2. Definice pojmů
2.1. Používá-li Smlouva v dalším textu termíny psané s velkým počátečním písmenem, ať už v singuláru nebo plurálu, mají tyto termíny následující význam:
2.1.1. DataCite DOI Services Terms and Conditions se rozumí adhezní smluvní podmínky užívání Služeb závazné pro NTK a Uživatele, které uzavírá NTK se společností DataCite, jež jsou nedílnou součástí Smlouvy DataCite pro konsorcia (dále také jako ”Podmínky služeb DataCite”);
2.1.2. DOI je alfanumerický řetězec přiřazený objektu za účelem jeho jednoznačné identifikace. Je vázaný na metadatový popis objektu a také na digitální umístění, jako je URL, kde jsou dostupné všechny podrobnosti o objektu.
2.1.3. DOI Fabrica je centrální online platforma, která tvoří jádro služeb DataCite. V této platformě je kompletně řízena správa účtů organizací a jejich repozitářů a v nich přidělených DOI a k nim přidružených metadat. K DOI Fabrica lze přistupovat rovněž strojově skrze API.
2.1.4. Metadaty se rozumí data, která popisují a poskytují informace o jiných datech (o popisovaném zdroji).
2.1.5. Metadatové schéma DataCite je seznam základních popisných dat (metadat) vybraných pro přesnou a konzistentní identifikaci zdroje pro účely citování a vyhledávání spolu s doporučenými pokyny
k použití. Zdroj, který je identifikován, může být jakéhokoli druhu, ale obvykle se jedná o datovou sadu.
2.1.6. Modelem financování se rozumí podíl a způsob úhrady Poplatků za Služby, NTK je oprávněna ze závažných důvodů, zejména však z důvodu vyčerpání Zdroje financování navrhnout změnu Modelu financování, jak je dále specifikováno v čl. 6. Smlouvy;
2.1.7. NTK se rozumí Smluvní strana Smlouvy a příspěvková organizace státu, jež zprostředkovává Služby a jiné Související služby Uživateli podle Smlouvy a Smlouvy DataCite pro konsorcia za účelem snížení nákladů na implementaci a využívání Služeb;
2.1.8. Politikou Národního centra DOI se rozumí dokument dostupný na webu xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx, který stanovuje informace o zajišťování služeb, roli NTK a Uživatele a představuje rámec spolupráce mezi nimi;
2.1.9. Poplatky se rozumí poplatky za užívání Služeb, které jsou hrazeny v závislosti na Modelu financování. Jejich výše se odvíjí od počtu Uživatelů, kteří Služby v daném období využívají a jsou dostupné na xxxxx://;
2.1.10. Právem duševního vlastnictví se rozumí zejména autorské právo, práva související s právem autorským, právo pořizovatele databáze a know-how;
2.1.11. Prefixy jsou množiny náhodných čísel, např. 10.23456, kterými začínají všechna DOI přidělená
v daném repozitáři. Jedná se o systém k rezervaci jmenného prostoru v systému DOI.
2.1.12. Přílohami se rozumí Příloha A Smlouvy;
2.1.13. Repozitář je služba provozovaná výzkumnými organizacemi za účelem uchovávání, zpřístupňování a diseminaci výzkumných materiálů. V kontextu služeb DataCite je repozitář jedna jednotka, která může v DOI Fabrica získat svůj prefix.
2.1.14. Službami se rozumí zejména platforma DOI Fabrica a rozhraní API, které zajišťuje strojový přístup k platformě a práci s ní, včetně přidělení DOI a aktualizace jeho metadat.
2.1.15. Smlouvou DataCite pro konsorcia se rozumí smlouva mezi NTK a společností DataCite, jež tvoří přílohu A Smlouvy;
2.1.16. Souvisejícími službami se rozumí služby, které poskytuje NTK (Národní centrum DOI) na základě Podmínek služeb DataCite a které pomohou integraci služeb DataCite do systémů Uživatelů;
2.1.17. Společností DataCite se rozumí nezisková organizace DataCite – International Data Citation Initiative
e.V. se sídlem na Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0X, 00000 Xxxxxxxx, Spolková republika Německo poskytující Uživateli Služby;
2.1.18. Uživatelem se rozumí Smluvní strana Smlouvy, která je vysokoškolskou institucí nebo neziskovou organizací nebo výzkumnou organizací nebo výzkum financující agenturou se sídlem v České republice, zřízená podle zákonů České republiky a má zájem o čerpání Služeb na základě Smlouvy;
2.1.19. Zdrojem financování se rozumí projekt Czech Academic and Research Discovery Services (CARDS) realizovaný v letech 2023 až 2028, který realizuje NTK.
3. Předmět Smlouvy, práva a povinnosti NTK při využívání Služeb
3.1. Uživatel podpisem této Smlouvy zplnomocňuje NTK zejm. k úkonům dle čl. 3.2 a 3.4 Smlouvy a souvisejícím úkonům, které jsou nutné pro poskytování Služeb dle této Smlouvy.
3.2. Smluvní strany tímto sjednávají, že NTK bezúplatně, na základě tohoto zplnomocnění Uživatele:
3.2.1. bude jednat jeho jménem se Společností DataCite;
3.2.2. uzavře se Společností DataCite Smlouvu DataCite pro konsorcia, jejíž součástí jsou DataCite DOI Services Terms and Conditions a dále odkazem začleněné DataCite Statutes a DataCite Privacy Policy;
3.2.3. zpřístupní Uživateli Služby zřízením účtu v DOI Fabrica a předáním požadovaných údajů o Uživateli Společnosti DataCite do 30 dní ode dne podpisu Smlouvy všemi Smluvními stranami;
3.2.4. poskytne Uživateli Související služby podle Smlouvy DataCite pro konsorcia (část Consortium Support & Administration); a
3.2.5. informuje a koordinuje Uživatele za účelem řádného čerpání služeb.
3.3. NTK se zavazuje plnit závazky, které pro ni ze Xxxxxxx a Příloh plynou.
3.4. Smluvní strany tímto sjednávají, že NTK včas zajistí na základě zplnomocnění Uživatele uhrazení Poplatků Společnosti DataCite v souladu se Smlouvou DataCite pro konsorcia.
3.5. NTK se zavazuje pravidelně informovat Uživatele o své činnosti související se Smlouvou, se Službami a Souvisejícími službami na pravidelných poradách nebo jiných schůzkách podle dohody Smluvních stran. NTK je povinna písemně oznámit Uživateli konání takové porady nebo jiné schůzky alespoň 14 dnů před konáním této porady nebo schůzky. NTK vezme při plánování porad a schůzek v potaz časové možnosti Uživatele.
3.6. Veškerá komunikace Uživatele se Společností DataCite bude probíhat prostřednictvím NTK, která je povinna postupovat při zajišťování předmětu Smlouvy s odbornou péčí, pracovat na profesionální úrovni a chránit zájmy Uživatele.
3.7. Hlavní kontaktní údaj ke službám DataCite na straně NTK je e-mailová adresa: xxx@xxxxxxx.xx.
4. Práva a povinnosti Uživatele při využívání Služeb
4.1. Uživatel potvrzuje, že se detailně seznámil s obsahem Příloh Xxxxxxx, porozuměl jim a zavazuje se plnit závazky, které pro něj z Příloh Xxxxxxx plynou. Uživatel k dodržování Příloh této Smlouvy zaváže i všechny své zaměstnance a kontraktory při činnosti související se Službami a Souvisejícími službami.
4.2. Uživatel se zavazuje k zajištění persistence svých (meta)dat, jejich údržbě a aktualizaci zejména podle §4 Podmínek služeb DataCite.
4.3. Uživatel je povinen předat včas NTK veškeré podklady, dokumenty a informace, jež jsou potřebné ke splnění Smlouvy. Současně se zavazuje s NTK spolupracovat.
4.4. Uživatel tímto uděluje souhlas s použitím svého oficiálního názvu a loga na webových stránkách NTK xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx, zejména pro účely prezentace zprostředkování Služeb.
4.5. Strany se zavazují vyvinout veškeré úsilí k efektivnímu využívání Služeb, zejména účastnit se schůzek, které organizuje NTK, a efektivně implementovat Služby ve své instituci.
4.6. Uživatel zajistí kontaktní osobu pro administrativu a kontaktní osobu pro technické záležitosti a zavazuje se při uzavření Smlouvy předat NTK kontaktní údaje pověřených osob na e-mailovou adresu: xxx@xxxxxxx.xx. Uživatel odpovídá za aktuálnost kontaktních údajů pověřených osob a souhlasí se zveřejněním těchto údajů na webu xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.
4.7. Uživatel je povinen oznámit bez zbytečného odkladu jakékoli změny v kontaktních údajích na e-mailovou adresu: xxx@xxxxxxx.xx.
4.8. Uživatel se zavazuje poskytnout NTK potřebnou součinnost při kontrolách, kterým podléhá NTK ze zákona nebo podle pravidel souvisejících s financováním (operační program Xxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxx), a případně se sám podrobit této kontrole ze strany kontrolních orgánů v souvislosti s plněním Smlouvy.
