Examples of Absorbed dose rate in a sentence
Absorbed dose rate (Dy), effective dose rate (EL) and lung cancer cases per million person per year (CPPP) for each samples.Table 2 shows the risk coefficients that represent the bi- ological effects of radon gas and its progeny on the human body.
Absorbed dose rate therefore is absorbed dose divided by the time it takes to deliver that dose unit Gy/s.
Absorbed dose rate for each component was multiplied by a weighting factor to consider the biologically weighted dose rate, which takes into account the amount of energy of the several radiation types to achieve the same biologic end point.
To ensure this success, the College Park staff is dedicated to using sound instructional practices and high-quality instructional materials.
Absorbed dose rate in air for radionuclide were calculated based on provided guidance as follows.DR (nGh − 1) = CRa x ARa + CTh x ATh + CK x AK + CCS x ACS𝐷𝑅 (𝑛𝐺ℎ − 1) = 0.462𝐴𝑅𝑎 + 0.604𝐴𝑇ℎ + 0.0417𝐴𝐾 + 0.03𝐴𝐶𝑠Although, ACs,ATh,ARa are not considered in this research, therefore, it can be negligible.DR (nGh − 1) = CRa x ARa + CTh x ATh + CK x AK + CCS x ACSWhere DR is outdoor external absorbed dose rate in nGy/h, ARa, ATh and AK are the activities (Bq/kg) of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K respectively.
Absorbed dose rate means absorbed dose per unit time, for machines with timers, or dose monitor unit per unit time for linear accelerators.
Basic parameters of LU-20 Linac Energy range, MeV 10...30 Pulse duration, μs 4Maximum repetition rate, Hz 300Maximum peak current, mA 1000Maximum average current, μA 1000Beam scanning frequency, Hz 3Beam size at the accelerator exit, cm 2x30 Absorbed dose rate (electrons), Gy/h up to 4⋅107duration of one radiochemical analysis is up to several days).
Absorbed dose rate is a measure of energy deposited in a medium by ionizing radiation.
APM-RAD-MNA-1012: Personal dose equivalent rate penetrating, 60Co n.APM-RAD-MNA-1013: Absorbed dose rate to tissue, 90Sr/90Y xiv.APM-RAD-MNA-1014: Absorbed dose rate to tissue, 90Sr/90Y xv.
Keywords Absorbed dose rate algorithms, OpenDose3D, 177Lu-DOTATATE therapy.