This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: e79152Ptnsx251805975 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: e79152Ptnsx251805975 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: e79152Ptnsx251805975 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: e79152Ptnsx251805975...
This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: e79152Ptnsx251805975
This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: e79152Ptnsx251805975
This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: e79152Ptnsx251805975
This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: e79152Ptnsx251805975
This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: e79152Ptnsx251805975
Dette dokument er underskrevet af nedenstående parter, der med deres underskrift har bekræftet dokumentets indhold samt alle datoer i dokumentet.
This document is signed by the following parties with their signatures confirming the documents content and all dates in the document.
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx
Navnet returneret af dansk MitID var: Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
ID: fef1d009-5050-40c3-b40f-cb68152c4ca9 CPR-match med dansk MitID
Tidspunkt for underskrift: 24-05-2024 kl.: 12:24:04 Underskrevet med XxxXX
This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: e79152Ptnsx251805975
Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxx
Navnet returneret af dansk MitID var: Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Bestyrelsesmedlem
ID: 926e460c-e3f4-4e0b-81ca-c7fd490df7ed CPR-match med dansk MitID
Tidspunkt for underskrift: 24-05-2024 kl.: 10:32:56 Underskrevet med XxxXX
Xxxx Xxx Xxxxxxxx
Navnet returneret af dansk MitID var:
Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx
ID: cf63ce26-97df-4549-86ee-1b2d6e10e55a CPR-match med dansk MitID
Tidspunkt for underskrift: 24-05-2024 kl.: 12:30:03 Underskrevet med XxxXX
This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.
Navnet returneret af dansk MitID var:
Xxxx Xxx Xxxxxxxx Revisor
ID: 0b265311-0246-404d-9556-cc1804de1b50
CPR-match med dansk MitID
Tidspunkt for underskrift: 24-05-2024 kl.: 12:31:31 Underskrevet med XxxXX
The document is locked for changes and all cryptographic signature certificates are embedded in this PDF.The signatures therefore comply with all public recommendations and laws for digital signatures.With esignatur's solution, it is ensured that all European laws are respected in relation to sensitive information and valid digital signatures. If you would like more information about digital documents signed with esignatur, please visit our website at xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx.