Basking shark definition

Basking shark means Cetorhinus maximus.
Basking shark means any species of fish known as Cetorhinus maximus

Examples of Basking shark in a sentence

  • For federally funded CDBG-DR activities, all requirements and conditions as described inExhibit A – Scope, Budget, Performance and Reporting Requirements, must also be followed.

  • Basking shark and Atlantic salmon are of key concern as species defined as specific conservation interests.

  • Basking shark sightings in the wider Fall of Warness area reflect the general pattern of records from around Orkney.

  • The United Kingdom has drafted a proposal to list Basking shark on Appendix II, and the United States of America a proposal to list Whale shark on Appendix II.

  • Of these the Loggerhead sea turtle is deemed by COSEWIC to be endangered and two other species, the Basking shark and Spiny Dogfish are deemed to be of special concern.

  • These are: Tope shark (Galeorhinus galeus); Basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus); Smooth hounds nei;Smooth hound (Mustelus mustelus); Angel shark (Squatina squatina).

  • Basking shark sightings recorded by NatureScot, made available on the NMPi show the observed adjusted densities of basking sharks in the waters surrounding Scotland for all seasons between 2000 – 2012 (NMPi, 2023).

  • Through the SS9: Marine mammal and megafauna baseline report, site-specific DAS and the Scoping Opinion, the following key sensitive receptors have been identified which may occur within the offshore Project, and have been taken forward for assessment: • Harbour porpoise;• White beaked dolphin;• Common dolphin;• Risso’s dolphin;• Minke whale;• White-sided dolphin;• Killer whale;• Humpback whale;• Harbour seal;• Grey seal; and• Basking shark.

  • Basking shark aggregations are primarily reported from higher latitudes where overall shark biodiversity is fairly low: Norway, UK, Ireland, France and Italy.

  • Cetacean, Basking shark or harbour and grey sealMitigation: If interaction between a cetacean, basking shark or seal with devices occurs then procedures for emergency shutdown and liaison with regulators should take place prior to a re-start or suitable mitigation is agreed.

Related to Basking shark

  • B-BBEE means broad-based black economic empowerment as defined in section 1 of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act;

  • MT means metric tons.

  • Topcoat means a coating that is applied over a primer on an aerospace vehicle or component for appearance, identification, camouflage, or protection. Topcoats that are defined as specialty coatings are not included under this definition.

  • WOj means the lowest performance (expressed as a percentage) among the Indices as determined by the Calculation Agent in accordance with the following formula: Mini = 1 to 2 Where: