Club Premises Certificate definition

Club Premises Certificate means a Certificate granted under the Act in respect of a premises which is compliant with section 62 of the Act and is habitually used for the purposes of a Club.

Examples of Club Premises Certificate in a sentence

  • Do premises with club premises certificates have to pay the additional fee for large events?Under the Licensing Act 2003 (Fees) Regulations 2005; the additional fee for large events does not apply to licensable activities being conducted under a Club Premises Certificate.

  • Purchasing alcohol and cigarettes by adult members for persons under 18 years of age is also not permitted The Committee will ensure that the club bar will be open at convenient times and not exceeding the permitted hours of the Club Premises Certificate.

  • In order for Qualifying Clubs to supply alcohol and provide other licensable activities on club premises, a Club Premises Certificate is required and there is no requirement to specify a Designated Premises Supervisor.

  • The permitted hours for the supply of intoxicating liquor and provision of regulated entertainment shall be as permitted by the Club's Club Premises Certificate.

  • It will recommend the current Home Office guidance on the subject to relevant Premises Licence and Club Premises Certificate holders.

  • In the case of an application for a Premises Licence - Section 17, or a Club Premises Certificate - Section 71, the notices shall contain a statement of the relevant licensable activities or relevant qualifying club activities, as the case may require, which is proposed will be carried on or from the premises.

  • Hudson, Club Treasurer, on behalf of Reigate Ex-Service & Social Club Responsible Authorities:Ms. Eugenia Govett, Environmental Services Officer Making public representations:Mr. Peter Marshal Mr. Philip Wiggs Mr. Lesley Jackson The Sub-Committee was requested to determine an application for a new Club Premises Certificate for Reigate Ex-Service & Social Club, 1 Chartfield Road, Reigate.

  • However, a key difference is that, unlike a premises licence, there is no requirement to identify a designated premises supervisor to allow the supply of alcohol under a Club Premises Certificate.

  • Conditions – Conditions include any limitations or restrictions attached to a licence or certificate and essentially, they are the steps or actions the holder of the premises licence or the Club Premises Certificate will always be required to take or refrain from taking when licensable activities are taking place at the premises in question.

  • The published notice must contain the prescribed information below: In the cases of an application for a Premises Licence - Section 17, or for a Club Premises Certificate - Section 71, the notices shall contain a statement of the relevant licensable activities or relevant qualifying club activities, as the case may require, which is proposed will be carried on or from the premises.