B oard definition
Examples of B oard in a sentence
The B oard of D irectors m ay a lso a ppoint a nd d etermine t he pow ers of one or more Managing Directors.
Minutes of t he B oard m eeting w ill be pr epared a nd ke pt i n t he minute book, signed by both the Chairman of the meeting and by the Secretary.
B oard Secretary’s Records My review of the financial and accounting records maintained by the business office disclosed no exceptions or discrepancies.
Contractor may carry over B oard funds from one school year to the next, in accordance with MPS’ carry- over policies.
Unless otherwise agreed, the charges for any services not included in the Price Display or the List of Prices and Services which are provided following the instructions of the customer and which can, in the given circumstances, only be expected to be provided against remuneration, shall be governed by the relevant statutory provisions.