Bicycle lane means that portion of a roadway designated by signs and/or pavement markings for
Bicycle means a device propelled solely by human power, upon which a person may ride either on
stacked bicycle parking space means a horizontal bicycle parking space that is positioned above or below another bicycle parking space and equipped with a mechanical device providing floor level access to both bicycle parking spaces.
Transit Passenger means a passenger who arrives at the airport in an aircraft and departs from the airport in the same aircraft, where such an aircraft is operating a through flight transiting the airport, and includes a passenger in transit through the airport who has to depart in a substituted aircraft because the aircraft on which the passenger arrived has been declared unserviceable.
Plasma arc incinerator means any enclosed device using a high intensity electrical discharge or arc as a source of heat followed by an afterburner using controlled flame combustion and which is not listed as an industrial furnace.
Passenger car means every motor vehicle other than a motorcycle designed and used primarily for
Rack means a mechanism for delivering motor vehicle fuel or diesel from a refinery or terminal into a truck, trailer, railroad car, or other means of non-bulk transfer.
bicycle parking space – visitor means an area that is equipped with a bicycle rack for the purpose of parking and securing bicycles, and:
Trailer means every vehicle without motive power designed for carrying property or passengers
Customer-generator means a user of a net metering system.
Passenger compartment means the space for occupant accommodation, bounded by the roof, floor, side walls, doors, outside glazing and front bulkhead and the plane of the rear compartment bulkhead or the plane of the rear-seat back support.
Passenger means any person, except members of the crew, carried or to be carried in an aircraft with the consent of the carrier pursuant to a valid contract of carriage.
bicycle parking space means an area used for parking or storing a bicycle;
Slot machine means a mechanical or electronic gambling game device into which a player may deposit currency or forms of cashless wagering and from which certain numbers of credits are awarded when a particular configuration of symbols or events is displayed on the machine.
Incinerator means any enclosed device that:
Laundry prewash means a product that is designed for application to a fabric prior to laundering and that supplements and contributes to the effectiveness of laundry detergents and/or provides specialized performance.
Passenger area means the area designed to seat the driver and passengers while a motor vehicle is in operation and any area that is readily accessible to the driver or a passenger while in his or her seating position, including but not limited to any type of glove or storage compartment accessible to passengers or driver.
Heavy equipment means such construction machinery as backhoes, treaded tractors, dump trucks, and front-end loaders.
passenger vehicle means a motor vehicle (other than a motor cycle or invalid carriage) constructed solely for the carriage of passengers and their effects and adapted to carry not more than twelve passengers exclusive of the driver, and not drawing a trailer;
Spares means a part or a sub-assembly or assembly for substitution which is ready to replace an identical or similar part or sub-assembly or assembly including a component or an accessory;
Excavator means any person performing excavation or blasting.
Unmanned aircraft system means an unmanned aircraft and associated elements, including communication links and components that control the unmanned aircraft that are required for the pilot in command to operate safely and efficiently in the national airspace system.
Stinger-steered automobile or watercraft transporter means an automobile or watercraft transporter
Malt beverage or "malt liquor" means any beverage such as
Motorized bicycle means any vehicle that either has two tandem wheels or one wheel in the front and two wheels in the rear, that is capable of being pedaled, and that is equipped with a helper motor of not more than fifty cubic centimeters piston displacement that produces no more than one brake horsepower and is capable of propelling the vehicle at a speed of no greater than twenty miles per hour on a level surface.
Fire alarm system means a system designed to detect and annunciate the presence of fire, or by-products of fire. Fire alarm system includes smoke detectors.