Affected Governance Participant definition
Examples of Affected Governance Participant in a sentence
The Authorized Person shall provide ISO, and ISO shall provide each Affected Governance Participant and counsel for the Participants Committee, with prompt notice of any such Third Party Request or legal proceedings, and shall consult with ISO and/or any Affected Governance Participant in its efforts to deny the request or defend against such legal process.
The Authorized Person agrees that release of Confidential Market Information to persons not authorized to receive it constitutes a breach of this Agreement and may cause irreparable harm to ISO and/or the Affected Governance Participant.
ISO shall provide an Affected Governance Participant and counsel for the Participants Committee with written notice, which shall include electronic communication, of any oral disclosure as soon as possible, but not later than two (2) business days after the date of the initial oral disclosure.
ISO or the External Market Monitor shall (i) maintain a written record of oral disclosures pursuant to this section, which shall include the date of each oral disclosure and the Confidential Market Information disclosed in each such oral disclosure, and (ii) provide any Affected Governance Participant and counsel for the Participants Committee with oral notice of any oral disclosure immediately, but not later than one (1) business day after the oral disclosure.
ISO shall provide an Affected Governance Participant and counsel for the Participants Committee with written notice, which shall include electronic communication, of an Information Request of the Authorized Person as soon as possible, but not later than two (2) business days after the receipt of the Information Request.
In any such discussions, the External Market Monitor or other ISO representative shall ensure that the individual or individuals receiving such Confidential Market Information are Authorized Persons under this Agreement, request that the Authorized Person describe the purpose of the inquiry, orally designate Confidential Market Information that is disclosed and refrain from identifying any specific Affected Governance Participant whose information is disclosed.
In the event of any breach of this Agreement, the ISO, the Affected Governance Participant and/or the Participants Committee shall have the right to seek and obtain at least the following types of relief: (a) temporary, preliminary, and/or permanent injunctive relief with respect to any breach and (b) the immediate return of all Confidential Market Information to the ISO.
In the event of any breach of this Agreement, ISO, the Affected Governance Participant and/or the Participants Committee shall have the right to seek and obtain at least the following types of relief: (a) an order from the Commission requiring any breach to cease and preventing any future breaches; (b) temporary, preliminary, and/or permanent injunctive relief with respect to any breach; and (c) the immediate return of all Confidential Market Information to ISO.
Should such conference be refused by any participant, or not resolve the dispute, then ISO, the Affected Governance Participant, the Participants Committee (with respect to an Information Request that applies to multiple Governance Participants) or the State Commission may initiate appropriate legal action at the Commission within three (3) business days following receipt of written notice from any conference participant terminating such conference.
If no Commission proceeding regarding the Information Request is commenced by ISO, the Affected Governance Participant or the State Commission within such three day period, ISO shall utilize its best efforts to respond to the Information Request promptly.