Examples of Child protection specialist in a sentence
Child protection specialist (CPS) Bertencelj, then assigned to the case, expressed concern at transferring the case to North Dakota.
Child protection specialist (CPS) Bertencelj, then assigned to the case, expressed concern at transferring the case to North Dakota.
Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation means the “Base Flood Elevation” plus the “Freeboard”. In “Special Flood Hazard Areas” where Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) have been determined, this elevation shall be the BFE plus two (2) feet of freeboard. In “Special Flood Hazard Areas” where no BFE has been established, this elevation shall be at least two (2) feet above the highest adjacent grade.
Child protective services means the identification, receipt and immediate response to complaints
Data Protection Impact Assessment means an assessment by the Controller of the impact of the envisaged processing on the protection of Personal Data.
Professional Engineer means a person entitled to practise as a Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario under a licence issued under the Professional Engineers Act;