Samballoon, plastic holder with a re-usable balloon makes the original samba sound when inflated, deflatable by pressing the valve. | 1,78 | 1,07 | |
8864 | 327 | Whistle shaped mini plastic xxxx on a wrist cord with safety release. | 1,89 | 1,13 | |
8957 | 108 | Wooden foam padded laptop tray with a cup holder and carry handle, supplied in a zipped drawstring bag. | 15,21 | 9,12 | |
9002 | 45 | Metro transparent plastic tube for one pen. | 0,43 | 0,26 | |
9033 | 153 | Set of three stainless steel knives presented in a black wooden gift box. | 15,82 | 9,49 | |
9037 | 154 | Wooden cheese board with a metal cheese knife and a slicer. | 6,40 | 3,84 | |
9039 | 155 | Set of five cheese knives in a wooden holder. | 7,71 | 4,62 | |
9078 | 327 | Sweatband made from 100% cotton with a circle for branding. | 0,73 | 0,44 | |
9080 | 231 | Executive cabin size trolley case with four zipped compartments and several internal pockets, including one which is padded for a laptop. 1680d polyester material. | 119,63 | 71,78 | |
9082 | 231 | Executive cabin size business trolley with three zipped compartments including several internal pockets as well as a padded laptop sleeve. | 123,53 | 74,12 | |
9084 | 229 | Large quality trolley travel bag with main compartment and three exterior zipped pockets. 1860d polyester. | 119,35 | 71,61 | |
9086 | 221 | Quality laptop bag in a 1680d polyester material with two exterior zipped pockets and padded adjustable shoulder straps. Suitable for a 15" laptop. | 42,47 | 25,48 | |
9100 | 215 | A4 70d nylon document bag with a zipped pocket. | 1,63 | 0,98 | |
9102 | 215 | Zipped 600d polyester document case with a business card holder. | 1,66 | 1,00 | |
9104 | Added colour | 94 | Card cover holding five different coloured self adhesive memos, each with twenty sheets. | 0,23 | 0,14 |
9109 | 94 | PU holder with (+/-) one hundred and twenty five memo papers and sticky notes. | 0,93 | 0,56 | |
9114 | 255 | Five panel cotton cap with sandwich peak 100% cotton with a velcro fastening. | 1,69 | 1,01 | |
9120 | 255 | Six panel cotton twill cap with sandwich peak 100% cotton with a velcro fastening. | 1,69 | 1,01 | |
9121 | 94 | Card cover with a clear 12cm ruler, 2 x twenty five sheet sticky pads and a selection of self adhesive page memos. | 0,66 | 0,39 | |
9123 | 45, 196 | Pencil case/ toilet bag in a 210T nylon material. | 0,69 | 0,42 | |
9124 | 183 | Nylon key wallet with zip. | 0,48 | 0,29 | |
9128 | 254 | Five panel 100% cotton twill cap with an adjustable plastic fastening. | 1,13 | 0,68 | |
9133 | 254 | Four panel 100% cotton twill cap with two reflective strips and an elastic fastening. | 1,15 | 0,69 | |
9137 | 117 | PVC poncho in a ABS plastic ball with a snap hook attachment. | 1,14 | 0,68 | |
9139 | 117 | Poncho in a plastic football with coloured belt attachment. | 1,32 | 0,79 | |
9141 | 254 | Five panel non woven cap with velcro fastening. | 1,13 | 0,68 | |
9314 | 229 | Travel case and trolley with extendible grip up to 40cm in a 600d polyester material. | 41,98 | 25,19 | |
9316 | 231 | Three piece travel case set in a tough ABS plastic casing includes a combination lock. | 113,91 | 68,35 |
9317 | 230 | Travel case and trolley with extendable handle in a tough ABS plastic casing. | 58,99 | 35,40 | |
9325 | 226 | Travel case and trolley bag in a 900d nylon material. | 52,91 | 31,75 | |
9327 | 229 | Foldable travel trolley made from Xxx/600d polyester. | 16,08 | 9,65 | |
9334 | 229 | Travel case and trolley with a front pocket in a 600d polyester material. | 45,77 | 27,46 | |
9381 | 219 | GETBAG shoulder bag, with two zipped compartments and an external pouch pocket and shoulder strap. 1680d polyester. | 9,91 | 5,95 | |
9382 | 221 | Laptop GETBAG, suitable for up to 15" laptop, with one outside zipped pocket, various interior pockets and adjustable shoulder straps, made from 600x300D/PVC polyester. | 18,97 | 11,38 | |
9383 | 214 | GETBAG backpack with main zipped compartment, one zipped exterior pocket and pocket pouch, supplied with padded adjustable shoulder straps. 1680d polyester. | 16,05 | 9,63 | |
9384 | 214 | Backpack GETBAG with one main zipped compartment, one front zipped pocket and fully adjustable shoulder straps, made from 600x300D/PVC polyester. | 11,10 | 6,66 | |
9385 | 226 | GETBAG sports bag, with two end pockets, one which is for shoes, and a padded adjustable shoulder strap. 1680d polyester. | 28,45 | 17,07 | |
9386 | 214 | Large style GETBAG backpack with two split main compartments, front pocket, one side pocket and a small opening for headphones. The backpack comes with adjustable padded shoulder straps, made from 600x300D/PVC polyester. | 14,62 | 8,77 | |
