1 Formål | Purpose |
1.1 På bestyrelsesmødet i Zealand Pharma A/S ("Selskabet") den 2. november 2010 blev der i overensstemmelse med vedtægternes punkt 8.1 vedtaget følgende nye bestemmelser vedrørende udstedelse af warrants til medlemmer af den øverste ledelse, udvalgte nøglemedarbejdere og medlemmer af Selskabets bestyrelse ("Warrantindehaver") ("Warrants"). | At the board meeting held in Zealand Pharma A/S (the "Company") on 2 No- vember 2010, the following new provi- sions were adopted in accordance with Article 8.1 of the Articles of Association concerning the issue of warrants to members of the top management, select- ed key employees and members of the Company's Board of Directors (the "War- rant Holder") ("Warrants"). |
1.2 Bestyrelsen har besluttet at udstede op til 595.406 Warrants i Selskabet til tegning af op til 595.406 aktier til kr. 1,00 (nominelt kr. 595.406) i henhold til vedtægternes punkt 8.1. | The Board of Directors has decided to is- sue up to 595,406 Warrants in the Com- pany for the subscription of up to 595,406 shares of DKK 1.00 (nominally DKK 595,406) according to Article 8.1 of the Articles of Association. |
1.3 Aftalen er del af en incitamentsordning i henhold til hvilken medlemmer af den øverste ledelse, udvalgte nøglemedarbejdere og medlemmer af Selskabets bestyrelse tilbydes muligheden for at få tildelt Warrants i Selskabet med henblik på at sikre, at Selskabet og Warrantindehaverne har en fælles interesse, og at alle således gør en indsats for, at Selskabets værdi udvikler sig bedst muligt. | This Agreement is part of an incentive programme according to which senior management members, selected key em- ployees and members of the Board of Di- rectors of the Company are offered an opportunity to receive Warrants in the Company in order to ensure that the Company and the Warrant Holders share common interests and that everyone is working to ensure that the value of the Company develops in the best possible way. |
1.4 Tildelingen af Warrants er betinget af, at Warrantindehaveren enten er ansat i Selskabet i uopsagt stilling på datoen for denne Aftale eller er medlem af Selskabets bestyrelse | It is a condition for the grant of Warrants that the Warrant Holder is either em- ployed with the Company and not under notice at the date of this Agreement or is a member of the Board of Directors of the Company. |
1.5 Warrantindehaveren tiltræder automatisk ændringer i Selskabets vedtægter, i det omfang betingelserne for en beslutning om vedtægtsændringer er til stede. | Amendments to the Company's Articles of Association shall automatically be ac- cepted by the Warrant Holder to the ex- tent that the conditions for the resolution to amend the Articles of Association ex- ist. |
1.6 Tegning af Warrants har fundet sted ved underskrivelse af individuelle warrantaftaler ("Warrantaftaler"), som indeholder Warrantindehaverens navn og antal tildelte Warrants. | The subscription for Warrants has taken place by signing of individual warrant agreements ("Warrant Agreement"), which contain the names of the Warrant Holder and the number of Warrants granted. |
1.7 Warrants berettiger Warrantindehaveren til at tegne aktier på de nedenfor anførte betingelser. | The Warrants entitle the Warrant Holder to subscribe the shares on the terms set out below. |
2 Tildeling af Warrants | Grant of Warrants |
Section 7H of the Danish Tax Assessment Act (in Danish "Ligningsloven") shall ap- ply to the largest extent possible. The Company's auditor will in his statutory certification attest to which extent the conditions for the application of Section 7H are met. The remaining Warrants shall be subject to the provisions of Sec- tion 28 of the Danish Tax Assessment Act. |
2.2 Tildeling af Warrants sker uden beregning. | The Warrants are granted free of charge. |
2.3 Hver Warrant berettiger Warrantindehaveren til at tegne 1 aktie à nominelt kr. 1,00 i Selskabet i henhold til de relevante bestemmelser anført i punkt 3 - 5 til den i punkt 6 fastsatte tegningskurs. | Each Warrant entitles the Warrant Holder to subscribe for 1 share of nominal value DKK 1.00 in the Company pursuant to the relevant conditions as set forth in Clauses 0 - 0 and at the relevant sub- scription price as determined in Clause 0. |
2.4 I forbindelse med Selskabets aktiebog skal der føres en fortegnelse over samtlige udstedte Warrants. | In connection with the Company's regis- ter of shareholders, a register of all is- sued Warrants shall be kept. |
It is a condition for the exercise of War- rants that the Company has been listed on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S (a "Listing") no later than on 30 June 2011. If a Listing has not been completed on 30 June 2011 all Warrants shall automatical- ly lapse and become void without any further notice and/or compensation to the Warrant Holder. | |
