Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave, Xxxxxxxx 0, 000 00 Xxxxxxxxxx, XXX: 00397687
1. Rozhodné právo: Právo Francúzska
2. Zmluvné strany:
2.1 EIT Manufacturing,
názov/obchodné meno
Nano-INNOV, 0 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, 00000 Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx
2.2 Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave
názov/obchodné meno
Vazovova 5, 812 43 Bratislava, Slovensko
2.3 University of Tartu – Institute of technology (UoTARTU)
2.4 Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation, University of Patras (LMS)
4. Predmet zmluvy:
Vlastníci sa zaviazali rozvíjať digitálny obsah spojený s aktivitou KAVA Interactive Manufacturing @ Schools za účelom realizácie obsahu vzdelávania a školenia. Digitálny obsah spojený s aktivitou KAVA bol vytvorený na používanie a sprístupnenie prostredníctvom digitálnej vzdelávacej platformy vyvinutej a riadenej spoločnosťou EIT Manufacturing, ďalej len „EITM LP“.
Vlastníci sú ochotní prispieť k celkovej misii EIT Manufacturing, k jej vplyvu a dosiahnutiu KPI, okrem toho, že prispievajú k jej finančnej udržateľnosti, preto Vlastníci:
- podporujú, že jednotlivé vzdelávacie jednotky (takzvané digitálne nuggety) budú mať otvorený prístup, pokiaľ to vlastník (vlastníci) nepožaduje inak, s cieľom osloviť širšiu komunitu a posilniť sociálny vplyv EITM LP (ako je definované nižšie);
- uznávajú požiadavku na prijatie záväzkov finančnej udržateľnosti v prospech EIT Manufacturing podľa článku 9 tzv. Internal Agreement dohody,
- súhlasí s tým, že finančná udržateľnosť bude založená na predaji kompletných vzdelávacích dráh/kurzov a/alebo certifikátov/odznakov.
Vlastníci súhlasia, že udelia spoločnosti EIT Manufacturing licenciu na používanie, reprodukciu, distribúciu a spracovanie Diela (ako je definované nižšie) na EITM LP (ako je definované nižšie);
1§ 853 ods. 3 Občianskeho zákonníka, § 771c Obchodného zákonníka
V tejto dohode o digitálnom obsahu, ďalej len „zmluva“, zmluvné strany formalizujú podmienky vzájomnej dohody a stanovujú zmluvný rámec.
Vlastník (vlastníci) udeľuje (udeľuje) EIT Manufacturing na dobu trvania práv duševného vlastníctva, ktoré sa týkajú Diela, celosvetovú, exkluzívnu licenciu na používanie, reprodukovanie a distribúciu Diela, ak existuje na EITM LP, bez obmedzenia podmienok predmetu, o počte kópií, pre všetky vydania, vo všetkých jazykoch.
Najmä vlastníci udeľujú EIT Manufacturing právo na:
a) prekladať Diela do iných jazykov alebo dialektov,
b) rozmnožovať Diela najmä fotomechanickými alebo podobnými spôsobmi (napr.
c) prenášať/zobrazovať Diela za účelom verejného a súkromného predvádzania, prezentácie a/alebo vysielania Diela na internete, v rozhlase a televízii, na obrazových a/alebo zvukových nosičoch;
d) sprístupniť a komercializovať diela s cieľom zabezpečiť ich finančnú udržateľnosť v súlade so svojím strategickým programom schváleným EIT.
Vlastník (vlastníci) ďalej udeľuje (udeľuje) spoločnosti EIT Manufacturing právo upravovať alebo modifikovať formát diel alebo ho nechať upravovať alebo modifikovať tretími stranami pred písomným súhlasom vlastníka (vlastníkov) v súlade s morálnymi právami autora (autorov), v rozsahu, v akom sú chránené zákonom.
Dohoda nezahŕňa postúpenie ani udelenie práv EIT Manufacturing spoločnosti EIT Manufacturing, ktoré sa týkajú základných údajov, know-how alebo informácií – bez ohľadu na ich formu alebo povahu (hmotnú alebo nehmotnú), vrátane akýchkoľvek práv, ako sú práva duševného vlastníctva, ktoré sú vytvorené, vyvinuté alebo generované Vlastníkom (vlastníkmi) mimo projektu KAVA.
