Vejledning til skabelonen
Formål: Denne skabelon anvendes til indhentelse af dokumentation hos virksomheder, som er etableret i et land uden for EU/EØS. Skabelonen er derfor udarbejdet på engelsk, mens vejledningsteksten er på dansk.
Der skal som udgangspunkt kun indhentes dokumentation fra den vindende tilbudsgiver, jf. udbudslovens § 151, stk. 1.
Ordregiver har, jf. udbudslovens § 151, stk. 2, mulighed for at indhente dokumentation i løbet af hele udbudsprocessen, såfremt dette er nødvendigt for at sikre korrekt gennemførelse af udbudsprocessen. Vær opmærksom på, at ordregiver, jf. udbudslovens § 151, stk. 5, nr. 1, ikke kan kræve dokumentation forelagt, hvis ordregiver selv kan skaffe de relevante oplysninger fx gennem en hjemmeside, eller hvis ordregiver allerede er i besiddelse af den fornødne dokumentation.
Xxxxxxxxxx giver også mulighed for at indhente dokumentation for, at tilbudsgiveren ikke er omfattet af sanktioner mod Rusland i EU forordning nr. 833/2014 med senere ændringer, artikel 5k.
Vejledning til udfyldelse:
Al vejledningstekst, kommentarbokse, farver og skarpe parenteser om felterne slettes, inden dokumentet færdiggøres.
Opdateret d. 29. juli 2022.
[Angiv navn og adresse på virksomhed]
Att. [angiv kontaktperson]
Request for documentation in connection with procurement procedure regarding [angiv betegnelse]
[Alternativ 1: (Anvendes, hvis dokumentation indhentes før tildeling.)
Thank you for your offer.
Before [angiv ordregiver] (hereafter ”contracting authority”) can reach a decision regarding the award of the contract, it is required that the bidder, to whom the contracting authority intends to award the contract, can submit documentation for the information provided in ESPD. The reference is made to the Danish Public Procurement Act, sections 151 and 152.]
[Alternativ 2: (Anvendes, hvis dokumentation indhentes under udbudsprocessen for at sikre korrekt gennemførelse af udbudsproceduren.)
To ensure the proper conduct of the procurement procedure the [angiv ordregiver] (hereafter “contracting authority”) requires that the bidders submit documentation for the information provided in the ESPD. The reference is made to the Danish Public Procurement Act, sections 151 and 152.]
You are therefore requested to submit the following documentation as soon as possible and no later than [angiv dato].
The documentation is requested to be submitted through the electronic procurement system. If it is not possible to submit the documentation within the above time limit, you should inform us as soon as possible. If the documentation is not submitted within the time limit, you can be excluded from the procurement procedure.
The following documentation is requested to be submitted:
Documentation for information provided in ESPD part III: Exclusion grounds
[Også virksomheder fra lande uden for EU/EØS skal fremlægge de typer af dokumentation for ikke-udelukkelse, som fremgår af udbudslovens § 153. Såfremt ordregiver ikke har viden om, hvilken specifik type dokumentation der kan kræves i et bestemt land, kan ordregiveren undlade at kræve specifik dokumentation. Nedenstående skabelon kan anvendes, når der ikke kræves specifik dokumentation.
Hvis ordregiveren kræver specifik dokumentation, skal nedenstående afsnit tilrettes i overensstemmelse hermed.]
The bidder and any eventual entities, on which the bidder relies (supporting entities), shall prove that the bidder and the supporting entities are not subject to compulsory grounds for exclusion, cf. Danish Public Procurement Act, section 135-136 [Hvis de relevante frivillige udelukkelsesgrunde er angivet i udbudsbekendtgørelsen, kan følgende tilføjes: “and the voluntary grounds for exclusion, cf. Public Procurement Act, section 137, para. 1, [xx], as stated in the Contract Notice section VI.3).” Bemærk, at der kun kan kræves dokumentation for § 137, stk. 1, nr. 2 og 6. De øvrige frivillige udelukkelsesgrunde skal ordregiver påvise, at tilbudsgiver er omfattet af. ]
The contracting authority will accept the types of documentation, described in Danish Public Procurement Act section 153. Thus, the following documentation can be accepted:
An extract from the relevant register or a similar document issued by a competent judicial or administrative authority in the country where the bidder is established stating that the bidder is not subject to the grounds for exclusion stipulated in section 135, para. 1.
