Examples of As low as reasonably achievable in a sentence
Symbol: pUnit: Pascal, Pa ALARA: As low as reasonably achievable.
Intraoperative radiation safety in orthopaedics: A review of the ALARA (As low as reasonably achievable) principle.
As low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) principles are used in the development of the designs but multiple conservatisms in the design and design basis may lead to overconservative designs and operational burden, as indicated by the often-times stark differences between calculated and measured dose rates around storage systems.
More information about the Agency may be found on its website www.environment-agency.gov.uk As low as reasonably achievable (ALARA): Radiological doses from a source of exposure are as low as reasonably achievable when they are consistent with the relevant dose or target standard and have been reduced to a level that represents a balance between radiological and other factors, including social and economic factors.
The basic Safety principles on Radio protection (ALARA – As low as reasonably achievable) must always be followed when performing an exposure not only in the parameter selection, but also in the exposure settings.
The Dutch nuclear legal regime is (in line with the European legislation) based on three main principles: Justification; As low as reasonably achievable (ALARA), and Dose limits.
ALARA As low as reasonably achievable Anticipated Operational Event (AOE) means an abnormal event that is expected to occur during the lifetime of the facility (e.g., small radioactive materials spills, small fires).
As low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) principals shall be applied for any worker activity with the potential of dose and contamination exposure.
The Council's performance reporting process ensures that managers and Members have a clear picture of how the Council is performing against the objectives and targets, and whether specific projects are on track.
These supporting documents, other than operational procedures, will include the following as appropriate:• Fire hazard analysis• Criticality safety evaluation• Hoisting and rigging plan• Engineering design files• As low as reasonably achievable reviews• Radiation work permits• Operational job safety analyses• Industrial hygiene exposure assessments prepared in accordance with the associated INL procedures.