Vlastníci a ich pridružené subjekty si zachovajú práva na používanie Diela pre svoje výskumné, interné vzdelávacie a školiace aktivity. Pre vylúčenie akýchkoľvek pochybností si autori zachovajú právo použiť obsah na publikovanie článkov a referátov, prezentácie na konferenciách a summitoch, na prednášky. Vlastník (vlastníci) však nebude distribuovať Diela (alebo ich časť) tretím stranám bez predchádzajúceho povolenia EIT Manufacturing, [s výnimkou platforiem tretích strán používaných na interné vzdelávacie a školiace aktivity].
Akékoľvek komerčné použitie Diela (alebo jeho časti) mimo interných vzdelávacích a školiacich aktivít si vyžaduje predchádzajúce povolenie EIT Manufacturing.
Bez ohľadu na ustanovenia uvedené v častiach vyššie, vlastníci uvedení v prílohe 2 k tejto dohode udeľujú spoločnosti EIT Manufacturing nevýhradnú licenciu na používanie, reprodukciu a distribúciu Diela na EITM LP. Napriek nevýhradnej povahe licencie udelenej vlastníkom (vlastníkmi) uvedeným v prílohe 2 k EIT Manufacturing, vlastníkom uvedeným v prílohe 2 sa bráni používať, reprodukovať, nahrávať a/alebo distribuovať Diela na akomkoľvek inej online vzdelávacej platformy alebo platformy na zdieľanie videa využívané tretími stranami (ako napríklad Coursera, YouTube alebo Vimeo) bez predchádzajúceho súhlasu EIT Manufacturing. Aby sa predišlo pochybnostiam, takíto Vlastníci si zachovajú práva na nahrávanie, distribúciu a komercializáciu Diela na online platformách, ktoré vlastnia alebo ktoré využívajú na svoje vlastné aktivity.
Vlastníci uvedení v prílohe 2 sa výslovne vzdávajú svojich práv na získanie licenčných poplatkov uvedených v časti 4.1 písm. b) tejto zmluvy.
5. Cena: Neuvádza sa
6. Doba zmluvy: 5 rokov od dátumu podpisu zmluvy zmluvnými stranami 7. Záručná doba:
7.1 je dohodnutá na dobu
7.2 nie je dohodnutá
8. Zmluva vyhotovená v anglickom jazyku
je neoddeliteľnou súčasťou tejto informácie a nasleduje za jej textom. V Bratislave dňa 14.12.2021
(Effective date)
The Parties:
1. A) Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STUBA), with registered office at Xxxxxxxx 0, 000 00, Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx. Hereinafter referred to as “Owner(s) 1”;
B) University of Tartu (UoTartu), with registered office at Xxxxxxxx 00, 00000 XXXXX ESTONIA. Hereinafter referred to as “Owner(s) 2”;
C) Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation, University of Patras (LMS), with registered office at at the Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics, University of Patras campus, 00000, Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx. Hereinafter referred to as “Owner(s) 3”;
Owner(s) 1,2 and 3 are hereinafter referred to as “the Owner” or “the Owners”;
2. EIT Manufacturing ASBL, a non-profit association incorporated under French Law, with registered office at Paris-Saclay, Nano-INNOV, 0 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, 00000 Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx, represented by Xxxxx Xxxxx;
Hereinafter referred to as “EIT Manufacturing”;
Hereinafter individually referred to as the “Party” or collectively ”the Parties”
1. The Owner(s) committed to developing digital content associated with the KAVA activity Interactive Manufacturing @ Schools, for the purpose of realizing education and training content. The digital content associated with the KAVA activity has been created to be used and to be made accessible through the digital learning platform developed and managed by EIT Manufacturing, hereinafter the “EITM LP”.
2. The Owner(s) is (are) willing to contribute to the overall mission of EIT Manufacturing, to its impact and KPIs achievement, besides contributing to its financial sustainability, therefore the Owner(s):
a. supports that the single learning units (so called digital nuggets) will be open access, unless required differently by the Owner(s), in order to reach wider community and boost the social impact of EITM LP (as defined infra);
b. acknowledges the requirement to enter into financial sustainability commitments for the benefit of EIT Manufacturing, according to Article 9 of the Internal Agreement,
c. agrees that the financial sustainability will be based on the sales of complete learning paths/courses and/or certificates/badges.
3. The Owner(s) agree to grant to EIT Manufacturing a license to use, reproduce, distribute and process the Works (as defined infra) on the EITM LP (as defined infra);
4. In the present Digital Content Agreement, hereinafter the “Agreement”, the Parties formalize the terms of their mutual agreement and set out the contractual framework.
