Collimator definition
Examples of Collimator in a sentence
A Laser diodeFObjective lensB Collimator lensGOptical diskC Optional shaping prismHSplit photodetectorD Polarizing beamsplitterI1, I2Outputs currents from the split photodetectorE Quarter-wave plateK1, K2d.c.-coupled amplifiers Figure 1 – Optical system of the Reference Drive The combination of the polarizing beamsplitter D and quarter-wave plate E separates the incident optical beam and the beam reflected from the optical disk G.
Collimator blurring and intrinsic detector blurring can be modeled by a distance- dependent camera point spread function ( ).
A Mini Multileaf Collimator (MMLC) of 4 mm leaf thickness and 10x12 cm maximum field size at the isocentre is also used for stereotactic 3D conformal and IMSRT techniques for treatment of larger lesions.
Heydarian M, Sadrolhefazi B, Fung B, Ringash J and Cummings BPrincess Margaret Hospital, University Health Network, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, CanadaRadionics treatment planning and delivery systems, including a Mini Multileaf Collimator (MMLC) are routinely used at our institution for intensity modulated stereotactic radiotherapy (IMSRT) of intracranial lesions.
Collimator setting (cm)Direction Measured FWHM (cm) Elekta (MLC fields)Varian (jaw fields) ABCDEF1.00Crossplane1.061.130.980.901.031.01 Inplane1.000.971.040.880.920.942.00Crossplane2.072.071.981.912.052.02 Inplane2.011.962.021.851.901.923.00Crossplane3. Inplane3.042.983.032.852.912.93Table 7.