<.. image(Document Cover Page. Document Number: 6886/18. Subject Codes: COLAC 6 DEVGEN 29. Heading: I/A-PUNKTSNOTE. Originator: Generalsekretariatet for Rådet. Recipient: De Faste Repræsentanters Komité (2. afdeling)/Rådet. Subject: Aftalememorandum mellem Den Europæiske Union og Republikken Panama om internationalt samarbejde og udvikling - Godkendelse. Commission Document Number: Not Set. Preceeding Document Number: Not Set. Location: Bruxelles. Date: 7. marts 2018. Interinstitutional Files: Not Set. Institutional Framework: Rådet for Den Europæiske Union. Language: DA. Distribution Code: LIMITE. GUID: 5695762791387984180_0) removed ..>
Rådet for
Den Europæiske Union
Bruxelles, den 7. marts 2018 (OR. en)
fra: Generalsekretariatet for Rådet
til: De Faste Repræsentanters Komité (2. afdeling)/Rådet
Vedr.: Aftalememorandum mellem Den Europæiske Union og Republikken Panama om internationalt samarbejde og udvikling
- Godkendelse
1. Formålet med forslaget til aftalememorandum er at skabe en fælles forståelse vedrørende samarbejdsspørgsmål, at opstille en arbejdsramme med henblik på gennemførelse af skræddersyede partnerskaber og innovativt samarbejde samt at gøre en fælles indsats for at nå FN's 2030-udviklingsmål.
2. Det planlagte tidspunkt for Kommissionens undertegnelse på Unionens vegne er i princippet i forbindelse med det kommende udenrigsministermøde mellem EU og CELAC i juli 2018 eller i forbindelse med et bilateralt møde forinden.
3. Det er nødvendigt, at Rådet godkender Kommissionens undertegnelse på Unionens vegne af aftalememorandummet.
4. Efter at have gennemgået teksten til aftalememorandummet nåede Gruppen vedrørende Latinamerika og Caribien den 6. februar 2018 til enighed om teksten i bilaget til denne note.
5. I lyset af ovennævnte og med forbehold af bekræftelse i De Faste Repræsentanters Komité henstilles det til Rådet at godkende Kommissionens undertegnelse på Unionens vegne af aftalememorandummet.
Memorandum of Understanding
between the European Union and the Republic of Panama on International Cooperation and Development
The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to facilitate the coordinated implementation of cooperation and development activities carried out jointly by the European Union, represented by the European Commission, and the Republic of Panama (hereafter referred to either as "both sides" or as the "two sides"), through their respective cooperation structures.
The cooperation between the European Union and the Republic of Panama is based on the text of the Association Agreement, signed on 29 June 2012 and partially entered into force, between the European Union and the Central American countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama), which defines the objectives and principles of cooperation between the two regions.
Under Article 1 of this Association Agreement, both sides agreed to promote democratic principles and fundamental human rights set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, sustainable development, good governance and the rule of law.
International cooperation and development relations between the European Union and the Republic of Panama are based on the principles of ownership, focus on results, partnerships for development, transparency and shared responsibility established in the framework of the Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation.
Panama assumes its dual role as a middle income country, supporting countries of equal or lesser relative development through the transfer of skills, knowledge and best practices and, on the other, from persistent vulnerabilities, that is, as a country that continues to require support in specific and strategic areas to maintain obtained achievements, and to secure these in order to advance towards sustainability. Panama's National Cooperation Plan (NCP) addresses South-South cooperation, triangular cooperation, Official Development Assistance (ODA) and new multisector modalities. The NCP contemplates the participation and coordination of multiple actors, local, national, regional and international, seeking to match the demand for cooperation with the available capacities in the country.
The new ‘European Consensus on Development’, adopted in 2017, calls, inter alia, for the adjustment of the EU's development policy to the changing needs of the partner countries. Also, Regulation (EU) No 233/2014 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation provides that the European Union shall support South-South and triangular cooperation.
The European Union and the Republic of Panama recognise the added value of jointly supporting global development policies based on common values and in accordance with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – which is a plan of action dedicated to people, planet, partnership, peace and prosperity. They also share an interest in deepening their partnership and are committed to developing South-South and triangular cooperation at global level.
Both the European Union and the Republic of Panama recognise that global challenges have a cross-border nature that requires a response which goes beyond the national frameworks and that international cooperation between the European Union and the Republic of Panama in third partner countries should, among other things:
- come under the priorities outlined in the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development;
- be pursued with the ultimate goal of contributing to poverty eradication in the context of sustainable development;
- respect and promote human rights and democratic principles;
- promote a better use of the internal resources of partner countries;
- build on the priority sectors jointly identified between the European Union, the Republic of Panama and the beneficiary third partner country, and in which the European Union and the Republic of Panama have an interest in contributing with their own resources;
- be solidly grounded on a request originating in the beneficiary third partner country in order to strengthen ownership.
Taking into consideration the above elements and the importance of relations between the Republic of Panama and the European Union, the two Sides agree to endeavour to cooperate as follows:
The two Sides envisage to work together and to pool their efforts, resources, skills and knowledge to address poverty and its consequences and to promote sustainable development in accordance with the strategy set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The two Sides acknowledge that sustainable development requires a multi-sectoral approach and the active involvement of key partners, such as public institutions and the private sector, non- governmental organisations, international organisations and agencies for technical cooperation, among others. The initiatives should be demand-driven and owned by the governments of the third partner countries. They should also be in accordance with the strategies, programmes and plans of the two Sides and respectful of their common values.
The two Sides intend to put this Memorandum of Understanding into effect in accordance with the principles of subsidiarity. To achieve the objective of addressing poverty eradication and supporting sustainable development, they intend to promote the coordination, awareness, initiation and consolidation of partnerships and networks, as well as the sharing of experiences, information exchanges and regional consensus on pertinent issues to achieve enhanced synergies.
This Memorandum of Understanding is to be implemented according to the legal framework applicable to each Side. It does not constitute an agreement binding under international law nor is it intended to create binding legal rights or obligations for either Side.
This Memorandum of Understanding may be supplemented by administrative arrangements to determine the conditions for collaboration between the Sides in relation to specific programs, projects and activities in accordance with the interests, needs, standards, policies, practices and procedures of the Sides.
The purpose, objectives and conditions contained in this Memorandum of Understanding may be modified by mutual agreement of the Sides.
Points of contact
The relevant points of contact for each Side with respect to cooperation in the framework of this Memorandum of Understanding are:
The Panamean Ministry of External Relations.
The Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development at the European Commission.
Done at xxxxxxx, XXXXX, in two originals, one in English and one in Spanish. For the European Union For the Republic of Panama