Therefore, the Parties have agreed to the following:
1. Definitions
1.1 "Completion Date" means the date on which the Parties will complete the KAVA.
1.2 “EIT Manufacturing Digital Learning Platform” or “EITM LP” means the digital e-learning platform for educational purposes developed and managed by EIT Manufacturing
1.3 "Internal Teaching and Training Activities" means the internal teaching and training activities (such as seminars, workshop, webinar etc.) organized by the Parties and their affiliated entities for their members of staff, enrolled students and faculty members, whether or not employed by the Owner(s).
1.4 “Work” means the content developed by the Owner(s) within the KAVA specifically for the EITM LP and listed in Annex 1 to the present Agreement.
1.5 “Confidential Information” means all information in whatever form or mode of communication, which is disclosed by a Party (the “Disclosing Party”) to any other Party (the “Recipient”) during the execution of this Agreement and which has been explicitly marked as “confidential” at the time of disclosure, or when disclosed orally or visually has been identified as confidential at the time of disclosure and has been confirmed and designated in writing within thirty (30) calendar days from oral or visual disclosure at the latest as confidential information by the Disclosing Party.
Unless otherwise specified in the Agreement, defined terms and abbreviations shall have the same meaning given to such terms in the Partnership Agreement (PA), in the Horizon Europe Model Grant Agreement (MGA) and in the PA Internal Agreement (PA IA)..
2. Granting of rights for reproduction, distribution and processing
2.1 The Owner(s) grant(s) EIT Manufacturing for the duration of the intellectual property rights pertaining to the Work, a worldwide, exclusive, license to use, reproduce and distribute, the Works if any on the EITM LP, without limitation in terms of subject matter, on the number of copies, for all editions, in all languages.
2.2. In particular, the Owner(s) grant(s) EIT Manufacturing the right to:
a) translate the Works into other languages or dialects,
b) reproduce the Works, in particular, by photomechanical or similar methods (e.g. photocopying),
c) transfer/display the Works for the purpose of public and private performance, presentation and/or broadcasting of the Works on the Internet, on radio and television, on video and/or audio carriers;
d) make available and commercialize the Works in order to ensure its financial sustainability in accordance with its Strategic Agenda approved by EIT.
2.3 Furthermore, the Owner(s) xxxxx(s) EIT Manufacturing the right to edit or modify the format of the Works or have it edited or modified by third parties, prior to the written authorization of the Owner(s), in compliance with the moral rights of the author(s), to the extent that they are protected by law.
2.4 The Agreement does not entail the assignment or grant to EIT Manufacturing of any other Owner(s)' rights relating to background data, know-how or information — whatever its form or nature (tangible or intangible), including any rights such as intellectual property rights — that is created, developed or generated by the Owner(s) outside the KAVA-project.
2.5 Owner(s) and their affiliated entities will maintain the rights to use the Works for their Research, Internal Teaching and Training Activities. For avoidance of any doubt, the authors will maintain the right to use the content for publication of articles and papers, presentations at conferences and summits, for lectures. However, the Owner(s) shall not distribute the Works (or part of it) to third parties without prior authorization of EIT Manufacturing, [with the exception of third party platforms used for Internal Teaching and Training Activities].
2.6 Any commercial use of the Works (or part of it) outside of Internal Teaching and Training Activities requires the prior authorization of EIT Manufacturing.
2.7 Notwithstanding the provisions set out in sections 2.1 to 2.6 above, the Owner(s) listed in Annex 2 to the present Agreement grant a non-exclusive license to EIT Manufacturing to use, reproduce and distribute the Works on the EITM LP. Despite the non-exclusive nature of the license granted by the Owner(s) listed in Annex 2 to EIT Manufacturing, the Owner(s) listed in Annex 2 are prevented to use, reproduce, upload and/or distribute the Works on any other online learning platform or video sharing platforms exploited by third parties (such as Coursera, YouTube or Vimeo), without EIT Manufacturing prior approval. For the avoidance of doubt, such Owner(s) will maintain the rights to upload, distribute and commercialize the Works on the online platforms that they own or that they exploit for their own activities.
The Owner(s) listed in Annex 2 expressly waive their rights to receive the royalties provided in section 4.1 (b) below.
