Salgs- og leveringsbetingelserne for MarMar Copenhagen ApS, Xxxxxxxxxx 0, 0000 Xxxxxxx, xxxxxxxx kaldet MarMar, skal gælde for alle ordrer - og have forrang frem for andre betingel- ser mv. fra en kunde - medmindre Salgs- og leveringsbetingelserne er fraveget ved udtrykke- lig skriftlig aftale. Salgs- og leveringsbetingelserne kan løbende ændres uden varsel.
Når en ordre afgives, er den bindende for kunden. Ved MarMars skriftlige bekræftelse af or- dren er der indgået en bindende aftale om salg og levering af produkterne. Ordren bekræf- tes med forbehold for adgang til varer og råmaterialer mv. Hvis uforudsete problemer opstår, eller der modtages en utilfredsstillende kreditvurdering af kunden efter ordrebekræftelsen, er XxxXxx berettiget til at annullere ordren uden ansvar af nogen art eller til at kræve en fuldt dækkende bankgaranti. Kundens annullering af den bekræftede ordre kan kun ske med for- udgående skriftligt samtykke fra MarMar. MarMar kan vælge at betinge samtykket af beta- ling af X % af ordreværdien inden for 8 dage fra annulleringen.
Produkterne leveres i overensstemmelse med ICC Incoterms, medmindre andet er anført i or- drebekræftelsen i særlige tilfælde. MarMar kan, afhængig af omstændighederne, bistå med afsendelse af de ordrede produkter, hvis dette er skriftligt aftalt med MarMar i den konkrete sag og sker på kundens regning.
Leveringstidspunktet anføres i ordrebekræftelsen. XxxXxx er berettiget til at udskyde leverin- gen med 14 dage, men skal straks skriftligt orientere kunden om udskydelsen. I tilfælde af for- ce majeure, jf. nedenfor, må leveringstidspunktet dog udskydes, indtil forhindringen ophører, og almindelig handel og transport atter er mulig.
MarMar forbeholder sig ejendomsretten til de leverede produkter, indtil kunden har foretaget fuld betaling. Alle omkostninger forbundet med håndhævelsen af ejendomsforbeholdet skal bæres af kunden.
MarMars priser er anført i DKK/ EURO/USD og er ekskl. moms. Priserne er med forbehold for ændringer i toldsatser, andre afgifter og valutakursudsving og må forhøjes, indtil levering sker. MarMar vil oplyse kunden om alle prisændringer. Kunden fastsætter frit sin videresalgspris.
Medmindre andet er skriftligt aftalt, skal betaling fra kunden til MarMar ske mod faktura og er forfalden 14 dage fra fakturadato. I tilfælde af forsinket betaling tillægges morarente med 2,5% per måned fra forfaldstidspunktet. XxxXxx må udskyde enhver levering af ordrer eller annullere ordrer skriftligt, og uden at pådrage sig noget ansvar herfor, hvis kunden har ubetal- te, forfaldne betalinger vedrørende tidligere ordrer. Ethvert tab for MarMar som følge heraf skal kompenseres fuldt ud af kunden.
Alle indsigelser skal indgives skriftligt og skal modtages af MarMar senest 8 dage efter levering eller - i tilfælde af forsinkelse - forventet levering af produkterne. I tilfælde af ikke-synlige mangler skal indsigelsen indgives senest 8 dage fra tidspunktet, hvor manglen kunne være blevet opdaget ved grundig inspektion, dog senest 3 måneder efter leveringsdagen. Hvis en del af ordren ikke er leveret eller er forsinket, eller hvis en del af ordren er mangelfuld, kan der alene ske annullering for denne del af ordren. Alle indsigelser skal være specifikke, dokumen- terede og indeholde en præcis beskrivelse af indsigelsens indhold. Der kan ikke returneres va- rer uden forudgående skriftligt samtykke fra MarMar.
MarMar skal ikke være ansvarlige, hvis følgende ikke-udtømmende force majeure hændelser indtræder og forhindrer eller forsinker aftalens opfyldelse: Krig og mobilisering; oprør og civil ulydighed; terrorisme; naturkatastrofer; strejke og lockout; varemangel; fejl, mangler eller for- sinkelse i leverancer fra underleverandører eller hvis underleverandører på anden måde er påvirket af forholdene; brand; mangel på transportmidler; valutarestriktioner; import- og ek- sportrestriktioner; død, sygdom eller fravær hos nøglemedarbejdere; computervirus; eller an- dre omstændigheder, som er uden for MarMars direkte kontrol. I sådanne tilfælde skal den ramte, MarMar, være berettiget til at udskyde sin opfyldelse af forpligtelsen, indtil forhindrin- gen er ophørt, eller alternativt til at annullere aftalen helt eller delvist uden at påtage sig no- get ansvar herfor, hvis forhindringen medfører, at opfyldelsen udskydes i mere end 6 måne- der.