9387 | 221 | GETBAG laptop bag, with three zipped compartments, various internal pockets and one exterior pouch pocket, supplied with a carrying strap. 1680d polyester. | 24,33 | 14,60 | |
9388 | 219 | Shoulder GETBAG with one main compartment, various small interior pockets and adjustable shoulder straps, made from 600x300D/PVC polyester. | 14,56 | 8,74 | |
9390 | 226 | Travel GETBAG with one inside mesh pocket, one outside zipped end pocket and adjustable shoulder straps, made from 600x300D/PVC polyester. | 18,17 | 10,90 | |
9446 | 159 | Wine stopper with a crystal top and supplied in a silk lined gift box. | 3,53 | 2,12 | |
9448 | 158 | Translucent heart shaped bottle stopper. | 0,90 | 0,54 | |
9504 | 116 | Foldable translucent PVC poncho in a polybag (printing not available). | 0,59 | 0,36 | |
9507 | 116 | Universal vinyl poncho with a hood. | 2,65 | 1,59 | |
9508 | 294 | Twenty doggy bags in a plastic holder with belt clip. | 1,23 | 0,74 | |
9509 | 296 | Foil windscreen sun protector with two suction cups. | 2,03 | 1,22 | |
9511 | 296 | Set of two nylon car window sun shades, each with two black suction cups and supplied in a PVC pouch. | 1,39 | 0,83 | |
9513 | 296 | Nylon windscreen cover supplied in a matching pouch. 200cm x 70cm unfolded. | 3,89 | 2,33 | |
9529 | 171 | Lip balm in a pvc tube with UV 15 protection. | 0,44 | 0,26 | |
9532 | 171 | Lip balm stick in a plastic casing on a lanyard with a safety fastening, UV15 protection. | 0,75 | 0,45 | |
9533 | 171 | Lip balm in an acrylic pot, UV15 protection. | 1,20 | 0,72 |
9534 | Added colour | 171 | Translucent plastic lip balm stick (white and black are solid colours) UV15 protection. | 0,46 | 0,28 |
9539 | 327 | Plastic hand clapper. | 0,41 | 0,25 | |
9549 | 233 | Six piece travel kit for airport security in a plastic case. | 3,75 | 2,25 | |
9556 | 150 | Foldable plastic steps with anti slip surface. | 9,14 | 5,48 | |
9603 | 263 | Inflatable crocodile with two black plastic handles (this item is phthalate free and CE 71-1-2-3 tested). | 9,07 | 5,44 | |
9605 | 263 | Inflatable dolphin (this item is phthalate free and CE 71-1-2-3 tested). | 1,11 | 0,67 | |
9607 | 263 | Inflatable cow (this item is phthalate free and CE 71- 1-2-3 tested). | 2,79 | 1,68 | |
9609 | 262 | Inflatable Frisbee (this item is phthalate free and CE 71-1-2-3 tested). | 0,98 | 0,59 | |
9620 | 262 | PVC Inflatable beach ball (this item is phthalate free). | 0,76 | 0,45 | |
9643 | 262 | Inflatable PVC "bam bam" sticks, two per pack in a polybag (this item is phthalate free). | 0,90 | 0,54 | |
9649 | 262 | Inflatable PVC chair (this item is phthalate free). | 6,65 | 3,99 | |
9651 | 234 | Inflatable velour travel cushion in velour pouch. | 1,22 | 0,73 | |
9655 | 262 | Inflatable PVC football (this item is phthalate free). | 1,00 | 0,60 | |
9662 | 260 | Sunglasses with UV 400 protection. | 1,28 | 0,77 | |
9672 | 260 | Classic plastic fashion sunglasses with a UV400 protection. | 1,29 | 0,77 | |
9674 | 260 | Sunglasses supplied in a drawstring microfibre pouch. UV400 protection. | 1,54 | 0,93 | |
9676 | 261 | Fashionable sunglasses with UV400 protection. | 1,45 | 0,87 | |
9678 | 260 | Classical children's plastic sunglasses with UV400 protection. | 1,32 | 0,79 | |
9692 | 258 | Straw beach bag with XXX flip-flops size six and a beach mat attached. | 6,10 | 3,66 | |
9694 | 258 | PVC beach bag with a mat, XXX flip flops size six and a straw hat. | 7,16 | 4,29 | |
9726 | 44, 196 | Zipped polyester pencil case/ toilet bag with three compartments. | 2,08 | 1,25 | |
9727 | 45 | AZO free pencil case in a 600d polyester material. | 1,59 | 0,96 | |
9905 | 297 | Fire blanket packed in a red plastic case. | 10,60 | 6,36 | |
9909 | 54 | Football ballpen with white barrel, translucent coloured trim and blue ink. | 0,28 | 0,17 | |
9915 | 297 | Smoke detector alarm with battery. | 9,34 | 5,60 | |
9919 | 54 | Plastic ballpen with anti-stress football. | 1,01 | 0,60 | |
9964 | 36 | TwoTone pen set consisting of a metal ballpen and rollerball with gilt trim parts and blue ink, supplied in a gift box. | 6,05 | 3,63 | |
9966 | 36 | Magnet pen set consisting of an aluminium ballpen and rollerball with black ink, supplied in a gift box. | 6,01 | ||
9968 | 37 | Enigma pen set consisting of a metal ballpen and rollerball with blue ink, supplied in a gift box. | 2,78 | 1,67 | |
9970 | 30 | Vortex plastic rollerball with blue ink. | 1,31 | 0,78 |
Kód zboží | Xxxxx | Popis CZ | STRANA PONUKA 2013 | Kat. cena v EUR bez DPH | cena po zľave 40 % |