3.2 Forudsat at betingelserne i punkt 3.1 er opfyldte, kan Warrants udnyttes i perioden fra 3. november 2013 til og med 3. november 2015 ("Udnyttelsesperioden") i de i punkt 3.3 anførte udnyttelses-vinduer. Warrants, der ikke er udnyttet på eller før sidste dag af Udnyttelsesperioden, bortfalder automatisk uden yderligere varsel og/eller kompensation til | Provided that the condition set out in Clause 3.1 has been met, the Warrants may be exercised in the period from 3 November 2013 until (and including) 3 November 2015 ("Exercise Period") with- in the windows set forth in Clause 3.3. Warrants which have not been exercised on or before the last day of the Exercise Period will automatically lapse and be- come void without any further notice |
Warrantindehaveren. | and/or compensation to the Warrant Holder. |
Within the Exercise Period, the Warrants may be exercised four times a year dur- ing a 4-week window starting from the time of publication of either the Compa- ny's annual report or quarterly or semi- annual reports (respectively 3, 6 and 9 months). | |
3.4 Warrantindehaveren er berettiget til at udnytte alle eller en del af sine Warrants. Warrantindehaveren kan dog ikke udnytte mindre end 25 procent ad gangen af det samlede antal Warrants, der er blevet tildelt Warrantindehaveren i henhold til Aftalen. | The Warrant Holder is entitled to exercise all or part of his or her Warrants, howev- er, the Warrant Holder cannot exercise less than 25 per cent of the total number of Warrants granted in accordance with this Agreement at a time. |
4 Ekstraordinær udnyttelse af Warrants | Extraordinary Exercise of the War- rants |
4.1 Udover den almindelige udnyttelse af Warrants i henhold til punkt 3 kan Selskabets bestyrelse efter eget skøn beslutte, at en ekstraordinær udnyttelse af Warrants kan finde sted, herunder i overensstemmelse med - men ikke begrænset til - bestemmelserne i punkt 4.1.1 - 4.1.6. | In addition to the ordinary exercise of Warrants as set out in Clause 0, the Board of Directors of the Company may, in their sole discretion, decide that War- rants may be extraordinarily exercised including, but not limited to, in accord- ance with Clauses 4.1.1 - 4.1.6 |
deraf kan udnyttes, skal Selskabet give | In the event that the Company's general meeting passes a resolution to liquidate the Company, and the Board of Directors (in their sole discretion) decide that War- rants therefore may be exercised, the |
Warrantindehaveren skriftlig meddelelse herom. Warrantindehaveren har herefter en frist på to uger fra datoen for afsendelse af meddelelsen fra Selskabet til skriftligt at meddele Selskabet, om Warrants ønskes udnyttet helt eller delvis. Hvis Warrantindehaveren ikke ønsker at udnytte Warrants, bortfalder disse automatisk og uden kompensation efter udløbet af fristen, forudsat at Selskabet opløses endeligt som følge af den meddelte beslutning. Udnyttelse af Warrants skal ske i overensstemmelse med punkt 5 og 6. | Company shall notify the Warrant Holder in writing to this effect. Following this notification, the Warrant Holder shall no- tify the Company in writing within two weeks as from the date of the posting of this notification from the Company whether he/she wishes to exercise the Warrants wholly or partly. If the Warrant Holder does not wish to exercise the Warrants, the Warrants shall automati- cally become void without compensation, following the expiry of the time-limit, provided that the Company is finally liq- uidated as a result of the notified resolu- tion. Any exercise of the Warrants must be in accordance with Clauses 0 and 0. |
4.1.2 Såfremt generalforsamlingen træffer beslutning om at fusionere Selskabet, og fusionen medfører, at Selskabet ophører, og bestyrelsen (efter eget skøn) vedtager, at Warrants som følge deraf kan udnyttes, skal Selskabet give Warrantindehaveren skriftlig meddelelse herom. Warrantindehaveren har herefter en frist på to uger fra datoen for afsendelse af meddelelsen fra Selskabet til skriftligt at meddele Selskabet, om Warrants ønskes udnyttet helt eller delvis. Selskabet skal håndtere Warrantindehaverens meddelelse således, at aktierne er registreret i Warrantindehaverens depot senest fem handelsdage forud for sidste handelsdag for Selskabets aktier. Hvis Warrantindehaveren ikke ønsker at udnytte Warrants, bortfalder disse | In the event that the general meeting passes a resolution to merge the Compa- ny and such merger results in the Com- pany being discontinued, and the Board of Directors (in their sole discretion) de- cide that Warrants therefore may be ex- ercised, the Company shall notify the Warrant Holder in writing to this effect. Following such notification, the Warrant Holder shall notify the Company in writ- ing within two weeks as from the date of the posting of this notification from the Company whether he/she wishes to exer- cise the Warrants wholly or partly. The notice must in such case be processed by the Company so that the shares are reg- istered in the Warrant Holder's depot at least five trading days before the last day of trading of the Company's shares. If the Warrant Holder does not wish to |
