Atmosphere definition

Atmosphere means the air that envelops or surrounds the earth and includes all space outside of buildings, stacks or exterior ducts.
Atmosphere means all space outside of buildings, stacks or exterior ducts.
Atmosphere means the air that envelops or surrounds the earth.

Examples of Atmosphere in a sentence

  • The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS, is establishing the core global and regional atmospheric environmental service delivered as a component of Europe's Copernicus programme.

  • This approach may be replaced or supplemented by superior modelling efforts such as that entailed in PATH (Pollutants in the Atmosphere and their Transport over Hong Kong), a comprehensive territory-wide air quality modelling system currently being developed for Hong Kong.

  • The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) has been developed to meet these needs, aiming at supporting policymakers, business and citizens with enhanced atmospheric environmental information.

  • The Administrator, in cooperation with the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, shall conduct a program to iden- tify and assess the extent of atmospheric depo- sition of hazardous air pollutants (and in the discretion of the Administrator, other air pol- lutants) to the Great Lakes, the Chesapeake Bay, Lake Champlain and coastal waters.

  • Within 3 years of November 15, 1990, and bi- ennially thereafter, the Administrator, in co- operation with the Under Secretary of Com- merce for Oceans and Atmosphere, shall sub- mit to the Congress a report on the results of any monitoring, studies, and investigations conducted pursuant to this subsection.

More Definitions of Atmosphere

Atmosphere means the envelope of gases surrounding the Earth;
Atmosphere means the air that envelopes or surrounds the earth. Where air contaminants are emitted into a building or structure not designed specifically as a piece of air pollution control equipment such emission into the building or structure shall be considered an emission into the atmosphere.
Atmosphere means the air that envelops or surrounds the earth and includes all spaces outside of buildings, stack or exterior ducts.
Atmosphere means air that is not enclosed by a building, machine, chimney or other such structure;
Atmosphere. ’ means air that is not enclosed by a building, machine, chimney or other similar structure;
Atmosphere means the gaseous envelope surrounding the earth, and includes air;
Atmosphere means the air that envelops or surrounds the earth and includes all space