12431-19 | XXXXXXX METALIC | kuličkové pero | 1 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12431-24 | XXXXXXX METALIC | kuličkové pero | 1 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12431-30 | XXXXXXX METALIC | kuličkové pero | 1 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12431-46 | XXXXXXX METALIC | kuličkové pero | 1 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12431-74 | XXXXXXX METALIC | kuličkové pero | 1 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12431-89 | XXXXXXX METALIC | kuličkové pero | 1 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12432-TC | XXXXXXX FROSTY | kuličkové pero | 1 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12432-TL | XXXXXXX FROSTY | kuličkové pero | 1 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12432-TM | XXXXXXX FROSTY | kuličkové pero | 1 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12432-TO | XXXXXXX FROSTY | kuličkové pero | 1 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12432-TS | XXXXXXX FROSTY | kuličkové pero | 1 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12432-TZ | XXXXXXX FROSTY | kuličkové pero | 1 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12433-20 | XXXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 1 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12433-24 | XXXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 1 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12433-30 | XXXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 1 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12433-40 | XXXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 1 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12433-70 | XXXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 1 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12433-90 | XXXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 1 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12421-10 | LID | kuličkové pero | 2 | 0,14 | 0,08 |
12421-20 | LID | kuličkové pero | 2 | 0,14 | 0,08 |
12421-30 | LID | kuličkové pero | 2 | 0,14 | 0,08 |
12888-TC | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 2 | 0,14 | 0,08 |
12888-TM | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 2 | 0,14 | 0,08 |
12888-TO | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 2 | 0,14 | 0,08 |
12888-TZ | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 2 | 0,14 | 0,08 |
12891-20 | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 2 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
12891-40 | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 2 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
12891-60 | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 2 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
12891-74 | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 2 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
13918-10 | MADURE | kuličkové pero | 2 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
13918-20 | MADURE | kuličkové pero | 2 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
13918-30 | MADURE | kuličkové pero | 2 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
13918-80 | MADURE | kuličkové pero | 2 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
13923-TC | LEBRON | kuličkové pero | 2 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
13923-TF | LEBRON | kuličkové pero | 2 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
13923-TM | LEBRON | kuličkové pero | 2 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
13923-TO | LEBRON | kuličkové pero | 2 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
13923-TT | LEBRON | kuličkové pero | 2 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
13923-TY | LEBRON | kuličkové pero | 2 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
13923-TZ | LEBRON | kuličkové pero | 2 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
13935-TC | SIRIUS | kuličkové pero | 2 | 0,14 | 0,08 |
13935-TF | SIRIUS | kuličkové pero | 2 | 0,14 | 0,08 |
13935-TM | SIRIUS | kuličkové pero | 2 | 0,14 | 0,08 |
13935-TO | SIRIUS | kuličkové pero | 2 | 0,14 | 0,08 |
13935-TS | SIRIUS | kuličkové pero | 2 | 0,14 | 0,08 |
13935-TY | SIRIUS | kuličkové pero | 2 | 0,14 | 0,08 |
13935-TZ | SIRIUS | kuličkové pero | 2 | 0,14 | 0,08 |
12411-10 | TRITON | kuličkové pero | 3 | 0,14 | 0,08 |
12411-20 | TRITON | kuličkové pero | 3 | 0,14 | 0,08 |
12411-30 | TRITON | kuličkové pero | 3 | 0,14 | 0,08 |
12411-40 | TRITON | kuličkové pero | 3 | 0,14 | 0,08 |
