Best management practice definition

Best management practice or "BMP" means schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, including both structural and nonstructural practices, maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of surface waters and groundwater systems from the impacts of land-disturbing activities.
Best management practice or “BMP” means structural or non-structural measures, practices, techniques or devices employed to avoid or minimize sediment or pollutants carried in runoff to waters of the state.
Best management practice. "practice," or "BMP" means a structural practice, nonstructural practice,

Examples of Best management practice in a sentence

  • Best management practice" means a practice implemented during the mining and reclamation of remining sites that is designed to reduce, if not completely eliminate, the pre-existing water pollution problems.

  • Best management practice guidelines" means recommended techniques or procedures or a combination of techniques or procedures that are determined by the appropriate agency identified in section 410‑J to be the most effective practicable means of preventing or reducing pollution generated by nonpoint sources.[PL 1991, c.

  • Best management practice means a practice or combination of practices that have been determined to be the most effective and practicable means of preventing or reducing water pollution to a level compatible with water quality goals.

  • Best management practice shall mean any action or process that is used to prevent or mitigate the emission of fugitive dust into the air.

  • Long-term project repair/replacement must also be addressed in the OM&R plan, including: responsible parties, anticipated cost, and an estimated schedule for when repair and replacement is expected.• Best management practice (BMP) verifications and reporting must be made to DEP once every 5 years or as stipulated in contract documents to satisfy federally approved verification and reporting protocols for specified BMPs constructed in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.

More Definitions of Best management practice

Best management practice. (BMP) means a practice, procedure, structure or facility designed to prevent or minimize environmental damage, or to maintain or enhance environmental quality. BMPs include without limit treatment requirements, operating procedures, practices to control spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or providing for drainage from raw material storage.
Best management practice or "BMP" means any structural or nonstructural control measure utilized to improve the qualityand, as appropriate, reduce the quantityof storm water run-off. The term includes schedules of activities, prohibitions of practice, treatment requirements, operation and maintenance procedures, use of containment facilities, land use planning, policy techniques, and other management practices.
Best management practice or “BMP” means any practice, program, procedure, control, technique or measure (used singularly or in combination), that a user is required to adopt or implement to control, contain, treat, prevent, or reduce the discharge of wastewater, pollutants or other substances to the POTW, as determined necessary by the POTW Manager. BMPs include, but are not limited to: schedules of activities; pollution treatment practices or devices; prohibitions of practices; good housekeeping practices; pollution prevention, minimization and reduction measures; educational practices and programs; maintenance procedures; other management programs, practices or devices; treatment requirements; notice, reporting, and record-keeping requirements; and operating procedures and practices to control or contain site runoff, spillage or leaks, batch discharges, sludge or water disposal, or drainage from product and raw materials storage. BMPs may be structural, non-structural, or both. In determining what BMPs will be required of a user in a particular case, the POTW Manager may consider all relevant technological, economic, practical, and institutional considerations as determined relevant and appropriate by the Manager, consistent with achieving and maintaining compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance and other applicable laws and regulations.
Best management practice or “BMP” means a schedule of activities, prohibitions, practices, maintenance procedures, green infrastructure, or other management practices to prevent or reduce water pollution.
Best management practice. "practice," or "BMP" means a structural practice, nonstructural practice, or other management practice used to prevent or reduce nutrient loads reaching surface waters or the adverse effects thereof.
Best management practice means a practice, procedure, activity, structure or facility designed to prevent or minimize pollution or other environmental damage or to maintain or enhance existing environmental quality. Best management practices include, but are not limited to: erosion and sedimentation controls; restrictions on land use or development; construction setbacks from wetlands or watercourses; proper disposal of waste materials; procedures for equipment maintenance to prevent fuel spillage; construction methods to prevent flooding or disturbance of wetlands and watercourses; procedures for maintaining continuous stream flows; confining construction that must take place in watercourses to times when water flows are low and fish and wildlife will not be adversely affected.
Best management practice or “BMP” means physical, structural, and/or managerial practices that, when used singly or in combination, prevent or reduce pollution of stormwater. BMP’s are listed and described in the Stormwater Management Manual.