Expected week of childbirth (EWC) means the week, starting on a Sunday, during which the employee's doctor or midwife expects her to give birth; and
Non-Participating Home Infusion Therapy Provider means a Home Infusion Therapy Provider who does not have a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.
Nonparty participant means a person, other than a party or mediator, that participates in a mediation.
Child day center means a child day program offered to (i) two or more children under the age of 13 in a facility that is not the residence of the provider or of any of the children in care or (ii) 13 or more children at any location.
Preschool age child means a child age three through five not yet attending kindergarten. If a child is older than age five and not attending kindergarten or a higher grade, OCCL considers that child in the preschool-age group.
Eligible next Michigan business means that term as defined in section 3 of the Michigan economic growth authority act, 1995 PA 24, MCL 207.803.
Commercial sexual activity means any sex act or sexually explicit performance for which anything of value is given, promised to, or received by any person and includes, but is not limited to, prostitution, participation in the production of pornography, and performance in strip clubs.
Postponed Retirement Date means the first day of the month coincident with or next following a Participant’s date of actual retirement which occurs after his Normal Retirement Date.
Terminated Participant means a person who has been a Participant, but whose employment has been terminated other than by death, Total and Permanent Disability or retirement.
Commences Commercial Service means the date upon which a Capital Improvement is first put into or commences commercial service by a Group Member following completion of construction, replacement, improvement or expansion and testing, as applicable.
Participating Home Infusion Therapy Provider means a Home Infusion Therapy Provider who has a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.
Skilled Journeyperson means a worker who either:
Initial Authorised Participant means BNP Paribas Arbitrage S.N.C. and any successor thereto.
Adult day care center means any facility that is either operated for profit or that desires licensure
Disability Support Pension means the Commonwealth pension scheme to provide income security for persons with a disability as provided under the Social Security Act 1991, as amended from time to time, or any successor to that scheme.
Late Retirement Date means the first day of the month coinciding with or next following a Participant's actual Retirement Date after having reached his Normal Retirement Date.
Drug-dependent person means a person who is using a
Criminal street gang associate or member means any person
Child day care center and "center" means any place in which child day care is provided for thirteen or more children at one time or any place that is not the permanent residence of the licensee or administrator in which child day care is provided for seven to twelve children at one time. In counting children for the purposes of this definition, any children under six years of age who are related to a licensee, administrator or employee and who are on the premises of the center shall be counted.
Individual with a disability means an individual who:
Successful Bidder” or “Successful E-Auction Process Participant means, the Qualified Bidder whose bid is approved and who is declared successful by the Liquidator at the end of the determined auction phase.C. INTRODUCTION
Current Participant means a person who participated in the Plan during the Class Period and had an Active Account on May 11, 2018.
Birth center means a facility or institution, which is not an ambulatory surgical center or a hospital or in a hospital, in which births are planned to occur following a normal, uncomplicated, low-risk pregnancy.
Expected date of birth means the day certified by a medical practitioner to be the day on which the medical practitioner expects the employee or the employee's partner, as the case may be, to give birth to a child;
Limited line credit insurance producer means a person who sells, solicits, or negotiates one or more forms of limited line credit insurance coverage to individuals through a master, corporate, group, or individual policy.
Birth mother means the biological mother of a child.