12411-80 | TRITON | kuličkové pero | 3 | 0,14 | 0,08 |
12889-10 | ALYSSA | kuličkové pero | 3 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
12889-20 | ALYSSA | kuličkové pero | 3 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
12889-30 | ALYSSA | kuličkové pero | 3 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
12889-40 | ALYSSA | kuličkové pero | 3 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
12889-80 | ALYSSA | kuličkové pero | 3 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
13547-10 | ABISKO | kuličkové pero | 3 | 0,19 | 0,11 |
13547-20 | ABISKO | kuličkové pero | 3 | 0,19 | 0,11 |
13547-24 | ABISKO | kuličkové pero | 3 | 0,19 | 0,11 |
13547-30 | ABISKO | kuličkové pero | 3 | 0,19 | 0,11 |
13547-40 | ABISKO | kuličkové pero | 3 | 0,19 | 0,11 |
13547-60 | ABISKO | kuličkové pero | 3 | 0,19 | 0,11 |
13547-80 | ABISKO | kuličkové pero | 3 | 0,19 | 0,11 |
13568-10 | XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 3 | 0,13 | 0,08 |
13568-20 | XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 3 | 0,13 | 0,08 |
13568-30 | XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 3 | 0,13 | 0,08 |
13568-60 | XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 3 | 0,13 | 0,08 |
13568-80 | XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 3 | 0,13 | 0,08 |
13909-20 | LABYRINT WHITE | kuličkové pero | 3 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
13909-40 | LABYRINT WHITE | kuličkové pero | 3 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
13909-60 | LABYRINT WHITE | kuličkové pero | 3 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
13909-80 | LABYRINT WHITE | kuličkové pero | 3 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
12013-TY | XXXXX | kuličkové pero | 4 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
12013-TZ | XXXXX | kuličkové pero | 4 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
12405-10 | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 4 | 0,11 | 0,07 |
12405-20 | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 4 | 0,11 | 0,07 |
12405-30 | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 4 | 0,11 | 0,07 |
12405-40 | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 4 | 0,11 | 0,07 |
12405-80 | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 4 | 0,11 | 0,07 |
12413-10 | XXXXX | kuličkové pero | 4 | 0,12 | 0,07 |
12413-22 | XXXXX | kuličkové pero | 4 | 0,12 | 0,07 |
12413-24 | XXXXX | kuličkové pero | 4 | 0,12 | 0,07 |
12413-30 | XXXXX | kuličkové pero | 4 | 0,12 | 0,07 |
12413-41 | XXXXX | kuličkové pero | 4 | 0,12 | 0,07 |
12413-80 | XXXXX | kuličkové pero | 4 | 0,12 | 0,07 |
12445-10 | XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 4 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
12445-20 | XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 4 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
12445-30 | XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 4 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
12445-32 | XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 4 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
12445-40 | XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 4 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
12445-80 | XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 4 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
12634-TC | CARA | kuličkové pero | 4 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
12634-TM | CARA | kuličkové pero | 4 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
12634-TO | CARA | kuličkové pero | 4 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
12634-TZ | CARA | kuličkové pero | 4 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
13530-22 | SHANIA | kuličkové pero | 4 | 0,13 | 0,08 |
13530-30 | SHANIA | kuličkové pero | 4 | 0,13 | 0,08 |
13530-60 | SHANIA | kuličkové pero | 4 | 0,13 | 0,08 |
13530-80 | SHANIA | kuličkové pero | 4 | 0,13 | 0,08 |
12425-TC | WADER | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12425-TF | WADER | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12425-TK | WADER | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12425-TM | WADER | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12425-TO | WADER | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12425-TZ | WADER | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
12426-19 | WADER DARK | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,26 | 0,16 |
13534-TC | XXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 5 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