MarMar skal, i det omfang dette er tilladt under relevant lovgivning, og desuagtet hvilket grundlag der måtte være for kravet, herunder produktansvar, ikke være ansvarlig for pro- duktansvar eller for anden direkte eller indirekte forstyrrelse af kundens virksomhed, indirekte tab, tab af overskud eller nogen anden form for tab. Under alle omstændigheder skal det maksimale ansvar for MarMar svare til tilbagebetaling til kunden af beløbet betalt for den for- sinkede eller mangelfulde del af ordren.
Aftalen skal være undergivet og fortolkes i overensstemmelse med dansk ret uden hensyn til de enhver tid gældende internationale privatretlige regler i det omfang, anvendelse af så- danne regler ville føre til et andet lovvalg end dansk ret. Konventionen om aftaler om interna- tionale køb (CISG) skal ikke finde anvendelse.
Enhver tvist, som måtte opstå af eller i forbindelse med aftalen, herunder enhver tvist vedrø- rende eksistensen, gyldigheden eller ophør heraf, skal afgøres ved en dansk domstol i rets- kredsen for MarMar hovedkontor. Selv hvis XxxXxx har indledt retssag mod kunden, må Mar- Mar på ethvert tidspunkt vælge at indbringe tvisten for en voldgiftsret ved det Danske Vold- giftsinstitut efter de af Voldgiftsinstituttet vedtagne regler herom, som er gældende ved vold- giftssagens anlæg. Voldgiftsretten skal sættes i København, Danmark, og sproget for vold- giftssagen skal være dansk. Voldgiftssagen og kendelsen skal uden tidsbegrænsning være fortrolige. Det er aftalt, at der ikke kan ske nogen form for appel af kendelsen vedrørende et juridisk spørgsmål til en domstol.
I tilfælde af, at inddrivelse er nødvendig fra MarMars side, kan MarMar til enhver tid vælge at inddrive gælden ved kundens hjemting i overensstemmelse med lovgivningen i det pågæl- dende land.
The Terms of Sale and Delivery for MarMar Copenhagen ApS, Xxxxxxxxxx 0, XX-0000 Xxxxxxx, here- inafter called MarMar shall apply to all orders – and prevail over any such terms or similar terms from a customer – unless the terms are dispensed from by express written agreement. The Terms of Sale and Delivery shall be subject to changes periodically and without notice
When submitted, the order is binding. Upon MarMar written confirmation of the order, a final agree- ment on sale and delivery of goods has been entered into. The order is accepted subject to goods, raw materials and the like being available. If unforeseen difficulties arise or if unsatisfactory credit infor- mation about the customer is obtained after the acceptance of the order, the MarMar will be en- titled to cancel the confirmed order exempt for liability of any kind or to demand provision of a fully adequate bank guarantee. The customer's cancellation of the confirmed order can only be accepted with prior written consent from MarMar.
In case of MarMar acceptance the customer shall pay 30 % of the order value within 8 days from the cancellation date].
The goods shall be delivered in accordance with ICC Incoterms 2010 unless otherwise specifically agreed and stated in the order confirmation in exceptional cases. MarMar may, depending on the circumstances, assist in arranging dispatch of the ordered goods if this has been agreed in writing and accepted by XxxXxx on a case by case basis and always for the customer’s account.
The delivery time will be stated in the order confirmation. MarMar shall be entitled to postpone the delivery time by fourteen (14) days and shall immediately notify the customer in writing of any such postponement. In the event of force majeure, cf., how ever, the provisions below, delivery may be postponed until the obstacle ceases and ordinary trading and transport become possible.
If delivery has not been fulfilled within fourteen 14 days from the stated delivery, the delivery can only be considered as being in delay if the customer has given the MarMar a w ritten reminder and delivery has not been performed within seven 7 days from MarMar receipt of the reminder.
MarMar reserves the ow nership of the delivered goods until full payment is effected by the cus- tomer. All costs incurred in connection with the enforcement of the retention of title shall be paid by the customer.
