Air school definition

Air school means any person engaged in giving, or offering to give, instruction, in aeronautics, either in flying or ground subjects, or both, for hire or reward, and who employs other persons for such purposes. It does not include any public school or university of this state, or any institution of higher learning duly accredited and approved for carrying on collegiate work.
Air school means any person engaged in giving, offering to give, or advertising,
Air school means any person who advertises, represents, or holds out as giving or offering to give instruction in flying or ground subjects pertaining to aeronautics whether for or without hire or reward; but excludes any public school, university, or institution of higher learning duly accredited and approved for carrying on collegiate work.

Examples of Air school in a sentence

  • Therefore, Mayor Loveridge suggested the Committee move to reallocate funds from the Renovitas Project and fund the IQ Air school air filtration project and identify and target schools for funding in the Mecca area, as well as leave funds for the Coachella Valley synchronization project fully funded, as recommended.

  • Although it is expected that these facilities will be land-based, the ROD requires that the use of water-based facilities be evaluated (see Wa- ter-based Facilities Evaluation, USEPA April 2004).

More Definitions of Air school

Air school means any person engaged in giving, offering to give, or advertising, representing, or holding himself out as giving, with or without compensation or other reward, instruction in aeronautics, flying, or ground subjects, or in more than one of these subjects.
Air school means any person who advertises, represents, or
Air school means any person engaged in giving or offering to give instruction in aeronautics, either in flying or ground subjects, or both, for or without hire or reward, and advertising, representing, or holding himself out as giving or offering to give such instruction. It does not include any public school or university of this State, or any institution of higher learning duly accredited and approved for carrying on collegiate work.
Air school means any Person engaged in giving, offering to give, or advertising, representing, or holding him or herself out as giving, with or without compensation or other award, instruction in Aeronautics, flying, in ground subjects, or in both.
Air school means any aeronautics instructor who adver- tises, represents or holds out as giving or offering to give instruc- tion in flying or ground subjects pertaining to aeronautics; and any person who advertises, represents or holds out as giving or offer- ing to give instruction in flying or ground subjects pertaining to
Air school means any person engaged in giving, or offering to give, instruction in aeronautics, either in flying or ground subjects, or both, for or without hire or reward, and advertising, representing, or professing to give or offer to give such instruction.
Air school means any person engaged in giving instruction, or offering to give