13534-TK | XXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 5 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
13534-TM | XXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 5 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
13534-TO | XXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 5 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
13534-TZ | XXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 5 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
13541-20 | ALURA | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
13541-30 | ALURA | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
13541-90 | ALURA | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
13548-10 | SALOME | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,18 | 0,11 |
13548-20 | SALOME | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,18 | 0,11 |
13548-30 | SALOME | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,18 | 0,11 |
13548-40 | SALOME | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,18 | 0,11 |
13548-60 | SALOME | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,18 | 0,11 |
13548-80 | SALOME | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,18 | 0,11 |
13916-20 | REMEY | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,18 | 0,11 |
13916-30 | REMEY | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,18 | 0,11 |
13916-40 | REMEY | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,18 | 0,11 |
13916-49 | REMEY | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,18 | 0,11 |
13916-60 | REMEY | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,18 | 0,11 |
13916-74 | REMEY | kuličkové pero | 5 | 0,18 | 0,11 |
12650-12 | XXXXX METALIC | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,35 | 0,21 |
12650-22 | XXXXX METALIC | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,35 | 0,21 |
12650-30 | XXXXX METALIC | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,35 | 0,21 |
12650-41 | XXXXX METALIC | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,35 | 0,21 |
12650-74 | XXXXX METALIC | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,35 | 0,21 |
12650-89 | XXXXX METALIC | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,35 | 0,21 |
12651-TC | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 6 | 0,30 | 0,18 |
12651-TF | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 6 | 0,30 | 0,18 |
12651-TM | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 6 | 0,30 | 0,18 |
12651-TO | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 6 | 0,30 | 0,18 |
12651-TT | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 6 | 0,30 | 0,18 |
12651-TX | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 6 | 0,30 | 0,18 |
12651-XX | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 6 | 0,30 | 0,18 |
12651-TZ | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 6 | 0,30 | 0,18 |
12885-20 | IZZY | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
12885-40 | IZZY | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
12885-60 | IZZY | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
12885-80 | IZZY | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
13544-TL | RIANA | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,19 | 0,11 |
13544-TO | RIANA | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,19 | 0,11 |
13544-TT | RIANA | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,19 | 0,11 |
13544-TZ | RIANA | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,19 | 0,11 |
13936-20 | DANIL | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,36 | 0,22 |
13936-30 | DANIL | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,36 | 0,22 |
13936-40 | DANIL | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,36 | 0,22 |
13936-60 | DANIL | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,36 | 0,22 |
13936-74 | DANIL | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,36 | 0,22 |
13946-10 | XXXXX XXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,30 | 0,18 |
13946-20 | XXXXX XXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,30 | 0,18 |
13946-30 | XXXXX XXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,30 | 0,18 |
13946-40 | XXXXX XXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,30 | 0,18 |
13946-60 | XXXXX XXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,30 | 0,18 |
13946-74 | XXXXX XXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 6 | 0,30 | 0,18 |
12412-10 | MOLLA | kuličkové pero | 7 | 0,21 | 0,13 |
12412-22 | MOLLA | kuličkové pero | 7 | 0,21 | 0,13 |