5. Práva duševního vlastnictví
5.1. Smluvní strany se dohodly na tom, že jakýkoliv předmět Práva duševního vlastnictví vzniklý v rámci poskytování Služeb a Souvisejících služeb bude ve vlastnictví té Smluvní strany, která ho vytvořila jako zaměstnanecké dílo podle zákona č. 121/2000 Sb. o právu autorském, o právech souvisejících s právem autorským a o změně některých zákonů (dále jen „autorský zákon“) a pomocí vlastních materiálních a finančních vkladů, a to bez finančního nebo personálního přispění další Smluvní strany.
5.2. Smluvní strany se dále zavazují zveřejnit výsledky vzniklé v rámci poskytování a využívání Služeb pod licencí CC BY 4.01 nebo po dohodě Smluvních stran pod jinou licencí Creative Commons, pokud tomu nebrání práva třetích stran nebo závazná pravidla financování Služeb. Zveřejňování výsledků se řídí zásadou „As Open as Possible, As Closed as Necessary“.
5.3. Vznikne-li nový předmět Práva duševního vlastnictví za přispění více Smluvních stran, je takový předmět Práva duševního vlastnictví ve spoluvlastnictví více Smluvních stran. Poměr podílů se odvíjí od výše podílu na činnostech při vzniku předmětu Práva duševního vlastnictví. U autorských děl se tento odstavec použije obdobně na výkon majetkových práv k autorskému dílu.
5.4. Uživatel tímto souhlasí s ukládáním a zveřejňováním jakýchkoliv metodických materiálů zabývajích se užívání Služeb, pokud jsou zaměstnaneckými díly Uživatele autorského zákona, a to v institucionálním repozitáři NTK, na webových stránkách NTK xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx a případně na dalších kanálech na základě domluvy Uživatele a NTK.
6. Model financování služeb
6.1. Poplatky za zajišťování Služeb jsou v plné výši financovány prostřednictvím NTK ze Zdroje financování. DataCite zasílá NTK fakturu za Služby každoročně na začátku kalendářního roku pro daný rok.
6.2. Model financování je NTK oprávněna jednostranně změnit ze závažných důvodů, zejména však z důvodu vyčerpání Zdroje financování, a to s platností k datu nejbližšího automatického obnovení smlouvy dle čl.
7.1. Smlouvy. NTK bude Uživatele informovat o změně Modelu financování nejméně 2 měsíce před datem nejbližšího automatického obnovení Smlouvy.
6.3. Související služby jsou Uživatelům poskytovány bezplatně.
6.4. Strany se zavazují v případě změny Modelu financování upravit tuto změnu dodatkem ke Smlouvě nebo vypovědět Smlouvu podle čl. 7.3. Smlouvy a plnit všechny případné povinnosti, které v souvislosti se změnou Modelu financování mohou vzniknout, zejména hrazení Poplatků ze strany Uživatele na základě upraveného Modelu financování.
6.5. NTK je výhradně odpovědná za řádné čerpání Zdroje financování.
7. Trvání Smlouvy
7.1. Xxxxxxx se uzavírá ode dne podpisu všemi Smluvními stranami do 31. prosince daného roku a automaticky se obnovuje vždy od 1. ledna na období jednoho roku, pokud kdykoliv v průběhu roku, nejpozději však 30 dnů před koncem kalendářního roku nepodal Uživatel výpověď ze Smlouvy. Výpověď je nutné podat NTK doporučeně poštou nebo prostřednictvím datové schránky a její účinky nastávají ke konci kalendářního roku.
7.2. Pokud Společnost DataCite upraví znění Podmínek služeb DataCite uzavřených s NTK v souladu s ustanoveními oddílu §9 písm. b) odst. ii) (2) Podmínek služeb DataCite, NTK oznámí Uživateli změny do 14 dnů od obdržení oznámení o změně. Pokud Uživatel vznese námitky proti jakýmkoli takovým úpravám, je Uživatel oprávněn vypovědět Smlouvu do 30 dnů od doručení takového oznámení s účinností ke dni účinnosti upravených Smluvních podmínek. Výpověď musí být doručena doporučeně poštou nebo prostřednictvím datové schránky.
7.3. Pokud NTK změní Politiku Národního centra DOI nebo Model financování, NTK oznámí Uživateli změny nejpozději do 31. 10. roku předcházejícímu účinnosti této změny. Každý Uživatel je oprávněn vypovědět
1 CC BY 4.0 Mezinárodní se rozumí veřejná licence Creative Commons, jejíž text je dostupný na
Příloha A – Smlouva DataCite pro konsorcia (v originále: DataCite Agreement for Consortia) a Podmínky služeb DataCite (v originále: DataCite DOI Services Terms and Conditions)
DataCite Agreement for Consortia
DataCite – International Data Citation Initiative e.V. Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0X, 00000 Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx
This DataCite Agreement for Consortia (hereinafter also referred to as “Agreement”) is entered into by and between DataCite – International Data Citation Initiative e.V. located at Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0X, 00000 Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx (“DataCite”), and the Czech National DOI Centre represented by National Library of Technology located at Xxxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxx 000 00, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx (“Consortium Lead”), as of the Effective Date (as defined below).
In consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration DataCite and Consortium Lead hereby agree to the DataCite DOI Services Terms and Conditions, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and the provisions set forth below in this Agreement.
This Agreement is subject to the application for a membership in DataCite by the Consortium Lead and its approval in accordance with the DataCite Statutes.
Consortium Lead General Contact:
Name | |
Role/title | |
Telephone |
The Consortium Lead should provide a General Contact email for access to DOI Fabrica and is responsible for adding the additional contact roles. All contact roles should be maintained in DOI Fabrica, alternatively requested changes can be sent to
DataCite Main Contact: Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Director of Community Engagement, DataCite – International Data Citation Initiative e.V. Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0X, 00000 Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx;
Consortium Lead represents and warrants that (i) it has all necessary power and authority to execute the Agreement for itself and as agent on behalf of each Consortium Organization set forth on the consortium organization list which is managed by the Consortium Lead in DOI Fabrica (hereinafter referred to as “Consortium Organization List”) and (ii) the DataCite Agreement for Consortia shall be legally binding upon Consortium Lead and each Consortium Organization listed on the Consortium Organization List.
Effective date: 1. 6. 2023 (note: the start date should be the first day of a calendar month and more than 30 days from the date of submitting the member application)
Consortium Fees:
The Fees are approved by the General Assembly and published online (xxxxx:// The Fees model is applied to calculate the total Consortium fee and will be billed annually.
Payment Terms:
The Consortium Lead is responsible to pay an Annual Consortium Fee (“Annual Fee”) for each calendar year. If the term of this Agreement starts during the calendar year, the Consortium Fee for the first year is invoiced as a prorated amount. Thereafter, the Annual Fee is invoiced at the beginning of each calendar year.
Should the Consortium Lead opt to include additional Consortium Organization’s during a calendar year, an additional Consortium Fee is invoiced as a prorated amount for the Consortium Organization's initial calendar year of membership.
Payment terms are 30 days from the date of invoice. There shall be no tax withholdings deducted from any fees owing to DataCite. It is understood and agreed between DataCite and the member that the member has to provide evidence of its status as a legal business entity to DataCite using suitable documents (for example members from other EU countries by providing a valid VAT identification number). In the case that the legal business entity is VAT exempt, the member has to provide appropriate certification.
DataCite Agreement for Consortia
DataCite – International Data Citation Initiative e.V. Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0X, 00000 Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx
Consortium Support & Administration:
The Consortium Lead is responsible for Tier 1 support and administration of the Consortium:
1. Tier 1 Support is the initial support level responsible for basic issues including login, prefix management, DOI registration, metadata requirements, and best practice. The consortium lead will catalyze DOI adoption among the consortium organizations, making sure that they understand why and how to make use of DataCite’s services. This includes:
a. Act as the first line of contact for the consortium for both DataCite and the consortium organizations for both administrative and technical issues
b. Facilitate initial onboarding of new consortium with DataCite
c. As new organizations join the consortium, take responsibility for onboarding
d. Providing guidance to consortium organizations aligned with community standards and best practices
e. Provide relevant resources to assist new and existing consortium organizations in the local language if appropriate
2. DOI Fabrica Administration
a. Understand and share DataCite’s Terms and Conditions with the Consortium Organizations
b. Work with DataCite to establish accounts for organizations both in test and production systems
c. Prefix assignment in the DOI Fabrica System for each organization within a consortium.
d. Take responsibility for the transfer of DOIs when an organization leaves the consortium.
e. Monitor the consortium and keep track of new repositories being added
DataCite is responsible for Tier 2 support of the Consortium. Tier 2 support involves technical knowledge and troubleshooting capabilities. This includes:
1. Providing administrative support to the Consortium Lead
2. Providing training to the Consortium Lead, including:
1. Technical troubleshooting and escalation
2. Bugs/fixes
3. Advanced technical workflows (workflows not documented in DataCite Support, xxxxx://
3. Providing and maintaining resources for technical implementation, communication and engagement
Consortium Lead Role:
The Consortium Lead represents all organizations within the Consortium and takes on the membership responsibilities that are dictated by DataCite’s statutes. This includes in particular the annual participation in the General Assembly which approves DataCite’s budget, votes for the DataCite Executive Board and approve DataCite services fee structure. The Consortium Lead is encouraged to stand for the DataCite Executive Board.
