Ag definition
Examples of Ag in a sentence
If Supplier learns or has reason to know of facts that may indicate a violation of legal requirements or regulations regarding certification, emission, and/or vehicle product safety with im- plications for Mercedes-Benz Group AG, Owner, or its affiliates, Supplier must (1) im- mediately notify the appropriate contact person according to the Technical Compliance Management System (tCMS) escalation model and (2) immediately investigate the facts.
Xxxxxxx L-1855 Luxembourg R.C.S. Luxembourg B 9248 (“CBL”) and Eurex Clearing AG Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 00, 65760 Eschborn, Federal Republic of Germany Registered in the commercial register of the local court (Amtsgericht) in Frankfurt am Main under HRB 44828 (as “Pledgee”) [and] * Third-Party CM Account Holder (as “Account Holder”) * Address line 0 *Xxxxxx xx.
Regardless of whether MBExtra or any other Mer- cedes-Benz Group AG affiliate was the Mercedes-Benz party involved in the creation of Joint Work Results, the intellectual property right may be jointly registered by Mer- cedes-Benz Group AG (or an Affiliate) and Supplier.