12412-24 | MOLLA | kuličkové pero | 7 | 0,21 | 0,13 |
12412-30 | MOLLA | kuličkové pero | 7 | 0,21 | 0,13 |
12412-40 | MOLLA | kuličkové pero | 7 | 0,21 | 0,13 |
12412-60 | MOLLA | kuličkové pero | 7 | 0,21 | 0,13 |
12412-80 | MOLLA | kuličkové pero | 7 | 0,21 | 0,13 |
12418-TC | MOLLA SILVER | kuličkové pero | 7 | 0,26 | 0,16 |
12418-TK | MOLLA SILVER | kuličkové pero | 7 | 0,26 | 0,16 |
12418-TM | MOLLA SILVER | kuličkové pero | 7 | 0,26 | 0,16 |
12418-TO | MOLLA SILVER | kuličkové pero | 7 | 0,26 | 0,16 |
12418-XX | XXXXX XXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 7 | 0,26 | 0,16 |
12418-TZ | MOLLA SILVER | kuličkové pero | 7 | 0,26 | 0,16 |
12427-10 | CLIA | kuličkové pero | 7 | 0,32 | 0,19 |
12427-19 | CLIA | kuličkové pero | 7 | 0,32 | 0,19 |
12427-20 | CLIA | kuličkové pero | 7 | 0,32 | 0,19 |
12427-30 | CLIA | kuličkové pero | 7 | 0,32 | 0,19 |
12427-40 | CLIA | kuličkové pero | 7 | 0,32 | 0,19 |
13535-20 | XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 7 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
13535-30 | XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 7 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
13535-40 | XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 7 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
13535-60 | XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 7 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
12409-20 | FAETON | kuličkové pero | 8 | 0,45 | 0,27 |
12409-30 | FAETON | kuličkové pero | 8 | 0,45 | 0,27 |
12409-80 | FAETON | kuličkové pero | 8 | 0,45 | 0,27 |
12424-10 | PEONY | kuličkové pero | 8 | 0,29 | 0,17 |
12424-19 | PEONY | kuličkové pero | 8 | 0,29 | 0,17 |
12424-20 | PEONY | kuličkové pero | 8 | 0,29 | 0,17 |
12424-30 | PEONY | kuličkové pero | 8 | 0,29 | 0,17 |
12424-40 | PEONY | kuličkové pero | 8 | 0,29 | 0,17 |
12438-20 | BUBBLE | kuličkové pero s bublifukem | 8 | 0,49 | 0,29 |
12438-30 | BUBBLE | kuličkové pero s bublifukem | 8 | 0,49 | 0,29 |
12438-90 | BUBBLE | kuličkové pero s bublifukem | 8 | 0,49 | 0,29 |
12605-10 | XXXXXX XXX | gelové pero | 8 | 0,73 | 0,44 |
12605-20 | XXXXXX XXX | gelové pero | 8 | 0,73 | 0,44 |
13540-12 | NEWHALEM | kuličkové pero | 8 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
13540-20 | NEWHALEM | kuličkové pero | 8 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
13540-30 | NEWHALEM | kuličkové pero | 8 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
13540-40 | NEWHALEM | kuličkové pero | 8 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
13540-60 | NEWHALEM | kuličkové pero | 8 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
13540-80 | NEWHALEM | kuličkové pero | 8 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
13561-10 | XXXX XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 8 | 0,32 | 0,19 |
13561-19 | XXXX XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 8 | 0,32 | 0,19 |
13561-24 | XXXX XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 8 | 0,32 | 0,19 |
13561-30 | XXXX XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 8 | 0,32 | 0,19 |
13561-34 | XXXX XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 8 | 0,32 | 0,19 |
13561-40 | XXXX PLASTIC | kuličkové pero | 8 | 0,32 | 0,19 |
13561-90 | XXXX XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 8 | 0,32 | 0,19 |
13561-GM | XXXX XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 8 | 0,32 | 0,19 |
12613-TC | REBEKA | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
12613-TF | REBEKA | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
12613-TG | REBEKA | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
12613-TM | REBEKA | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
12613-TO | REBEKA | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
12613-TW | REBEKA | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
12613-TY | REBEKA | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
12613-TZ | XXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 9 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
12633-TC | NANET | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
12633-TK | NANET | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
12633-TM | NANET | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
12633-TO | NANET | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
12633-TZ | NANET | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,17 | 0,10 |
12641-20 | CARIN | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,19 | 0,11 |
12641-30 | CARIN | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,19 | 0,11 |