All prices of the MarMar are stated in DKK/ EURO/USD and are exclusive of VAT. The prices are sub- ject to changes in customs duties, other duties and exchanges rates, and may be raised until de- livery is made. The MarMar will inform the customer of any price changes. The customer shall be free to fix his resale prices.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, payment from the customer to the MarMar will be against in- voice and is due for payment 14 days. Default interest of 2,5% per month will be charged after the due date in the event of non- payment. MarMar may postpone delivery of orders or cancel orders by written notice and without incurring any liability for this if the customer is in arrears with pay- ment for previous consignments delivered. MarMar reserves the right to cancel the order if pay- ment is not made on the due date. Any financial loss that MarMar incurs as a result hereof shall be compensated fully by the customer.
Any complaint shall be submitted in writing, and must be received by the MarMar not later than eight (8) days after delivery or - if delayed - expected delivery of the goods. In the event of non- visible damage, the complaint shall likewise be submitted not later than eight (8) days from w hen the defect or deficiency could have been ascertained upon careful inspection, how ever, not lat- er than three (3) months after the delivery date. If a part of the order is not delivered or is delayed or if part of the order is defective or deficient, the order may only be cancelled for this part of the order. Any complaint must be specific, documented and contain a precise specification on the contents of the complaint. No returns will be considered without prior written approval by the MarMar.
The Parties shall not be liable if the following non-exhaustive circumstances of force majeure oc- cur and prevent or postpone the performance of the Agreement: w ar and mobilization, riot and civil unrest, acts of terrorism, natural disasters, strikes and lockouts, scarcity of goods, faults, de- fects or delay in delivery from sub-suppliers or if sub-suppliers are otherwise hit by the present cir- cumstances, fire, lack of means of transportation, exchange control regulations, import and ex- port restrictions, death, illness or absence of key staff members, computer viruses or any other cir- cumstances that are beyond the Parties direct control. In such case, the Party shall be entitled to postpone fulfillment of the obligation until the obstacle has ceased or, alternatively, to cancel the Agreement in full or in part without incurring any liability for this, if the obstacle causes fulfillment to be postponed for more than six months.
The MarMar shall, to the extent permitted by applicable laws, and in respect of any legal basis for the claim, including product liability, not be responsible for any product liability or for any direct or indirect business interruption loss, consequential loss, loss of profit, or any other loss w hatsoever. In any event, the maximum liability shall be equal to repayment by the MarMar to the customer of the payment made for the delayed or defective part of the order.
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Danish law, disregarding the Danish choice of law rules to the extent that such rules would otherwise lead to the applica- tion of any other law than Danish law . The Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) shall not apply.
Any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or in relation to this Agreement, or the breach, termination, or invalidity thereof, which can not be settled amicably between the Parties, shall be brought before a Danish District Court applicable to the MarMar head office. Even if the MarMar has initiated a court action against the customer, the MarMar may at any stage decide to settle any dispute by arbitration arranged by the Danish Institute of Arbitration in accordance with the rules of arbitration procedure adopted by the Danish Institute of Arbitration and in force at the time w hen such proceedings are commenced. The Court of Arbitration shall have MarMar, Co- penhagen, Denmark, and the language to be used in the proceedings shall be Danish. The pro- ceedings and the award shall be confidential without time limit. It is agreed that no appeal on any question of law otherwise may be made to any court.
Irrespective of the above mentioned in Article 9, and in the event debt collection by the MarMar is required, the MarMar may at its own discretion decide to recover the debt at the customer's venue in accordance with the applicable law in the relevant country.
The Terms of Sale and Delivery for MarMar Copenhagen ApS, Xxxxxxxxxx 0, XX-0000 Xxxxxxx, hereinafter called MarMar shall apply to all orders – and prevail over any such terms or similar terms from a customer – unless the terms are dispensed from by express written agreement. The Terms of Sale and Delivery shall be subject to changes periodically and without notice
When submitted, the order is binding. Upon MarMar written confirmation of the order, a final agreement on sale and delivery of goods has been entered into. The order is accepted subject to goods, raw materials and the like being available. If unforeseen difficulties arise or if unsatisfac- tory credit information about the customer is obtained after the acceptance of the order, the MarMar will be entitled to cancel the confirmed order exempt for liability of any kind or to demand provision of a fully adequate bank guarantee. The customer's cancellation of the confirmed order can only be accepted with prior written consent from MarMar.
