Examples of Association of Units in a sentence
It is understood that any person to whom an offer may be made, as herein before provided, shall be a member of the National Association of Units Dealers, Inc.
Ms Perisic indicated that the Association of Units of Local Self-Governments of Macedonia (ZELS) had played an active role in establishing contacts between CEMR and the two applicant associations, and warmly supported their applications for CEMR membership.
The two journalist associations with largest membership base, the Inter-University Conference, the Macedonian Bar Association and the Association of Units of Local Self-Government (ZELS) nominate one member of the Council each, while the Commit- tee on Election and Appointment Issues of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia nomi- nates two members of the Council5.
The Association of Units of Local Self-Governments is preparing and will propose a new Law on treatment of illegally constructed buildings for those buildings constructed after 2011 (that were not the subject of the previous law).
They are selected by the Parliament after being nominated by the Parliamentary Committee for Elections and Appointments and the Association of Units of Local Self Government of Macedonia (AULSGM), civil organi- zation of the mayors, which is controlled by the govern- ment coalition of the ruling political parties, as well as from the Chamber of Attorneys.
The consultants interviewed MoES officials, school directors, the school boards, mayors, and ZELS (Association of Units of Local Government) and produced a report that captured a realistic picture of the current situation capturing the complex issues arising from the decentralization process in education.
The Lessor will control mold growth and their sources including excessive levels of moisture and humidity.
However, the Association of Units of Local Government (ZELS) warned that facilities, teachers and funds are lacking in particular for secondary education and raised doubts that the increase can compensate even for the rise in energy prices (heating and electricity).17PFFPThe government allocated 3.4% of GDP to education in 200418, which was a major reductionfrom both its 1990 and 1995 levels (5.1% and 4.5% respectively).
The municipality, generally speaking, has a good cooperation with the Association of Units for Local Self Government (ZELS).The cooperation with the Centre for Social Work is weak and happens only when there is a need to cooperate on a specific case.