Selskabets aktiver, og bestyrelsen (efter eget skøn) vedtager, at Warrants som følge deraf kan udnyttes, skal Selskabet give Warrantindehaveren skriftlig meddelelse herom. Warrantindehaveren har herefter en frist på to uger fra datoen for afsendelse af meddelelsen fra Selskabet til skriftligt at meddele Selskabet, om Warrants ønskes udnyttet helt eller delvis. Hvis Warrantindehaveren ikke ønsker at udnytte Warrants, skal Warrants og Aftalen fortsat være fuldt ud gældende. Udnyttelse af Warrants skal ske i overensstemmelse med punkt 5 og 6. | sets of the Company and the Board of Di- rectors (in their sole discretion) decide that Warrants therefore may be exer- cised, the Company shall notify the War- rant Holder in writing to this effect. Fol- lowing such notification, the Warrant Holder shall notify the Company in writ- ing within two weeks as from the date of the posting of this notification from the Company whether he/she wishes to exer- cise the Warrants wholly or partly. In so far as the Warrant Holder does not wish to exercise the Warrants, the Warrants and this Agreement shall remain in full effect. Any exercise of the Warrants must be in accordance with Clauses 0 and 0. |
Practicalities in connection with Ex- ercise of the Warrants | |
5.1 Såfremt Warrantindehaveren ønsker at udnytte en Warrant, skal Warrantindehaveren underrette Selskabet skriftligt herom - ved hjælp af den tegningsblanket, som Selskabet har tilsendt Warrantindehaveren ("Udnyttelsesmeddelelse"). Udnyttelsesmeddelelsen betragtes som afgivet af Warrantindehaveren på tidspunktet for dets aflevering på Selskabets adresse (Att. bestyrelsesformanden) med almindelig post, anbefalet post, med fax eller pr. bud efter begyndelsen og før udløbet af den relevante afleveringsfrist. Udnyttelsesmeddelelsen skal være behørigt udfyldt. Selskabet har ret til at | In the event that the Warrant Holder wishes to exercise a Warrant, the War- rant Holder shall - using the subscription form forwarded by the Company to the Warrant Holder - give written notice ("Exercise Notice") to the Company. The Exercise Notice will be deemed given by the Warrant Holder if the Exercise Notice was delivered to the Company’s address (for the attention of the chairman of the Board of Directors) by regular mail, reg- istered mail, fax or courier after com- mencement and before the expiry of the relevant notice period. The Exercise No- tice shall be duly completed. The Compa- ny is entitled to change the practicalities in connection with the exercise of the |
ændre i de praktiske forhold omkring udnyttelse af Warrants, og Warrantindehaveren vil blive underrettet skriftligt, hvis Selskabet beslutter dette. | Warrants, and if so decided by the Com- pany, the Warrant Holder will be notified in writing by the Company. |
Subscription Price for Shares in con- nection with the Exercise of War- rants | |
6.1 Hver Warrant giver Warrantindehaveren ret til at tegne 1 aktie à nominelt kr. 1,00 i Selskabet til en tegningskurs svarende til 110 procent af kursen i henhold til bookbuilding-metoden fastsat på den første dag, hvor Selskabet er børsnoteret på NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S ("Tegningskursen"). | Each Warrant entitles the Warrant Holder to subscribe for 1 share in the Company of a nominal value of DKK 1.00 at a sub- scription price equivalent to 110 per cent of the book building price determined at the first date on which the Company is listed on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S (the "Subscription Price"). |
6.2 Tegningskursen kan reguleres som anført i Aftalen. | The Subscription Price may be regulated as set out in this Agreement. |
6.3 Warrantindehaveren modtager skriftlig meddelelse om den faktiske Tegningskurs i danske kroner, som skal udgøre en integreret del af Warrantaftalen. | The Warrant Holder receives written no- tice of the actual Subscription Price in DKK which shall be an integral part of the Warrant Agreement. |
7 Regulering af vilkår for Warrants ved visse definerede ændringer i Selskabets kapitalforhold | |
7.1 Såfremt der gennemføres visse definerede ændringer i Selskabets kapitalforhold, som indebærer en reduktion eller en forøgelse af værdien af de tildelte Warrants, skal der foretages en regulering af Tegningskursen og/eller antallet af aktier, som kan tegnes ved udnyttelse af Warrants, således at værdien af Warrants forbliver uændret med de undtagelser, der er gældende i henhold til Aftalen. Tegningskursen kan dog ikke fastsættes til under nominel værdi. Herudover er det en betingelse for reguleringen af antallet af aktier, som kan tegnes ved udnyttelse af Warrants, at Selskabets bestyrelse har fået tildelt den nødvendige bemyndigelse af generalforsamlingen til at udstede et sådant yderligere antal aktier i Selskabet. | In case that certain defined changes are made in the Company's capital structure which entail a reduction or increase of the value of the Warrants granted, there shall be an adjustment of the Subscrip- tion Price and/or the number of shares that can be subscribed for by exercising the Warrants, so that the value of the Warrants remains the same, with the ex- ceptions set forth in this Agreement. However, the Subscription Price can nev- er be adjusted to below par value. Fur- ther, it is a condition for any adjustment of the number of shares that can be sub- scribed for by exercising the Warrants that the Board of Directors of the Com- pany has been granted the necessary au- thority by the general meeting to issue such additional number of shares in the Company. |
