Forsikringsbetingelser for
Forsikringsbetingelser for
AP Sundhedsforsikring Lindring
Almindelige forsikringsbetingelser Vilkårsnummer: LIND 03-010521
1.1. Arbejdsbetingede skader 2
2. Forsikringens undtagelser 2
3.1. Behandlingsmæssige begrænsninger 2
4. Fælles betingelser – Erhverv 3
F1. Hvem gælder forsikringen for? 3
F3. Hvor gælder forsikringen? 3
F4. Hvornår gælder forsikringen 3
F.5.2. Behandlingssted og behandling 3
F17. Dækning og tilskud fra anden
Forsikringsbetingelser for vilkårsnummer: lind 03-010521 • AP Pension • 1/12
1. Forsikringens dækningsomfang
Forsikringen er oprettet i AP Pension livsforsikringsaktieselskab, CVR-nr. 18530899 – i det følgende benævnt AP Pension.
Forsikringen omfatter rimelige og nødvendige udgifter til behandling mv. som følger:
Forsikringen omfatter forebyggelse af arbejdsbetingede gener opstået i muskler, sener eller led i nakke, skuldre, ryg, arme eller ben.
Forsikringen dækker udgifter til:
1. fysioterapi
2. kiropraktik
3. massage
4. zoneterapi
Hvilken type af anførte behandlinger, der skal anvendes, vurderes i samarbejde med fysioterapeut. Den indledende samtale er grundlag for den videre behandlingsplan, som udarbejdes af fysioterapeuten.
Der evalueres efter 3 behandlinger i forløbet.
Behandlingen udføres af autoriseret fysioterapeut eller kiropraktor, som skal have autorisation fra Sundhedsstyrelsen, registreret alternativ behandler (RAB) massør eller zoneterapeut.
Behandling skal ske på virksomhedens inhouse behandlingsklinik eller, hvis inhouse klinik ikke findes, i AP Pensions netværk.
I forbindelse med begivenheder på arbejdspladsen omfatter forsikringen:
1. telefonisk krisehjælp ydet af psykolog ved psykiske problemer
2. telefonisk og webbaseret rådgivning ved alkohol-, medicin- og narkotikamisbrug
3. telefonisk og webbaseret vejledning om det offentlige sundhedssystems behandlingstilbud
2. Forsikringens undtagelser
Forsikringen dækker ikke
1. omkostninger til lægeerklæringer og lignende, som ikke er bestilt direkte af AP Pension,
2. gebyr for udeblivelse til behandling,
3. transportudgifter,
4. scannings- og røntgenudgifter,
5. enhver udgift til lægeundersøgelse eller lægebehandling eller behandling udført af andre behandlere end nævnt under dækningsomfang,
6. hændelser omfattet af en arbejdsskades-, ulykkes- eller ansvarsforsikring,
7. alle former for behandling ydet af forsikrede selv, dennes ægtefælle/samlever, forældre, børn eller den virksomhed, der helt eller delvist tilhører en af førnævnte.
Behandlingsmæssige begrænsninger Hver behandling kan vare op til 30 minutter, hvorunder der også kan foretages undersøgelse og evaluering. Hver påbegyndt
30 minutters behandling betragtes som 1 behandling.
Hvis den ansvarlige fysioterapeut på grundlag af sin sundhedsfaglige viden anser eller vurderer fortsat behandling for at være uden effekt, eller det i praksis ikke er muligt/tilrådeligt at fortsætte, har fysioterapeuten ret til at afslutte behandling.
Ved behov for behandling bookes tid direkte i bookingsystem på
xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx eller ved telefonisk henvendelse på telefon 70 26 19
Forsikringstager modtager halvårligt statistisk information om den tværfaglige behandling. Omfang fremgår af aftale mellem AP Pension og forsikringstager.
Ydelserne leveres i samarbejde med Falck Healthcare. AP Pension er alene ansvarlig for leverancer i henhold til disse forsikringsbetingelser. Enhver anden med Falck Healthcare aftalt ydelse er AP Pension uvedkommende. AP Pension er ikke ansvarlig for Falck Healthcare overholdelse af tilgængelighed, portalnedbrud, virkning af behandlingsplaner mv., jf. i øvrigt Fælles forsikringsbetingelser pkt. F21, stk. 2 og 3, der gælder hvor de efter deres natur kan finde anvendelse.
