€STR definition
€STR means, in respect of any TARGET Business Day, the interest rate representing the wholesale Euro unsecured overnight borrowing costs of banks located in the Euro area provided by the European Central Bank as administrator of such rate (or any successor administrator) and published on the Website of the European Central Bank (as defined below) at or before 9:00 a.m. (Frankfurt time) (or, in case a revised euro short-term rate is published as provided in Article 4 subsection 3 of the ECB €STR Guideline at or before 11:00 a.m. (Frankfurt time), such revised interest rate) on the TARGET Business Day immediately following such TARGET Business Day;
€STR means suspicious transaction report;
More Definitions of €STR
€STR means, in respect of any Business Day, a reference rate equal to the daily euro short-term rate for such euro Business Day as provided by the European Central Bank, as administrator of such rate (or any successor administrator of such rate), on the website of the European Central Bank, being as at the date of the Agency Agreement at http://www.ecb.europa.eu, or any successor website officially designated by the European Central Bank (the "ECB's Website") in each case, on or before 9:00 a.m., (Central European Time) on the Business Day immediately following such Business Day;
€STR means, in respect of any Business Day, a reference rate equal to the daily euro short term rate for such Business Day as provided by the European Central Bank, as administrator of such rate (or any successor administrator of such rate), on the European Central Bank's Website, in each case, on or before 9:00 a.m., (Central European Time) on the Business Day immediately following such Business Day;
€STR means, in respect of any TARGET Business Day, the interest rate representing the wholesale Euro unsecured overnight borrowing costs of banks located in the Eurozone provided by the European Central Bank as administrator of such rate (or any successor administrator) and published on the Website of the European Central Bank at or before 9:00 a.m. (Frankfurt time) (or, in case a revised euro short-term rate is published as provided in Article 4 subsection 3 of the ECB
€STR means suspicious transaction report; and
€STR means Smith Travel Research, an independent research firm recognized as an industry leader in the United States in providing hotel performance information and analysis; and
€STR means, in respect of any €STR-Business Day, a reference rate equal to the daily euro short-term rate for such €STR-Business Day as provided by the European Central Bank, as administrator of such rate (or any successor administrator of such rate), on the website of the European Central Bank currently at www .ecb.europa.eu, or any successor website officially designated by the European Central Bank in each case, on or before 9:00 a.m. (Central European time) on the €STR-Business Day immediately following such €STR-Business Day.