7.2 Såfremt Selskabets kompetente instanser træffer endelig beslutning om at udstede fondsaktier (f.eks. udbytte i form af fondsaktier), inden Warrantindehaveren har udnyttet sine Warrants, skal Tegningskursen multipliceres med følgende faktor: | Should the competent bodies of the Company make a final decision to issue bonus shares (e.g. stock dividend) before the Warrant Holder has exercised his or her Warrants, the Subscription Price shall be multiplied by the following factor: |
α = A
(A + B)
α = A
(A + B)
og antallet af aktier med 1 α hvor: A: er Selskabets nominelle aktiekapital før udstedelse af fondsaktier, B: er den nominelle værdi af de fondsaktier, der udstedes. | and the number of shares by 1 α where: A: is the Company's nominal share capital before the issue of bonus shares; B: is the nominal value of the bonus shares to be issued. |
7.3 Såfremt Selskabets kompetente instanser træffer endelig beslutning om at forhøje Selskabets aktiekapital ved tegning af nye aktier til en kurs, der er lavere end markedskursen, inden Warrantindehaveren har udnyttes sine Warrants, skal Tegningskursen multipliceres med følgende faktor: α = (A × k) + (B × t) (A + B) × k og antallet af aktier med 1 α hvor: A: er Selskabets nominelle aktiekapital forud for kapitalforhøjelsen, B: er den nominelle forhøjelse af aktiekapitalen, k: er aktiernes markedskurs forud for kapitalforhøjelsen t: er Tegningskursen på de nye aktier. | Should the competent bodies of the Company make a final decision to in- crease the Company's share capital by subscription of new shares at a price be- low market price before the Warrant Holder has exercised his or her Warrants, the Subscription Price shall be multiplied by the following factor: α = (A × k) + (B × t) (A + B) × k and the number of shares by 1 α where: A: is the Company's nominal share capital before the capital increase; B: is the nominal increase of the share capital; k: is the market price of the shares before the capital increase; t: is the Subscription Price for the new shares. |
Should the competent bodies of the Company make a final decision to change the nominal value of the shares in con- nection with a decision whereby the share capital of the Company is reduced by allocation to a separate fund and/or cover of loss, before the Warrant Holder has exercised his or her Warrants, nei- ther the Subscription Price nor the num- ber of shares shall be amended. Conse- quently the Warrant Holder shall retain the right to subscribe for the same num- ber of shares at the Subscription Price. However, each Warrant shall entitle the Warrant Holder to subscribe for 1 share of the new nominal value so decided by the competent bodies of the Company. | |
7.5 Såfremt Selskabets kompetente instanser træffer endelig beslutning om at ændre aktiernes nominelle værdi (uden samtidige ændringer i Selskabets aktiekapital), f.eks. i situationer, der ikke er omfattet af punkt 7.4, inden Warrantindehaveren har udnyttes sine Warrants, skal Tegningskursen multipliceres med følgende faktor: α = A B og antallet af aktier med 1 α hvor: A: er den nominelle værdi af hver | Should the competent bodies of the Company make a final decision to change the nominal value of the shares (without any other simultaneous changes of the capital of the Company), e.g. in situa- tions not comprised by Clause 7.4, be- fore the Warrant Holder has exercised his or her Warrants, the Subscription Price shall be multiplied by the following fac- tor: α = A B and the number of shares by 1 α where: A: is the nominal value of each share |
enkel aktie efter ændring af aktiernes nominelle værdi, B: er den nominelle værdi af hver enkel aktie før ændring af aktiernes nominelle værdi. | after the nominal value of the shares has been changed; B: is the nominal value of each share before the nominal value of the shares has been changed. |
7.6 Såfremt Selskabet i et hvilket som helst år beslutter at udbetale dividende, skal det pågældende beløb betragtes som udbetaling til aktionærerne, hvilket vil indebære en regulering af Tegningskursen som følger: u − (D × 1) TK1 = TK - D hvor: TK: er Tegningskursen for Warrants forud for udbetaling af dividende, u: er det totale dividendebeløb, D: det totale antal aktier i Selskabet. | Should the Company within any year de- cide to distribute dividends, the amount shall be considered a distribution to the shareholders which shall result in an ad- justment of the Subscription Price ac- cording to the following formula: u − (D × 1) TK1 = TK - D where: TK: is the Subscription Price for the Warrants before the distribution of dividends; u: is the total amount of dividends; D: is the total number of shares in the Company. |
7.7 Såfremt Selskabets aktiekapital nedsættes ved udbetaling til aktionærerne til en højere kurs end markedskursen, skal Tegningskursen beregnes som følger: B × (t − k) TK1 = TK - A hvor: TK: er Tegningskursen for Warrants forud for nedsættelse af aktiekapitalen, | If the share capital of the Company is re- duced by means of payment to the shareholders at a price higher than the market price, the Subscription Price shall be calculated as follows: B × (t − k) TK1 = TK - A where: TK: is the Subscription Price for War- rants before the reduction of the share capital; |
