Airport sponsor definition
Examples of Airport sponsor in a sentence
Minimum Standards - the standards which are established by the Airport sponsor as the minimum requirements to be met as a condition for the right to conduct an aeronautical activity on the Airport.
Fixed Base Operator (FBO) - any person, firm, partnership, corporation, association, or limited partnership, or any other legal entity duly licensed and authorized by written agreement with the Airport sponsor to provide specific aeronautical services at the Airport as described in Article 5, under strict compliance with such agreement and pursuant to these regulations and standards.
In these cases, the provision obligates the party or any transferee for the longer of the following periods: (i) the period during which the property is used by the sponsor or any transferee for a purpose for which Federal assistance is extended, or for another purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits, or (ii) the period during which the Airport sponsor or any transferee retains ownership or possession of the property.
Airport sponsor" means a municipality, county or group of municipalities or counties that owns and operates an airport and accepts funds or property from the FAA.[PL 2007, c.
Such additions should be left up to the discretion of the Airport sponsor, keeping in mind that no lease can give a single tenant an advantage over its on-airport competition, and that exclusive rights are a violation of federal grant assurances.
The period during which the Airport sponsor or any transferee retains ownership or possession of the property.
In these excepted cases, this Section shall obligate Tenant for the longer of the following periods: (A) the period during which the property is used by the sponsor or any transferee for a purpose for which federal assistance is extended, or for another purpose involving the provision of similar services and benefits; or (B) the period during which the Airport sponsor or any transferee retains ownership or possession of the property.
FAR - Federal Aviation Regulation.Fixed Base Operator (FBO) - any person, firm, partnership, corporation, association, or limited partnership, or any other legal entity duly licensed and authorized by written agreement with the Airport sponsor to provide specific aeronautical services at the Airport as described in Article 5, under strict compliance with such agreement and pursuant to these regulations and standards.
If an Airport sponsor employment activity is supported by FAA-provided financial assistance or it is alleged that the employment discrimination affects the broader airport program, complaints about that activity must also be reported to FAA.
Airport sponsor was able to remove some municipal nonaeronautical use of airport property.