The Consortium Lead should also be involved in establishing local governance of the consortium, including the consortium purpose, organization, new member admission. Consortium Organizations are not individual members of the DataCite association and are represented by the Consortium Lead.
The Consortium Lead may use DataCite’s name and logo to announce the DataCite Consortium and its status as the Consortium Lead. Use of the DataCite logo for any other purpose should be approved by DataCite in writing.
Terms and Conditions:
DataCite DOI Services Terms and Conditions
These Terms and Conditions regulate DOI services under the agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Agreement”) between DataCite and a Direct Member or a Consortium Lead (both referred to as “Members” or individually as “Member”). These Terms and Conditions also apply to Consortium Organizations bound by the agreement with DataCite concluded by a Consortium Lead on their behalf. These Terms and Conditions apply exclusively; any deviating or additional terms and conditions of the Members are excluded. These Terms and Conditions incorporate by reference the DataCite Statutes and DataCite Privacy Policy. Terms not defined herein are defined in Appendix A.
§1 Introduction.
DataCite is a non-profit membership organization with the charitable mission to make research better by enabling people to find, share, use and cite data. The strength of DataCite is rooted in the active engagement and excellence of its Members. We will enable Members to work towards our shared mission and vision by providing a unified voice, the services that they need and the opportunity to exchange practices and learn from each other.
§2 Membership Qualifications and Terms.
The Membership qualifications and terms are set forth by the DataCite statutes.
§3 Payment of Fees
a. Members must pay the Fees according to the Fee Schedule as approved by the General Assembly.
b. The calculation of Fees is based on a fiscal year which is 12 calendar months beginning on January 1 and ending December 31.
c. The Fees for the first year of the Agreement will be prorated to reflect the month in which the Members entered into the Agreement with DataCite.
§4 DOI-Registration Requirements
Consortium Lead and Consortium Organizations that use DOI Registration Services must make reasonable efforts to adhere to the following requirements:
a. Commitment to data persistence.
b. Transmission of Metadata according to the predominantly valid standards of the research discipline.
c. Maintaining and Updating Metadata. The Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization shall ensure that each Identifier assigned to the Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization's Content continuously resolves to a response page (a "Landing Page") containing, at a minimum, (i) complete bibliographic information about the corresponding Content (including the Identifier), visible on the initial page, with reasonably sufficient information detailing how
the Content can be cited and accessed, and/or
(ii) a hyperlink leading to the Content itself, in each case in accordance with the Display Guidelines. The Identifier shall serve as the permanent URL link to the Landing Page. The Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization shall register the Landing Page URL with DataCite, keep it up-to-date and active, and promptly correct any errors or variances communicated to the Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization by DataCite. The Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization shall be exclusively responsible for maintaining the accuracy of metadata associated with each Identifier relating to the Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization’s Content, and the validity and operation of the corresponding URL(s) containing the Landing Page, and related pages. Some examples of failures to maintain and update Metadata consistent with this §4 include: 1) publishing or communicating Identifiers without registering them with DataCite;
2) withdrawing content without posting a notification (“Tombstone Page”) and updating the record's URL/metadata with DataCite; or 3) registering new Identifiers with the Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization’s own prefix for content that already had Identifiers registered by a prior publisher.
d. Archives. The Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization shall use best efforts to contract with a third-party archive or other content host (an "Archive") (a list of which can be found here) for such Archive to preserve the Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization’s Content and, in the event that the Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization ceases to host the Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization’s Content, to make such Content available for persistent linking. The Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization hereby authorizes DataCite, solely in the event an Archive becomes the primary location of the Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization’s Content, to contract directly with such Archive for the purpose of ensuring the persistence of links to such Content. The Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization agrees that, in the event that the Content permanently ceases to be maintained by
the Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization, DataCite is entitled to redirect Identifiers to an Archive or a "Defunct DOI" page hosted by DataCite.
e. DOI Registration Policy. Consortium Lead or Consortium Organizations can only assign DOIs to content over which their organization holds responsibility in accordance with the DOI Registration Policy. It is not permissible to provide or resell DOIs to third parties.
f. Shall a Consortium Organization discontinue the use of the DOI Registration Service, the Consortium Lead must make reasonable efforts to ensure that each Identifier assigned to the Consortium Organization's Content continuously resolves to a response page (a "Landing Page").