Såfremt Falck Healthcare ophører med at levere de aftalte ydelser eller samarbejdet mellem AP Pension og Falck Healthcare ophører skal ny aftale forhandles mellem forsikringstager og AP Pension.
4. Fælles betingelser – Erhverv Fællesvilkårene er gældende sammen med de almindelige forsikringsbetingelser og eventuelle tillægsvilkår.
F1. Hvem gælder forsikringen for? Forsikringsaftalen gælder mellem AP Pension og den virksomhed, der er anført som forsikringstager i policen.
Forsikringen kan omfatte alle ansatte i den forsikrede virksomhed, beliggende i Danmark. Det er en betingelse, at de ansatte har bopæl i Danmark, eller de er grænsegængere fra Sverige eller Tyskland i overensstemmelse med Kildeskattelovens bestemmelser. Afvigelser fra dette vil fremgå af aftalen med virksomheden.
Det fremgår af aftalen mellem AP Pension og forsikringstager, hvem der er forsikret.
F3. Hvor gælder forsikringen? Forsikringen omfatter behandling i Danmark (undtagen Færøerne og Grønland).
F4. Hvornår gælder forsikringen
Forsikringen gælder i forsikringstiden.
Forsikringstiden starter, når forsikringen træder i kraft, og slutter, når forsikringen ophører, uanset årsagen til dette.
Forsikringen gælder tidligst fra det tidspunkt, hvor AP Pension har modtaget det fuldstændige begæringsgrundlag. Dette gælder under forudsætning af, at forsikringen, efter AP Pensions antagelsesregler, kan antages uden forbehold.
Når forsikringen ophører, uanset årsagen til dette, ophører samtidigt retten til dækning fra forsikringen. Dette gælder også anmeldte og godkendte skader i forsikringstiden, som kræver behandling efter forsikringens ophør.
Vedrørende ophør, se pkt. F13.
F.5.2. Behandlingssted og behandling Behandling kan ske på virksomhedens inhouse klinik, eller i AP Pensions eksterne netværk.
Med private klinikker har AP Pension indgået aftaler, der regulerer priser og stiller krav til kvalitet og service for AP Pensions kunder.
Den forsikrede skal derfor anvende den behandler eller de behandleralternativer, som er anvist af AP Pension. Ved anvendelse af anden behandler har AP Pension ret til at afvise enhver betaling.
Udgifter skal forhåndsgodkendes af AP Pension. I modsat fald kan skaden afvises.
Forsikringssum er 20.000 kr. pr. skade og år. Forsikringssummen er fast.
Forsikringen har ingen selvrisiko.
Ved behov for behandling bookes tid direkte i bookingsystem på
xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx eller ved telefonisk henvendelse på telefon 70 26 19
Fysioterapeuten udarbejder behandlingsplan, som AP Pension godkender. Såfremt AP Pension ikke kan godkende behandlingsplanen, kan dækning af skaden afvises.
1. Aftale indgås med forsikringstager, der er ejer af forsikringen, og den med hvem AP Pension aftaler vilkår og præmie. Forsikringstager er forpligtet til at informere sine forsikrede ansatte om ordningens indhold.
2. Information om forsikringsomfang til ansatte fremgår af xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx
3. Forsikringstager modtager en police af hvilken forsikringens dækning fremgår.
4. Såfremt forsikringen indeholder forudsætning for afgiven rabat, og sådan forudsætning ikke længere forekommer, er AP Pension berettiget til at fjerne rabatten pr. hovedforfald.
5. Med mindre andet er særskilt aftalt skal obligatoriske ordninger årsreguleres, således at til- og afgange i selve forsikringsperioden præmiemæssigt opgøres samlet pr. hovedforfald.
6. Forsikringen er etableret i AP Pension livsforsikringsaktieselskab, CVR- nr.18530899.
1. Præmien betales forud. Første præmie betales, når forsikringen træder i kraft. Senere præmier forfalder den dag, der står i policen.
2. Præmien opkræves på giro eller via BS. AP Pension har ret til at få dækket porto udgifter.
3. Sidste rettidige betalingsdag fremgår af den fremsendte opkrævning.
4. Betales præmien ikke, sender AP Pension en påmindelse om betaling af præmien. Påmindelsen indeholder oplysninger om, at forsikringens dækning ophører, hvis præmien ikke bliver betalt senest 21 dage efter påmindelsens dato.
5. AP Pension har ret til at opkræve gebyrer for påmindelser om præmiebetaling og
reguleringsoplysninger samt for udarbejdelse og levering af dokumenter/informationer eller andre ekstraordinære ydelser.
