Antitrust Certification Statements (Tex. Government Code § 2155.005) By submission of this bid or proposal, the Bidder certifies that: I affirm under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Texas that: (1) I am duly authorized to execute this contract on my own behalf or on behalf of the company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual (Company) listed below; (2) In connection with this bid, neither I nor any representative of the Company has violated any provision of the Texas Free Enterprise and Antitrust Act, Tex. Bus. & Comm. Code Chapter 15; (3) In connection with this bid, neither I nor any representative of the Company has violated any federal antitrust law; (4) Neither I nor any representative of the Company has directly or indirectly communicated any of the contents of this bid to a competitor of the Company or any other company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual engaged in the same line of business as the Company.
Antitrust Certification Statements (Tex. Government Code § 2155.005) This is a requirement of the TIPS Contract and is non-negotiable. By submission of this bid or proposal, Vendor certifies under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Texas that: (1) I am duly authorized to execute this proposal/contract on my own behalf or on behalf of the company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual (Vendor) identified herein; (2) In connection with this proposal, neither I nor any representative of Vendor has violated any provision of the Texas Free Enterprise and Antitrust Act, Tex. Bus. & Comm. Code Chapter 15; (3) In connection with this proposal, neither I nor any representative of the Vendor has violated any federal antitrust law; (
Antitrust Certification Statements (Tex. Government Code § 2155.005) This is a requirement of the TIPS Contract and is non-negotiable. By submission of this bid or proposal, Vendor certifies under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Texas that: (1) I am duly authorized to execute this proposal/contract on my own behalf or on behalf of the company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual (Vendor) identified herein; (2) In connection with this proposal, neither I nor any representative of Vendor has violated any provision of the Texas Free Enterprise and Antitrust Act, Tex. Bus. & Comm. Code Chapter 15; (3) In connection with this proposal, neither I nor any representative of the Vendor has violated any federal antitrust law; (4) Neither I nor any representative of Vendor has directly or indirectly communicated any of the contents of this bid to a competitor of the Company or any other company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual engaged in the same line of business as the Company.
Antitrust Certification Statements (Tex. Government Code § 2155.005) By submission of this bid or proposal□the Bidder certifies that: I affirm under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Texas that: (□) I am duly authori□ed to execute this contract on my own behalf or on behalf of the company□corporation□firm□ partnership or individual (Company) listed below; (□) In connection with this bid□neither I nor any representative of the Company has violated any provision of the Texas □ree □nterprise and Antitrust Act□Tex. Bus. □ Comm. Code Chapter □5; (□) In connection with this bid□neither I nor any representative of the Company has violated any federal antitrust law; (□) Neither I nor any representative of the Company has directly or indirectly communicated any of the contents of this bid to a competitor of the Company or any other company□corporation□firm□partnership or individual engaged in the same line of business as the Company.
Antitrust Certification Statements (Tex. Government Code § 2155.005) NNsubmission oNthis bid or proposalNthe Nidder certiNies thatN I aNNirm under penaltNoNperNurNoNthe laNs oNthe State oNTexas thatN N1NI am dulNauthoriNed to execute this contract on mNoNn behalNor on behalNoNthe companNNcorporationNNirmN partnership or individual NCompanNNlisted beloNN N2NIn connection Nith this bidNneither I nor anNrepresentative oNthe CompanNhas violated anNprovision oNthe Texas Nree Enterprise and Antitrust ActNTex. Nus. N Comm. Code Chapter 15N N3NIn connection Nith this bidNneither I nor anNrepresentative oNthe CompanNhas violated anNNederal antitrust xxXX N4NNeither I nor anNrepresentative oNthe CompanNhas directlNor indirectlNcommunicated anNoNthe contents oN this bid to a competitor oNthe CompanNor anNother companNNcorporationNNirmNpartnership or individual enNaNed in the same line oNbusiness as the CompanN.
Antitrust Certification Statements (Tex. Government Code § 2155.005) Ny subNission of this bid or proposalNthe Nidder certifies thatN I affirN under penalty of perNury of the laNs of the Ntate of TeNas thatN NNNI aN duly authoriNed to eNecute this contract on Ny oNn behalf or on behalf of the coNpanyNcorporationNfirNN partnership or indiNidual N oNpanyNlisted beloNN NNNIn connection Nith this bidNneither I nor any representatiNe of the NoNpany has Niolated any proNision of the TeNas Nree Nnterprise and Nntitrust NctNTeNNNusNN NoNNNNode Nhapter NNN NNNIn connection Nith this bidNneither I nor any representatiNe of the NoNpany has Niolated any federal antitrust xxXX NNNNeither I nor any representatiNe of the NoNpany has directly or indirectly coNNunicated any of the contents of this bid to a coNpetitor of the NoNpany or any other coNpanyNcorporationNfirN Npartnership or indiNidual enNaNed in the saNe line of business as the NoNpanyN
Antitrust Certification Statements (Tex. Government Code § 2155.005) This is a requirement of the TIPS Contract and is non-negotiable.
(1) I am duly authorized to execute this proposal/contract on my own behalf or on behalf of the company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual (Vendor) identified herein;
(2) In connection with this proposal, neither I nor any representative of Vendor has violated any provision of the Texas Free Enterprise and Antitrust Act, Tex. Bus. & Comm. Code Chapter 15;
(3) In connection with this proposal, neither I nor any representative of the Vendor has violated any federal antitrust law;
(4) Neither I nor any representative of Vendor has directly or indirectly communicated any of the contents of this bid to a competitor of the Company or any other company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual engaged in the same line of business as the Company.