3. Representations and warranties of the Owner(s)
3.1 Each Owner hereby represents and warrants to the EIT Manufacturing that:
- the Owner is entitled to grant EIT Manufacturing the rights provided in Section 2 of the Agreement.
3.2 To the extent the Works contain third party rights, the Owner(s) hereby warrants that they have obtained the necessary rights from third parties to grant the rights under this Agreement to EIT Manufacturing. The Owner(s) shall indicate to EIT Manufacturing the sources of third party rights in each individual case and inform in writing EIT Manufacturing on all relevant circumstances which may limit the use of said right for the purposes of this Agreement.
Each Owner further represents and warrants that:
- It has the full legal right and capacity to enter into this Agreement and perform its obligations hereunder;
- It complies at all times with applicable national or international, regulation or any court or arbitration decision to which they may be subject or any agreement to which they are a party.
3.3 The Owner(s) shall be liable towards EIT Manufacturing and its affiliated entities for any and all losses, damages, claims and expenses (including court costs and reasonable attorney's fees) that arise out of or result from any breach of Owner(s)’ obligations under this Agreement. The Owner(s)’(s) liability shall be limited to the value indicated in Table 1. The Owner(s) shall not be liable for any consequential or indirect damages. Such exclusion or such limitation of liability will not apply in case of willful misconduct or gross negligence. For the avoidance of doubt the owner shall not be liable for claims that are solely caused by changes to the Works made by or on behalf of the EIT Manufacturing
Owner(s) | Liability limitation |
Owner 1 | € 91.928 |
Owner 2 | € 74.155 |
Owner 3 | € 65.900 |
Table 1
3.4 Joint and several liability amongst the Owner(s) is excluded.
4. Consideration, Revenues and Royalties
4.1 The parties agree as follows:
a) Without prejudice to let. (b) below, the Owner(s) grant EIT Manufacturing the license rights provided in section 2 of the Agreement free of charge;
b) EIT Manufacturing will retain the revenues generated through the exploitation of the Works on the EITM LP (i.e. the sale of learning paths, certifications containing the Works to third parties) to cover the cost of operating the EITM LP (marketing, technical maintenance, quality assurance, legal framework…) and, in this way, to contribute to its financial sustainability.
c) EIT Manufacturing will pay a royalty of 30% of the Work sales value to the Owner(s).
The Owner(s) agree that the royalties will be further shared among the Owner(s) according to the information enclosed in Annex 1.
Any amounts of Royalties due by EIT Manufacturing to the Owner(s) under this Section 4 shall be determined and invoiced without V.A.T. or similar taxes. In the event that any such V.A.T. or similar taxes are required by law, such V.A.T. or similar taxes shall be added to the invoiced amount at the applicable rate. In case a withholding tax shall be due on the royalty payment by EIT Manufacturing, this withholding tax will be borne by the Owner(s).
5. Accounting, reporting, payments and audit rights
Twice year EIT Manufacturing will provide the reporting information on the Works sold through the EITM LP. Based on this reporting the Owner(s) should send to EIT Manufacturing the corresponding invoice in the next 60 days.
All payments shall be made in euros unless otherwise agreed and shall be exclusive of any taxes or duties that may be imposed, including value added tax, which shall where applicable be payable in addition at the rate in force at the due time for payment.
Late payments shall be subject to interest payable on demand at the rate of 2% per cent. Interest shall be calculated daily and compounded quarterly from the due date to the actual date of payment inclusive.
In order to ensure transparency between EIT MANUFACTURING and the Owner(s) each party should keep the accurate records regarding the items commercialized and the reporting methodology. Each of the party might require an audit in the limit of the terms agreed in this Agreement and for a period of 5 years. All information shared related to this Agreement, in case of an audit, will have to be bound with a non- disclosure agreement.
6. Confidentiality
6.1 All Confidential Information
(i) shall be used by the receiving Party exclusively for the execution of this Agreement;
(ii) shall not be distributed or disclosed in any way or form by the receiving Party to any third party except to its own employees or to employees of its Affiliates and except to consultants, advisers or bankers advising the receiving Party and/or advising its Affiliates with regard to the performance of this Agreement (“Advisers”), who each reasonably need to know such Confidential Information in connection with the purpose of this Agreement and who are bound to confidentiality either by their employment agreement or otherwise in writing to an extent not less stringent than the obligations imposed on the receiving Party under this Agreement;
(iii) shall be kept confidential by the receiving Party with the same degree of care as is used with respect to the receiving Party’s own equally important
confidential information to avoid disclosure to any third party, but at least with reasonable care; and
(iv) shall remain the property of the disclosing Party.