A: er Selskabets nominelle aktiekapital forud for nedsættelsen af aktiekapitalen, B: er den nominelle nedsættelse af aktiekapitalen, k: er aktiernes markedskurs forud for kapitalnedsættelsen, t: er kursen på de aktier, hvormed aktiekapitalen nedsættes. | A: is the nominal share capital of the Company before the reduction of the share capital; B: is the nominal reduction of the share capital; k: is the market price of the shares before the reduction of capital; t: is the rate of the shares by which the share capital is reduced. |
7.8 Såfremt Selskabets aktiekapital nedsættes ved udbetaling til aktionærerne til en lavere kurs end markedskursen, skal Tegningskursen beregnes således: B × (k − t) TK1 = TK + A hvor: TK: er Tegningskursen for Warrants forud for nedsættelsen af aktiekapitalen, A: er Selskabets nominelle aktiekapital forud for nedsættelsen af aktiekapitalen, B: er den nominelle nedsættelse af aktiekapitalen, k: er aktiernes markedskurs forud for kapitalnedsættelsen, t: er kursen på de aktier, hvormed aktiekapitalen nedsættes. | If the share capital of the Company is re- duced by payment to the shareholders at a price lower than the market price, the Subscription Price shall be calculated as follows: B × (k − t) TK1 = TK + A where: TK: is the Subscription Price for War- rants before the reduction of the share capital; A: is the nominal share capital of the Company before the reduction of the share capital; B: is the nominal reduction of the share capital; k: is the market price of the shares before the reduction of capital; t: is the rate of the shares by which the share capital is reduced. |
7.9 Såfremt Selskabet fusionerer som det fortsættende selskab, foretages ingen regulering af Tegningskursen eller af antallet af aktier, der kan tegnes. | If the Company participates in a merger as the continuing company, there shall be no adjustment of the Subscription Price or the number of shares that may |
be subscribed for. | |
7.10 Såfremt generalforsamlingen træffer beslutning om at spalte Selskabet, skal Warrantindehaveren efter spaltningen have et antal Warrants med ret til at tegne aktier i det fortsættende selskab, som Warrantindehaveren er eller ville have været ansat i, eller, hvis Warrantindehaveren ikke er eller har været ansat i Selskabet, i det selskab, som Warrantindehaveren er nærmest knyttet til. Antallet af Warrants skal give Warrantindehaveren adgang til potentielt samme ejerandel, som en udnyttelse af alle Warrants forud for spaltningen ville have givet, justeret med forholdet mellem værdien af de forskellige fortsættende selskaber. Herudover skal vilkårene for de fortsættende Warrants være de samme som anført i denne Aftale. | In the event that the general meeting passes a resolution to demerge the Com- pany, the Warrant Holder shall – after the demerger – have the number of War- rants that shall entitle him/her to sub- scribe for shares in the receiving compa- ny by which the Warrant Holder is or would have been employed or, in the event that the Warrant Holder is not or has not been employed by the Company, the company with which the Warrant Holder has the closest relation. The number of Warrants shall entitle the Warrant Holder to the same potential stake that an exercise of all Warrants prior to the demerger would have result- ed in, adjusted by the ratio between the values of the different surviving compa- nies. Moreover, the terms applying to the surviving Warrants shall be the same as the terms stipulated in this Agreement. |
7.11 I andre tilfælde, hvor Selskabets kapitalforhold ændres, herunder ved udstedelse af warrants, konvertible gældsbreve eller lignende, således at værdien af de udstedte Warrants påvirkes, skal Tegningskursen for de tildelte Warrants så vidt muligt reguleres, således at værdien ikke forringes eller forøges, jf. dog punkt 7.14 forneden. | |
7.12 Tegningskursen kan ikke reduceres til en lavere værdi end aktiernes | The Subscription Price shall not be re- duced to a price lower than the nominal |
nominelle værdi (kurs pari). Såfremt en regulering af Warrants, de skal sikre disses værdi, medfører, at kursen skal reduceres til under kurs pari, bortfalder Warrants, medmindre Warrantindehaveren accepterer, at Tegningskursen forhøjes til kurs pari uden kompensation. | value of the shares (par). If an adjust- ment of the Warrants to preserve their value would result in the price being re- duced to below par, the Warrants shall lapse, unless the Warrant Holder accepts that the Subscription Price is increased to par without compensation. |
7.13 Såfremt aktiekapitalen nedsættes til dækning af underskud, skal antallet af aktier, som Warrantindehaveren kan tegne ved udnyttelse af Warrants, reduceres (nedrundet) i et forhold svarende til forholdet mellem den nominelle kapitalnedsættelse og Selskabets samlede nominelle aktiekapital før nedsættelsen. | If the share capital is reduced in order to cover losses, the number of shares that the Warrant Holder may subscribe for by exercising the Warrants shall be reduced (rounded down) proportionately to the nominal reduction of the capital, com- pared to the total nominal share capital of the Company before the reduction. |
(i) Forhøjelse eller nedsættelse af Selskabets aktiekapital til markedskurs, herunder udstedelse af aktier i henhold til punkt 7.1 i Selskabets vedtægter. (ii) Udstedelse af aktier, optioner, warrants eller lignende til medarbejdere af Selskabet eller medarbejdere af et koncernforbundet selskab og/eller af disses helejede selskaber til enkelte | The following changes in the capital structure of the Company shall not result in any adjustment of the Subscription Price or the number of shares that the Warrant Holder may subscribe for: (i) An increase or reduction of the Company's capital at market price, including issue of shares according to Clause 7.1 in the Articles of As- sociation of the Company. (ii) Issue of shares, options, warrants or the like to employees of the Company or to employees of a group-related company and/or their fully owned companies for some or more of the employees, |
eller flere medarbejdere, eventuelt til en favørkurs, herunder, men ikke begrænset til udstedelse af aktier i henhold til punkt 8.1 i Selskabets vedtægter vedrørende warrants. (iii) Udstedelse af warrants, konvertible gældsbreve eller lignende til tredjemand på sædvanlige markedsvilkår som led i mezzaninfinansiering eller dertil svarende finansiering. | possibly at a favourable price, in- cluding but not limited to the issue of shares according to Clause 8.1 in the Articles of Association of the Company concerning warrants. (iii) Issue of warrants, convertible debt instruments or the like to third parties on usual market terms as part of mezzanine financing or similar financing. |
7.15 Såfremt antallet af nye aktier, som kan tegnes ved udnyttelse af Warrants, forøges i overensstemmelse med dette punkt 7, skal Selskabets højeste aktiekapital forøges tilsvarende. | If the number of new shares that may be subscribed for by exercise of the War- rants is adjusted upwards in accordance with this Clause 0, the Company's maxi- mum share capital shall be increased similarly. |
8 Omsættelighed | Transferability |
8.1 De enkelte Warrants er ikke- omsættelige instrumenter. Enhver form for overdragelse, pantsætning eller anden afståelse af en Warrant kan kun finde sted, hvis der indhentes forudgående skriftligt samtykke fra Selskabets bestyrelse, og kan blive tilladt, nægtet eller gøres betinget efter bestyrelsens absolutte skøn (med undtagelse af overdragelse i tilfælde af Warrantindehaverens død, i hvilket tilfælde bestyrelsen skal godkende overdragelse til Warrantindehaverens nærmeste slægtninge). | Each Warrant is a non-negotiable instru- ment. Any transfer, pledging or other as- signment of a Warrant shall be subject to the prior written consent of the Board of Directors of the Company, which may be granted, denied or conditioned in the ab- solute discretion of the Board of Direc- tors of the Company (with the exception of a transfer due to the death of the Warrant Holder, in which case the Board of Directors shall approve a transfer mor- tis causa to the Warrant Holder’s closest relatives). |
8.2 Warrants må ikke underkastes nogen form for tvangsfuldbyrdelse og må ikke stilles som sikkerhed over for tredjepart. | The Warrants may not be subject to en- forcement of any kind and may not be lodged as security towards a third party. |
9 Vilkår for nye aktier udstedt ved udnyttelse af Warrants | Conditions for New Shares issued fol- lowing Exercise of the Warrants |
9.1 Følgende vilkår skal være gældende for nye aktier tegnet ved udnyttelse af Warrants under denne Aftale: (i) for de nye aktier gælder der ikke fortegningsret for de eksisterende aktionærer, (ii) de nye aktier udstedt på grundlag af udnyttede Warrants indbetales kontant samtidig med fremsendelse af Udnyttelsesmeddelelse, (iii) de nye aktier skal udstedes på navn og skal registreres i Warrantindehaverens navn i Selskabets ejerbog, (iv) de nye aktier skal være omsætningspapirer, (v) de nye aktier skal være frit omsættelige, (vi) for de nye aktier skal der ikke gælde indskrænkninger i fortegningsretten | The following terms and conditions shall apply to the new shares issued by the exercise of Warrants covered by this Agreement, (i) the existing shareholders shall not have any pre-emptive right to the new shares; (ii) the new shares issued on the basis of exercised Warrants shall be paid up in cash at the same date as the Exercise Notice is forwarded; (iii) the new shares shall be issued in the holder's name and shall be reg- istered in the name of the Warrant Holder in the Company's register of shareholders; (iv) the new shares shall be negotiable shares; (v) the new shares are freely transfer- able; (vi) the pre-emptive right of the new shares in connection with future capital increases shall not be lim- |
ved fremtidige kapitalforhøjelser, (vii) de nye aktier skal give ret til udbytte og andre rettigheder i Selskabet fra tidspunktet for den relevante kapitalforhøjelses registrering hos Erhvervs- og Selskabsstyrelsen, (viii) i tilfælde af generelle ændringer i aktiernes rettigheder skal de nye aktier give samme rettigheder som Selskabets øvrige aktier på udnyttelsestidspunktet, og (ix) Selskabet skal afholde omkostningerne i forbindelse med udstedelse af Warrants i henhold til Aftalen og omkostningerne forbundet med efterfølgende udnyttelse af Warrants. Selskabets omkostninger i forbindelse med udstedelse af Warrants i henhold til Aftalen og den dertil hørende kapitalforhøjelse anslås til at andrage højst kr. 200.000. | ited; (vii) the new shares shall carry a right to dividend and other rights in the Company as from the time when the relevant capital increase has been registered by the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency; (viii) in case of any general changes in the rights of the shares in the Company, the new shares shall carry the same rights as the other shares in the Company at the time of exercise; and (ix) the Company shall pay the costs in connection with the issue of War- rants pursuant to this Agreement and the costs in connection with the subsequent exercise of the Warrants. The Company's costs in connection with the issue of War- rants pursuant to this Agreement and the related capital increase are estimated at maximum DKK 200,000. |
10 Kapitalforhøjelse ved udnyttelse af Warrants | Capital Increase in connection with the Exercise of the Warrants |
10.1 Såfremt Warrantindehaveren giver rettidig meddelelse om udnyttelse af Warrants, skal Selskabet gennemføre den dertil hørende kapitalforhøjelse. | In the event that the Warrant Holder gives notification on time of the exercise of the Warrants, the Company shall carry |
out the relating increase of capital. | |
11 Omkostninger i forbindelse med udstedelse af aktier | Costs related to the Issue of Shares |
11.1 Selskabet bærer samtlige omkostninger til børsmægler samt afregningshonorar forbundet med Warrantindehaverens udnyttelse af Warrants. | All costs related to the stockbroker and settlement fees charged in connection with the Warrant Holder's exercise of the Warrants shall be borne by the Company. |
12 Lock-up | 12 Lock-up |
12.1 Warrantindehaveren forpligter sig til at acceptere en lock-up periode for 50 procent af de aktier, Warrantindehaveren erhverver ved udnyttelse af Warrants ("Betingede Aktier"). I lock-up perioden må de Betingede Aktier ikke sælges eller på anden måde overdrages. Lock-up perioden skal vare i 6 måneder fra datoen for registreringen af ovennævnte aktier i Selskabets aktiebog. Lock-up forpligtelsen gælder for hver enkelt udnyttelse af Warrants. Selskabets bestyrelse kan efter eget skøn forlænge lock-up perioden og | The Warrant Holder undertakes to enter into a lock-up period in respect of 50 per cent of the shares acquired when exer- cising the Warrants ("Restricted Shares"). During the lock-up period, the Restricted Shares may not be sold or otherwise transferred. The lock-up period shall last 6 months from the registration date of said shares in the Company's share register. The lock-up obligation applies to each individual exercise of Warrants. The Board of Directors of the Company is, in their sole discretion, enti- tled to extend the lock-up period and to decide that further shares acquired when |
beslutte, at yderligere aktier, der erhverves ved udnyttelse af Warrants, skal være omfattet af Betingede Aktier, hvis det anses for nødvendigt at foretage kapitaltransaktioner i Selskabets interesse, f.eks. ved en fortegningsretsemission. | exercising the Warrants shall be com- prised by the Restricted Shares if it is deemed necessary to conduct capital transactions in the interest of the Com- pany, e.g. in a rights offering. |
13 Ophør af ansættelsesforholdet - Warrantindehavere, der er medarbejdere | Cease of Employment Status - War- rant Holders who are Employees |
13.1 Med forbehold af bestemmelserne i punkt 13.2 forneden og i tilfælde af, at Warrantindehaverens ansættelsesforhold hos Selskabet ophører forud for udnyttelse af (resterende) Warrants som følge af en af følgende grunde: (ii) Warrantindehaverens opsigelse af ansættelsesforholdet, forudsat at opsigelsen skyldes Selskabets grove misligholdelse af ansættelseskontrakten, (iii) Selskabets opsigelse af | Subject to Clause 13.2 below, and if the Warrant Holder’s employment with the Company is terminated prior to the exer- cise of the (remaining) Warrants for one of the following reasons: (ii) the Warrant Xxxxxx'x termination of the employment relationship, pro- vided such termination is due to the Company's material breach (in Danish "grov misligholdelse") of the service contract; (iii) the Company's termination without notice of the employment relation- ship, provided such termination is |
ansættelsesforholdet uden varsel, forudsat at opsigelsen ikke skyldes Warrantindehaverens misligholdelse af ansættelseskontrakten, eller er Warrantindehaveren/ Warrantindehaverens bo berettiget til at beholde sine Warrants. | not due to the Warrant Xxxxxx'x breach (in Danish "misligholdelse") of the service contract; or (iv) the Warrant Xxxxxx'x death; then the Warrant Holder/the estate of the Warrant Holder shall be allowed to keep his or her Warrants. |
13.2 Samtlige Warrants bortfalder automatisk og uden kompensation i tilfælde af, at Warrantindehaverens ansættelsesforhold hos Selskabet ophører forud for udnyttelsen af Warrants af andre grunde end dem, der er nævnt i punkt 13.1, (i) - (iv) foroven. | All of the Warrants shall lapse automati- cally and without compensation if the Warrant Xxxxxx'x employment with the Company is terminated prior to the exer- cise of the Warrants for reasons other than the reasons listed in Clause 13.1, item (i) to (iv) above. |