6. Eventuelle afgifter til staten samt gebyrer opkræves sammen med præmien.
7. Gebyrprisliste indeholdende de til enhver tid gældende satser kan rekvireres hos AP Pension.
1. Forsikringer med løbetid på et år fornys automatisk, medmindre forsikringen opsiges af forsikringstager eller AP Pension med mindst 1 måneds skriftlig varsel til ophør ved et forsikringsårs udløb.
2. Forsikringer, der er tegnet eller fornyet for en længere periode end 1 år, og som ikke opsiges skriftligt senest 1 måned før periodens udløb, fornyes uforandret for et tilsvarende tidsrum.
3. Er der givet præmienedsættelse for flerårig tegning, kan forsikringstager tidligst opsige forsikringen til tegningsperiodens udløb.
4. Forsikringer, der er tegnet eller fornyet med kortere løbetid end 1 år, medfører ikke erstatningspligt for selskabet udover udløbsdatoen.
5. AP Pension kan opsige forsikringen til enhver tid, hvis
a. der foreligger svig eller forsøg herpå,
b. der foreligger forsæt eller grov uagtsomhed,
c. forsikrede ikke overholder sine forpligtelser efter betingelserne,
d. præmien ikke betales,
e. der udbryder krig, oprør eller borgerlige uroligheder i Danmark.
Uanset ovennævnte kan forsikringen – hvis denne er tegnet i kombination med og opkrævet sammen med firmapensionsordning i AP Pension - opsiges sammen med pensionsordningen.
F14. Ændring af forsikringsbetingelser og præmie
1. AP Pension kan ændre forsikringsbetingelser og/eller præmie med 1 måneds varsel til næste præmie-forfaldsdato. Hvis forsikringstager ikke kan acceptere ændringen, skal denne senest 14 dage efter modtagelsen af AP Pensions meddelelse give AP Pension besked om, at ændringen ikke kan accepteres. Derefter bliver
forsikringen annulleret på ændringsdagen.
2. Indeksregulering og pålagte afgifter o.lign. fra offentlig side betragtes ikke som ændring af forsikringsbetingelser eller præmie.
Hvis der sker ændringer i risikoforholdene, skal AP Pension straks have besked. I modsat fald kan en forsikret risikere nedsættelse eller bortfald af erstatningen i skadetilfælde.
Følgende forhold skal f.eks. meddeles:
1. Forkerte oplysninger i policen, giroen eller medsendte specifikationer.
2. Forsikring tegnes eller er tegnet mod samme risiko andetsteds.
3. Den forsikrede virksomhed skifter ejer eller ophører.
4. Der sker ændring i forsikringstagers virke eller forsikredes virke.
AP Pension træffer beslutning om forsikringens eventuelle fortsættelse og betingelserne herfor.
Ændringer i forsikringsbehov bør hurtigst muligt meddeles AP Pension.
Præmier indeksreguleres hvert år på den første forfaldsdato.
Såfremt der sker ændring i policen mellem 1. januar og en senere hovedforfaldsdato i året reguleres policen på ændringsdatoen.
Regulering sker på grundlag af Lønindekset for den private sektor, der offentliggøres hvert år af Danmarks Statistik.
Såfremt andet indeks anvendes, vil det fremgå af policen.
Hvis Danmarks Statistik stopper udgivelsen af det anvendte indeks, har AP Pension ret til at bruge et andet af Danmarks Statistiks indekser.
F17. Dækning og tilskud fra anden side
1. Har forsikrede i anden aftale eller forsikring dækket samme risiko som denne forsikring, er der tale om dobbeltforsikring, og forsikrede skal anmelde skaden til begge selskaber.
2. Hvis det andet selskab har fastsat, at dækningen falder bort eller indskrænkes i tilfælde af dobbeltforsikring, gælder samme forbehold for denne forsikring. Eventuel erstatning betales forholdsmæssigt af selskaberne.
3. I tilfælde af udbetalinger efter denne forsikring, indtræder AP Pension i forsikredes rettigheder.
4. AP Pension forbeholder sig ret til at modregne tilskud fra Sygeforsikringen Danmark og/eller tilskud fra Den offentlige Sygesikring, som forsikrede eventuelt måtte have ret til.
I skadetilfælde er forsikringstager forpligtet til, så vidt muligt, at afværge eller begrænse skaden, ligesom AP Pension er berettiget til at foretage dertil egnede foranstaltninger.
