Definice Effective Date

Effective Date means the date first referenced above. “EIT” shall mean the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. “EIT Manufacturing Partner” shall mean the Party that enters into this Agreement, and that is either a KIC Partner that signs the Accession Form, or that is a Linked Third Party that is mentioned in Annex 5 to the FPA. “Framework Partnership Agreement” or “FPA” shall mean the agreement establishing the long-term cooperation ('framework partnership') between the EIT and EIT Manufacturing and the KIC EIT Manufacturing Partners, with an effective date of January 1, 2020. “Xxxxx(s)” shall mean the financial contribution from the EIT to the KIC LE and EIT Manufacturing Partners under the SGA for the Relevant Year(s). “KIC Added Value Task” or “KAVA Task” shall mean an element of a KAVA that is carried out by an EIT Manufacturing Partner as set out in the Business Plan. “KIC Activity” shall mean activities that are labelled as such in accordance with the Statutes and the By-Laws of the KIC LE. The KIC Activities consist of the KIC Added Value Activities and KIC Complementary Activities. “KIC Added Value Activity” or “KAVA” shall mean KIC Activities as defined in the FPA, Article 2.2 partially or wholly funded by the EIT under the framework of the FPA and the SGA(s), carried out by the KIC LE and/or the EIT Manufacturing Partners, or by them in co-operation with other entities. “KIC Complementary Activity” or “KCA” shall mean those KIC Activities that are labelled as such in the Business Plan(s) and as described in Article 2.2 of the FPA. “KIC EIT Manufacturing” shall mean the autonomous partnership of higher education institutions, research organisations, companies and other stakeholders in the innovation process in the form of a strategic investment network based on joint mid- to long-term innovation planning to achieve the EIT challenges, in the field of Manufacturing, comprising Manufacturing ASBL and the KIC EIT Manufacturing Partners. “Linked Third Parties” shall mean affiliated entities or third parties with a legal link to a KIC Partner as defined in Article 19 of the FPA and Article 12 of the SGA and listed in Annex 5 to the FPA. “Articles of Association” of the KIC LE shall mean the statutes of the KIC LE, which can be found on the intranet EIT Manufacturing Plaza. “Specific Agreement(s)” or “SGA(s)” shall mean the agreement(s) concluded between the EIT and the KIC LE, if the EIT has decided to award a specific grant to the KIC EIT Manufacturing ...
Effective Date means the date and time the last Party is on notice that all Parties have accepted the Primary Contracting Document. „Datum účinnosti“ znamená datum a čas, kdy se poslední Strana dozví, že všechny Strany odsouhlasily Základní smluvní dokument.
Effective Date is defined as the date this Agreement takes effect, as specified in Exhibit A; or if no date is specified in Exhibit A, the Effective Date is the date WR signs the Agreement.

Examples of Effective Date in a sentence

  • In case that the termination of the Frame Agreement has been agreed, the Client is entitled to request the Drawdown by the Effective Date of the Notice, at the latest.

  • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have entered into this Agreement under seal as of the Effective Date by their duly authorized representatives.

  • Distributor does not require Institution to issue purchase orders and will invoice Institution upon the Effective Date of this Agreement, and subsequently on each contract anniversary date during the Agreement Term.

  • This Data Processing Addendum (the "Addendum") is made effective on May 25, 2018 (the "Addendum Effective Date" ) by and between EBSCO Publishing, Inc.

  • Ve výjimečných případech, kdy je pro zavedení stanoveno jednotné datum (NATO Effective Date, NED), je možno datum předpokládaného zavedení uvést ve tvaru „NED“.

  • This Agreement shall enter into force on (the Effective Date) and have a term until .

  • At 90 days prior to the Effective Date anniversary for the upcoming year's fees, the most recent annualized Regional Index rate posted at that time will be applied to calculate the upcoming fees.

  • If the full Regional Index rates were not applied at one or more prior Effective Date anniversaries, WR reserves the right to compound this year's rate with the prior years' rates.

  • The effective period of the Study will commence on the Effective Date of this Agreement and shall remain in effect for the duration of the Study, per the Study Protocol, and may be extended upon written agreement signed by the Parties (the “Study Period”).

  • A copy of the Protocol as of the Effective Date is on file with each Party to this Agreement, and is incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

More Definitions of Effective Date

Effective Date means the date first referenced above.
Effective Date shall have the meaning as set forth above. Pod pojmem „formuláře eCRF“ se rozumí elektronické formuláře pro podávání zpráv o případu („záznamy subjektu hodnocení“). “ICH GCP” shall mean the ICH Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice Pojem „datum nabytí účinnosti“ má význam uvedený výše.

Related to Effective Date

  • Rozhodný den pro splacení jmenovité hodnoty “ znamená den, který o třicet kalendářních dnů (nestanoví-li Doplněk dluhopisového programu kratší úsek) předchází příslušnému Dni splatnosti dluhopisů, přičemž však platí, že pro účely zjištění Rozhodného dne pro splacení jmenovité hodnoty se Den splatnosti dluhopisů neposouvá, byť by nebyl Pracovním dnem.

  • Prijímateľ je povinný vo všetkých predkladaných Žiadostiach o platbu uvádzať výlučne výdavky, ktoré zodpovedajú podmienkam uvedeným v článku 14 VZP. Prijímateľ zodpovedá za pravosť, správnosť a kompletnosť údajov uvedených v Žiadosti o platbu. Ak na základe nepravých alebo nesprávnych údajov dôjde k vyplateniu alebo schváleniu platby, Prijímateľ je povinný takto vyplatené alebo schválené prostriedky bezodkladne, od kedy sa o tejto skutočnosti dozvedel, vrátiť; ak sa o skutočnosti, že došlo k vyplateniu alebo schváleniu platby na základe nesprávnych alebo nepravých údajov dozvie Poskytovateľ, postupuje podľa článku 10 VZP.

  • Technická specifikace Dokument, který je součástí Smlouvy a uvádí zejména technické a obchodní podmínky poskytování Služby, poplatky za Službu a další údaje. Pokud jsou tyto údaje uvedeny již ve Smlouvě, Objednávce nebo Produktové specifikaci, není Technická specifikace nedílnou součástí Smlouvy. Technická specifikace může být měněna na základě dohody Smluvních stran, na základě písemné Objednávky Účastníkem (dopisem, elektronickou formou, faxem nebo kombinovaně) potvrzené Poskytovatelem nebo z důvodů změny cen uvedených níže.