Clean water project definition
Clean water project means a best management practice or other program designed to improve water quality to achieve a target established under section 922 of this title that:
Clean water project means a best management practice or other
Clean water project means a best management practice or other program designed to improve water quality to achieve a target established under 10 V.S.A. § 922 that:
Examples of Clean water project in a sentence
Clean water project cap as compared to original plan i.e. $5.35 under current plan or$6.35 under integrated plan.
More Definitions of Clean water project
Clean water project means a best management practice or other program designed to improve water quality to achieve a target established under 10 V.S.A. § 922that:
Clean water project means water pollution abatement and control facilities, as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 1571, and such equipment, conveyances, structural or nonstructural facilities, and natural resources projects that are needed for and appurtenant to the prevention, management, treatment, storage, or disposal of stormwater, sewage, or waste, or that provide water quality benefits, including a wastewater treatment facility, combined sewer separation facilities, an indirect discharge system, a wastewater system, flood resiliency work related to a structural facility, or a groundwater protection project.
Clean water project means a water pollution abatement project;
Clean water project means a “Water Pollution Abatement Project” as defined in the
Clean water project means water pollution abatement and control facilities, as defined in 10
Clean water project means any one of the following categories of projects:
Clean water project means a “water pollution abatement project” as defined in the Act; “Clean Water Revolving Fund” means the Water Pollution Abatement Revolving Fund