Appraisal services definition
Examples of Appraisal services in a sentence
Additional types of management serv- ices and supplies for which the State Director may authorize acquisition in- clude: Appraisal services (except for MFH), security services, newspaper copy preparation services, market data and comparable list acquisition, and tax data acquisition.
Appraisal services require a written statement, independently and impartially prepared, which meets the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), as incorporated by reference in Section 475.628, Florida Statutes.
Appraisal services provided by each such firm are subject to the Chief Appraiser’s approval and governing authority.
Appraisal services consultants (“fee” appraisers) must prepare all appraisal reports using established WisDOT formats.
If Real Estate Appraisal services are rendered, also complete Supplement for Property Appraisal Services, EO-31021.