A certificate issued by the competent authority in the relevant country as documentation that the candidate is not subject to the grounds for exclusion stipulated in the cases stated in section 135, para. 3 and section 137, para. 1 (2) and (6).
If the relevant country does not issue the documents or certificates stated above, or if such documents or certificates do not cover all the cases mentioned in section 135, para. 1 and 3 and section 137, para. 1 (2) and (6) , those documents or certificates can be replaced by a declaration provided on oath. If declaration on oath are not provided in the relevant country, a solemn declaration made before a competent judicial or administrative authority, a notary or a competent professional organization in the country in which the bidder is established, can be applied.
Documentation for information provided in ESPD Part IV B: Economic and financial standing:
The bidder and any eventual supporting entities shall prove that that the conditions in ESPD Part IV B regarding economic and financial standing are fulfilled.
The bidder, and if relevant, the supporting entities are requested to submit the following documents: [Angiv afsnit fra udbudsbekendtgørelsen, hvoraf det fremgår, hvilken documentation, der kræves].
Documentation for information provided in ESPD Part IV C: Technical and professional ability:
The bidder and any eventual supporting entities shall prove that the conditions in ESPD Part IV C regarding the technical and professional ability are fulfilled.
The bidder, and if relevant, the supporting entities are requested to submit the following: [Angiv afsnit fra udbudsbekendtgørelsen, hvoraf det fremgår, hvilken dokumentation der kræves].
Declaration of support and/or consortium declaration
[Punktet slettes/tilrettes, såfremt der ikke er tilbudsgivere, der baserer sig på andres formåen, eller som byder ind som konsortium.]
The bidder shall submit a declaration of support for the entity/those entities on which the bidder relies. The template for declaration of support is attached. [Skabelon til støtteerklæring findes på Rådgivningsenhedens hjemmeside.]
The bidder shall submit consortium declaration, which states that the participating entities compose a consortium and confirms that the technical and/or economical capacity of the participating entities is provided for the procurement in question. Furthermore, the participating entities shall in the declaration confirm that they are jointly, directly and without limitation liable for the consortium’s offer and for the performance of the awarded contract. [Skabelon til konsortieerklæring findes på Rådgivningsenhedens hjemmeside.]
Documentation for the bidder not being affected by the EU sanctions against Russia
[Punktet anvendes, såfremt tilbudsgiver sammen med dokumentation for ikke-udelukkelse skal fremlægge dokumentation for, at vedkommende ikke er omfattet af sanktionerne i EU forordning nr. 833/2014, artikel 5 k. Punktet tilpasses, såfremt tilbudsgiveren er en sammenslutning af virksomheder, som f.eks. et konsortium.]
The bidder shall submit documentation proving that the bidder is not subject to the sanctions in the EU regulation No. 833/2014, Article 5k. The bidder shall submit a solemn declaration stating that the bidder is not subject to the sanctions in the mentioned EU regulation. The template for solemn declaration is attached. [Skabelonen til tro- og loveerklæringen findes på Rådgivningsenhedens hjemmeside. Bemærk, at skabelonen p.t. er kun udarbejdet på dansk. Se evt. også EU-Kommissionens forslag til indholdet af en erklæring i Kommissionens dokument: ”Frequently asked questions on public procurement sanctions against Russia”]
[Bemærk, at såfremt tilbudsgiveren er en sammenslutning af virksomheder, skal tro- og loveerklæringen fremlægges af hver deltager i sammenslutningen. I så fald tilføjes følgende: ”The solemn declaration shall be submitted by each participant in the consortium.”]
If you have any questions, please contact [angiv kontaktperson og kontaktoplysninger].
[angiv navn og titel]