Vessel means the vessel/craft belonging to the Contractor for carrying out the work.
Ship means a vessel of any type whatsoever operating in the marine environment and includes hydrofoil boats, air-cushion vehicles, submersibles, floating craft and fixed or floating platforms.
fishing vessel means a vessel used for catching fish, whales, seals, walrus or other living resources of the sea;
Builder means the general contractor.
Tank vessel means a ship that is constructed or adapted to carry, or that carries, oil in bulk as cargo or cargo residue, and that:
information society service means a service as defined in point (b) of Article 1(1) of Directive (EU) 2015/1535 of the European Parliament and of the Council;
co-operative society means a body registered in India under the Co-operative Societies Act, 1912;
building society means a building society within the meaning of the Building Societies Act 1986;