Alcohol fuel definition
Examples of Alcohol fuel in a sentence
Alcohol fuel includes methanol and ethanol, and the alcohol gallon equivalent of ethyl tertiary butyl ether, or other ethers produced from such alcohol.
The model structure used is similar to that of others for metastatic breast cancer and captures the relevant health states.
Any machine using Alcohol fuel must display “Dangerous Goods” or other appropriate stickers which clearly indicate its use, on the machine in a prominent place and on storage containers (MNZ rule 10.21b).
Alcohol fuel presents several advantages over gasoline: alcohol combustion does not cause an increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration, and is less polluting than gasoline because alcohol produces less toxic substances and less gaseous emissions.
Such authorized dues deductions and Fair Share fees shall be remitted monthly to IUOE along with an adequate itemized record of deductions.
Alcohol fuel plants may transfer spirits in bond to distilled spirits plants qualified under subpart G of this part.
Alcohol fuel cells that make use of alcohol as fuel have the potential to overcome the challenges associated withthe burning of fossil fuels and the implementation of hydrogen energy.
The following are not subject to the carbon tax:• Petroleum liquid gas, except for the sale to industrial users.• Natural gas, except for the sale to the oil & gas refining and petrochemistry industries.• Alcohol fuel intended for the mixture with 38gasoline for automobiles and biofuel of plant or animal origin or produced from urban solid waste nationally produced for the mixture with diesel for use in diesel engines.• Products exported.
Alcohol fuel means a fuel consisting primarily (more than 50 percent by weight) of one or more alcohols: e.g., methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol.
Every step that we take is in lockstep with the government, as it should be.