Der gælder ingen helbredsmæssige antagelsesregler.
F20. Lovgivning, voldgift og værneting For forsikringen gælder bestemmelserne i Lov om Finansiel Virksomhed og Forsikringsaftaleloven, i det omfang, de ikke er fraveget i policen.
Tvister vedrørende forsikringsaftalen skal afgøres efter dansk ret. Tvister, som ikke afgøres ved voldgift, skal afgøres ved danske domstole.
Værneting er København.
I tilfælde af uenighed kan der klages til
a. AP Pension.
Oplysninger om klagemuligheder fremgår af
b. Ankenævnet for Forsikring Østergade 18, 2. sal
1100 København K
Telefon 00 00 00 00
Et mindre gebyr skal betales
1. Såfremt der er anvendt fremmedsproget police eller forsikringsbetingelser, vil eventuelle uoverensstemmelser som følge af oversættelsen medføre, at det er den danske tekst, der er gældende.
2. AP Pension er ikke ansvarlig for resultatet af de lægelige eller øvrige sundhedsfaglige behandlinger eller vurderinger, herunder om behandling ikke virker eller resulterer i fejl. I sådanne tilfælde må eventuelt erstatningskrav rejses overfor de involverede lægelige/sundhedsfaglige instanser på de klinikker, som anvendes i den konkrete sag.
3. AP Pension kan ikke gøres ansvarlig for manglende tilgængelighed for undersøgelse og behandling i situationer, hvor der er tale om særegen sygdomsdiagnose eller et unikt sygdomsforløb, eller hvor kapacitet begrænses som følge af udbrud af epidemier eller force majeure forhold.
Policy Terms for AP Sundhedsforsikring Lindring
Health insurance
General Policy Terms
Clause number: LIND 03-010521
In case of any discrepancy between the Danish text and the English translation, the Danish text shall prevail.
4. Common terms – Commercial 9
F1. To whom does the insurance apply? 9
F3. Where does the insurance apply? 9
F4. When does the insurance apply? 9
F5.1. Period of indemnity on termination 9
F5.2. Treatment location and treatment 9
F13. Duration and admission 10
F14. Changes to policy terms andpremium 11
F20. Legislation, arbitration and court ofjurisdiction11 F21. Special provisions 12
1. Scope of policy cover The insurance is established with AP Pension livsforsikringsaktieselskab,
company reg. (CVR) no. 18530899 – in the following referred to as AP Pension.
The insurance includes reasonable and necessary expenses for treatment etc. as follows:
The insurance covers the prevention of occupational conditions related to muscles, tendons or joints in the neck, shoulders, back, arms or legs.
The insurance covers expenses for:
1. physiotherapy
2. chiropractic
3. massage
4. zone therapy
Which of the stated types of treatment to use is assessed in collaboration with a physiotherapist. The initial conversation is the basis for the treatment plan which is prepared by the physiotherapist.
Assessment is performed after 3 treatment sessions.
Treatment is performed by a certified physiotherapist or chiropractor who must be certified by the Health Authority, a registered alternative therapist (RAB), massage therapist or zone therapist.
The treatment must be provided at the company’s in- house clinic or, in the absence of an in-house clinic, in the AP Pension network.
In connection with events in the workplace, the insurance covers:
1. crisis assistance via telephone by a psychologist in case of mental health issues;
2. advice via telephone and the internet related to alcohol, medicine or drug abuse;
3. guidance via telephone and the internet regarding treatment options available in the public health system.
2. Policy exemptions
The insurance does not cover
1. the cost of doctor’s certificates and the like which
have not been ordered directly by AP Pension;
2. fees for failure to attend scheduled treatments;
3. transportation costs;
4. scanning and x-ray costs;
5. any cost related to a physician’s examination or treatment or treatment performed by therapists other than those mentioned under the scope of cover;
6. events covered by an occupational injury, accident or liability insurance;
7. all kinds of treatment performed by the policyholder, their spouse/co- habiting partner, parents, children, or a company which belongs in full or in part to one of the aforementioned.
3. Other issues
3.1. Treatment restrictions
Each treatment session can last up to 30 minutes, which may also include examination and assessment. Each commenced 30 minute session is considered as 1 treatment.
If the responsible physiotherapist, based on their professional experience, considers or assesses that continued treatment will not be effective or practically not possible/advisable to continue, the physiotherapist shall be entitled to terminate the treatment.