14 Fratræden af et af Selskabets bestyrelsesmedlemmer - Warrantindehavere, som er bestyrelsesmedlemmer valgt af generalforsamlingen | Resignation as Board Member of the Company - Warrant Holders who are Board Members elected by the Gen- eral Meeting |
14.1 I tilfælde af at en Warrantindehaver, som er et bestyrelsesmedlem valgt af Selskabets generalforsamling, selv fratræder forud for begyndelsen af Udnyttelsesperioden, bortfalder samtlige Warrants uden yderligere varsel og/eller kompensation til Warrantindehaveren. | If a Warrant Xxxxxx who is a board mem- ber elected by the general meeting of the Company resigns him- or herself prior to the commencement of the Exercise Peri- od, all his or her Warrants shall automat- ically lapse and become void without any further notice and/or compensation to the Warrant Holder. |
14.2 Hvis en Warrantindehaver, der er et bestyrelsesmedlem valgt af generalforsamlingen, ikke bliver genvalgt af generalforsamlingen og som følge heraf fratræder forud for begyndelsen af Udnyttelsesperioden, er denne Warrantindehaver berettiget til at beholde en forholdsmæssig andel af sine Warrants beregnet i henhold til sin tjenestetid inden for en 3-års periode forud for begyndelsen af Udnyttelsesperioden. Den resterende del af Warrants bortfalder automatisk uden kompensation. | If a Warrant Xxxxxx who is a board mem- ber elected by the general meeting is not re-elected by the general meeting and consequently resigns prior to the com- mencement of the Exercise Period, such Warrant Holder shall be entitled to retain a proportionate part of his/her Warrants calculated on the basis of the time of service within the 3-year period prior to the commencement of the Exercise Peri- od. The remaining part of his/her War- rants shall automatically lapse and be- come void without any compensation. |
15 Insiderhandel | Insider Trading |
15.1 Warrantindehaverne har bekræftet, at de ikke er i besiddelse af nogen insiderviden på datoen for dette bilag. | The Warrant Holders have confirmed that they are not in possession of any insider knowledge at the date of this schedule. |
15.2 Salg af aktier, der er tegnet gennem udnyttelse af Warrants er underlagt de til enhver tid gældende bestemmelser om insiderhandel, herunder Selskabets interne regler om handel med værdipapirer udstedt af Selskabet. | Sale of shares subscribed for by any ex- ercise of Warrants is subject to the pro- visions on insider trading applicable at any time, including the Company's inter- nal rules governing trade in securities is- sued by the Company. |
16 Skattemæssige forhold | Tax Implications |
It has been agreed that Section 7H of the Danish Tax Assessment Act (in Danish: "Ligningsloven") shall apply to the War- rants to the largest extent possible, cf. Clause 2.1. Otherwise, the Warrants shall be subject to the provisions of Section 28 of the Danish Tax Assessment Act, cf. |
Clause 2.1. | |
16.2 Selskabet forpligter sig til at anmode revisor om at attestere, i hvilket omfang, dvs. for hvilket antal af Warrants, ligningslovens § 7H er gældende. Desuden forpligter Selskabet sig til at fremsende revisorens erklæring vedrørende opfyldelse af betingelserne i ligningslovens § 7H samt en kopi af Warrantaftalerne til de danske skattemyndigheder. | The Company undertakes to request the auditor of the Company to certify to which extent, i.e. to which amount of Warrants, Section 7H of the Danish Tax Assessment Act is applicable. The Com- pany further undertakes to send the au- ditor's statement regarding fulfilment of the conditions under Section 7H of the Danish Tax Assessment Act as well as a copy of the Warrant Agreements to the Danish Tax Authorities. |
16.3 Samtlige skattemæssige forpligtelser og konsekvenser for Warrantindehaverne som følge af Warrantaftalerne, de udstedte Warrants eller de erhvervede aktier gennem udnyttelse af disse Warrants er alene Warrantindehavernes ansvar og er Selskabet uvedkommende, herunder det forhold, at skattemyndighederne måtte finde, at betingelserne for, at ligningslovens § 7H er gældende, ikke er opfyldt. | All tax obligations and consequences to the Warrant Holders resulting from the Warrant Agreements, the Warrants is- sued or the shares acquired by the exer- cise of such Warrants, are the sole re- sponsibility of the Warrant Holders and of no concern to the Company, including the situation where the tax authorities should find that the conditions for Sec- tion 7H of the Danish Tax Assessment Act being applicable are not fulfilled. |
16.4 Warrantindehaverne er kraftigt opfordret til at søge skattemæssig rådgivning i forbindelse med indgåelsen af Warrantaftalerne. | The Warrant Holders are strongly en- couraged to seek tax advice in connec- tion with entering into the Warrant Agreements. |
17 Sprog | Language |
17.1 I tilfælde af uoverensstemmelser mellem den danske og den engelske version af dette bilag skal den danske version være gældende. | In case of disagreements between the Danish and the English version of this schedule, the Danish version shall prevail |
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