§5 Personal Information
a. Personal Information. In order to administer membership, the Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization consents that DataCite may process their personal data in accordance with DataCite’s Privacy Policy. Please note, as stated in the policy itself, DataCite may change its Privacy Policy from time to time, and at DataCite’s sole discretion.
b. By providing DataCite with personal data, natural person(s), including Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization staff (the "origin party"), guarantees that:
i. the Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization collected and processed the data in accordance with applicable law, including the General Data Protection Regulation;
ii. the Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization acquired the origin party's informed consent to share the data with DataCite.
§6 Intellectual Property Rights
a. General License. Subject to these Terms and Conditions, the Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization hereby grants to DataCite and its agents a fully-paid, non-exclusive, worldwide license for any and all rights necessary to use, reproduce, transmit, distribute, display and sublicense Metadata and Identifiers corresponding to the Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization’s Content, in the reasonable discretion of DataCite in connection with the DataCite Infrastructure and Services, including all aspects of Reference Linking and DataCite's various other service offerings.
b. Metadata Rights and Limitations. Unless explicitly stipulated otherwise, DataCite shall not use, or acquire or retain any rights in the
deposited Metadata of a Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions gives a Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization any rights (including copyrights, database compilation rights, trademarks, trade names, and other intellectual property rights, currently in existence or later developed) to any Metadata belonging to another Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization.
c. Third party rights. The Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization shall only upload or submit Metadata that either are not subject to copyright protection or that the Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization is authorized to provide for inclusion in the DataCite compilation and database. In the event of any infringement of third party rights the Member or Consortium Organization shall be obliged to indemnification pursuant to § 13.
§7 Distribution of Metadata by DataCite.
Without limiting the provisions of §6 above, the Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization acknowledges and agrees that, subject to the Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization's reference distribution preference, all Metadata and Identifiers registered with DataCite are made available for reuse without restriction through (but not limited to) public APIs and search interfaces, which enhances discoverability of Content.
Metadata and Identifiers may also be licensed to third party subscribers along with an agreement for DataCite to provide third parties with certain higher levels of support and service. The Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization agrees that its Metadata will be made publicly available by DataCite on a public access license such as but not limited to a CC0 license.
§8 Support Levels
The Consortium Lead is responsible for Tier 1 Support to the Consortium Organizations. Tier 1 Support is the initial support level responsible for basic issues including login, prefix management, DOI registration, metadata requirements, and best practice.
DataCite is responsible for Tier 2 Support. Tier 2 Support involves technical knowledge and troubleshooting capabilities.
§9 Termination.
a. Termination of Membership. A Member’s DataCite Membership may be terminated according to the DataCite’s statutes.
b. Termination of the Agreement on related services.
i. By the Member for convenience upon written notice to DataCite taking effect at
the end of a fiscal year, observing a notice period of two months;
ii. By the Member for cause (1) in the event of DataCite's material breach of these Terms and Conditions, which breach remains uncured 45 days following notice from the Member to DataCite, or if DataCite has indicated that more than 45 days are required to cure the default, DataCite has, in the Member’s reasonable opinion, made insufficient efforts to cure by the expiry of the 45th day; or (2) in the event DataCite provides notice of a material amendment to these Terms and Conditions (including its Privacy Policy) pursuant to the provisions of §17 hereof, and the Member provides notice to DataCite within 60 days of such notice of the Member's objection to such amendment and its intention to terminate; and
iii. By DataCite upon written notice to the Member, in accordance with the DataCite Statutes, including for (1) a misrepresentation in the Member’s membership application; (2) legal sanctions or judgments against the Member or its home country; (3) fraudulent use of Identifiers or Metadata;
(4) failure to pay Fees due, which failure persists for 120 or more days following the invoice.
iv. In the event of a Termination of Membership pursuant to § 6 of the DataCite Statutes this Agreement shall end without a termination notice being required.
c. Effect of Termination. An outgoing Member shall not be entitled to a refund of any Fees that have been paid or waiver of any Fees that have accrued, except that a Member will be entitled to a refund of any prepaid fees representing the remaining portion of the then-current annual term in the event of a termination for cause pursuant to § 9 (b) (ii) above. Termination of Membership or termination of the Agreement shall have no adverse effect on DataCite's intellectual property rights in any Metadata or upon any related licenses then in effect. Following termination of its Membership or the termination of the Agreement, an outgoing Member shall have no further obligation to deposit Metadata with DataCite or to assign Identifiers to its Content, and DateCite shall have no further obligation to register such Identifiers. With respect to Metadata deposited and Identifiers registered prior to such termination: (i) DataCite shall have the right to keep, maintain and use such Metadata and Identifiers within the DataCite
Infrastructure and Services; and (ii) the obligations of the Member set forth in §4(c) and
(d) of these Terms and Conditions will survive. Should it be required to ensure the persistent linking to Content, DataCite may update the Metadata to resolve to a functioning and current Landing Page, whether provided by the Member or otherwise.
d. Change of status. If only the related Agreement is terminated without termination of the Membership the Membership will continue for the Member as a Member Only Organization. The rights to terminate the Membership according to
§ 6 of the DataCite statutes remain unaffected.
§10 Enforcement. DataCite shall take reasonable steps to enforce these Terms and Conditions, provided that DataCite shall not be obligated to take any action with respect to any Metadata that is the subject of an intellectual property dispute, but reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to remove or suspend access from, to or through such Metadata and/or its associated Content or to take any other action it deems appropriate.
§11 Governing Law. These Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted, governed and enforced under the laws of Germany, without regard to its conflict of law rules.
§12 Disputes.
a. Notice of disputes. The Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization shall promptly notify DataCite of any claim, dispute or action, whether against other Member, Consortium Organizations or DataCite, related to these Terms and Conditions or any Identifiers or Metadata.
b. Arbitration Agreement. Pursuant to the Arbitration Rules of the German Institution of Arbitration e.V. (DIS), a single arbitrator reasonably familiar with the open science and internet industries shall settle all claims, disputes or actions of any kind arising from or relating to the subject matter of these Terms and Conditions and the Agreement between DataCite and the Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties, and may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction.
c. Injunctive Relief. Notwithstanding §12(a), no party shall be prevented from seeking injunctive or preliminary relief in anticipation, but not in any way in limitation, of negotiations or other avenues of alternative dispute resolution. The Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization acknowledges that the unauthorized deposit or use of Metadata would cause irreparable harm to DataCite, the DataCite Infrastructure and Services, and/or other Members or Consortium Organizations, that could not be compensated by monetary damages. The Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization therefore agrees that DataCite may
seek injunctive relief to remedy any actual or threatened unauthorized deposit or use of Metadata.
§13 Indemnification. The Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization agrees to indemnify and hold harmless DataCite its representatives, and their respective directors, officers and employees from and against any and all liability, damage, loss, cost or expense, including reasonable attorney fees, costs, and other expenses, to the extent arising from or resulting from such Consortium Lead, Consortium Organization or representative's, breach of these Terms and Conditions or breach of other obligations, or violation of any third- party intellectual property rights unless the Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization proves that it is not responsible (in terms of sections 276, 278 of the German Civil Code) for such breach or violation.
§14 Limitations of Liability. Neither party shall be liable to the other for any damages unless these damages result from (i) intentional breach or gross negligence, (ii) a culpable violation of life, body or health or (iii) mandatory provisions of the Product Liability Act or (iv) a culpable breach of essential contractual duties. Essential contractual duties are obligations that need to be fulfilled in order to reach the purpose of the contract and on the fulfillment of which the other party usually relies and may reasonably rely on. If essential contractual duties are violated by slight negligence, the liability shall be limited to the foreseeable damages typically occurring under this kind of contract. This restriction shall not apply to the cases set out in (ii) and (iii) above.
§15 Other Terms.
a. Notices. Written notice under these Terms and Conditions shall be given as follows:
i. If to DataCite: by emailing addressing Mr. Xxxxxxx Xxxx, Executive Director.
ii. If to a Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization: To the name and email address designated by the Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization as the main contact in such Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization’s records in DOI Fabrica. This information may be changed by the Consortium Lead or Consortium Organization in DOI Fabrica or by giving notice to DataCite by email at
iii. Consortium Lead Contact roles: the Consortium Lead shall also designate a main, technical, voting, billing contact(s), and advise DataCite of any changes to such information.
iv. Consortium Organization Contact roles: the Consortium Organization shall also designate a repository contact, and advise DataCite or the Direct Member of any changes to such information.
b. Survival. Sections (and the corresponding subsections, if any) 4(c) and (d), 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, and any other provisions that by their express terms or nature survive, and any rights to payment, shall survive the expiration or termination of these Terms and Conditions.
c. Severability. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions (or any portion thereof) is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions will not be affected thereby and will be binding upon the parties and will be enforceable, as though said invalid or unenforceable provision (or portion thereof) were not contained in these Terms and Conditions.
§16 Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including these Terms and Conditions, and any Addendum of Terms and Conditions executed between DataCite and a Member, constitute and contain the entire agreement between DataCite and such Member with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreements. The "Introduction" section at the beginning of these Terms and Conditions forms a part of these Terms and Conditions and is incorporated by reference herein.