3.2. Notification of injury
In case of need of treatment, a time is booked directly in the booking system via xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx or via telephone to x00 00 00 00 00.
3.3. Reporting
The policyholder will receive bi-annual statistical information about multidisciplinary treatment. The scope will be detailed in the agreement between AP Pension and the policyholder.
3.4. Supplier
Services are provided in collaboration with Falck Healthcare. AP Pension is only responsible for supply in accordance with
these policy terms. Any other service agreed with Falck Healthcare is of no concern to AP Pension. AP Pension is not responsible for Falck Healthcare’s provisions in relation to accessibility, portal down-time, the effect of treatment plans, etc., see also Common Policy Terms, clause F21 (2+3) which apply where, by their nature, they are applicable.
If Falck Healthcare should suspend the supply of the agreed services or the collaboration between AP Pension and Falck Healthcare should cease, a new agreement shall be negotiated between the policyholder and AP Pension.
4. Common terms –
The common terms apply together with the standard policy terms and any additional terms.
F1. To whom does the insurance apply?
The insurance agreement applies to AP Pension and the company indicated as the policyholder in the policy.
The insurance can cover all employees of the insured company, located in Denmark. It is a condition that the employees are resident in Denmark or that they are cross- border commuters from Sweden or Germany in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act. Deviations from this will be stipulated in the agreement with the company.
The agreement concluded between AP Pension and the policyholder will detail who is covered by the insurance.
F3. Where does the insurance apply? The insurance covers treatment in Denmark (except the Faroe Islands and Greenland).
F4. When does the insurance apply? The insurance applies during the insurance period.
The insurance period commences when the insurance comes into force and terminates when the insurance expires, whatever the reason.
The insurance shall apply at the earliest from the time when AP Pension has received the complete application basis. This shall be on the condition that the insurance, in accordance with AP Pension’s admission regulations, can be admitted without reservation.
F5.1. Period of indemnity on termination
Upon the expiry of the insurance, whatever the reason for this, the right to cover related to the insurance shall expire at the same time. This shall also apply to claims submitted and approved during the policy period which require treatment after the insurance expires.
Regarding expiry, see clause F13.
F5.2. Treatment location and treatment
Treatment can take place at the company’s
in-house clinic
or in AP Pension’s external network.
AP Pension has concluded agreements with private clinics which regulate prices and requirements related to quality and service for AP Pension customers.
The insured shall therefore make use of the therapist or therapist alternatives provided by AP Pension. In the case of use of any other therapist, AP Pension shall be entitled to reject any kind of payment.
Costs must be approved in advance by A P P e n s i o n . Otherwise, the injury can be rejected.
The sum insured is DKK 20,000 per injury and year. The sum insured is fixed.
The insurance has no excess.
In case of need of treatment, a time is booked directly in the booking system via xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx or via telephone to x00 00 00 00 00.
The physiotherapist will prepare a treatment plan which AP Pension approves. If AP Pension cannot approve the treatment plan, cover for the injury may be rejected.
1. The agreement is concluded with the policyholder, who owns the insurance and is the party with which AP Pension agrees terms and premium. The policyholder is obligated to notify their insured employee of the contents of the insurance.
2. Information regarding scope of insurance for
employees can be found at xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx
3. The policyholder will receive a policy which will state the insurance cover.
4. If the insurance includes assumptions related to a discount provided, and such assumptions cease to be supported, AP Pension shall be entitled to rescind the discount with effect from the next policy anniversary date.
5. Unless otherwise separately agreed, mandatory schemes shall be subject to annual indexation in such a way that parties being added and removed during the insurance period shall be calculated collectively at the next policy anniversary date.
6. The insurance is created with AP
Pension livsforsikringsaktieselsab, CVR No. 18530899.
1. Premiums are paid in advance. The first premium is paid when the insurance comes into force. Subsequent premiums fall due on the date stated in the policy.
2. The premium shall be invoiced for payment via giro or direct debit. AP Pension shall be entitled to claim postage costs.
3. Latest on-time payment date will be stated in the payment request submitted.
4. if the premium is not paid, AP
Pension shall submit a payment reminder. The reminder shall include the information that the insurance cover shall be suspended unless the premium is paid not later than 21 days after the reminder date.
5. AP Pension shall be entitled to change a fee for the premium payment reminder and for indexation information as well as for preparing and submitting documents/information or any other extraordinary services.
