Examples of Basking shark in a sentence
For federally funded CDBG-DR activities, all requirements and conditions as described inExhibit A – Scope, Budget, Performance and Reporting Requirements, must also be followed.
Basking shark and Atlantic salmon are of key concern as species defined as specific conservation interests.
Basking shark sightings in the wider Fall of Warness area reflect the general pattern of records from around Orkney.
The United Kingdom has drafted a proposal to list Basking shark on Appendix II, and the United States of America a proposal to list Whale shark on Appendix II.
Of these the Loggerhead sea turtle is deemed by COSEWIC to be endangered and two other species, the Basking shark and Spiny Dogfish are deemed to be of special concern.
These are: Tope shark (Galeorhinus galeus); Basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus); Smooth hounds nei;Smooth hound (Mustelus mustelus); Angel shark (Squatina squatina).
Basking shark sightings recorded by NatureScot, made available on the NMPi show the observed adjusted densities of basking sharks in the waters surrounding Scotland for all seasons between 2000 – 2012 (NMPi, 2023).
Through the SS9: Marine mammal and megafauna baseline report, site-specific DAS and the Scoping Opinion, the following key sensitive receptors have been identified which may occur within the offshore Project, and have been taken forward for assessment: • Harbour porpoise;• White beaked dolphin;• Common dolphin;• Risso’s dolphin;• Minke whale;• White-sided dolphin;• Killer whale;• Humpback whale;• Harbour seal;• Grey seal; and• Basking shark.
Basking shark aggregations are primarily reported from higher latitudes where overall shark biodiversity is fairly low: Norway, UK, Ireland, France and Italy.
Cetacean, Basking shark or harbour and grey sealMitigation: If interaction between a cetacean, basking shark or seal with devices occurs then procedures for emergency shutdown and liaison with regulators should take place prior to a re-start or suitable mitigation is agreed.