12641-40 | CARIN | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,19 | 0,11 |
12641-45 | CARIN | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,19 | 0,11 |
12641-48 | CARIN | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,19 | 0,11 |
12641-49 | CARIN | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,19 | 0,11 |
12641-60 | CARIN | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,19 | 0,11 |
12641-90 | CARIN | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,19 | 0,11 |
13925-TC | AISHA | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
13925-TF | AISHA | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
13925-TM | AISHA | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
13925-TO | AISHA | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
13925-TY | AISHA | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
13925-TZ | AISHA | kuličkové pero | 9 | 0,20 | 0,12 |
12653-10 | XXXXX | kuličkové pero | 10 | 0,21 | 0,13 |
12653-12 | XXXXX | kuličkové pero | 10 | 0,21 | 0,13 |
12653-20 | XXXXX | kuličkové pero | 10 | 0,21 | 0,13 |
12653-22 | XXXXX | kuličkové pero | 10 | 0,21 | 0,13 |
12653-24 | XXXXX | kuličkové pero | 10 | 0,21 | 0,13 |
12653-30 | XXXXX | kuličkové pero | 10 | 0,21 | 0,13 |
12653-40 | XXXXX | kuličkové pero | 10 | 0,21 | 0,13 |
12653-60 | XXXXX | kuličkové pero | 10 | 0,21 | 0,13 |
12653-74 | XXXXX | kuličkové pero | 10 | 0,21 | 0,13 |
12653-80 | XXXXX | kuličkové pero | 10 | 0,21 | 0,13 |
13926-TC | XXXXX FROSTY | kuličkové pero | 10 | 0,23 | 0,14 |
13926-TM | XXXXX XXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 10 | 0,23 | 0,14 |
13926-TO | XXXXX XXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 10 | 0,23 | 0,14 |
13926-TZ | XXXXX XXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 10 | 0,23 | 0,14 |
12890-10 | XXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,39 | 0,23 |
12890-19 | XXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,39 | 0,23 |
12890-24 | XXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,39 | 0,23 |
12890-34 | XXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,39 | 0,23 |
12890-40 | XXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,39 | 0,23 |
12890-60 | XXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,39 | 0,23 |
12892-24 | XXXXXX II | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,35 | 0,21 |
12892-34 | XXXXXX II | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,35 | 0,21 |
13531-10 | MIA COLOUR | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,29 | 0,17 |
13531-19 | MIA COLOUR | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,29 | 0,17 |
13531-20 | MIA COLOUR | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,29 | 0,17 |
13531-30 | MIA COLOUR | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,29 | 0,17 |
13531-40 | MIA COLOUR | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,29 | 0,17 |
13532-10 | MIA WHITE | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,26 | 0,16 |
13532-20 | MIA WHITE | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,26 | 0,16 |
13532-30 | MIA WHITE | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,26 | 0,16 |
13532-40 | MIA WHITE | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,26 | 0,16 |
13532-74 | MIA WHITE | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,26 | 0,16 |
13922-20 | BUNNY WHITE | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,32 | 0,19 |
13922-30 | BUNNY WHITE | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,32 | 0,19 |
13922-40 | BUNNY WHITE | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,32 | 0,19 |
13922-60 | BUNNY WHITE | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,32 | 0,19 |
13922-80 | BUNNY WHITE | kuličkové pero | 11 | 0,32 | 0,19 |
12022-TM | XXXXXX | multifunkční pero 2 v 1 | 12 | 0,19 | 0,11 |
12422-10 | OCTUS | kuličkové pero | 12 | 0,34 | 0,20 |
12422-20 | OCTUS | kuličkové pero | 12 | 0,34 | 0,20 |
12422-30 | OCTUS | kuličkové pero | 12 | 0,34 | 0,20 |
12422-40 | OCTUS | kuličkové pero | 12 | 0,34 | 0,20 |
13528-10 | RIPLEY | multifunkční pero 3 v 1 | 12 | 0,59 | 0,35 |
13529-10 | CALLIPER | kuličkové pero s posuvným měřidlem | 12 | 0,29 | 0,17 |
13545-20 | CRASTY | kuličkové pero | 12 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
13545-30 | CRASTY | kuličkové pero | 12 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
13545-40 | CRASTY | kuličkové pero | 12 | 0,22 | 0,13 |
13911-20 | XXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 12 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
13911-30 | XXXXXX | kuličkové pero | 12 | 0,16 | 0,10 |
