Advanced Coursework definition

Advanced Coursework. Courses with advanced depth of content knowledge in the field of study and carry the expectation of more complex competencies identified in the expected student learning outcomes is referred to as advanced coursework. These courses often have prerequisites and are usually beyond the “Introduction to…” or “Foundation of…” level.
Advanced Coursework means education that is beyond the basic knowledge of a particular aspect of wastewater treat- ment. It concentrates advanced wastewater studies in only a few subjects in blocks of a minimum of 20, 40, 60, or 80 hours. Tech- nical talks or presentations at meetings, single− or part−day classes, or training sessions, seminars, or conferences are not included in this definition.
Advanced Coursework means structured learning to enhance the candidate’s capacity to make a significant contribution to original knowledge in the discipline and/or research integrated practice developed in collaboration with a relevant professional, industry, statutory or regulatory body;

Examples of Advanced Coursework in a sentence

  • Beginning in high school, the state of Rhode Island launched a new initiative called the Advanced Coursework Network – public school students in schools and districts that join the network will be able to take advanced-level, credit-bearing courses offered by a wide range of approved providers at no cost to themselves or their families, subject to available state and district funds.

  • Examples of programming can be activities and curriculum to build technical skills in a certain industry, or to learn and apply the essential skills and other career-related skills and knowledge as described in Section III.B. Proposals are encouraged to integrate student Individualized Learning Plans (ILPs), Career and Technical Education (CTE) curriculum, and Advanced Coursework Network (ACN) courses.

  • Additionally, an Advanced Coursework Agreement signed by both the student and parent/guardian will be required for enrollment.

  • The Advanced Coursework Network is offered in conjunction with the dual and concurrent enrollment through Prepare RI.

  • The goal of dual and concurrent enrollment, including the Advanced Coursework courses, is to encourage students to earn credentials, certificates or degrees while saving time and money.

  • Advanced Coursework / Units of College Credit (may include AP) One semester long course of transferable credit to CSU / UC VII.

  • The Petitioner shall provide written proof of successfully completing 2 hours of continued education on “Wind Forces Part II: Wind Effects on Buildings/Procedures for Wind Resistant Design in Practice,” and Florida Building Code Advanced Coursework, all of the foregoing to be completed with 120 days of the effective date of Order, as specified.

  • Attach additional sheets if necessary:Total Units: Core Content Areas: Advanced Coursework: Practicum Units or Hours: Additional Content: Other (explain): __ STATE OF CALIFORNIA - BUSINESS, CONSUMER SERVICES, ANDHOUSING AGENCY Gavin Newsom, Governor‌Board of Behavioral Sciences1625 North Market Blvd., Suite S200, Sacramento, CA 95834 Telephone: (916) INSTRUCTIONS FOR LIVE SCAN FINGERPRINTING AND PRIVACY NOTICES Live Scan Fingerprinting is available only in California.

  • Gaps remain large (at Concern Level) for Advanced Coursework and at Intervene Level for AP Tests.

  • The requirements in this subpart apply to pressure tests of piping in lieu of 137 of ANSI-B31.1. Those para­ graphs reproduced are sqjioted.

Related to Advanced Coursework

  • Criminal proceeding means a proceeding instituted by means of the swearing of an information, the laying of a charge or the return of an indictment, before a Court of competent jurisdiction in Canada with jurisdiction to hear and determine the charges referred to therein, alleging or charging that the "Insured" has contravened the provisions of any Provincial or Federal statute, including the Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985 ch. C-46 as amended, which creates an offence or crime and which provides for conviction thereunder, whether by way of summary conviction or indictment, and as a result of which the "Insured" is liable to be convicted, fined or sentenced to some form of imprisonment or other punishment.

  • Juvenile court means the district court of this state.

  • Administrative proceeding means a non-judicial process that is adjudicatory in nature in order to make a determination of fault or liability (e.g., Securities and Exchange Commission Administrative Proceedings, Civilian Board of Contract Appeals Proceedings, and Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals Proceedings). This includes administrative proceedings at the Federal and State level but only in connection with performance of a Federal contract or grant. It does not include agency actions such as contract audits, site visits, corrective plans, or inspection of deliverables.