6. Any state taxes and fees will be included in the premium payment demand.
7. The fee price list with the rates in place from time to time can be requested from AP Pension.
1. Policies with a duration of one year are automatically renewed unless the insurance is terminated by the policyholder or by AP Pension with at least 1 month’s written notice to the expiry of an insurance year.
2. Policies taken our or renewed for a period longer than one year and which are not terminated in writing with at least one month’s notice to the expiry of the period will be renewed without change for a similar period.
3. Where a premium discount has been applied, the earliest date by which the policyholder can terminate the policy is the expiry of the insurance period.
4. Policies taken out or renewed with a short duration than one year will not render the company liable for compensation beyond the expiry date.
5. AP Pension can terminate the policy at any time if
a) there is a case of fraud or attempt of same;
b) there is a case of intent or gross negligence;
c) the policyholder does not adhere to their obligations in accordance with the terms;
d) the premium remains unpaid;
e) war, rebellion or civic unrest breaks out in Denmark.
Irrespective of the aforementioned, the policy - if this has been taken out in combination with and payment asked for together with a company pension scheme with AP Pension
- is terminated together with the pension scheme.
F14. Changes to policy terms andpremium
1. AP Pension can change policy terms and/or premium with 1 month’s notice to the next premium due date. If the policyholder does not wish to accept the change, they shall no later than 14 days after receiving the notification from AP Pension notify AP Pension that the change cannot be accepted. The policy will then be cancelled on the change date.
2. Indexation and any public taxes and the like shall not be considered as changes to the policy terms or premium.
In case of changes to the risk conditions, AP Pension must be immediately notified. Otherwise, an insured party can risk the reduction or forfeiting of compensation in case of injury.
The following example circumstances must be reported:
1. Incorrect information in the policy, the giro or submitted specifications.
2. Insurance being taken or having been taken out for the same risk elsewhere.
3. The insured company changes ownership or ceases to exist.
4. Changes to the policyholder’s activities or the
activities of the insured.
AP Pension shall reach a decision regarding the potential continuation of the policy and its terms.
AP Pension should be notified as soon as possible about any changes to the insurance requirements.
Premiums are index adjusted every year on the first due date.
In case of changes to the policy between 1 January and a policy anniversary date later in the year, the policy shall be index adjusted on the change date.
Index adjustment shall be based on the Private Sector Salary Index published annually by Statistics Denmark.
The policy will state if a different index is applied.
If Statistics Denmark should stop publishing the index applied, AP Pension shall be entitled to apply a different Statistics Denmark index.
F17. Cover and contribution from anotherparty
1. If the policyholder has covered the same risk as is covered by this policy via a different agreement or policy, this will constitute insurance overlap and the policyholder must report the claim to both companies.
2. if the other company has determined that the cover shall be forfeited or limited in case of insurance overlap, the same reservation shall apply to this policy. Any compensation shall be paid proportionately by the companies.
3. In case of payments in accordance with this policy, AP Pension shall accede to the rights of the insured.
4. AP Pension reserves the right to offset contributions from Sygeforsikringen Danmark and/or contributions from the Public Health Insurance to which the insured may be entitled.
In case of loss, the policyholder is obligated to prevent or limit the loss as far as possible, and AP Pension shall be entitled to implement measures for this purpose.
No health-related admission regulations apply.
F20. Legislation, arbitration and court ofjurisdiction
The policy is covered by the regulations of the Financial
Business Act and the Insurance Agreement Act in the extent that they have not been abrogated in the policy.
Any disputes regarding the insurance agreement shall be settled pursuant to Danish legislation. Any disputes not settled via arbitration shall be settled by a Danish court.
The place of jurisdiction shall be Copenhagen.
In case of disagreement, a complaint can be
lodged with
a. AP Pension
Information regarding complaint options
can be found at xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx
b. The Insurance Complaints Board Xxxxxxxxxxx 00, 0. Sal
DK-1100 Copenhagen K Telephone x00 00 00 00 00 A small fee applies.
1. Where a policy or policy terms in a language other than Danish has been used, any discrepancies resulting from the translation shall mean that the Danish text prevails.
2. AP Pension is not responsible for the results of medical orany other healthcare professional treatment or assessment, including whether treatment is efficacious or results in errors. In such instances, any compensation claim must be raised with the involved medical/healthcare bodies related to the clinics used in the specific case.
3. AP Pension cannot be held liable for the lack of accessibility to examination and treatment in situations related to diagnosis of an unusual condition or condition progression or where capacity is limited as the result of an outbreak of epidemics or force majeure.