6.2 The obligations above shall not apply, however, to any information which the receiving Party is able to prove through documentation:
(i) is at the time of disclosure already freely accessible to the public or subsequently becomes available to the public through no breach of this Agreement by the receiving Party;
(ii) was in the receiving Party’s possession without an obligation to confidentiality prior to receipt from the disclosing Party or is developed by the receiving Party independently of any Confidential Information;
(iii) is lawfully obtained by the receiving Party from a third party without an obligation to confidentiality;
(iv) is approved for release by written agreement of the disclosing Party or through stipulations in this Agreement (e.g. in Article 5); or
(v) is required to be disclosed by any binding ruling of a governmental or regulatory authority or court or by law, provided however, receiving Party shall provide disclosing Party with sufficient advance notice of its proposed disclosure, to the extent such notice is permitted by law, to permit disclosing Party the opportunity to seek, at its sole cost and expense, a protective or similar order and receiving Party shall disclose only the Confidential Information required to be disclosed to comply with such order, whether or not disclosing Party seeks or obtains any such protective order.
The obligations set forth in Article 5 shall remain in force during the term of the agreement and for a period of five (5) years following its termination.
7. Applicable Law
This Agreement is governed by the laws of France.
In the event of a dispute arising from the interpretation or the performance of this Agreement, the Parties undertake to initially seek a friendly solution.
If such solution cannot be reached, the dispute will be for the exclusive competence of courts of Paris .
8. Effective Date and Term
This Agreement shall enter into full force and effect on the date it has been signed by duly authorized representatives of each of the Parties (the Effective Date).
It shall continue to be in force for a duration of 5 (five) years starting from the Completion Date.
The provisions relating to confidentiality shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement for the duration mentioned in Article 5.
9. Miscellaneous
9.1 Either Party’s obligation to fulfill this Agreement is subject to the provision that the fulfillment is not prevented by any impediments arising out of national and international foreign trade and customs requirements or any embargos or other sanctions.
9.2 If any provision(s) of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the legality, validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. The Parties shall use their reasonable efforts to substitute the illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision by a legal, valid or enforceable one, approximating as closely as possible the original intent of the Parties.
9.3 Either Party may partly or fully assign this Agreement or single rights and obligations hereunder to its Affiliated entities with prior information of the other Party and - in connection with any type of merger, consolidation, divestiture, dissolution and/or any other type of business combination or business reorganization, including the establishment of joint venture companies and specific purpose companies – to any third party. Otherwise, none of the Parties is entitled to partly or fully assign this Agreement or single rights and obligations hereunder to a third party, without written consent of the other Party. Any assignment made in this context without prior consent of the other Party shall be null and void.
9.4 Subsidiary agreements, amendments and additions must be clearly identified as such and signed by representatives of the Parties who are expressly authorized for this purpose.
9.5 With the exception of termination notices or amendments to this Agreement, any notice under this Agreement may be provided via e-mail, even if this Agreement requires such notice to be “written”, “in writing” or “in written form”. Termination notices or amendments to this Agreement (including any waiver of the written form requirement), as well as the Agreement itself, shall be executed either in writing or by electronic signature, using a software tool for electronic signatures.
9.6 In the event of inconsistency or contradiction between the provisions of this Agreement and the provisions of the EIT Manufacturing Internal Agreement or accession to EIT GA will prevail.
The signature of a Party by means of a scan or digitization of the original signature (e.g. a scan in PDF format) or an electronic signature (e.g. via AdobeSign), counts as an original signature with the same validity, enforceability and permissibility. Each Party receives a fully signed copy of the Agreement. The transfer of this copy by e- mail or via an electronic signature system will have the same legal force and legal effect as the transfer of the original copy of the Agreement.
(signature page follows)
The Owner(s)
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (Owner 1)
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, rector
University of Tartu (Owner 2) Xxxx Xxxxx
Vice-Rector for Development UoTartu
Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation, University of Patras (Owner 3)
Prof. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxx LMS
EIT Manufacturing
Mr. Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx: CEO Date:
As per section 2 7 of this Agreement the following list of Owners will grant a non-exclusive license to EIT Manufacturing to use, reproduce and distribute the works. These Owners expressly waive their rights to receive the royalties provided in section 4.1 (b).
• Owner XX:
• Owner YY: