Examples of Age estimation in a sentence
Age estimation in children by measurement of open apices in teeth.
Age estimation in Indians from pulp/tooth area ratio of mandibular canines.
Age estimation requires an assessment of developmental and degenerative changes from various age indicators.
Age estimation using pulp/tooth area ratio: A digital image analysis.
Age estimation in U-20 football players using 3.0 tesla MRI of the clavicle.
Age estimation up to 16 years of age based on dental development.
Age estimation of a Thai population based on maturation of the medial clavicular epiphysis using computed tomography.
Age estimation by pulp/tooth ratio in lower premolars by orthopantomography.
Age estimation standards for a Western Australian population using the coronal pulp cavity index.
Age estimation errors for the test set of 200 images of Plaice otoliths.