Bull moose definition

Bull moose means a moose with antlers longer than its
Bull moose means a male moose that is at least one year old;
Bull moose means a male moose that is at least one year old at the time of the hunt; “calf moose” means a moose that is less than one year old at the time of the hunt; “cow elk” means a female elk that is at least one year old at the time of the hunt;

Examples of Bull moose in a sentence

  • METHODOLOGY ALPINE FERTILIZER AMD NATIVE SPECIES TRIALS BP Canada Inc., Coal Division Environmental Group in cooperation with biologists from the B.C. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources determined the experimental design and established plots on xeric (D), mesic (M) and hygric (W) sites in the alpine region of Bull- moose Mountain.

  • Comment: Bull moose permits should not be increased in GMU 108 Bull moose permits in GMU 108 are being increased because hunters are reporting seeing many bull moose, most recent surveys indicated a high bull-to-cow ratio, and harvested bull moose have an above average antler-spread.

  • I appreciate theNinchun SranänAKA Big Bull moose Month Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Heritage Department UpdateOctober 2013young people at camp who learned a lot of skills from the Elders and mentors in attendance.Some of us walked the back trails looking for diamond willows or just strolling.I did not attend the hide camp in August for medical reasons, but I did enjoy the visit out there with the Vittrekwa sisters.

Related to Bull moose

  • snippet shall have the meaning set out at Recital A;","hash":"813a6ffb30076cb349f66a8364b0fb3a","id":6},{"size":1,"snippetLinks":[{"key":"meaning","type":"clause","offset":[8,15]},{"key":"set","type":"clause","offset":[16,19]},{"key":"the-recitals","type":"clause","offset": [29,41]}],"samples":[{"uri":"/contracts/jhwMa33a02i#assignment-letter","label":"License and Supply Agreement (Vivus Inc)","score":21}],"snippet":"has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.","hash":"8147307746bce1e7e7ce0d9d9441a89a","id":7},{"size":1,"snippetLinks":[{"key":"the-particulars","type":"clause","offset":[6,21]},{"key":"assignment- to","type":"clause","offset":[29,42]},{"key":"performed-by","type":"clause","offset":[46,58]},{"key":"associate","type":"clause","offset":[63,72]}],"samples":[{"uri":"/contracts/kaNWrTtfjki#assignment-letter","label":"Agreement and Terms of Business","score":21}],"snippet":"means the particulars of the Assignment to be performed by the Associate.","hash":"bd75f1727aae028050aeece2ac32060a","id":8},{"size":1,"snippetLinks":[{"key":"that-certain","type":"definition","offset":[6,18]},{"key":"assignment","type":"clause","offset":[19,29]},{"key":"side-letter","type":"clause","offset":[30,41]},{"key":"dated-as-of","type":"definition","offset":[43,54]},{"key":"date- hereof","type":"clause","offset":[59,70]},{"key":"borrower","type":"clause","offset":[78,86]},{"key":"administrative-agent-and-lenders","type":"clause","offset":[88,120]}],"samples":[{"uri":"/contracts/84rXUsuvT9Q#assignment-letter","label":"Financing Agreement (TherapeuticsMD, Inc.)","score":21}],"snippet":"means that certain Assignment Side Letter, dated as of the date hereof, among Borrower, Administrative Agent and Lenders.","hash":"542ac5f8004066ce75a5a5108ba840c2","id":9}],"nextCurs":""}} id=pagination-first-page> , known to be the person(s) who executed the previous instrument.

  • snippetLinks [{"key":"specifically","type":"clause","offset":[20,32]},{"key":"provided-herein","type":"clause","offset":[33,48]},{"key":"at-the-closing","type":"clause","offset":[50,64]},{"key":"the-parties-shall","type":"clause","offset":[65,82]},

  • SNA means State Nodal Agency.

