Candidate for statewide office definition

Candidate for statewide office means a candidate for governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, auditor of state, treasurer of state, secretary of agriculture, or attorney general.
Candidate for statewide office means:A natural person seeking the office of governor, attorney general, secretary of state, treasurer, superintendent of public instruction, or mine inspector
Candidate for statewide office means: A natural per- son seeking the office of governor, attorney general, sec- retary of state, treasurer, superintendent of public instruction, or mine inspector.

Related to Candidate for statewide office

  • Candidate means the person Introduced by the Agency to the Client for an Engagement including any officer, employee or other representative of the Candidate if the Candidate is a corporate body, and members of the Agency’s own staff;

  • Elective office means an office regularly filled by vote of the people.

  • political office means the office of member of Parliament, member of the European Parliament or member of a local authority or any position within a political party.

  • Regional Office means the U.S. department of veterans affairs regional office in Wisconsin.

  • Designated Center means a State Development and Redevelopment Plan Center as designated by the State Planning Commission such as urban, regional, town, village, or hamlet.

  • Michigan film office means the office created under chapter 2A of the Michigan strategic fund act, 1984 PA 270, MCL 125.2029 to 125.2029g.

  • Procurement Office means Metrolinx Procurement Services office located at 277 Front Street West, 4th Floor, Mail Room, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5V 2X4.

  • working office means the office of the sponsoring firm where an individual does most of his or her business.

  • Designated caregiver has the meaning as set out in the Code. Disciplinary Action includes termination of this Agreement and suspension, expulsion and exclusion of the Student as those terms are defined in the Act. Fee means fees payable by the Parents to the School as per the Fee Schedule. Fee Schedule means the schedule of fees for Tuition, Accommodation and miscellaneous charges, which is available from the School on request and may be updated from time to time. Homestay has the meaning as set out in the Code.

  • National Office means the government authority of a Contracting State entrusted with the granting of patents; references to a “national Office” shall be construed as referring also to any intergovernmental authority which several States have entrusted with the task of granting regional patents, provided that at least one of those States is a Contracting State, and provided that the said States have authorized that authority to assume the obligations and exercise the powers which this Treaty and the Regulations provide for in respect of national Offices;

  • Tier 3 Wire Centers means those Qwest Wire Centers that do not meet the criteria for Tier 1 or Tier 2 Wire Centers.

  • Class Member Address Search means the Administrator’s investigation and search for current Class Member mailing addresses using all reasonably available sources, methods and means including, but not limited to, the National Change of Address database, skip traces, and direct contact by the Administrator with Class Members.

  • Resident school district means the public school district in which the student resides.

  • Statewide popular election means a general election in which votes are cast for

  • Resident Personnel means such persons who at the time of being so hired had their domicile inside India;

  • Headquarters means the office address at which a state agent has his/her primary work assignment.