§17 Amendment. These Terms and Conditions may be amended by DataCite, via updated Terms posted on the Website and emailed to each Member no fewer than sixty
(60) days prior to effectiveness. By using the DataCite Infrastructure and Services after the effective date of any such amendment hereto, the Member accepts the amended Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions may also be amended by mutual agreement of a given Member and DataCite by execution of an Addendum of Terms and Conditions.
§18 Compliance. Each of the Consortium Leads, Consortium Organizations and DataCite shall perform under this Agreement in compliance with all laws, rules, and regulations of any jurisdiction which is or may be applicable to its business and activities, including anti- corruption, copyright, privacy, and data protection laws, rules, and regulations.
§19 Force Majeure Event. If a Force Majeure Event gives rise to a failure or delay in either party performing any obligation under the Terms and Conditions (other than any obligation to make a payment), that obligation will be suspended for the duration of the Force Majeure Event. If the force majeure event lasts for more than three months each party shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement for good cause.
Appendix A Definitions
Consortium Organization is an organization that participates in one of the DataCite Consortia managed by the Consortium Lead. The Consortium organization account in DOI Fabrica can create, manage, and delete Repositories. The Consortium Organization can assign Prefixes to its Repositories. This account in DOI Fabrica does not provide billing contact or voting contact information.
Consortium Lead is a Member of the association authorized to act on its own behalf and on behalf of Consortium Organizations.
Content is the associated DOI metadata deposited in DataCite by the Member or Consortium Organization.
Direct Member is an organization that is a member of the association and enters into an agreement on DOI services with DataCite. A Direct Member works with one or more Repositories within the same administrative structure.
DOI Fabrica is the platform for Members and Consortium Organizations and their Repositories use to create and find, connect and track every single DOI from their organization or consortia. Fabrica complements the JSON REST, MDS and EZ APIs. DOI Fabrica includes all the functionalities needed to manage Consortium Organizations, Repositories, Prefixes, DOIs and their Metadata.
DOI is an alphanumeric string assigned to uniquely identify an object. It is tied to a metadata description of the object as well as to a digital location, such as a URL, where all the details about the object are accessible.
DOI Registration Services are the specific services that DataCite provides for organizations to register Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs).
Executive Board consists of a President, four Vice Presidents (one of them being the Deputy President) and a Treasurer. One member of the Executive Board is an ex-officio representative of the Business Office.
Members of the Executive Board are elected by the Members at the annual General Assembly and serve for a period of two years.
Fees are paid for Membership according to the statutes and for DOI services under the respective Agreement. Fees are paid on an annual basis.
Force Majeure Event means any cause beyond the control of such party, occurring without that party’s fault or negligence, which the party could not reasonably have been expected to have taken into account at the time of the conclusion of the Agreement and which prevents the party from fulfilling its contractual obligations, including any strike, legitimate lockout or labour or civil unrest, war-like operation, invasion,
rebellion, hostilities, military or usurped power, sabotage, acts of terrorism, mass-casualty event, outbreak of virulent decease, governmental regulations or controls, earthquake, and computer attacks or malicious acts, such as attacks on or through the Internet, any Internet service, telecommunications provider or hosting facility but excluding a lack of funds or other financial reasons.
General Assembly consisting of one representative for each Member, is a constituent body of the association.
Identifiers are long-lasting reference(s) to datasets, software, documents, files, web pages, or other research objects.
Infrastructure is a sustainable network composed of physical and virtual resources that support the flow, storage, processing and analysis of data. Our servers are hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS) and are located in Ireland.
Membership means membership in terms of § 4 of the DataCite statutes.
Member Only Organizations take on the membership responsibilities that are dictated by DataCite’s statutes but do not use the DOI Registration Services.
Metadata is a set of data that describes and gives information about other data. The DataCite Metadata Schema is a list of core metadata properties chosen for an accurate and consistent identification of a resource for citation and retrieval purposes, along with recommended use instructions. The resource that is being identified can be of any kind, but it is typically a dataset.
Prefixes are a set of random numbers e.g. 10.23456 and reserve a name space in the DOI system. Prefixes are managed by Direct Members, Direct Members and Consortium Organizations via the web interface Fabrica or API.
Repository is a service operated by research organizations, where research materials are stored, managed and made accessible. A Repository is a single unit and DataCite links the Repository to information in re3data, where additional Repository metadata are available.
Services are the tools, APIs and platforms that DataCite provides to create, find, cite, connect, and use research. We seek to create value and develop community-driven, innovative, open, integrated, usable, and sustainable services for research.
Website is the DataCite website found at xxxxx://