Examples of ASX in a sentence
As announced to ASX on 4 April 2023, the Company advised of the receipt of the first US$2,000,000 instalment of the US$5,000,000 Initial Deposit.
The OceanaGold Shares currently trade under the symbol “OGC” on the TSX and the NZX and as CDIs representing OceanaGold Shares on the ASX.
Caía:cl Mi⭲cíals Ḻimitcd (ASX: CVV) (Caía:cl, oí tkc Compa⭲Q) is plcascd to ad:isc tkat it kas c⭲tcícd i⭲to a⭲ Optio⭲ Agíccmc⭲t to scc"íc gío"⭲dwatcí cxtíactio⭲ licc⭲ccs to s"ppoít tkc dc:clopmc⭲t or its 100%-ow⭲cd Caía:cl Coppcí Píojcct, locatcd 150km ⭲oítk-cast or Pcítk i⭲ Wcstcí⭲ A"stíalia.
CHESS allows for, and requires the settlement of, transactions in securities quoted on the ASX to be effected electronically.
Settlement of trading of quoted securities on the ASX market takes place on CHESS, which is the ASX’s electronic transfer and settlement system.