In case of MarMar acceptance the customer shall pay 30 % of the order value within 8 days from the cancellation date].
The goods shall be delivered in accordance with ICC Incoterms 2010 unless otherwise specifi- cally agreed and stated in the order confirmation in exceptional cases. MarMar may, de- pending on the circumstances, assist in arranging dispatch of the ordered goods if this has been agreed in writing and accepted by XxxXxx on a case by case basis and always for the customer’s account.
The delivery time will be stated in the order confirmation. The MarMar shall be entitled to postpone the delivery time by fourteen (14) days and shall immediately notify the customer in writing of any such postponement. In the event of force majeure, cf., however, the provisions below, delivery may be postponed until the obstacle ceases and ordinary trading and transport become possible.
If delivery has not been fulfilled within fourteen (14) days from the stated delivery, the delivery can only be considered as being in delay if the customer has given the MarMar a written re- minder and delivery has not been performed within seven 7 days from MarMar receipt of the reminder.
MarMar reserves the ownership of the delivered goods until full payment is effected by the customer. All costs incurred in connection with the enforcement of the retention of title shall be paid by the customer.
All prices of the MarMar are stated in DKK/ EURO/USD and are exclusive of VAT. The prices are subject to changes in customs duties, other duties and exchanges rates, and may be raised until delivery is made. The MarMar will inform the customer of any price changes. The cus- tomer shall be free to fix his resale prices.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, payment from the customer to the MarMar will be against invoice and is due for payment 14 days. Default interest of 2,5 % per month will be charged after the due date in the event of non- payment. MarMar may postpone delivery of orders or cancel orders by written notice and without incurring any liability for this if the customer is in arrears with payment for previous consignments delivered. MarMar reserves the right to can-
cel the order if payment is not made on the due date. Any financial loss that MarMar incurs as a result hereof shall be compensated fully by the customer.
Any complaint shall be submitted in writing, and must be received by the MarMar not later than eight (8) days after delivery or - if delayed - expected delivery of the goods. In the event of non-visible damage, the complaint shall likewise be submitted not later than eight (8) days from when the defect or deficiency could have been ascertained upon careful inspection, however, not later than three (3) months after the delivery date. If a part of the order is not delivered or is delayed or if part of the order is defective or deficient, the order may only be cancelled for this part of the order. Any complaint must be specific, documented and con- tain a precise specification on the contents of the complaint. No returns will be considered without prior written approval by the MarMar.
The Parties shall not be liable if the following non-exhaustive circumstances of force majeure occur and prevent or postpone the performance of the Agreement: war and mobilization, ri- ot and civil unrest, acts of terrorism, natural disasters, strikes and lockouts, scarcity of goods, faults, defects or delay in delivery from sub-suppliers or if sub-suppliers are otherwise hit by the present circumstances, fire, lack of means of transportation, exchange control regulations, import and ex-port restrictions, death, illness or absence of key staff members, computer vi- ruses or any other circumstances that are beyond the Parties direct control. In such case, the Party shall be entitled to postpone fulfillment of the obligation until the obstacle has ceased or, alternatively, to cancel the Agreement in full or in part without incurring any liability for this, if the obstacle causes fulfillment to be postponed for more than six (6) months.
The MarMar shall, to the extent permitted by applicable laws, and in respect of any legal ba- sis for the claim, including product liability, not be responsible for any product liability or for any direct or indirect business interruption loss, consequential loss, loss of profit, or any other loss whatsoever. In any event, the maximum liability shall be equal to repayment by the Mar- Mar to the customer of the payment made for the delayed or defective part of the order.
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Danish law, disre- garding the Danish choice of law rules to the extent that such rules would otherwise lead to the application of any other law than Danish law. The Convention on Contracts for the Inter- national Sale of Goods (CISG) shall not apply.
Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract, including any disputes regard- ing the existence, validity or termination thereof, shall be settled by arbitration arranged by the Danish Institute of Arbitration in accordance with the rules of arbitration procedure adopted by the Danish Institute of Arbitration and in force at the time when such proceed- ings are commenced. The Court of Arbitration shall have its seat in MarMar, Copenhagen, Danmark and the language to be used in the proceedings shall be Danish.
Irrespective of the above mentioned in Article 9, and in the event debt collection by the MarMar is required, the MarMar may at its own discretion decide to recover the debt at the customer's venue in accordance with the applicable law in the relevant country.