special school definition

special school means a school classified as a special school under the Education Act 1964.
special school means a community special school or a foundation special school.
special school means a school providing special education.

More Definitions of special school

special school means a special school maintained by an authority;
special school means a school established for the benefit of a particular class of children who require some special form of education, treatment or care;
special school means a specialized school designed to:
special school means a school which is specially organized to make special educational provision for pupils with special educational needs.
special school means a school or part of a school in which special education is provided; “staff member” means a staff member as defined in section 1 of the Public Service Act; “state school” means a school established under section 33;
special school means a Catholic school registered by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority or its successor as a special school.
special school means a school, set aside for that purpose, wherein special educational treatment is provided for pupils suffering from any disability of mind or body;