Auction Premium definition
Examples of Auction Premium in a sentence
For unbundled Transmission Services, in case the Auction results in an Auction Premium, the Auction Premium will be charged by TSO, in accordance with Attachment A of the Access Code for Transmission.
For the auctioning of daily and within-day Services, a uniform price Auction algorithm is applied (for details, see PRISMA GTC’s)For bundled Transmission Services, in case the Auction results in an Auction Premium, the Auction Premium will be charged by TSO, in accordance with Attachment A of the Access Code for Transmission.
The Company will pay the Auction Premium Rebate (if any) to the Client in accordance with the Port Loading Protocols.
The existing Service(s) shall not be further affected by the conversion, in particular no additional fee will be charged for the TSO part of the newly acquired Bundled Capacity except any eventual Auction Premium.
Glossary Auction Premium – The amount that is added to the hammer price (also known as the sale price).