Anhydrous ethyl alcohol definition

Anhydrous ethyl alcohol means ethyl alcohol or ethanol of at least 198.5 proof.

Examples of Anhydrous ethyl alcohol in a sentence

  • Anhydrous ethyl alcohol manufactured in the United States and its territories and sold either:(1) For fuel use, rendered unfit for beverage use, produced at a biofuel fa- cility and in a manner approved by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives for the production of al- cohol for fuel; or(2) As denatured alcohol used by blenders and refiners and rendered unfit for beverage use.Alcohol producer.

  • Anhydrous ethyl alcohol manufactured in the United States and its territories and sold either:(1) For fuel use, and which has been rendered unfit for beverage use and produced at an advanced biofuel facil- ity approved by the ATF for the pro- duction of ethanol for fuel, or(2) As denatured ethanol used by blenders and energy refiners, which has been rendered unfit for beverage use.Ethanol producer.

  • Anhydrous ethyl alcohol manufactured in the United States and its territories and sold either:(1) For fuel use, rendered unfit for beverage use, produced at a biofuel facility and in a manner approved by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives for the production of alcohol for fuel; or(2) As denatured alcohol used byblenders and refiners and rendered unfit for beverage use.Alcohol producer.

  • Anhydrous ethyl alcohol manufactured in the United States and its territories and sold either:(1) For fuel use, and which has been rendered unfit for beverage use and produced at an advanced biofuel facility approved by the ATF for the production of ethanol for fuel, or(2) As denatured ethanol used by blenders and energy refiners, which has been rendered unfit for beverage use.Ethanol producer.

  • Anhydrous ethyl alcohol manufactured in the United States and its territories and sold either:(1) For fuel use, and which has been rendered unfit for beverage use and produced at an advanced biofuel facil- ity approved by the ATF for the pro- duction of ethanol for fuel, or (2) As denatured ethanol used by blenders and energy refiners, which has been rendered unfit for beverage use.Ethanol producer.

  • McGuire Counsel to the Governor Executive Chamber Room 210 CAP Albany, NY 12224 Re: S.4936-B / A.

  • Anhydrous ethyl alcohol (EtOH) was purchased from GreenField Specialty Alcohols, Inc.

  • Iron pentacarbonyl (Fe(CO)5, 98%) was from Xin Ding Peng Fei Chemical Co. in China Anhydrous ethyl alcohol (99.9%), and hexane (99.0%) were purchased from Beijing Chemicals.

  • Anhydrous ethyl alcohol manufactured in the United States and its territories and sold either: (1) For fuel use, and which has been rendered unfit for beverage use and produced at an advanced biofuel facility approved by the ATF for the production of ethanol for fuel, or (2) As denatured ethanol used by blenders and energy refiners, which has been rendered unfit for beverage use.

  • Anhydrous ethyl alcohol manufactured in the United States and its territories and sold either:(1) For fuel use, and which has been rendered unfit for beverage use and § 4288.102produced at an advanced biofuel facil- ity approved by the ATF for the pro- duction of ethanol for fuel, or(2) As denatured ethanol used by blenders and energy refiners, which has been rendered unfit for beverage use.Ethanol producer.

Related to Anhydrous ethyl alcohol

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