12542-19 | XXXXXX XXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 13 | 0,50 | 0,30 |
12542-20 | XXXXXX XXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 13 | 0,50 | 0,30 |
12542-30 | XXXXXX XXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 13 | 0,50 | 0,30 |
12542-40 | XXXXXX XXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 13 | 0,50 | 0,30 |
12542-49 | XXXXXX XXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 13 | 0,50 | 0,30 |
12542-74 | XXXXXX XXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 13 | 0,50 | 0,30 |
12542-89 | XXXXXX XXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 13 | 0,50 | 0,30 |
12649-19 | ELKE | kuličkové pero | 13 | 0,38 | 0,23 |
12649-20 | ELKE | kuličkové pero | 13 | 0,43 | 0,26 |
12649-22 | ELKE | kuličkové pero | 13 | 0,43 | 0,26 |
12649-30 | ELKE | kuličkové pero | 13 | 0,43 | 0,26 |
12649-40 | ELKE | kuličkové pero | 13 | 0,43 | 0,26 |
12649-49 | ELKE | kuličkové pero | 13 | 0,43 | 0,26 |
12649-70 | ELKE | kuličkové pero | 13 | 0,43 | 0,26 |
12649-89 | ELKE | kuličkové pero | 13 | 0,43 | 0,26 |
12649-NI | XXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 13 | 0,43 | 0,26 |
13543-10 | XXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 13 | 0,68 | 0,41 |
13543-19 | XXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 13 | 0,68 | 0,41 |
13543-20 | XXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 13 | 0,68 | 0,41 |
13543-22 | XXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 13 | 0,68 | 0,41 |
13543-30 | XXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 13 | 0,68 | 0,41 |
13543-89 | XXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 13 | 0,68 | 0,41 |
12618-20 | XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 14 | 0,89 | 0,53 |
12618-24 | XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 14 | 0,89 | 0,53 |
12618-30 | XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 14 | 0,89 | 0,53 |
12618-40 | XXXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 14 | 0,89 | 0,53 |
12661-20 | REDIUS | kuličkové pero | 14 | 1,00 | 0,60 |
12661-30 | REDIUS | kuličkové pero | 14 | 1,00 | 0,60 |
12661-40 | REDIUS | kuličkové pero | 14 | 1,00 | 0,60 |
12661-89 | REDIUS | kuličkové pero | 14 | 1,00 | 0,60 |
13520-10 | LORIN | kuličkové pero | 14 | 0,70 | 0,42 |
13520-19 | LORIN | kuličkové pero | 14 | 0,70 | 0,42 |
13520-20 | LORIN | kuličkové pero | 14 | 0,70 | 0,42 |
13520-30 | LORIN | kuličkové pero | 14 | 0,70 | 0,42 |
13520-40 | LORIN | kuličkové pero | 14 | 0,70 | 0,42 |
13520-60 | LORIN | kuličkové pero | 14 | 0,70 | 0,42 |
13521-10 | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 14 | 0,79 | 0,47 |
13521-19 | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 14 | 0,79 | 0,47 |
13521-20 | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 14 | 0,79 | 0,47 |
13521-30 | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 14 | 0,79 | 0,47 |
13521-40 | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 14 | 0,79 | 0,47 |
13521-60 | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 14 | 0,79 | 0,47 |
13521-GM | XXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 14 | 0,79 | 0,47 |
13527-19 | BELA | kuličkové pero | 14 | 0,59 | 0,35 |
13527-20 | BELA | kuličkové pero | 14 | 0,59 | 0,35 |
13527-22 | BELA | kuličkové pero | 14 | 0,59 | 0,35 |
13527-30 | BELA | kuličkové pero | 14 | 0,59 | 0,35 |
13527-40 | BELA | kuličkové pero | 14 | 0,59 | 0,35 |
13527-60 | BELA | kuličkové pero | 14 | 0,59 | 0,35 |
13527-89 | BELA | kuličkové pero | 14 | 0,59 | 0,35 |
13527-GM | XXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 14 | 0,59 | 0,35 |
16042-10 | VANORA | kuličkové pero | 14 | 0,82 | 0,49 |
16042-30 | VANORA | kuličkové pero | 14 | 0,82 | 0,49 |
16042-40 | VANORA | kuličkové pero | 14 | 0,82 | 0,49 |
16042-89 | XXXXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 14 | 0,82 | 0,49 |
12886-19 | XXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 15 | 0,58 | 0,35 |
12886-20 | XXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 15 | 0,58 | 0,35 |
12886-30 | XXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 15 | 0,58 | 0,35 |
12886-40 | XXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 15 | 0,58 | 0,35 |
13928-10 | XXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 15 | 0,60 | 0,36 |
13928-19 | XXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 15 | 0,60 | 0,36 |
13928-22 | XXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 15 | 0,60 | 0,36 |
13928-24 | XXXX | xxxxxxxxx pero | 15 | 0,60 | 0,36 |
13928-30 | XXXX |