Effluent definition

Effluent means any liquid, including particles of matter and other substances in suspension in the liquid; "financial year" means the twelve months ending with 31st March;
Effluent means any liquid whether or not containing matter in solution or suspension;
Effluent means any liquid, including particles of matter and other substances in suspension in the liquid;

Examples of Effluent in a sentence

  • Effluent standards or prohibitions established under Section 307(a) of the Clean Water Act for toxic pollutants injurious to human health are effective and must be complied with, if applicable to the permittee, within the time provided in the implementing regulations, even absent permit modification.

  • Technology-based Effluent Limitations Applicable 40 CFR 434 Numeric Water Quality based Effluent Limitations Applicable 9VAC25-260-140Discharges from this operation must not cause the violation of any applicable numeric instream water quality standards.

  • Average Weekly Effluent Limitation (AWEL)The highest allowable average of daily discharges over a calendar week (Sunday through Saturday), calculated as the sum of all daily discharges measured during a calendar week divided by the number of daily discharges measured during that week.

  • Special Permit Conditions – SMCRA 4VAC25-130-773-17 Special Permit Conditions – Alternate Effluent Limitations: Remining 4VAC25-130-825 Discharges limited based on receiving stream flow – Mixing Zone 9VAC260-20 Possible Interstate EffectThis permit is not permitted to cross state boundaries or otherwise require Virginia interstate regulations.

  • Average Monthly Effluent Limitation (AMEL)The highest allowable average of daily discharges over a calendar month, calculated as the sum of all daily discharges measured during a calendar month divided by the number of daily discharges measured during that month.

More Definitions of Effluent

Effluent means the liquid flowing out of a component or device of an On-site Wastewater Treatment System.
Effluent means sewage, water, or other liquid, partially or completely treated or in its natural state, flowing out of a septic tank, aerobic treatment unit, dispersal system, or other OWTS component.
Effluent means a wastewater discharge from a point source to the waters of the state.
Effluent means treated wastewater flowing or pumped out of the wastewater treatment lagoon;
Effluent means gaseous waste, water or liquid or other fluid of domestic, agricultural, trade or industrial origin treated or untreated and discharged directly or indirectly into the aquatic environment;
Effluent means the liquid discharge of a septic tank or other sewage treatment device.
Effluent means the water that flows out of a filter, pump or other device.