  • Asset Management Company/UTI AMC/AMC/Investment Manager means the UTI Asset Management Company Limited incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, (1 of 1956) replaced by The Companies Act, 2013 (No. 18 of 2013) and approved as such by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) under sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 21 to act as the Investment Manager to the schemes of UTI Mutual Fund;

  • Asset Management Company/UTI AMC/AMC/Investment Manager means the UTI Asset Management Company Limited incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, (1 of 1956) [replaced by The Companies Act, 2013 (No.18 of 2013)] and approved as such by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) under sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 21 to act as the Investment Manager to the schemes of UTI Mutual Fund.

  • We/Us/Our means TATA AIG General Insurance Company Limited.

  • EPFO means Employees' Provident Fund Organization

  • Greywater means all liquid wastes from showers, baths, sinks, kitchens and domestic washing facilities, but does not include toilet wastes;

  • Embalmer means any person engaged in the practice of embalming.

  • LPN means licensed practical nurse.

  • FIDIC means the Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils, the international federation of consulting engineers.

  • Forest means an area of land defined by the minimum values for area size, tree crown cover or an equivalent stocking level, and potential tree height at maturity at the place of growth of the trees as specified for each Member State in Annex II. It includes areas with trees, including groups of growing, young, natural trees, or plantations that have yet to reach the minimum values for tree crown cover or an equivalent stocking level or minimum tree height as specified in Annex II, including any area that normally forms part of the forest area but on which there are temporarily no trees as a result of human intervention, such as harvesting, or as a result of natural causes, but which area can be expected to revert to forest;

  • Asset Management Plan means a strategic document that states how a group of assets are to be managed over a period of time. The plan describes the characteristics and condition of infrastructure assets, the levels of service expected from them, planned actions to ensure the assets are providing the expected level of service, and financing strategies to implement the planned actions. The plan may use any appropriate format, as long as it includes the information and analysis required to be in a plan as described in Ontario’s Building Together: Guide for Asset Management Plans.

  • Series Company refers to the form of registered open-end investment company described in Section 18(f)(2) of the 1940 Act or in any successor statutory provision;

  • Wedge filter means a filter which effects continuous change in transmission over all or a part of the useful beam.

  • Transportation Company means any organization which provides its own or its leased vehicles for transportation or which provides freight forwarding or air express services.

  • Production company means a person or entity engaged in the business of making motion picture, television, or radio images for theatrical, commercial, advertising, or education purposes; Reserved

  • Asset Management Company means an asset Management Company as defined in the Rules and Regulations.

  • Crown means the government of the United Kingdom (including the Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive Committee, the Scottish Executive and the National Assembly for Wales), including, but not limited to, government ministers and government departments and particular bodies, persons, commissions or agencies from time to time carrying out functions on its behalf;

  • ATC means a measure of the transfer capability remaining in the physical transmission network for further commercial activity over and above already committed uses.

  • Asset Management Agreement means, as the context requires, any agreement entered into between a Series and an Asset Manager pursuant to which such Asset Manager is appointed as manager of the relevant Series Assets, as amended from time to time.

  • Edge of any water means the outer edge of the water's bankfull width or, where applicable, the outer edge of the associated channel migration zone.

  • Family farm corporation means a corporation founded for the purpose of farming agricultural land in which the majority of the voting stock is held by and the majority of the stockholders are persons or the spouse of persons related to each other within the fourth degree of kinship, according to the rules of the civil law, and at least one of the related persons is residing on or actively operating the farm, and none of whose stockholders are a corporation. A family farm corporation does not cease to qualify under this division where, by reason of any devise, bequest, or the operation of the laws of descent or distribution, the ownership of shares of voting stock is transferred to another person, as long as that person is within the degree of kinship stipulated in this division.

  • CFPC means the College of Family Physicians of Canada.

  • Sternlight means a white light placed as nearly as practicable at the stern showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 135 degrees and so fixed as to show the light 67.5 degrees from right aft on each side of the vessel.

  • Diocese means the Church of England diocese in which the Academies are situated;